Clematis gouriana

India (Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Tripura, Assam, Meghalaya, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu), Sri Lanka, Sikkim, Pakistan (Hazara, Pakistani Punjab, Rawalpindi), Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar [Burma], Sri Lanka, China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, W-Hubei, W-Hunan, Sichuan, Yunnan), Myanmar [Burma] (Chin, Kachin, Mandalay), Vietnam, Java, New Guinea (Papua New Guinea), Indonesia, Philippines (Luzon to Mindanao), Taiwan, Ryukyu Isl. as per Catalogue of Life (Clematis javana DC. syn: Clematis gouriana Roxb.);
KLEM-uh-tiss or klem-AT-iss — ancient Greek klematis (vine); climbing … Dave’s Botanary.
JA-vah-nuh — of or from Java … Dave’s Botanary.
gaw-ree-AY-nuh — of or from Gour (or Gaur), West Bengal, India … The Bengal Dispensatory
commonly known as: Gourian clematis, Indian traveller’s joy, Java clematisAssamese: জুই লহৰা jui lahara, জুই ফুল লতা jui phul lataGujarati: મોરવેલ morvelHindi: बेल कंगु bel kangu, चुरनहार churanhar, मरोड़फली marorphali, मूर्वा moorvaKannada: ಬರೀಜ್ವರದ ಬಳ್ಳಿ barijwarada balli, ತಲೆಜಾದರಿ thalejaadariKonkani: शेंडवेल shendvelMalayalam: നികിടക്കൊടി nikitakkotiMarathi: मोरवेल morvel, शेंडवेल shendvelNepali: जुंगे लहरा junge laharaSanskrit: मोरटा morata, मूर्वा murvaTelugu: పేనుతీవ pedutivaTulu: ಜ್ವರತ್ತ ಬಳ್ಳು jwarattha ballu
Native of: China, Indian subcontinent, Indo-China, Malesia
Large woody climber; leaves once to twice pinnate with 5-9 leaflets entire or serrate in upper part, 3-5 nerved, glabrous or hairy along nerves; inflorescence a panicle with numerous flowers; flowers 12-15 mm across, greenish white to pale yellowish white; sepals 4, spreading from base, revolute along margins; stamens numerous; achenes compressed with long feathery tails.
As per efi thread:
Two Clematis can be distinguished from
1. Habitat-gouriana is wild and flammula is cultivated.
2. Leaves-compound in gouriana and simple in flammula.

ID291010phk2: 5 images.
A climber from Rajgad, Pune

– Yes this should be Clematis gouriana Roxb. as per reference from Aima’s book pg 122. Common names mentioned are Indian traveller’s joy, Belkangu (Dehradun).
Found in Western Himalayas up to 5000ft. and in hilly districts 1000 to 3000ft.


Clematis gouriana
Pls validate

– I think this plant is also used as a horticulture plant

Yes … you are right

Clematis gouriana Roxb. ex DC.
KLEM-uh-tiss or klem-AT-iss — ancient Greek klematis (vine); climbing
gaw-ree-AY-nuh — of or from Gour (or Gaur), West Bengal, India
commonly known as: Gourian clematis, Indian travelers’s joy • Hindi: belkum, churanhar • Kannada: telajadari, thalejadari • Konkani: shendvel • Marathi: गोमेटी gometi, मोरवेल morvel • Nepali: जुंगॆ लहरा junge lahara • Sanskrit: मोरट morata • Telugu: పేడుతివ pedutivva
Native of: China, Indian subcontinent, Indo-China, Malesia
Viewed: 20 DEC 10, Amba Ghat, Maharashtra
[image: telajadari (in Kannada)]<…>
[image: Pedutivva (Telugu: పేడుతివ)]<…>


Clematis gouriana Roxb. ex DC.
along Amba Ghat on December 20, 2010  

I think it’s the true Clematis gouriana
Though I can’t measure the flower size from the pictures especially in relation to leaves; I am sure it is 1 to 1.5 cm (As per BSI Key)


Mary Christmas: 1 image.
Wish you all Mary Christmas & Blooming Happy New Year 🙂

Thanks for the Clamatis gouriana flowers.


Ranunculaceae Fortnight: SMP JAN 01 : Near Pune :: Clematis gouriana : 4 posts by 4 authors. 5 images.
Clematis gouriana
Found growing gregariously in ghat sections of Western ghats in Oct Nov.

Very nice pictures!


near Saswad, Pune(Ghat section higher elavations) Oct 2009;Clematis gouriana – indiantreepix | Google Groups

Ranunculaceae Fortnight::Clematis gouriana NSJ-Jan-08 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Clematis gouriana (Marathi-Morwel) from Satara



Ranunculaceae Fortnight:: Clematis gouriana for validation from Morni Hills:: NS 2015 Jan-18 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)
This much spreading climber was recorded from Morni Hills, is this Clematis gouriana ?

I agree Sir, this is wonderful set I think which shows typical leaf and flower characters.

Images by tspkumar


TSP-DEC2015-49-222:Images of Clematis gouriana (Ranunculaceae) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (6)

It is my pleasure to share few images of Clematis gouriana (Ranunculaceae) 

Habit: Woody climber 

Habitat: Dry deciduous forest 

Sighting: Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1000 msl 

Date: 4-12-2014, 5-12-2014, 06-01-2015, 24-01-2015 and 24-11-2015 

Attigundi Road Karnataka
Date: 14 NOV 2016 … Altitude: ~ 1450 – 1600 m (4750 – 5250 ft) asl
Clematis gouriana Roxb. ex DC. … (family: Ranunculaceae) 

Location: Kathmandu, Nepal
Altitude: 4400. ft.
Date: 13 August 2012

Pl. check with images at Clematis gouriana

I checked before posting but could not decide.

Same is with me.

For me it is Clematis gouriana. … ID is perfect.


Clematis species identification : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)

Species identification is requested of this long climber.
Looks close to Clematis grata ??
Experts please confirm.
Pictured at Hamirpur, HP
September 2017

The leaves are not like that of Clematis grata. Though I am not familiar with C. gouriana, it appears to be that.—z/r/ranunculaceae/clematis/clematis-gouriana

via Species‎ > ‎C‎ > Clematis javana DC. … family: Ranunculaceae

Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
KLEM-uh-tiss or klem-AT-iss — ancient Greek klematis (vine); climbingDave’s Botanary
JA-vah-nuh — of or from JavaDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: Gourian clematis, Indian traveller’s joy, Java clematisAssamese: জুই লহৰা jui lahara, জুই ফুল লতা jui phul lataGujarati: મોરવેલ morvelHindi: बेल कंगु bel kangu, चुरनहार churanhar, मरोड़फली marorphali, मूर्वा moorvaKannada: ಬರೀಜ್ವರದ ಬಳ್ಳಿ barijwarada balli, ತಲೆಜಾದರಿ thalejaadariKonkani: शेंडवेल shendvelMalayalam: നികിടക്കൊടി nikitakkotiMarathi: मोरवेल morvel, शेंडवेल shendvelNepali: जुंगे लहरा junge laharaSanskrit: मोरटा morata, मूर्वा murvaTelugu: పేనుతీవ pedutivaTulu: ಜ್ವರತ್ತ ಬಳ್ಳು jwarattha ballu
botanical names: Clematis javana DC. … synonyms: Clematis gouriana Roxb. ex DC. • Clematis indica B. Heyne ex Roth • Clematis javanica Steud. • Clematis taiwaniana Hayata … status at Catalogue of Life
December 20, 2010 … along Amba Ghat

While updating this post,  at Catalogue of Life … Clematis gouriana Roxb. ex DC. is yet listed as synonym of Clematis javana DC.

However at POWO … Clematis gouriana and Roxb. ex DC. and Clematis javana DC. are now (once again) separate species.

KLEM-uh-tiss or klem-AT-iss — ancient Greek klematis (vine); climbing … Dave’s Botanary

gow-ree-AH-nuh — of or from Gour (or Gaur), West Bengal, India … The Bengal Dispensatory

commonly known as: Gourian clematis, Indian traveller’s joy • Assamese: জুই লহৰা jui lahara, জুই ফুল লতা jui phul lata • Bengali: ছাগলবতী chagalabati, গৌরী তারামণি gauri taramani, তারাঝরা tarajhara • Dogri: चिबड़ा बेल chibara bel, तोतल बेल total bel • Gujarati: મોરવેલ morvel • Hindi: बेल कंगु bel kangu, चुरनहार churanhar, धनवती dhanavati, मरोड़फली marorphali, मूर्वा moorva • Kannada: ಬರೀಜ್ವರದ ಬಳ್ಳಿ barijwarada balli, ನೆಲಕುಮ nelakuma, ತಲೆಜಾದರಿ thalejaadari • Konkani: मोरवेल morvel, शेंडवेल shendvel • Malayalam: നികിടക്കൊടി nikitakkoti • Marathi: मोरवेल morvel, शेंडवेल shendvel • Nepali: जुंगे लहरा junge laharaa • Sanskrit: मोरटा morata, मूर्वा murva • Tamil: ஆட்டு மீசைக்கொடி aattu meesai kodi, மணிவிலாங்கொடி manivilaangkodi, முருவாலி muruvaali, பொரி பொரிச்சான் கொடி pori porichaan kodi • Telugu: గౌరీ కుంతల gowri kunthala, గుర్రపు తీగ gurrapu teega, పేడుతివ్వ pedutivva • Tulu: ಜ್ವರತ್ತ ಬಳ್ಳು jwarattha ballu

botanical namesClematis gouriana Roxb. ex DC. … synonyms: no synonyms listed … accepted infraspecificsClematis gouriana var. gouriana • Clematis gouriana var. mollifolia W.T.Wang … POWO

Bibliography / etymology
~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
Gourian clematis
Indian traveller’s joy
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~
জুই লহৰা jui lahara, জুই ফুল লতা jui phul lata
  • Many thanks to Brahmananda Patiri for help with this name … facebook
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~
ছাগলবতী chagalabati, গৌরী তারামণি gauri taramani, তারাঝরা tarajhara
  • Many thanks to Hasan Mehedi for help with these names … facebook
~~~~~ DOGRI ~~~~~
चिबड़ा बेल chibara bel, तोतल बेल total bel
  • Many thanks to OM Prakash Vidyarthi for help with these names … facebook
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~
મોરવેલ morvel
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
बेल कंगु bel kangu, चुरनहार churanhar
धनवती dhanavati
  • Many thanks to OM Prakash Vidyarthi for help with this name … facebook
मरोड़फली marorphali, मूर्वा moorva
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ಬರೀಜ್ವರದ ಬಳ್ಳಿ barijwarada balli
ನೆಲಕುಮ nelakuma
ತಲೆಜಾದರಿ thalejaadari
  • Shodhganga – Medicinal plants of Tulunadu
  • also ತಲೆಜಡಾರಿ thalejadaari … Mandayam Digital Library – Latin and Kannada names of indigenous and medicinal plants of Mysore by S G Narsimhachar
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
मोरवेल morvel, शेंडवेल shendvel
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
നികിടക്കൊടി nikitakkoti
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
मोरवेल morvel, शेंडवेल shendvel
~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~
जुंगे लहरा junge laharaa
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
मोरटा morata, मूर्वा murva
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
ஆட்டு மீசைக்கொடி aattu meesai kodi, மணிவிலாங்கொடி manivilaangkodi
முருவாலி muruvaali, பொரி பொரிச்சான் கொடி pori porichaan kodi
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
గౌరీ కుంతల gowri kunthala, గుర్రపు తీగ gurrapu teega, పేడుతివ్వ pedutivva
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~
ಜ್ವರತ್ತ ಬಳ್ಳು jwarattha ballu
~~~~~ x ~~~~~
Names compiled / updated at

Kannada names and transliteration are correct.

PM1 26-12-2018 Climber id from Morni Hills, Haryana : 8 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4)
Habit- a climber vine found clinging on Rhus parviflora tree
Habitat- Wild

location- Morni hills, Panchkula, Haryana


Smilax perfoliata???? as per subcordate leaf base

Looks more like a sp. of Clematis

Yes.  Fruits of clematis.

Clematis gouriana…!!

MS Oct, 2019/08 Clematis sp. (gouriana?) for Id : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)
Location : Aizawl, Mizoram
Date : 29-10-2019
Habit : Climber
Habitat : Wild

Clematis gouriana ??

yes but don’t /cant see the petals. yet the leaf architecture.
matches what Dinesh Valke’s Flickr stream has.
I think it is Clematis gouriana


Climber for ID : Nasik : 15FEB22 : AK – 1: 5 images.
Climber seen on the mountain slope in the Saptashrungi mountain in Nasik district.

The mountain is more than 4000 feet above sea level.
Seems to be some Clematis Species, flowering is over.

Clematis sp.

I had suggested the same.

Seems Clematis gouriana


276 ID wild plant Clematis: 12 images.
Please ID wild plant,
Location: near Ramakkalmedu, Kumily, Idukki Dist., Kerala
Altitude: 3000fsl
Flower date: 08.01.2022, 12.30pm
Habitat: wild, moisture, sunlight
Plant habit: climbing, branches, weak rigid stem, perennial
Height: 03 meters
Leaves: opposite, tripartite, leaflets ovate, oblong, apex, size:12×6cm or less
Flower: racemose, diameter: 02 cm, whitish green, sepals sheds, good fragrance
Camera: mobile Samsung Galaxy A21s

Clematis gouriana

Yes, it is Clematis gouriana, dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant,


Tamil names of Clematis gouriana:
Please help me with the Tamil names aattu meesai kodi and manivilaangkodi of Clematis gouriana in native script.
You had provided the reference: Plants of Tamil Nadu database

Here are the possible Tamil scripts for these names:
aattu meesai kodi – ஆட்டு மீசைக்கொடி
manivilaangkodi – மணிவிலாங்கொடி

Thank you very much, Vijayasankar ji, for this help.
I reached one page in book தாவரவியல் பெயர்களின் தமிழ் பெயர்கள் By ஏற்காடு இளங்கோ
aattu meesai kodi – ஆட்டு மீசைக்கொடி  … this name I could see there, the spelling matches 🙂 (has to)
The name manivilaangkodi – மணிவிலாங்கொடி is not listed, however I am taking it in my compilation.
There are another two names listed in the book:
முருவாலி muruvali
பொரி பொரிச்சான் கொடி pori porichan kodi
Please help whether I have transcribed them appropriately.

Yes, …, they look good but you can add long vowels as in muruvaali and pori porichaan kodi to depict the actual sound of the names.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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