Xantolis tomentosa

Xantolis tomentosa (Roxb.) Raf., Sylva Tellur. 35 1838. (syn. Achras elengioides (A.DC.) Bedd.; Achras tomentosa (Roxb.) Bedd.; Planchonella dongnaiensis Pierre ex Dubard; Planchonella elengioides (A.DC.) Pierre; Planchonella tomentosa (Roxb.) Pierre; Pouteria dongnaiensis (Pierre ex Dubard) Baehni; Pouteria tomentosa (Roxb.) Baehni; Sapota armata (Roth) A.DC.; Sapota elengioides A.DC.; Sapota tomentosa (Roxb.) A.DC.; Sideroxylon armatum Roth; Sideroxylon dongnaiense (Pierre ex Dubard) Pierre ex Lecomte; Sideroxylon tomentosum Roxb.; Sideroxylon wightianum Wall.; Xantolis dongnaiensis (Pierre ex Dubard) Aubrév.; Xantolis tomentosa var. elengioides (A.DC.) Vajr.);
Native range is India, Sri Lanka, Indo-China; Cambodia, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Vietnam as per POWO;
hairy xantolis, Indian bully tree, woolly ironwood • Hindi: kantabohul • Kannada: ಕಬ್ಬಿಣದ ಮರ kabbinada mara • Konkani: कांबुळ kambul • Malayalam: രിങ്കാര karinkaara • Marathi: कांटेकुंबळ kate-kumbal, कांटेकुंवळा kantekumvala, कुंवळा kumvala • Oriya: konta gatch • Tamil: முள்மகிழ் mul-makil • Telugu: beijuven • Urdu: kantabohul;


identification no160111sn3:
plant habit:tree
height: fullgrown tree,brownish bark and branches with small fruits
fruits:small green and also some dried up brown

other information:bark and branches have brownish tinge

– This is Xantholis tomentosa [Sideroxylon tomentosa] locally called Kate Kubhal.

Xantolis tomentosa:
Xantolis tomentosa
Syn. Sideroxylon tomentosum
Family :Sapotaceae
Observed in Tamhini ghat On way to Phansad


Plz id this small tree: pa28 – 17nov2012:
Plz id this small tree from Matheran region. I did not see flowers but some fruits were there. Sorry the photos are not very good as I was having some problem with the focus of my camera in early morning low light.

Xantolis tomentosa, syn. Sideroxylon tomentosum, Sapotaceae family.


Plz id this plant: pa37 – 20nov2012:
Plz id this small tree from Matheran region. The leaves, twigs and spines were covered with fine hair.

This looks like Kate- Kubhal [Xantholis tomentosa / Sideroxylon tomentosa].

Thanks again … I have a question, does this tree also come without spines? I had posted some photos few days back and it was also identified as Xantolis tomentosa but that tree did not have any spines. Here is the link

When plants are young {as also in the case of Asana [Bridelia sp.] & Silk Cotton [Bombax sp.]} they are armed to act as a deterrent to grazing animals. As it grows older and larger it tends to loose its spines.

Thank you Neil sir for the explanetion. I am very grateful for all that I am learning from you.


Xantolis tomentosa—–for sharing and validation : Attachments (3). 3 posts by 3 authors.
Pics of Hairy Xantolis, taken at ambyvalley rd., lonavala pune in dec12

Yes, Xantolis tomentosa.

Id This Madhuca species : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3).
Please id this tree
Found this small tree in evergreen forest of sahyadri tiger reserve Koyna , Satara  May 2014

It is Xantolis tomentosa

Xantolis tomentosa—-for sharing and validation : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2).
Pics of Hairy Xantolis, taken at ambyvalley rd., lonavala, pune in dec12



Xantolis tomentosa—for sharing and validation : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)
Pic taken at Aambyvalley rd., Lonavala, Pune in Nov.14

Fwd: [efloraofindia:217375] Tree for ID TC1 : 10 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)
Tree, ca 6 m high, from Concan, Maharashtra for identification please. The fruits are said to be eaten by birds.

Please send description of the plant of which photographs are sent for identification.
Also check the fruit if it has aril with nut or only single seeded (drupaceous).

It seems to be Sideroxylon of Sapotaceae of single seeded without aril.

Many thanks to … for giving the right direction.

Pattern of leaves and kind of berries with long acute tip resembles a member of Sapotaceae family, There are seven genera in Maharashtra for Sapotaceae in wild. Images depict Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia (Roxb.) A.Chev. (not longifolia because leaves are shortly acuminate at apex)

Can it be Limonia acidissima?

I think it is Sideroxylon tomentosum


ANMAR53/75 Xantolis tomentosa : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (19)

Family: Sapotaceae
Date: 24th March 2015
Place: Mullayanagiri, Chikamagaluru, Karnataka

Habit: Tree
Habitat: Shola forest

Tree for ID :: Satara :: ARKDEC08 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)
This tree was also spotted at the Thoseghar Falls near Kas, Satara in Oct 2015.
Requested to please ID the tree with fruits as well as the epiphyte with reddish flowers.

The tree look like Xantolis tomentosa and the pink flowered plant is a parasite in the Loranthaceae family.

Thank you you … for the ID of the tree.

Attaching some cropped pics for helping with the ID of the Loranthaceae member. Attachments (2)

0012 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)
plant location dapoli ratnagiri maharahtra
habit tree
flower colour white
fruit colour green

Appears to be some Sapotaceae member. Pl. check /species/m—z/s/sapotaceae/madhuca/madhuca-longifolia-var-latifolia
If you have other images, pl. Post.

Xantolis tomentosa

Madhuca species 

Correction. Could be Xantolis tomentosa as suggested by …

Tree with flower bud similar to Madhuca sp : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (10)- around 400 kb each.
Please help identify tree with attached pictures .
Location: Matheran, Maharashtra, Western Ghats.
Date: Mid December
Phyllotaxy: Alternate.
Leaf: Simple with floral bud, vegetative bud at auxiliary position.
Please note inflorescence is arised at auxiliary position.
Tomentose calyx, petiole, bark, leaves from both side.
Monkeys like leaves.
Flowers look like that of Madhuca Longifolia in it’s bud state.
Trunck of this tree is different than that of Madhuca Longifolia of Jungle Trees of Central India.

xantolis tomentosa? Pleace check

Thank you very much … It is xantolis tomentosa.
Monkey like leaves. They were not giving any attention towards us and busy eating. Leaves must be tasty. ☺.
Special thing to note, monkeys were eating matured leaves. Wherever these trees are, monkeys did not chase us for food.
Thank you again!


MS Sept.,2020/01 Shrub or tree for Id : 17 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)
Location : Lengte

Date : 30.10.2014
Habit : Shrub or tree
Habitat : Wild

Any other images ? Any idea about the family or any other details or clues?

Can somebody give some clue to the id of this ?

Sapotaceae member-only, it could be Chrysophyllum sp. and check locally with Sapotaceae

The following spp. are recorded in the family of Sapotaceae in my state :-Mimusops elengi, Palaquium polyanthum, Pouteria grandifolia, Sarcosperma arboreum, Xantolis hookeri, Xantolis tomentosa

Check with Palaquim …, or can you provide the key of Sapotaceae which you have locally

Attachments (1)

Thanks, …
Based on the keys and details in the images, I think it should be Xantolis hookeri as per GBIF.
Matches with this specimen.

It could be a form of Xantolis tomentosa

Thanks, …, for the id.
I also agree with you as per GBIF Specimens:


Matheran, MH :: Xantolis tomentosa :: ARK2021-002: 5 high resolution images.
Seen this tree at Matheran, an hill station near Mumbai, MH in December 2020
Xantolis tomentosa

For me the ID looks correct.


Tree for Identification_Tamhini Forest: 3 images.

Location– Tamhini Forest area, Pune
Habit- Medium sized Tree
Height-Appx 20 feet (not certain)
Altitude- 550 m
Habitat- Near rivulet
Could this be- Xantolis tomentosa
Please help in confirming the id.

madhuca longifolia,मोह,महू,महुवा

Yes, Xantolis tomentosa


Is this Xantolis Tomentosa ,tree from Sawantwadi, Sindhudurg District: 5 images.

Sharing a tree from Sawantwadi, Sindhudurg forest for identification.
Tree habit- Medium sized tree
Tree size- 30 feet approximate
Habitat- Wild
No fruiting or flowering was observed.
Kindly confirm, is this Xantolis tomentosa ?

Looks close.

Yes ji seems to be


Xantolis tomentosa (Roxb.) Raf. :: Matheran :: Apr 1, 2023 · JUN23 DV223: 6 images.

Xantolis tomentosa (Roxb.) Raf.
Matheran :: Apr 1, 2023 · 3:24 PM IST :: about 800 m (2,625 ft) asl
Many thanks to Radha Veach for validating the ID at iNaturalist


Xantolis tomentosa (Roxb.) Raf. :: Matheran :: Apr 1, 2023 · JUN23 DV218: 4 images.
Xantolis tomentosa (Roxb.) Raf.
Matheran :: Apr 1, 2023 · 3:46 PM IST :: about 800 m (2,625 ft) asl


Xantolis tomentosa (Roxb.) Raf. :: Matheran :: Apr 1, 2023 · JUN23 DV253: 2 images.

Xantolis tomentosa (Roxb.) Raf.
Matheran :: Apr 1, 2023 · 9:31 AM IST :: about 800 m (2,625 ft) asl
Many thanks to Radha Veach for validating the ID at iNaturalist


Updated on December 24, 2024

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