Viscum monoicum Roxb. ex DC., Prodr. 4: 278 278 1830. (syn: Phoradendron falcatum (Wall. ex DC.) Ettingsh.; Viscum benghalense Roxb. ex Wight. & Arn.; Viscum confertum Roxb.; Viscum falcatum Wall.);
China (W-Guangxi, S-Yunnan), Bangladesh, India (Bihar, West Bengal, Assam, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu), Andaman Isl., Sri Lanka, Thailand, ?Vietnam, Bhutan, Sikkim, Myanmar [Burma] (Mon, Taninthayi, Yangon) as per Catalogue of Life;
FI informs, “Monoicous, ….. leaves opposite, lanceolar, (acute to acuminate : Bengal Plants), 3-5 nerved, subsessile, often a little falcate, ……flowers axillary, three fold, …… in fascicles of generally three, the centre one is generally male, and the lateral two female…..”
In Viscum album the leaf is strap-shaped where as in this species (V.monoicum) of Viscum the leaf is some what falcate, coriaceous, attenuated at the base to a short petiole (these characters are found in V.monoicum).  According to this two flora only two species of Viscum are found in Assam i.e V. articulatum and V. monoicum. The first (V. articulatum) is leafless.


Stem parasite:
Photographs exhibit a stem parasite growing Vitex negundo L. (Verbenaceae). Please help in identifying the stem parasite.
Location/Date : Mirza, Kamrup District (Assam); 07/06/2012.

Looks like Viscum to me.

I agree with …, This could be Viscum album. Need to see the flower pictures.

Sir, I have collected this species (Viscum ) from Kamrup district (Assam) which you have identified it as Viscum album. But I donot think it is Viscum album (Photo attached here with). In Viscum album the leaf is strap-shaped where as in this species of Viscum the leaf is some what falcate, coriaceous, attenuated at the base to a short petiole (these characters are found in V.monoicum). Of course I have not examined the flower whether it is monoecious or dioecious. From leaf morphology and data studied from the “Flora of Assam” (Vol.I-V by U.N.Kanjilal) and “Assam’s Flora (Present Status of Vascular Plants)” [By S.Chowdhury] where in two flora there is no mention of Viscum album. According to this two flora only two species of Viscum are found in Assam i.e V. articulatum and V. monoicum. The first is leafless. Hence my collected species may be V. monoicum (flower monoecious). So please verify it.

Viscum sp. from Kamrup district, Assam :  Attachments (19).  2 posts by 2 authors.
Attached images may be Viscum sp. I had sent this species earlier (/species/m—z/s/santalaceae/viscum/viscum-monoicum) without flower on 27.08.12. I have been waiting for flowering of this plant almost one year and now collected the specimen from same place and same plants with flowers. The plant attacks Vitex negundo. On observation of flowers I have found only female flower (Dioecious). No male flower is observed on this plant. So whether it is V. monoicum or other spp. of Viscum ? Please ID the plant.
Date :10.05.2013 & 31.05.2013
Location: Kamrup district
Family : Viscaceae
Genus & species:Viscum sp.
Habitat: Grows on Vitex negundo.
Habit : Herbs
Flower : Only Female flower

As per key in Bengal Plants and descriptions in FBI & FI it is Viscum monoicum Roxb.
FI informs, “Monoicous, ….. leaves opposite, lanceolar, (acute to acuminate : Bengal Plants), 3-5 nerved, subsessile, often a little falcate, ……flowers axillary, three fold, …… in fascicles of generally three, the centre one is generally male, and the lateral two female…..”


SK 3297 06 January 2022: 4 very high res. images.

Location: Surkhet, West Nepal
Altitude: 700 m.
Date: 09 December 2021
Habit : Wild
Viscum monoicum Roxb. ex DC.??

Yes, appears close to images at Viscum monoicum

Checklist of Nepal gives its distribution.


318 ID wild plant Loranthaceae: 16 high res. images.
Please ID wild plant, most of leaves seems pinnate single paired,
Location: near Vannappuram Thodupuzha Idukki Dist., Kerala
Altitude: 1500fsl
Flower date: 07.05.2022, 03.40 pm
Habitat: wild, moisture, tree parasite
Plant habit: hemiparasite, obliquely branches, semi hard stem 01 inch base diameter, rough bark, green rigid medium old and young stem, perennial
Host tree: Coffea arabica
Height: 01.5 feet
Leaves: opposite mostly pinnate single paired, ovate/oblong, acute, soft, glossy, winged petiole, size up to:03×1.5 cm
Flower: axillary, racemose, diameter: 02 mm, yellow, non fragrant
Fruit: drupe ovoid, green, size: 03×01 mm

Camera: CANON EOS1500D +rr

It is a Viscum sp. sir

Yes, it is Viscum sp., dear …, thank you for ID my plant, it is close to Viscum monoicum.

