Neolamarckia cadamba (Roxb.) Bosser, Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat., B, Adansonia 6: 247 1984. (Syn. Anthocephalus cadamba (Roxb.) Miq.; Anthocephalus indicus var. glabrescens H.L.Li; Anthocephalus morindifolius Korth.; Nauclea cadamba Roxb.; Nauclea megaphylla S.Moore; Neonauclea megaphylla (S.Moore) S.Moore; Samama cadamba (Roxb.) Kuntze; Sarcocephalus cadamba (Roxb.) Kurz; (=) Anthocephalus chinensis auct.); . S. China to Tropical Asia: Andaman Is., Assam, Bangladesh, Borneo, Cambodia, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, India, Jawa, Laos, Lesser Sunda Is., Malaya, Myanmar, New Guinea, Nicobar Is., Sri Lanka, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Thailand, Vietnam as per POWO; . commonly known as: burrflower tree, kadam, leichhardt pine • Assamese: kadam, roghu • Bengali: কদম kadam, নীপ nipa • Garo: mi-bol • Hindi: कदम्ब kadamb • Kannada: kadam, kaduavalatige • Malayalam: katampu • Marathi: कदंब kadamb, नीव nhiv • Mizoram: banphar • Oriya: priyakah • Sanskrit: हरिप्रिय haripriya, कदम्ब kadamba • Tamil: கடம்பம் katampam, வெள்ளை கதம்பு vellaikkatampu • Telugu: కదంబకము kadambakamu ; . Large deciduous tree; leaves opposite, leathery, ovate, up to 22 cm long, glabrous above, pubescent beneath; stipules large, lanceolate, caducous; flowers yellow to orange, scented at night, in globose heads 4-5 cm across on short peduncles; calyx tubes confluent, lobes linear to linear-oblong; corolla tube tubular or slightly funnel-shaped, lobes 5; stamens 5 with short filaments, anthers pointed; style filiform, stigma spindle-shaped; fruiting head fleshy enclosing aggregate of capsules. . nee-oh-la-MAR-kee-uh — named for Jean Baptiste de Monet Lamarck, French naturalist kuh-duhm-bah — from Sanskrit kadamba, name for this plant . Kadamb: – Actually this the flower!! . VALMIKI : OBSERVER OF NATURE: In Ramayan Valmiki has mentioned KADAMABA. Scientific name of Kadamba is Anthocephalus cadamba. But there is another contender for KADAMBA, scientifically that tree is Mitragyna parviflora. In Mathura the second type of Kadamba is in plenty. But here in Bengal and in Assam first type is seen. – Anthocephalus cadamba is now correctly known as Neolamarckia cadamba (Roxb.) Bosser The second plant is Mitragyna parvifolia (and not parviflora), having smaller heads and dry when mature. The common names for former include Kadamba (Hindi, Beng., Mar. & Guj.), kadambamu in Tel., vellai-cadamba in Tam., kadawala in Kan., attutek in Mal. Kadam in Trade Latter is known as Kaim, kalmi, kadassa in Hindi, gullikadam in Beng., kalamb, kuddam in Mar., Nir-kadambe in Tel., Chinna kadambu in Tam., kongu and kadaga in Kan., , vimbu and nirkadambu in Mal. Kaim in Trade. Anthocephalus kadamba – Dandei, DATR, Uttara Knnnada.: Spotted this Huge Kadamba tree in a ravine in Dandeli WLS.
Flora of Kaiga_ID_Confirmation_29082011 P1.: Date/Time-:20/07/10 – 16:30 Location- Place, Altitude – Kaiga , Uttar Kannada, Karnataka, 380 mtrs Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- wild Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Tree Height/Length-12m Yes you are right. It is Neolamarckia cadamba syn Anthocephalus cadamba Neolamarckia cadamba syn Anthocephalus cadamba SYMBIOSIS : 139: efloraofindia:”For Id 12072012MR1’’ is this tree Neolamarckia cadamba? at Pune: Height about 80 feet. The tree was full of attractive cream orange inflorescence I think, size a little bigger than table tennis balls. I could only capture it from a distance on my cell phone. Sorry for the quality of pics. Kindly confirm if the tree in the pics is Neolamarckia cadamba? Id help http://www.flowersofindia.Kadam.html Yes Neolamarckia cadamba. SYMBIOSIS : 223:
Rubiaceae Week: Neolamarckia cadamba (Roxb.) Bosser from Delhi: Syn: Anthocephalus cadamba (Roxb.) Miq.; Nauclea cadamba Roxb. Common names: English: burflower tree Hindi: kadam Tel: Kadambamu Tam: Vellai-cadamba Kan: Kadawala Mal: Attutek Large deciduous tree; leaves opposite, leathery, ovate, up to 22 cm long, glabrous above, pubescent beneath; stipules large, lanceolate, caducous; flowers yellow to orange, scented at night, in globose heads 4-5 cm across on short peduncles; calyx tubes confluent, lobes linear to linear-oblong; corolla tube tubular or slightly funnel-shaped, lobes 5; stamens 5 with short filaments, anthers pointed; style filiform, stigma spindle-shaped; fruiting head fleshy enclosing aggregate of capsules. Commonly planted in Delhi in gardens and roadsides. Photographed from Punjabi Bagh and DU in Delhi. Beautiful Shots Sir with detail information Rubiaceae Week :: Neolamarckia cadamba – Bangalore – RA: This is one of my favorite trees. In Hindu mythology, Kadam was the favourite tree of Krishna. Tree up to 45 m tall, without branches for more than 25 m. Diameter up to 100 (-160) cm but normally less; sometimes with buttresses. The crown is umbrellashaped and the branches are characteristically arranged in tiers. Leaves simple, 13-32 cm long. Flowers orange, small, in dense, globose heads. They appear like solid, hairy orange balls. The fruits are small capsules, packed closely together to form a fleshy, yellow or orange coloured infructescence containing approx. 8,000 seeds. The small capsules split into four parts releasing the seed at maturity. There are approximately 20,000 seeds per gram. It is believed to have medicinal value in curing astringent, ulcer, digestive, diarrhoea, expectorant, fever, vomiting. A postal stamp was issued by the Indian Postal Department to commemorate this tree. Refrences: Neolamarckia cadamba int Beautiful Shots with Nice Information Rubiaceae Week :: Neolamarckia cadamba at Thane: Neolamarckia cadamba (Roxb.) Bosser nee-oh-la-MAR-kee-uh — named for Jean Baptiste de Monet Lamarck, French naturalist kuh-duhm-bah — from Sanskrit kadamba, name for this plant Dec 1, 2007 … in residence garden, Vaghbil, Thane, Maharashtra commonly known as: burrflower tree, kadam, leichhardt pine • Assamese: kadam, roghu • Bengali: কদম kadam, নীপ nipa • Garo: mi-bol • Hindi: कदम्ब kadamb • Kannada: kadam, kaduavalatige • Malayalam: katampu • Marathi: कदंब kadamb, नीव nhiv • Mizoram: banphar • Oriya: priyakah • Sanskrit: हरिप्रिय haripriya, कदम्ब kadamba • Tamil: கடம்பம் katampam, வெள்ளை கதம்பு vellaikkatampu • Telugu: కదంబకము kadambakamu Native to: s & s-e Asia References: Flowers of India • ENVIS – FRLHT • Wikipedia • Further Flowers of Sahyadri by Shrikant Ingalhalikar more views: Dec 1, 2007 … in residence garden, Vaghbil, Thane, Maharashtra Aug 8, 2008 … in resort garden along NH 3 near Padgha, Maharashtra Gorgeous closeup of leaf, all features well depicted about Anthocephalus cadamba (kadamba) tree: I did collect some seeds from a couple of fallen fruit here in Hyderabad a few weeks back but i dont know the correct procedure to get viable seed. The trees i know (street-side trees in a residential colony and not very big, possibly 20-25 feet tall) seem to be fruiting last i saw them. The seeds are very fine and i wasnt really able to clean them properly from the rest of the fruit debris but i dried them in shade. write to me if these can be of help and actually if you can explain what a better way would be and i will try again. just to confirm – isnt kadamb the tree with branches which form a spiral staircase? efi site link for the species: /species/m—z/r/rubiaceae/neolamarckia/neolamarckia-cadamba The best place to collect seeds is Karnataka forest nursery as they grow new saplings and plant them at road side. Since quantity of kadamba plants at nursery is big they must have the seeds I have been able to collect and sun-dry some 4-5 kadamb fruit ‘balls’. Attached photographs of the tree and the dried fruits.
[EfloraofIndia_Rubiaceae week_060212PD01_Anthocephalus chinensis_Flora of Odisha]: Name: Anthocephalus chinensis Family: Rubiaceae Habit: Tree Habitat: Road side, planted It should be Neolamarckia cadamba Name Anthocephalus chinensis was applied to Indian plant for some time wrongly. Anthocephalus chinensis (Lam.) Hassk. is now correctly known as Breonia chinensis (Lam.) Capuron distributed in Madagascar Yes Sir this was identified by earlier (2008). But i was expecting some one to correct the name of the species. Thanks a lot sir for correcting me. Rubiaceae Week : Neolamarckia cadamba Hooghly (WB): Since this is not the flowering season of the plant I attach some old photos showing beautiful flowers of this tree. Species : Neolamarckia cadamba (syn, Anthocephalus cadamba) Date : 08/02/2012 & 16/07/2011 (flowers) Place : Gobra (Hooghly District), West Bengal Habit : Tree Habitat : Railway Plantation, wild A very good set of photographs Rubiaceae Week :: Neolamarckia cadamba at Mumbai:
Beautiful Shot of head Another beauty. Now we should say ” Kadamb- Kadamb Badaye Jaa… Rubiaceae ke Geet Gaye Jaa”.. Hooghly Today : woodpecker and bulbul on CADAMBA : While this woodpecker concentrated on the trunk of this tree, red vented bulbuls were pecking flowers ! Attachments: Fulvous_breasted_Woodpecker
PLEASE ID. : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors. 16-06-13 R.T -Please ID. Place-Banglore, habitat- garden, plant habit- tree Neolamarckia cadamba (Roxb.) Bosser a picture for you : Attachments (1). 6 posts by 5 authors. 16-06-13 R.T -Please ID. Place-Banglore, habitat- garden, plant habit- tree I hope its a Neolamarckia sp. Yes Neolamarckia cadamba Yes. Neolamarckia cadamba. Kadamb tree very common plant, but nice photo: Anthocephalus : Attachments (2). 8 posts by 8 authors. Really very beautiful. I think, now, the valid name is Neolamarckia cadamba, Beautiful photographs. Help me to identify the plant It looks like Neolamarckia cadamba I agree with you … SYMBIOSIS : 659 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1). Attaching an image of a Rice Swift butterfly on the flower of Neolamarkia cadamba (KADAM). SYMBIOSIS : 746 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Attaching an image of a female Common Palm fly on Neolamarckia cadamba (KADAM). . FLOWERS/PLANTS MENTIONED BY TAGORE IN HIS SONGS: ( KADAMBA -1 ) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) FLOWERS/PLANTS MENTIONED BY TAGORE IN HIS SONGS ( KADAM-1 ) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Attaching translated version of a song by Tagore, where KADAM has been mentioned. FLOWERS /PLANTS MENTIONED BY TAGORE IN HIS SONGS ( KADAMBA -2 ) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Attaching translated version of a song by Tagore, where KADAMBA has been mentioned. FLOWERS/PLANTS MENTIONED BY TAGORE IN HIS SONGS : ( KADAM -2 ) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Attaching translated version of a song by Tagore, where KADAM has been mentioned. TSP-DEC2015-31-204: Images of Neolamarckia cadamba (Rubiaceae) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (6) It is my pleasure to share few images of Neolamarckia cadamba (Rubiaceae) Habit: Deciduous tree Habitat: cultivated Sighting: Tumkur Date: 22-06-2015 Fwd: RABINDRA SANGIT : BEE-3 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Here is translation of another song of Rabindranath Tagore (by Rumela Sengupta) which has a mention of bee. Please help identify tree: 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) Please help identify tree species in attached files. Has very large leaves. Where? In housing society Mumbai. Yes seems Cadamba. Clicked on 17-May-2018. Seems vigorous growth Anthocephalus Karama.. perfect combination of Nature : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) – 4 Mb. Again you did not mention any details despite you assurances. Fwd: SYMBIOSIS : 1194 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Attaching a collage of Neolamarckia cadamba (KADAM). SYMBIOSIS : 1195 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Attaching a collage of Blank swift visiting flowers of Neolamarckia cadamba (KADAM) SYMBIOSIS : 1196 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Attaching a collage of Common Grass yellow, visiting flowers of Neolamarckia cadamba (KADAM). You can see bee on some flowers. SYMBIOSIS : 1202 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Attaching a collage of Red Base Jezebel visiting flowers of Neolamarckia cadamba (KADAM). VALMIKI : OBSERVER OF NATURE (mixed thread): Anthocephalus cadamba is now correctly known as Neolamarckia cadamba (Roxb.) Bosser SYMBIOSIS: Attaching two images on symbiosis,
Large Leaf tree Sapling Is it Tectona Grandis? UD 8212011 002: Negative. This is Kadam [Neolamarckia cadamba]. with such large leaves… Have encountered such variations. Please go and check the tree again. I have a great deal of respect for your diagnostic abilities… yes, Neolamarckia cadamba I am not convinced its THE KADAMBA tree with a normal Genetic code….. Anthocephalus cadamba . Need id: Check for Kadamba tree saplings (Neolamarckia cadamba). Possibly it could be. Hoping that the sapling is Kadamba, I am forwarding herewith my article on the tree at : . Neolamarckia cadamba (Roxb.) Bosser :: Waghbil, Thane :: Dec 1, 2007 · JUN23 DV312: 5 images. . Sharing some photos of Kadamaba tree: 4 high res. images. Sharing some photo of Kadamba tree in Full Bloom I am providing the link to my article in Star of Mysore: These trees and photos are from Jakkur Lake Yelhanka Bangalore. July end 2023. . References: |
Neolamarckia cadamba
Updated on December 24, 2024