Drypetes assamica

Drypetes assamica (Hook.f.) Pax & K.Hoffm., Pflanzenr. IV, 147, XV: 241 1922. (syn: Cyclostemon assamicus Hook.f.);
India: Moist evergreen forests, primary forests, deciduous forests, subtropical forests, up to 1400 m altitude. Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Assam, Nagaland, Tripura, Mizoram, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh and Andaman Islands; Bhutan, Bangladesh, Thailand and Indo-China as per BSI Flora of India ;
Andaman Is.; Assam; Bangladesh; East Himalaya; India; Myanmar; Thailand as per Catalogue of Life;

Tree 10-15m. leaves coriaceous, elliptic 8-18*3-6cm, shortly acuminate base oblique rounded or broadly cunate entire lateral veins spreading petioles 5-10mm. Male flowers in axillary fasciles 10mm diameter, on pedicels 5mm, stamens 8-12. Female flowers solitary axillary on pedicels 4-6mm, sepals 5mm, ciliate stigmas sessile. Drupes ellipsoid 2*1.5cm, shallowly furrowed densely brown appressed pubescent.

Subtropical forests
(Attributions- Grierson A.J.C &Long D.G. Flora of Bhutan. Volume 1 Part 3. Published by RBGE 1987 from Bhutan Biodiversity Portal)

Drypetes assamica (Hook.f.) Pax & K.Hoffm. (Putranjivaceae) from North Bengal : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
I am sharing these photographs as there is no image of this species in efi site. This is a small tree and the commonest species of Drypetes in North-East India and Andamans and extending to Bhutan, Bangladesh, Thailand and Indo-China.
Photographs by: Dr. Gopal Krishna, Central National Herbarium, BSI, Howrah.


Tree Id request! : 19 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1) – 5 mb.
Could you please help me identify this tree species. Its a medium-sized tree.
Photographed on 20.03.2020 Near Nepal India Border in eastern Nepal at 100m asl. 

Pl. post detailed images showing all aspects including habit.

Thanks for the response. I have only this photo where tree bark can be seen.
You may have a look into it.
Attachments (1) – 5 mb

Wild guess seems to Casearia sp, check once with local floras which one mentioned there …,
matched characters are Alternate leaves, inflorescence axillary clusters with small peduncles and fruits with lobes or slight pyrens,

Thank you … Yes it could be member of Caesaria. I will check it and update.

Does not shape of drupe look different?

Please compare with Drypetes subsessilis of Putranjivaceae.

Thank you very much for your kind cooperation. Your suggestion is very helpful. It resembles more with D. assamica.
I think we are pretty close.
…: I think its more close to Drypetes assamica

There are three closely related species: D. assamica, D. bhattacharyae and D. subsessilis. Here, your fruits are subsessile which suggests D. subsessilis. For confirmation, you should have the male flowers. The male flowers in D. subsessilis are up to 5 mm in diameter with 3-4 stamens while in D. assamica, the male flowers are about 10 mm in diameter with 8-12 stamens.
In case you wish to treat them as conspecific, then the name D. subsessilis will have to be adopted for the combined species.

Thanks for the detail information about the species. I will wait for flowers and update you about the flower characters.

Yes, … is correct it’s Drypetes only, check properly for sp., Thank you so much … for enlightening from the post,

Is Drypetes listed in Nepal? Looks like a new sp. for Nepal !

You are right. No Drypetes has been recorded so far for Nepal but two species are there in Bhutan (assamica and subsessilis).

Thanks a lot, …, for nailing this id.
On examination of specimens in GBIF, I feel it is Drypetes assamica and not Drypetes subsessilis as per specimens herein and as per the following specimens:

Look for flower in Jan- May !

Thank you very much for your support to nail it down. yes, it is
Hope I will be able to collect flowers soon and update you!


Regarding id of the Species Date of Photograph Sept.2022/Khurda Odisha: 6 images.

Glochidion ??

I do not think so as per images at

Any chance of this being a

Yes, I think it’s some Diospyros.

the stigma is interesting, i too feel to search for Diospyros, place of collection

It is from Khurda Odisha

Where do we find such stigma (otherwise it seems like a Diospyros)?

I checked species of Diospyros listed in Flora of Peninsular India with distribution in the area.

But could not find any match.

Drypetes assamica

It is Aporosa species; the style, and chusters of female flowers are identical; Drypetes have usu. solitary flowers, we collected D.assamica, it has accuminate leaves, stigma different.

could you please share the images of what you have collected ?

floral branch not collected. thank you for making me to re-examine.
3 images.

Your plant is definitely Drypetes. I am also quite sure that the images by … are female flowers of Drypetes.

could it be Drypetes subsessilis, because, both male and female flowers clustered; (In Drypetes assamica female flowers solitary, stigma different:) here  Pistillate flowers: sepals orbicular, concave; ovary pubescent, 2- or 3-locular, stigmas 2 or 3, obtriangular. there is a record of this species in Odisha.

It may Diospyros

Identified as a Drypetes species.

After going through BSI Flora of India and descriptions of Drypetes subsessilis (Kurz) Pax & K.Hoffm. (GBIF Link) and Drypetes assamica (Hook.f) Pax & K.Hoffm. (GBIF Link), as stigma is flabelate and leaves are entire, I feel it is Drypetes assamica (Hook.f) Pax & K.Hoffm. (GBIF Link)

I feel … images are also of Drypetes assamica (Hook.f) Pax & K.Hoffm. (GBIF Link):

Updated on December 24, 2024

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