Galium asperifolium

Galium asperifolium Wall., Fl. Ind. 1: 381 1820. (Syn: Galium asperifolium var. obovatum Nazim.; Galium lividum Jacquem. ex Hook.f. [Invalid]; Galium parviflorum D.Don, nom.illeg.; Galium pseudohirtiflorum H.Li)
Afghanistan to SC. China, Sumatera as per WCSP;
Afghanistan; Assam; Bangladesh; China South-Central; Nepal; Pakistan; Sumatera; Thailand; Tibet; West Himalaya as per Catalogue of Life;

Galium for ID from Kashmir-GS26112021-2: 6 high res. images.
Galium for ID from Awantipore, Kashmir,

I think close to images at Galium asperuloides Edgew.

G. asperifolium …, note glabrous fruit, straight pedicels, flowering branches leafy with smaller leaves, inf. divaricate and leaves 6-8 (eFlora Pak Key)


Galium species from Badam Vari Kashmir-GS27112021-3: 5 very high res. images.
Please help with ID of Galium species photographed from Badam Vari, Kashmir, 6-5-2012

I think close to images at Galium asperuloides Edgew.

Again G. asperifolium

Galium for ID from Harwan Kashmir-GS27112021-4: 5 high res. images.
Galium clicked from Harwan, Kashmir, clicked on 8-5-2012

I think close to images at Galium asperuloides Edgew.

I think this is also G. asperifolium

Look different as per images at Galium asperifolium

I agree with you for G. asperifolium


Galium for ID from Nishat Kashmir-GS27112021-5: 8 high res. images.
Galium for ID from Nishat, Kashmir,

I think close to images at Galium asperuloides Edgew.

in G. asperuloides fruits are covered with long hooked hairs. Here they are glabrous.

Please have a look at my upload of G. asperuloides from Khillenmarg

Please also note that G. asperuloides is distributed above altitudes of 2600 m, whereas Nishan in Srinagar has altitude of only 1600 m.

Here are more images with fruits.

We can think about G. asperifolium

Look different as per images at Galium asperifolium

More images from same population leads me to G. ghilanicum

Out of the two, I think Galium asperifolium is a better option as per POWO specimen and FoP compared to G. ghilanicum as per POWO specimen and FoC.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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