Portulaca grandiflora Hook., Bot. Mag. 56: t. 2885 1829. (Syn: Portulaca caryophylloides hort. ex Vilm.; Portulaca gilliesii Speg.; Portulaca grandiflora var. cisplatina (D.Legrand) D.Legrand; Portulaca grandiflora subsp. cisplatina D.Legrand; Portulaca grandiflora f. depressa (D.Legrand) D.Legrand; Portulaca grandiflora var. depressa D.Legrand; Portulaca grandiflora f. granulata D.Legrand; Portulaca grandiflora var. immerso-stellulata (Poelln.) D.Legrand; Portulaca grandiflora var. macrophylla Rohrb.; Portulaca grandiflora var. major Hook. & Arn.; Portulaca grandiflora var. microphylla Hook. & Arn.; Portulaca grandiflora subsp. ruizii D.Legrand; Portulaca grandiflora var. rutila Lindl.; Portulaca hilaireana G. Don; Portulaca immersostellulata Poelln.; Portulaca immerso-stellulata var. galanderi Poelln.; Portulaca immerso-stellulata var. uruguayensis Poelln.; Portulaca megalantha Steud.; Portulaca mendocinensis Gillies ex Rohrb.; Portulaca mendocinensis Gillies ex Hook.; Portulaca multistaminata Poelln.; Portulaca pilosa var. cisplatina (D.Legrand) D.Legrand; Portulaca pilosa subsp. cisplatina D. Legrand; Portulaca pilosa var. grandiflora (Hook.) Kuntze; Portulaca pilosa subsp. grandiflora (Hook.) R.Geesink; Portulaca pilosa var. microphylla (Hook. & Arn.) Kuntze; Portulaca pilosa var. osteniana D.Legrand; Portulaca splendens Lindl.); Argentina (Buenos Aires, Catamarca, Chubut, Cordoba, Corrientes, Entre Rios, Jujuy, La Pampa, La Rioja, Mendoza, Neuquen, Rio Negro, Salta, Santa Fe, San Juan, San Luis, Tucuman), Peru, Paraguay (Alto Paraguay, Pres. Hayes), Uruguay (Artigas, Colonia, Maldonado, Montevideo, Paysandu, Rio Negro, Salto, Treinta y Tres), Bolivia (Beni, Chuquisaca, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, Tarija), NE-Brazil (Bahia), WC-Brazil (Mato Grosso, Goias, Mato Grosso do Sul), SE-Brazil (Minas Gerais, Sao Paulo), Cayman Isl. (I), Cuba (I), Hispaniola (I), Puerto Rico (I), Virgin Isl. (I) (Virgin Gorda (I)), Lesser Antilles (I) (St. Barthelemy (I), St. Eustatius (I), St. Lucia (I)), Ecuador (I), Venezuela (I), Surinam (I), French Guiana (I), Guyana (I), Mexico (I), Belize (I), Honduras (I), Panama (I), France (I), Italy (I), Croatia (I), Bulgaria (I), Slovakia (I), S-Europe (I), SC-Europe (I), Bosnia & Hercegovina (I), Pakistan (I), Australia (I) (New South Wales (I)), Taiwan (I), Korea (I), China (I), Ryukyu Isl. (I), Northern Caucasus (I), Tajikistan (I), Uzbekistan (I), Java (I), India (I), Myanmar [Burma] (I), Bangladesh (I), Thailand (I), Sri Lanka (I), Andamans (I), Nicobars (I), Nepal (I), Vietnam (I), Lakshadweep Isl. (Laccadives) (I), trop. Africa (I), South Africa (I), Cameroon (I), Guinea (I), Chad (I), Burkina Faso (I), Central African Republic (I), Benin (I), Togo (I), Afghanistan (I), Fiji (I), Palau Isl. (I) (Babeldaob (I)), Southern Marianas (I) (Aguijan (I), Guam (I)), Rotuma Isl. (I), Niue (I), Micronesia (I) (Pohnpei) (I)), Canada (I) (Ontario (I)), USA (I) (Alabama (I), Arizona (I), Arkansas (I), California (I), Colorado (I), Connecticut (I), Delaware (I), D.C. (I), Florida (I), Georgia (I), Illinois (I), Indiana (I), Iowa (I), Kansas (I), Kentucky (I), Louisiana (I), Maryland (I), Massachusetts (I), Michigan (I), Minnesota (I), Mississippi (I), Missouri (I), Nebraska (I), Nevada (I), New Hampshire (I), New Jersey (I), New Mexico (I), New York (I), North Carolina (I), North Dakota (I), Ohio (I), Oklahoma (I), Pennsylvania (I), Rhode Island (I), South Carolina (I), South Dakota (I), Tennessee (I), Texas (I), Vermont (I), Virginia (I), West Virginia (I), Wisconsin (I)) as per Catalogue of Life; Moss-rose Purslane or Moss-rose, Time Fuul, Time Flower, Portulaca • Hindi: Nonia नोनिया • Manipuri: Pung mapan satpi • Urdu: Gul-e shama गुले शमा; Most species of Portulaca generally flower and stay open till noon, remain closed before and after that or on a cloudy day. Also very easily propagated from seeds and cuttings. Flowers are very beautiful and the cultivation of it is also very easy if it gets lots of sunlight. It can be grown in a hanging basket also. It is very good for hanging pots and should be kept in a sunny location for good flowering.
Interesting Portulaca – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 2 correct images as above. I am uploading the photographs of a Portulaca, which after a lot of investigation turned out to be P. x Yubi. Some consider it to be a variety of P. oleracea, others a variety of P. grandiflora and still others as a hybrid between the two species. This seems to be a good material for any one interested in Biosystematic or Molecular studies.
Flower for ID please – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 1 correct image as above. Can anyone identify the this flower please? Portulaca grandiflora, cultivated in many colours. also portulaca: This plant I collected in Apulien (Puglia, South Italy), last year. Now it is glowing in my house. I looked in my Apulien-collection and found the Fotos 100_9494-k and 100_9486-k. The other three with prefix Apulien are from my hause, brought from Apulien. Are these Portulaca. A don’t have a foto of the flower from front. The first three photographs perhaps belong to Portulaca grandiflora. The fourth in circular bed has Portulaca in the upper half and Aptenia cordifolia (with broader leaves) in lower half. Now I shall wait to see the flowers of Portulaca here in my house. Looks like that only.
Portulaca: One of the few multi-coloured flowers which blooms in summer. Hardy but withers in a few hours. Also no life as cut flower. commonly called as China rose. dont know why? i had seen them in magenta and white as welll as both mixed colours. not so many. Of course Portlica i have seen in all these colours Portulaca grandiflora .., In my school going age local gardener also revealed me the name “Cheeni Gulab” for the same flower. But as a botanist I came to know the “Cheeni Gulab” is not the “China Rose“. “Cheeni Gulab” is eleven-o’clock, Mexican-rose, moss-rose, rose-moss and “China Rose” is Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. Here also laymen call Portulaca grandiflora as “Cheeni Gulab” in hindi and “China Rose” in English beautiful flowers. These flowers are also known by the name “Office time” as the flowers usually open at 9.00 a.m. and closes at 5.00 p.m. in our chilhood, we used to call it 4 o’clock flower….our nuns teachers said that’s what it was, it closed promptly at 4 pm in Calcutta, in our school gardens…. go figure!!! Yes .. Portulaca grandiflora we called this “DIN KI RANI” locally And eleven-o’clock plant because the flowers open around that time. That is true also of some other species of this genus. Last year I remember, there was some confusion about the colour of flowers of Portulaca quadrifida, my colleague saying it has reddish flowers, whereas I knew it with yellow flowers. We collected the plant at 8 a m when it had only buds which looked pinkish. We brought to to College, kept in the lab in sunny area and asked In South India some varieties ( those posted by ..) of Portulaca are called “table rose ‘. Mirabilis jalapa (Nictaginaceae) is commonly called 4’o clock plant, because the flowers open in the evening. The plant comes in different hues and very common in Mysore city. They grow even wild and there are a few varieties growing in my street. yes, aren’t regional differences interesting…. any small version of a fruit or flower is calld chinia or chini in Hindi. Chinia kela. In the same way probably because of its size and resemblance to rose in appearance at least, portulaca is called chini gulab. Flora of Panipat- Portulaca grandiflora from Arya College campus: I think this plant is widely used as a garden decor
efloraofindia:”For Id 17082011MR1’’ plant with magenta flowers at PUNE: Kindly identify the plant with following specifications Date/Time- March/April 2011 Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Pune Maharashtra Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Garden Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- small potted plant Height/Length- short plant 5-6 cms I think Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- thin green strips Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- Deep Magenta flowers Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- Not see … most probably cultivar of Portulaca grandiflora, native of South America … commonly known as Chinese rose, Japanese Rose. In Marathi the local name here is Chini gulaab but I wanted the correct identification. This plant has recently beeen discussed at length here ,,,, see this link: efloraofindia:”17102011MR3’’ Porticula grandiflora Pune: Sharing pictures of Porticula grandiflora just bloomed at my place at Pune I think you meant to say Portulaca grandiflora. You are right
Portulaca grandiflora: Seen at a Plants exhibition. Commonly called “Office Time” Place : Byculla, Mumbai Date : 19.02.11 Habitat : Cultivated we call it 9 O’ Clock. Yes it is also called 9 O’Clock flower as the flower buds opens during that time. It would be interesting to know the source of your information. Portulaca grandiflora is generally known as *eleven-o’clock flower *as per GRIN information. In Vietnam, it is called “Hoa mười giờ” meaning “Ten o’clock flower“, because the flower is usually in full bloom at 10 o’clock in the morning (as per Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portulaca_grandiflora. Most species of Portulaca generally flower and stay open till noon, remain closed before and after that or on a cloudy day. And yes, I forgot to mention, new cultivars of Portulaca grandiflora have been developed that remain open for most of the day. Thanks … for this interesting information that in various places the timing is different for its opening. I like this plant very much as the flowers are very beautiful and the cultivation of it is also very easy if it gets lots of sunlight. It can be grown in a hanging basket also. we called it 4 o’clock flower… that’s when they went to sleep… promptly… we has a very long conversation about potrulaca grandiflora before:…. in our area 4’0 clock flower is Mirabilis jalapa. See how the name changes in different places !! Portulaca grandiflora – Moss Rose: Portulaca grandiflora – Moss Rose of Portulacaceae family. Flowers all throughout the day Photographed from ATREE garden, Bangalore These plants grow very well in Chennai almost throughout the year, as they need bright sun light. One can see varieties of these plants in Chennai. They are good during hot summer in Bangalore and Mysore. It is very good for hanging pots and should be kept in a sunny location for good flowering. Also very easily propagated from seeds and cuttings. Portulaca grandiflora_RKC02_20082012: Portulaca grandiflora Hook. Portulacaceae Loc.: Daejeon, S. Korea. Date: 19082012 efloraofindia:”Id 23082012MR1’’ Portulaca grandiflora @Pune: 22-08-2012 at a local nursery at Pune sharing pictures of Portulaca grandiflora; family Portulacaceae requesting identification of this dragonfly spotted in my garden on Portulaca grandiflora in the evening. This dragonfly was Id’d as Female Trithemis– Most probably Trithemis aurora Crimson marsh glider. Id credit … at DragonflyIndia Aug and Nov 2012 Sharing images of Portulaca grandiflora at a private society garden at Pune Nice plant for molecular study
Fwd: Portulaca : 1 post by 1 author. Location: Bandipur, Nepal Date: 06 October 2018 Elevation: 3500 ft. Habit : Cultivated It is the annual Portulaca. Portulaca umbraticola Kunth.?? Pl. check Portulaca grandiflora double as per the following: Thank you … 2015april_sk19/19 : Portulaca hybrids : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) These photographs of Portulaca hybrids were recorded in May & Aug 2009. yes makes many colors It should be some hybrid of Portulaca grandiflora as per comparative images at Portulaca … is right. A common ornamental plant here. There are many of varieties in different hues. Thank you. Sir for the updated id. References: |
Portulaca grandiflora (Introduced)
Updated on December 24, 2024