Potamogeton crispus L., Sp. Pl. 126 1753. (Syn: Buccaferrea crispata Bubani; Potamogeton austriacus Gand.; Potamogeton concinnitus A.Benn.; Potamogeton crenulatus D.Don; Potamogeton crispatus Wallman ex Rchb.; Potamogeton crispus var. acutifolius Fieber; Potamogeton crispus f. angustifolius Fieber; Potamogeton crispus f. gemmifer Rchb.; Potamogeton crispus f. latifolius Fieber; Potamogeton crispus f. longifolius Fieber; Potamogeton crispus var. macrorrhynchus (Gand.) Asch. & Graebn.; Potamogeton crispus var. najadoides Graebn.; Potamogeton crispus var. obtusifolius Fieber; Potamogeton crispus var. phialiensis Post; Potamogeton crispus var. planifolius Klett & Richt.; Potamogeton crispus var. serratus Gray; Potamogeton crispus var. serrulatus (Opiz) Rchb.; Potamogeton crispus f. vulgaris; Potamogeton hohenackeri Gand.; Potamogeton hungaricus Gand.; Potamogeton lactucaceum Montandon; Potamogeton leptophyllus Gand.; Potamogeton macrorrhynchus Gand.; Potamogeton notarisii Gand.;Potamogeton pallidior Gand.; Potamogeton rubricans Gand.; Potamogeton rubrinaevus Gand.; Potamogeton serrulatus Opiz; Potamogeton tuberosus Roxb.); . Afghanistan; Albania; Algeria; Altay; Argentina Northeast; Assam; Austria; Baleares; Baltic States; Bangladesh; Belarus; Belgium; Botswana; Bulgaria; Buryatiya; Cape Provinces; Central European Rus; Chita; Corse; Costa Rica; Cuba; Czechoslovakia; Denmark; East European Russia; East Himalaya; Egypt; Ethiopia; Fiji; Finland; France; Free State; Germany; Great Britain; Greece; Hungary; Illinois; India; Iran; Iraq; Italy; Japan; Kazakhstan; Kirgizstan; Korea; Krasnoyarsk; Krym; KwaZulu-Natal; Laos; Lebanon-Syria; Libya; Malawi; Mexico Central; Mexico Southwest; Mongolia; Mozambique; Myanmar; Nansei-shoto; Nepal; Netherlands; New Mexico; New Zealand North; New Zealand South; North Caucasus; Northern Provinces; Northwest European R; Norway; Pakistan; Palestine; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Sardegna; Sicilia; Sinai; South European Russi; Spain; Sudan; Sumatera; Swaziland; Sweden; Switzerland; Tadzhikistan; Tennessee; Transcaucasus; Turkey; Turkmenistan; Tuva; Ukraine; Uzbekistan; Vietnam; West Himalaya; West Siberia; Yugoslavia; Zambia; Zimbabwe as per Catalogue of Life; . Potamogeton crispus from a canal passing through my village : Attachments (6). Potamogeton crispus pls validate from a canal passing through my village Indeed a nice shot of the flowers!! Yes … . Identify the Aquatic plant?: 2 high res. images. Habitat: water bodies Habit:- Aquatic Herb Leave alternatively arranged, sessile, lariat. Loc- TIDI dam, Udaipur Rajasthan Date- 5/7/21 Seems Potomogeton, Cross-check with that … Leaves appear similar to those at Potamogeton crispus L. . Plant ID 21062024_3: 3 images. Bhopal. March 2024. Laminaria japonica J.E.Areschoug ?? I do not think so. Pl. check https://efloraofindia.com/2011/07/01/potamogeton-crispus/ http://www.efloras.org/object_page.aspx?object_id=121790&flora_id=2 To me appears close. . References: |
Potamogeton crispus
Updated on December 24, 2024