This is Prunus puddum Roxb. shot from Shimla last year (November 2010). It is occasionally found there.
The last flowering trees Dalhousie- Al031211:
The last of the flowering trees of the season … for id..
Location – Near Dalhousie
Altitude 1200 mts
Habit tree
Habitat… ?? Wild
Height 10- 15 mts
Season November
Probably Prunus carmesina from Rosaceae.
But not very sure kindly wait for confirmation.
To me they look like Himalayan cherry prunus cerasoides
Yes, This should be Prunus cerasoides, I came across many of them while at Shimla last year.
The plant in picture looks very much like Prunus padus commonly called Pajja.
Prunus padus a European plant (Bird cherry) , and the Himalayan plant correctly Prunus falcata (Himalayan bird cherry) are quite distinct with white flowers in almost spike-like racemes, and some times put is a separate genus Padus.
Pls validate
The ID is correct as per my information, P. puddum is recorded from Shimla by Col Henry Collett in FLORA SIMLENSIS.
This has been discussed in another thread also. The correct name is now Cerasus cerasoides (Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don) S.Y. Sokolov
Tree For ID : Bhimtal,Uttarakhand : 310313 : AK-1 :
A small tree seen at a resort in Bhimtal, on the 23rd of March,2013.
Small oblong fruits seen.
Need help to id this tree.
I hope Prunus cerasoides (P. puddum)
Flowers of this species (different from others) appear in November-December.
Prunus cerasoides D.Don (Rosaceae), Himalayan Wild Cherry, locally called as ‘Painyyan’ or ‘Paddam’.
Plant regarded as sacred.
Himalayan Wild Cherry (Cerasus cerasoides)
Dal Lake, Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
1750m approx.
24 October 2014.
When they fruit lets hope we get to see them thru your lens
It is commonly known as Padam (Pajja in Himachal). It flowers at a time when most of the plants start entering into dormancy and make the Himalayan Hills beautiful. It is a sacred plant associated with Lord Vishnu which gives fertility and survival. Kindly find attached a research paper mentioning its most of the uses. Ignore Fig. 1 as it is Ajuga parviflora and not Ajuga integrifolia.
Attachments (1)- Medicinal Plants of the Shimla Hills.pdf
It is Prunus cerasoides = Padmakh, Pajja, the first tree to flower during late autumn and before winters set in. Have medicinal & magico-religious properties.
Excellent images.
Are any saplings or young trees available for this species anywhere ?
Please identify this tree photographed in Gangtok zoo, Sikkim, April 15.
Is it Bird Cherry?
efi page on Muntingia calabura (Bird Cherry)
Doesn’t look like Muntingia calabura to me as the leaf base of the same is normally oblique. Further the leaf nerves are different. This looks more like a Rosaceae member.
For me this is certainly not Muntingia calabura (Bird Cherry)
… has recently sent in a Bird cherry case :
Prunus cornuta (Wall. ex Royle) Steud. (fr. Churdhar) : VG-JUL-14
nice to do comparison with your case
It doesn’t look like Bird cherry (Muntingia calabura) to me.
Prunus cerasoides
Rosaceae Fortnight- Prunus cerasoides from Himachal-GSG06/Sept 2015 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
It is wild cherry, Prunus cerasoides, locally known as ‘Paja’.
Its wood is prized as ‘Padam kashth’ in Indian Systems of Medicine. In local culture, the groom is made to take bath under a canopy made of the branches of this tree.
I would appreciate help with identifying this tree found in Uttarakhand at about 6500 ft altitude. These pictures were taken in Pangot, 15 kms from Nainital, last week. The seed of the fruit is a favourite of the Spot-winged Grosbeaks. In fact, we honed in on this tree and bird, hearing the crackling sound of the Grosbeak breaking the seeds!
Seems to be Prunus cerasoides, the wild cherry!!
Prunus cerasoides, locally known as Payya or Payan in Uttrakhand.
Nepali Names : पैंयु Painyu / बन पैंयु Ban Painyu
Wonderful Presentation.
Id of this two plant please.
Prunus sp. I only have this picture sent by my friend to me
Please check eFI for this species.
Seen this beautiful tall tree near Mattupetty Dam Munnar.
For me also it is Prunus species. I have seen Prunus species in California. They produce most beautiful flowers.
crab apple. seems to be of weeping habit. crabs hybridize and are hybridezed by growers, galore. closest i came to is Ruby Tears™ Weeping Crabapple
Prunus cerasoides D. Don
Habit : Wild
Correct Nepali Name : पैँयु Painyu
Location : Vaphai, Mizoram
Altitude : ca. 1,600 m.
Habitat : Wild
Sir, did you photograph the bark? P. cerasoides has a somewhat unique bark..
Prunus nepalensis Hook ??
Habit : Wild
…: Please look into this.
Looks like some Corchorus sp. sir; check it once.
I feel this plant shrub; what is this habit (means Tree, Shrub-like this )
Has it already flowered or yet to flower?
I think not yet flowering.
Do you think it is matching ? Did you observe round tips of serrated leaf margin ?
yeah, sir, I observed; looks different from corchorus margins and stipules also.
I shall try !
Can it be some Grewia species?
Leaf morphology and stipules point towards Prunus sp. Kindly focus on Prunus species. Any photograph of flowers?
I guess correct ID. Young branch !
Some more images of the first Cherry blossoms of the season.
Cherry Blossoms/ABOCT18 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3).
Himalayan Wild Cherry (Cerasus cerasoides)
Dal Lake, Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
1750m approx.
25 October 2014.
nice. i can even easily see the toothed edges of leaves
Cherry Blossom/ABNOV11 : 3 posts by 3 authors.
Dal Lake, Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
1750m approx.
12 November 2014.
This is really beautiful..
And these ones are orange now and I tasted one the other day. There was hardly any flesh on the pit and it dried my throat immediately. So not a fruit that the name suggests but technically yes…
Attachments (1)
Finally the sweet ones. These ones were fleshy and not at all bad to eat. It was raining and I could sample only one before scurrying for cover.
Attachments (2)
Cerasus cerasoides/ABDEC36 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (8)
Today, on my walk, I noticed this small tree growing almost parallel to the ground. It’s beautiful silvery bark was characteristic Wild Cherry and I took some photographs to share with you all. I am including some new shoots and leaf close ups too.
Himalayan Wild Cherry (Cerasus cerasoides)
Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
20 December 2014
6 images.
15 Feb. 2015
Id of Flower – ID 26112019SH1 : 13 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) – 802 kb.
Flower for id pl. Local people call this ‘पदम’ tree.
Location – Chopta (Uttarakhand)
Date – November 2019
Thank you so much Ushadi Ji for Id and some additional interesting information through the link. Although they have mentioned that it’s a threatened species, fortunately I could see number of these trees in Chopta-Mandal region.
I had seen similar tree-flowers of Peach Fruit Tree in Bhutan last year. I think they too belong to the same Genus – Prunus.
… who deals in Orchids and many of them are threatened, he can perhaps explain it better in lingo i can understand. so copying this to him too
Thank you … What is the question here?
i take it we need a short explanation of what is threatened and that finding even a small stand of the same tree does not negate the threatened perception or listing. thats where i thought you can help us out
Threatened is a very popular term used by people, often unscientifically. Originally it is used in context of IUCN Redlisting. In redlisting we talk about the threat to a species and based on the intensity of threat a species is provided a Redlist category. Very often people say RET species, Rare Endangered and Threatened. A species can be rare naturally but not Endangered or Threatened, and a species can be Endangered or Threatened but may not be rare.
that also makes a very good candidate for lectureships and professorship anywhere in the world.’
Thanks. Yes I am planning to shift to US, and looking for a job, HAHAHA!!
All depends on how detailed information you have when you start assessing the threat to a particular species.
…, just wanted to ask whether these are Peach fruit Genus ? Looked very similar to me and although it was mentioned as a threatened sp. I saw number of these trees on the way. Just looked like Cherry Blossom.
The photos received from one of friend.
Date- 28/07/2016
Habitat- garden
Habit- Tree
Please check species of Prunus of Rosaceae family
Yes, also think that it is Prunus var.
Prunus species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net)
Alnus sp.?
Flower for Id ( from Bhutan) – ID15032018SH2 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) – around 900 kb each.
Location – Near Gangtey ( Bhutan)
Date – March. 2018
Prunus cerasoides Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don
Location : Vaphai
Note : Somewhat similar with P.cerasoides, but color of flowers and flowering time are different. It may be variety of P.cerasoides.
Prunus cerasoides D. Don
Prunus cerasoides D. Don: 1 high res. image.
Habit : Wild
It is good genetic resources for cherry breeding for biotic and abiotic stress.