Rubus paniculatus Sm., Cycl. 30: Rubus no. 41 Rubus no. 41 1819. (syn: Rubus cordifolius D. Don (ambiguous synonym); Rubus moluccanus var. tiliaceus (Smith) Kuntze; Rubus paniculatus f. tiliaceus (Smith) Hara; Rubus pseudotiliaceus Kuntze; Rubus tiliaceus Smith (ambiguous synonym)); . China (Yunnan), Tibet, Bhutan, N-India, Jammu & Kashmir (Poonch, Kashmir), Pakistan (Pakistani Punjab), Nepal, Sikkim, Assam, Thailand, Myanmar [Burma] (Kachin), Darjeeling as per Catalogue of Life; . Rambling woody climber with all parts tomentose except leaves above; leaves simple, ovate, up to 15 cm long, margin inconspicuously lobed, coarsely serrate; flowers white, up 12-16 mm across, in panicles; petals white, much shorter than sepals; stamens shorter, many; fruit red to blackish purple. . Common name: Heart-Leaf Raspberry . Rosaceae Fortnight- Rubus paniculatus from Himachal-GSG31/Sept 2015 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2) Rubus paniculatus. I need species level identification of following 3 images of Rubus sp. Date: 01/08/15 Locality: Jalapahar, Darjeeling Altitude: 7000 ft (GPS) Habit: Shrub, scandent Rubus species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net) The images are of Rubus paniculatus. However, it is always recommended to examine the material under microscope! … has confirmed the identity of the three digital images as Rubus paniculatus. Rosaceae Fortnight: Rubus paniculatus from Chakoudi, Uttaranchal Pradesh-GSSEP100/100 : 7 posts by 5 authors. 3 images. Rubus paniculatus Smith in Rees, Cycl. 30: Rubus no. 41. 1819. Rambling woody climber with all parts tomentose except leaves above; leaves simple, ovate, up to 15 cm long, margin inconspicuously lobed, coarsely serrate; flowers white, up 12-16 mm across, in panicles; petals white, much shorter than sepals; stamens shorter, many; fruit red to blackish purple. Photographed near Chakoudi beyond Bhageshwar. Hundredth post is always an achievement… Thanks a lot Sir…!! I can only go through the backlog of beautiful posts from you and many members, given the time left… Rubus paniculatus Smith in Rees, Cycl. 30: Rubus no. 41. 1819. Rambling woody climber with all parts tomentose except leaves above; leaves simple, ovate, up to 15 cm long, margin inconspicuously lobed, coarsely serrate; flowers white, up 12-16 mm across, in panicles; petals white, much shorter than sepals; stamens shorter, many; fruit red to blackish purple. Photographed near Chakoudi beyond Bhageshwar. I was wondering, is this rubus flower with almost rudimentary small white petals? Climber for ID ABOCT2016/10 : 3 posts by 2 authors. 5 images. This climber had covered several trees. I hope the photos are sufficient for an ID. Please advise. Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP 1900m approx. 16 October 2016 Without flowers not proper to say anything… yet seems to belong to Rosaceae, any Rubus sp. Thank you very much … A quick look suggests Rubus paniculata. It grows only on one of the paths I walk and I didn’t go there in this year’s flowering season. When can we expect fruits? Please identify this plant from Uttarakhand. Reminds me of Clerodendron… Should be a Rubus sp. Sorry, this is more likely Filipendula vestita.. Appears close to images at Rubus paniculatus Sm. as per comparative images at Rubus I need species level identification of following 5 images of Rubus sp. Date: 22/07/15 Locality: Alubari TN Road, Darjeeling Altitude: 6952 ft (GPS) Habit: Shrub, scandent This may be Rubus paniculatus .. Thank You … for id assistance.
SK119OCT01-2016:ID : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7) Sharing some pictures for ID shot at Chandragiri Hill Kathmandu on 19 September 2016 at 8200 ft. Possibly is variation of Rubus paniculatus Sm.? Rubus paniculatus forma paniculatus Sm??? efi page on Rubus paniculatus Requesting your guidance for ID please. To me also appears close to Rubus paniculatus Sm. Nepali Names : कालो ऐँसेलु Kaalo Aiselu / रूख ऐँसेलु Rookh Ainselu / भालु ऐँसेलु Bhaalu Ainselu / बोक्सी काँडा Boksee Kaandaa / फुस्रे काँडा Phusre Kaandaa SK1947 25 May 2019 : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (11) Location: Nagarkot, Bhaktapur Date: 16 May 2019 Elevation: 2024 m. Habit : Wild Which Rubus ? Leaf not so rugosus according to R. rugosus. Fruits black not matching R. mollucanus which bears red fruit. Not closely matching to R. indicus also. I think we have already sorted out this issue at Rubus moluccanus If you have any alternative to offer or some keys where we can distinguish these species (if you think they are really different), pl. let us know. Yes …, but still I am a bit confused. Different books and net says differently re: synonyms. I have no idea which one is correct ours or FoI. In our sp. petals are so tiny and white compared to others. Pl. check Rubus paniculatus Sm. as per comparative images at Rubus. To me appears close. Yes it is !
Rubus rugosus Sm. ?? : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)- AROUND 400 KB. Location: Nagarkot, Nepal Date: 11 June 2018 Altitude: 6500 ft. Habit : Wild To me appears close to images at Rubus moluccanus All images showing red fruit in the net. I guess I shall never understand relation between: R. indicus, R. moluccanus, R. rugosus and R. hamiltonianus however you have clarified about this issue earlier. 1.EFN : R. rugosus syn : R.hamiltonianus No R. moluccanus 2.Plants and People of Nepal by Manadhar : R. rugosus syn: R.moluccanus and R.hamiltonianus 3.A Compendium of Medicinal Plants in Nepal by IUCN : R. rugosus syn: R. moluccanus No R. hamiltonianus 4.Flowers of India : R. moluccanus syn: R. hillii R. indicus syn: R. rugosus and R. wightii but not related to sp. found in Nepal 5.The Catalogue of life : R. rugosus syn: R. hamiltonianus R. moluccanus syn : No syn related to above. 6.POWO Kew : R. rugosus Syn: NO Distribution in nepal – Yes R. mollucanus Syn: NO Distribution in Nepal – No R. hamiltonianus No mention R. indicus syn : NO Distribution in Nepal – NO 7. The Plant List is not working. If we find similar images, let us keep them together on a single page OK …! On closer scrutiny, I feel it may also be Rubus paniculatus Sm. with black fruits and as per SK119OCT01-2016:ID Although inflorescence is only part shown and does not appear to be paniculate as per these images. Rubus paniculatus Sm.! . References: |
Rubus paniculatus
Updated on December 24, 2024