Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia

Bangladesh; India; Myanmar as per Catalogue of Life;
honey tree, Indian butter tree, mahua • Assamese: মহুবা mahua • Bengali: মহুয়া mahuya • Gujarati: મહુડો mahudo • Hindi: गिलौंदा gilaunda, गुलू gulu, गुड़ gur, महुआ mahua, वानप्रस्थ vanprasth • Kannada: ಇಪ್ಪೆ ippe • Kashmiri: महोरा mahora, महवा मोवा mahwa-mova • Konkani: मोहवा mohwa • Malayalam: ഇലിപ്പ ilippa • Marathi: म्होंव mhomva, मोह or मोहा moha • Nepalese: मौवा mauwa, महुवा mahuwa • Pali: मधुकम madhukam • Prakrit: महुअं mahuam, महुओ mahuo • Sanskrit: मधूक madhuca, मधूकम् madhucam, मोह moha, वानप्रस्थः vānaprasthh • Tamil: காட்டிருப்பை kattiruppai, இலுப்பை illupei • Telugu: ఇప్ప ippa, మధూకము or మధుకము madhukamu • Urdu: گلوندا gilaunda, gul-chikan, گلو gulu, گڙ gur, مہوا mahua ;
Mohwa is one of the most important of Indian forest trees, not because it may possess valuable timber – and it is hardly ever cut for this purpose – but because of its delicious and nutritive flowers. It is a tree of abundant growth and, to the people of Central India, it provides their most important article of food as the flowers can be stored almost indefinitely.
It is a very useful tree. The flowers fall and they are edible as it is or it can be boiled. It is also used to make the basic fermented liquid to make/distill liquor. tribals love it. Even our large distilleries making tharra were using it as raw material. Now most of them have switched to molasses as they find it much cheaper. Its fruit gives oil, which now I am told after some processing has been made edible for humans. A large shady tree which nobody cuts because of its usefulness.
It is large and deciduous with a thick, grey bark, vertically cracked and wrinkled.
Most of the leaves fall from February to April, and during that time the musky-scented flowers appear. They hang in close bunches of a dozen or so from the end of the gnarled, grey branchlets. Actually the word hanging is incorrect because, when a bunch is inverted, the flower stalks are sufficiently rigid to maintain their position. These stalks are green or pink and furry, about 5 cm. long. The plum-coloured calyx is also furry and divides into four or five lobes; within them lies the globular corolla, thick, juicy and creamy white. Through small eyelet holes at the top, the yellow anthers can be seen. The stamens are very short and adhere to the inner surface of the corolla; the pistil is a long, protruding green tongue. It is at night that the tree blooms and at dawn each short-lived flower falls to the ground.
A couple of months after the flowering period the fruit opens. They are fleshy, green berries, quite large and containing from one to four shiny, brown seeds. (Ref. FLOWERING TREES & SHRUBS IN INDIA – CSIR)
The ratio of breadth to length (Of a leaf) is more in Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia. (Say 50%)
(That’s why it is called as latifolia) Broader leaves

The ratio of breadth to length (Of a leaf) is less in Madhuca longifolia var. longifolia (Say 40%or less)… South Indian Mahua
(That’s why it is called as longifolia) Longer than broader but often overall smaller than the other one.)

Fruitng Tree | Mahwa : Attachments (8). 19 posts by 9 authors.
Hippe {Kannada], Mahua, Mohwa
Bassia latifolia (Syn. Madhuca Indica), Fam. Sapotaceae
Height of the tree 45-50feet, fruit size – 5-7cm,
Habitat: Farm fence, dry lands
Umbalwadi, Hunsur Tq, Mysore district

11 May 2010

I hope this is South India Mahua Madhuca longifolia var. longifolia

I too think the same Sirji, This plant has uploaded many times.

I think Madhuca longifolia var. longifolia leaves are much narrower than that of common Mahua (Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia). With the leaves in the pictures here, and the veins on them, to me it appears to be Common Mahua (Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia). Can’t be too sure though.

It is a very useful tree. The flowers fall and they are edible as it is or it can be boiled. It is also used to make the basic fermented liquid to make/distill liquor. tribals love it. Even our large distilleries making tharra were using it as raw material. Now most of them have switched to molasses as they find it much cheaper. Its fruit gives oil, which now I am told after some processing has been made edible for humans. A large shady tree which nobody cuts because of its usefulness.

Frankly speaking, this plants looks different from typical specimens of both Mahua (M. longifolia var. latifolia) and South Indian Mahua (M. longifolia var. longifolia). Latter is a quite distinct tree (It was lying with me for nearly one year before I knew it was Madhuca). I am uploading both my plants (3) to compare. The above plant be considered for other two South Indian species M. malabarica and m bourdilloni. May be colleagues from S W India can help.

To me your Madhuca-longifolia-var-longifolia picture looks like M. longifolia var. latifolia. My perception is that South Indian Mahua leaves are more mango-like. Leaves in your picture appear to be obovate, which is a Mahua feature. However, I could easily be wrong, with not much experience with these species. I hope some others can throw light on it.

Sir I think … pics are of the common Mahua – Maduca longifolia var latifolia. The prominent venation and broader leaves than that of south Indian Mahua being the distinguishing features.
But Sir, to me your last pic also is indicative of common Mahua only. Inference is based on having seen the south indian Mahua recently with much longer and slender leaves.

See this one. This plant looks very different from var. latifolia, and I got it identified from this forum only.

Sir attaching Pictures for comparison of south Indian Mahua seen at Syntheri rocks on the way to Anashi WLS , karnataka, last week of April, ’10.

Could’nt your plant be M. malabarica. It has lanceolate-oblong leaves. This is what my Brandis Indian Trees tells me. Please consider. I hope it has a new name M. neriifolia.

Sir I have posted Pics of the same tree a few days back and nobody contradicted the ID, so I would request experts to sort this out. Thanks.

I am attaching a picture of, what I believe is, South Indian Mahua, taken at Shanti Van in Delhi. Just for comparison.

My take on this tree – don’t think it is the South Indian Mahua [Mahua longifolia var. longifolia] tree. It could be some other South Indian species [as enumerated by …] or even possibly Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia.

My Mahua [Maduca longifolia var. latifolia] trees are fruiting profusely. Sending a few photographs (8) for comparison.

The fruit oil is also used for burning the lamps. Flowers are dried and used for long time. The fruits are favourate for elephants because of intoxication effect. Please watch Beautiful People movie to enjoy the scene.

It is becoming interesting

Four distinct taxa to be sorted and fixed:
1. Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia (the two photographs uploaded by me above, and photographs of … above)
2. My third photograph which was identified by … as Madhuca longifolia var. longifolia (I have put original mail into circulation again.
4. The plant uploaded by … above as M. longifolia var. longifolia but to me looks different possibly M. malabarica
The members may please upload more photographs of Madhuca to fix atleast four taxa recorded from India.: M. longifolia var. longifolia, M. longifolia var. latifolia, M. malabarica (perhaps correctly M. neriifolia) and M. bourdillonii.

Very interesting discussion! To add my views:
Attaching pictures of Madhuca insignis for comparison. This endemic species is found only in Udupi, Karnataka and is listed by IUCN as ‘presumably extinct’. Its very rare, not cultivated and so no confusion. The leaves are broadly obovate, obtuse (blunt) at apex. Fruits fusiform, smooth i.e. not hairy, with a single seed. Attached our paper on this species for ref.
… pictures are clearly Madhuca latifolia [= M. indica]. Here the fruits are nearly spherical, oblique at apex, hairy, 1-4-seeded; leaves broad. I too think Raghu ji’s pictures belong to this species.
… pictures represent Madhuca longifolia, wherein the leaves are like that of mango i.e. narrowly lanceolate, wavy along margin and pointed at apex, again the fruits are oblong and hairy, 1-4-seeded.
Madhuca neriifolia has narrowly oblanceolate leaves with more or less obtuse apex. The fruits are smooth, fusiform, beaked, always with a single seed.
There is one more species earlier known as Madhuca butyracea (now it is Diploknema butyracea) is occasionally met with in India. Known as ‘Indian Butter tree’ and ‘Phulwara’. Original distribution as per GRIN is : Sikkim, UP, A&N Islands in India and also in Bhutan & Nepal. I collected herbarium from Haldwani, Uttarakhand (planted) but couldn’t take a photo. … picture reminds me this species. I am not sure but. The leaves are broadly elliptic with a pointed apex.
Madhuca bourdilonii is an another endemic species, confined to W.Ghats of KA & KL. Wgbis It is distinct from all the above spp., hence there is not confusion in id. Here the leaves are broadly obovate and densely hairy beneath. Fruits subspherical and smooth, 2-3 seeded.

Thanks … You have clarified many things.
The focus is now my third photograph (and three photographs posted separately also). It is not M. longifolia var. latifolia (suggested by … ) or even M. longifolia var. longifolia (suggested by …). Let us explore M. butyracea further for my plant.

Thank you so much … for the detailed explanation. Thank you also for showing us the beautiful M. Insignis pictures. The difference in the species is very clear now.

Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia

Madhuca longifolia var. longifolia


moha and south moha:
madhuca longifolia v latifolia or moha with wider, thicker leaves which are pink when new. and madhuca longifolia v longifolia or south moha with narrower leaves which are redder when new.

Maduca indica is now called Maduca longifolia var. latifolia

– Madhuca indica is accepted name and M. longifolia var. latifolia is synonym..
The foto above mentioned is of Madhuca indica and M. longifolia (Long leaf)

– My information from all recent floras and two major databases GRIN & Kew Plant List support .. conclusion
Madhuca indica J.F.Gmel. is a synonym of Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia (Roxb.) A.Chev.

Madhuca indica Gmelin in 1791
   Bassia latifolia Roxb. 1795
even if someone will change the rank.. it should go under var. indica not latifolia

– A simple rule of ICBN
Principle of Priority is not applicable at different ranks.
   The said plant is considered as variety of M. longifolia and as such earliest trinomial at varietal level is M. longifolia var. latifolia (Roxb.) A. Chev., 1943. At least no varietal combination under M. longifolia was available up to 1943, based on M. indica Gmelin
    I hope I have been able to present true picture.

Madhuca longifolia (J.Koenig) Macbr. var latifolia (Roxb.) Chevalier (1943)

    Basionym: Bassia latifolia Roxb. (1795)
Other synonyms:
Madhuca latifolia (Roxb.) Macbr. (1918)
Madhuca indica J.F.Gmelin (1791)
Dr. .. is right when he says, “Principle of Priority is not applicable at different ranks”. This goes in accordance with the Chapter II, Section 3, Article 11.2 of Vienna Code, which states, “In no case does a name have priority outside the rank in which it is published”. Even they provide two examples:
Ex. 2. Magnolia virginiana var. foetida L. (1753) when raised to specific rank is called M. grandiflora L. (1759), not M. foetida (L.) Sarg. (1889).
Ex. 3. Lythrum intermedium Ledeb. (1822) when treated as a variety of L. salicaria L. (1753) is called L. salicaria var. glabrum Ledeb. (Fl. Ross. 2: 127. 1843), not L. salicaria var. intermedium (Ledeb.) Koehne (in Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 1: 327. 1881).
    There are some confusions on Kew’s checklist as they show both M. longifolia var. longifolia and M. longifolia but they are accompanied with different synonyms. May be I should write to R. Govaerts about it.

    Thank you .. sir for digging into this simple yes complicated nomenclature. I think we can start our homework on this issue to gather more information to share with members.

– Yes Dr. …,  I had already written to the KEW List on a few matters where things are so clear yet they have written basionym as synonym of one and the combination based on this basionym as unresolved or synonym of some other name. I hope things will get sorted soon.


Flora of Kaiga_ID_Plz_02062011 PJ2:
ID Confirmation plz  “Holigarna grahamii“. The flower of this plant has a
very nice smell & it is edible. In Uttar kannada district, the locals dry this flower & use in food items such as sheera ( kesari baat ), in place of kismis.
Date/Time-: 6/05/11   –    10:00

Location- Place, Altitude – Kaiga , Uttar Kannada ,Karnataka, 380 mtrs
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-   wild
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- tree
Height/Length-18 mtr

Negative. This is a species of Mohua [Madhuca] possibly M.longifolia var. latifolia.

Holigarna grahamii is a member of anacardiaceae. The fruits are here quite different. As .. wrote this is most likely Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia.
See below the link;

Sending you a few photographs of Mohua fruit taken at my farm while on a night-trail last weekend…….and a few more….

Great Experience of night trail

I have the impression that your farm is a wonderland, a paradise.
We can see here just the fotos, but I am sure, not only eyes but ears also enjoy a walk thru you farm at day or nighttime. Wish it grows more and more.

Truly your farm is a natural zoo, we can experience the wilderness,


Flora of Haryana: Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia:
Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia from NDRI Campus Karnal

Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia old name is M. indica of Sapotaceae family (syn. Bassia latifolia, Illipe latifolia, Madhuca latifolia). Lovely pictures. It would be nice if we get flowering twig picture as well in this thread.


Flora of Haryana: Terminalia Belerica from Dayal Singh College karnal:
Nice photographs but they are of Mohua [Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia].

I guess Madhuca indica Gmelin

Madhuca indica Gmelin is now correctly known as *Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia (Roxb.) A. Chev.*), identified by …


Attaching an image of 41st member of the series. Valmiki mentioned this member as MADHKA in Ramayan. Scientifically it is Madhuca indica ( Syn Bassia latifolia ). It is Mohwa in Hindi and Mahua or Maul in Bangla. Sometime in 1968-69 I saw this tree in bloom , for the first time near North Bengal University ( Siliguri ). My stay at Pachmarhi for almost 7 years ( at different times ), gave me oppotunity to understand the versatility of this tree.
I saw only one tree at Cooch Behar. The images are of that tree. Unfortunately the owner has fell that tree.


Bassia latifolia seedling:
Seedling of Bassia latifolia (Ippa in Telugu).
Date/Time- August 2011
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Hyderabad
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Potted seedling
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Tree
Height/Length- 7-8 inches
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- Alternate, oblong

Nice photographs !!!. This is now called Madhuca longifolia var.latifolia. The local name is Mohua. Have also got larger saplings of all the plants you have just sent on my farm. If you would like to see photographs of anyone in particular please let me know and I post them here


Lodha tribe customs: The bride will be married to the mahua tree:
“The Lodha (tribals from West bengal, Orissa, Assam) bridegroom has to get married to a mango tree before he can marry his bride. Similarly a girl has to marry a mahua tree”

During the ceremony, the women sing:
The bride will be married to the mahua tree
The groom will be married to the mango
How happy will the wedding be
The groom’s name on the mango leaf
The bride’s name on the mahua leaf
How happy will the wedding be.
-Mahasveta devi  (Etoa Munda won the battle)

Mohua fruiting:
Have plenty of Mohua [Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia] trees on my property at Shahapur. They are currently fruiting ‘en masse’. Sending a few photographs. Have recently posted photographs of these tree flowering and they are available at this link
My previous photographs of Mohua flowering & fruiting are also available in the archives of this group.

Mohua: Mohua alcohol is distilled from fallen flowers, the oil from Mohua [Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia] seeds. The alcohol featured here was distilled by me, the oil by locals who use it for cooking. The oil is also sometimes available for Rs.70 a bottle.

do you know of a paper or two that did chemical analysis of the oil?

Haven’t the foggiest on both counts.

50% of the seed is oil:
Can it be extrapolated to 2 Kgs of seed for 1 litre? I am not sure.

Thanks …, ever you ever tasted this oil?

not likely , eh? second paper is a pdf, downloadable, read it… mostly not edible in our modern sense it seems… too much smell, and palmitic acids per the abstracts in the first link…

Yes. Can be used as a biodiesel or soap though.



Request Tree ID 108 – lalbagh, bangalore – RA:

This is Mohua [Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia].

The fruit is more round than elongated fruit of madhuca and much smaller.

I couldn’t get a better shot as it was too far

They are young Mohua fruit. Sending one of my photographs for comparison.

Agree with … It does appear to be Madhuca tree.
Incidently I observe horizontal parallel lines on the tree trunk here.
They may not be characteristic of the tree but I have also found similar lines on Moha tree here in Pune.


Madhuca for ID : Nasik : 040612 : AK-2:
Pictures taken on 17/4/10 in Nasik, Maharashtra.
A medium sized tree, found along the roadside.
Flowers and small fruits seen.
Please confirm.

yes this is Mahua

ID required:
Kindly help in identification of the tree species. Taken at Village Ghuman, District Rewa (border of M.P. and U.P.)
Date: 15.12.2011

I think Terminalia sp.
Family: Combretaceae.

The second photograph is of Mohua [Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia]. The third is of Palas [Butea monosperma]. From the silhouette the first tree looks like a Mango tree [ though it could possibly be Mohua [if the second photograph is of its leaves].


Plz id this tree: pa50 – 12dec2012:
Plz id this tree from Yeoor region. I did not see any flowers and fruits at this time.

This is Mohua [Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia].


Tree ID request – RK79 – 3-Jan-2013:
Requesting id of this tree from Tungareshwer. I thought it is Mohua … experts please comment.

Affirmative. This is Mohua [Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia]. Its bark is infested with termites.


Trees of Lalbagh – Bangalore – RA – Madhuca Longifolia var. longifolia – South Indian Mahua Tree:  (8 pictures)

Frankly speaking the picture of the leaves shown here and those in another thread posted by you indicate the opposite ID.
My belief
The ratio of breadth to length (Of a leaf) is more in Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia. (Say 50%)
(That’s why it is called as latifolia) Broader leaves
The ratio of breadth to length (Of a leaf) is less in Madhuca longifolia var. longifolia (Say 40%or less)… South Indian Mahua
(That’s why it is called as longifolia) Longer than broader but often overall smaller than the other one.)
Of course as said earlier the main differentiating key is anthers in series 3 or 2 respectively.

Agree with … This is Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia.

I have named it based on the boards in Lalbagh.
I will double check it again. I was also confused by looking at Pradip Kishen’ book.
I wanted to clarify it.

thanks … for the information

I will rename it.
Wanted to confirm with this


Identify – MS05082013.03 : Attachments (3). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Help identify young tree at Badlapur near Mumbai..

This is Mohua [Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia].


Which madhuca sp is this ?? id please :  Attachments (2). 2 posts by 1 author.
Please id which madhuca sp is this?? i am very confuse have searched on FOI website but still confused

Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia



Tree For ID : Jim Corbett,Uttarakhand : 080614 : AK-20 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2).
Tree seen inside the forest area with tender leaves dark red in color.
Could be Madhuca again or Schleichera oleosa, the Kusum Tree?

Another Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia



Tree For ID : Madhuca Species : Jim Corbett,Uttarakhand : 080614 : AK-19 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3).
Tree seen inside the forest on 19/5/14.
Seems like Madhuca Species. Is this Mahua?
For Species id please.

Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia

Agree with …


Madhuca indica : 2 posts by 2 authors.
madhuca indica bears the fruits in the age of 10 12 years.
Can in get growth info. height and diameter of tree.

Details at Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia may be of help.

Sapotaceae For ID : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 20APR16 : AK-16 : 16/16 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
Madhuca Species seen on 1/4/16.
Name suggests Madhuca latifolia.
For Species validation please.

…, I have seen the two trees at Lalbagh,Bangalore,labelled as Madhuca latifolia and Madhuca longifolia. They are very close to each other separated by a few feet. Are they not…? This one is M. longifolia var latifolia.

…, …, kindly look into this link as well, wherein the subtle difference in the leaf structure is explained.
1. Leaves linear, oblong or lanceolate, pedicel slender-Var. longifolia
2. Leaves broadly elliptic, pedicel stout-Var. latifolia

Thank you … for the id.

These Madhuca Species are getting a bit confusing for me.
I have seen three Madhuca trees in Lalbagh recently.
Unfortunately, saw them on different days since I visited a number of times.
Won’t be able to confirm if two of them were very close to each other.

Thank you for the links.
I have posted all three Trees seen recently on Eflora.


Saw numerous Madhuca trees on the way to Udaipur, RJ from Vadodara, GJ in April 2017.
All were flowering profusely, it was greatly enjoyable to see the view.
I could capture some pics on the way (Modasa, GJ and Tidi, RJ).

Thanks, …, for these detailed images.

Distt Umariya, M.P. India8/4/08; at Tiwai Hill, near Chas-kaman dam- Feb.’09?; on Apte road Pune, Maharashtra- 5th Feb 2009; 15th Feb 2009 on the outskirts of Pune; Sonepat, Haryana, 18 Apr 09; Kokrebellur, Mandya Dist, Karnataka on 15th Feb ’09; at Shahapur- 28/3/10; at Shahapur- April’10; Yeoor forest, Thane;Trees of Delhi- Flowers throughmost of April.
Mohua colours – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Mahua flowering – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Fruiting tree for ID | 18Mar2010AR02 – efloraofindia | Google Groups
ID RQUEST – indiantreepix | Google Groups
… madhuca-like fruits – indiantreepix | Google Groups
April-May 2009 – flowering and fruiting – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Fruit for ID-270610-PKA1 – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Fruitng Tree | Mahwa – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Etymology- Madhuca longifolia – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Madhuka two varieties – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Meet my Madhuca friend who has saved millions of lives – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Madhuca longifolia var.latifolia – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Madhuca – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Plant 13 – indiantreepix | Google Groups
butea superba and monosperma flowers – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Origins of the latin name of Mahua – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia ( Madhuca indica) – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Is this Mahua/Madhuca Longifolia? 06.05.2009 A.T. – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Madhuca longifolia – indiantreepix | Google Groups
ID Please-3 – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Madhuka indica & Madhuka longifolia – indiantreepix | Google Groups

Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia? : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Found this plant near Chennai. June
Any chance of M latifolia?

Yes, …, 

It seems Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia (Roxb.) A.Chev. 

Wild Tree Id from Bangladesh_SM_1424 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Habitat: Hill slope
Location:  Upper Sangu
Picture taken: February, 2019

It seems to be related Madhuca of Sapotaceae

Birds love to forage the tree for feeding, specially Varnal hanging parrot, Leaf bird 

Pl. check species available at

Pl. check with images at Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia

Tree for ID : Zarwani Forest, Gujarat : 13DEC19 : AK-12 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
Tree seen in the Zarwani Forest area.
Was given to understand it is Mahua.

leaf overall shape and venation pattern matches.
with photos identified by … for Wiki/ his own pics
so its seems your informant was correct

Looking at leaves, Madhuca latifolia.


Tree for Id_Dewas: 4 images.

Tree size- appx 50 feet or more
Area- Sendhwa, Madhya Pradesh
Observed -31 St May 2021
Please help in identification.

Baheda. Terminalia Bellerica

It is mohwa, Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia syn. Madhuca indica

Tallies withMadhuca longifolia latifolia (Roxb.A.Chev. as in India biodiversity  at

Proceed with Madhuca longifolia var. atifolia

Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia  then it is.
Observed huge Mahua Trees while traveling in MP.


Tree for ID : Way to Nasik : 10JUL22 : AK – 03: 4 images.
Tree seen in Kasara Ghat on the way to Nasik at the end of May, 2022.
Is this Mahua?
Just a guess.

Maybe Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia
Pl. check.


Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia (Roxb.) A.Chev. :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Apr 13, 2008 · JUN23 DV191: 3 images.

Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia (Roxb.) A.Chev.
Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Apr 13, 2008 · 3:01 PM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl
Many thanks to Radha Veach for validating the ID at iNaturalist


Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia (Roxb.) A.Chev. :: Thane, Maharashtra :: Apr 20, 2008 · JUN23 DV512: 5 images.

Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia (Roxb.) A.Chev.
Thane, Maharashtra :: Apr 20, 2008 · 12:37 PM IST :: about 11 m (36 ft) asl
Many thanks to Radha Veach and Bharat Godambe for validating the ID at iNaturalist


identify this tree species: 3 high res. images.
identify tree

location pantnagar
date 25/4/23

Magnolia grandiflora ??

Pl. check

I think leaves look different as per images at—z/m/magnoliaceae/magnolia/magnolia-grandiflora
Could you close on something?

Pl. try

The leaves in the second photo resemble Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia

Seems to Madhuca indica



Updated on December 24, 2024

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