Bambusa ventricosa (Cultivated)

Bambusa ventricosa McClure, Lingnan Sci. J. 17: 57 (1938). (syn: Leleba ventricosa (McClure) W.C.Lin);
Ganthiya Bamboo, Buddha’s-belly bamboo, Buddha bamboo, swollen-stemmed bamboo;

Poaceae (formerly and a.k.a. Gramineae) » Bambusa ventricosa
bam-BOO-suh — a name for bamboo; an erroneous pronunciation of the Indian word bambu
ven-tre-KO-suh — unevenly swollen
commonly known as: Buddha’s-belly bamboo, Buddha bamboo, swollen-stemmed bamboo
Native to: China
sighted are from between FEB 07 and APR 07
at Nirvana Park, Hiranandani Gardens in Powai, Mumbai

Nice catch of the buddha’s belly

Yes, clearly swollen at internodes

Beautiful pics. Thanks for sharing.
Bambusa ventricosa McClure Lingnan Sci. J. 17: 57. 1938.
Bambusa ventricosa McClure Lingnan Sci. J. 17: 57, t. 5, 1938.
Ganthiya Bamboo

I am sending a photo of Bamboos growing in Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Thane Side.

Attachments (1)

Also known as ‘Buddha Belly Bamboo’ due to its swollen culm.

Yes Buddha Belly

Is this also called as buddha bamboo?

Yes the same sps.

I think the photo of the bamboo which I have sent is a different one. sorry for posting in this.

2 images. 3 posts by 3 authors.
Bambusa tuldoides Munro
bam-BOO-suh — a name for bamboo; an erroneous pronunciation of the Indian word bambuDave’s Botanary
tool-DOY-deez — resembles Tulda (genus name) – a local common name for a bambooDave’s Botanary
ven-tre-KO-suh — unevenly swollenDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: Buddha’s-belly bamboo, Buddha bamboo, swollen-stemmed bamboo
Native of: China
References: Flowers of IndiaComplete BambooNPGS / GRIN

in a garden of Mumbai on 19 JAN 07

I think it should be Bambusa ventricosa as per images herein.

SHIBPUR IBG : sk-Oct-03 : Bambusa tuldoides Munro ? : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5).
SK1432 12 Sep 2018 : 16 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4)- around 600 kb each.
Location: Victoria Peak, Hong Kong 
Date: 13 August 2018
Elevation: 1300 ft.
Habit : Cultivated 
Bambusa ventricosa McClure  ??

buddha belly bamboo?

Please recall your recent visit to Indian Botanic Garden.  Plenty of them in the Bambu(oo)setum there.

Yes Bambusa ventricosa, the Buddha’s belly bamboo.

well good,  Pankaj has validated, so now i will upload an example from kol bot g, its from 2011 near the cactus house, thats what habitat picture is showing.

… here is one that every visitor can see at least this bunch is quite prominent, and shows its collective habit.

cactus garden is on the path /walk that meanders along the river in area marked XX. my picture of the map is from 2007 for someone else i had marked it for the large cannonball tree which is at the apex of the triangle XX, this bambusa clump is at the base of the triangle XX near the red rectangle

The Cactus House Plate is visible which is near CNH building. I am sending this image to … for confirmation of location. 

This bamboo is plenty in the Bambusetum of the IBG.

thanks … picture of map is from the garden,, in 2007 and of the bamboo is from 2011. it would be nice if … will confirm

and also could  he tell us if the map in its former glory has been restored yet or not??? or is it further detailed ie improved upon?

The Cactus House Plate is visible which is near CNH building

yes, … i deliberately chose to send that picture, so that anybody visiting now can easily find it.

i try to include some markers in habitat pictures for myself too. so i can go back and relocate the plant or tree in digital age its easier and much much cheaper. also, when i ask people for habitat pictures its not an empty busy body request, it has a purpose

… informs that this is still present at both sides of the entrance of Cactus house.

Thank you … and please thank … good to know. have they mapped their important trees on a map, and if so, can his office share it with me ?

The Botanic garden faced PIL in High court over a period of four years. As per HC directions many reforms were done such as no plastic, no vehicle, no smoking and so on. Consequently they also carried out census of all perennial plants. Sabapathy is now carrying a mobile and with the help of Google map he can show us exact location of any plant with botanical names. Really wonderful.

oh ok, … but that does not help me while visiting shibpur garden. only after the fact and while sitting at a computer. well thats at least progress. may be thats in the direction of making an app in the future

Thanks, ….  I wonder at your great details!!!

whenever possible i do that for myself or others. good informative habitat picture. topographical memory upkeep and navigation ability has a side effect. new research shows that is keeps dementia away. that’s why learning about maps and navigating around the city. even unfamiliar city is encouraged nowadays by forward thinking neurologists.


BAMBUSA VULGARIS : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Attaching an image of Bambusa vulgaris (BUDDHA’S BELLY BAMBOO). The image was taken inside a local park.

Appears close to images at Bambusa ventricosa (Cultivated)
Updated on December 24, 2024

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