Camellia kissi

Camellia kissi Wall., Asiat. Res. 13: 429 1820. (Syn: Camellia caduca C.B.Clarke ex Brandis; Camellia euonymifolia (Hu) T. Tuyama; Camellia keina Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don; Camellia lutescens Dyer; Camellia mastersia Griff.; Camellia simplicifolia Griff.; Camellia symplocifolia Griff.Thea bachmaensis Gagnep.; Thea brachystemon Gagnep.; Thea lutescens Pierre; Thea sasangua var. kissi (Wallich) Pierre; Theopsis euonymifolia Hu);    






Camellia kissi Wall. : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (9)

Sharing some pictures I guess is Camellia kissi Wall. shot at Surya Vinayak Bhaktapur Nepal on 11 September 2016 at 4500 ft.
A new entry to the efi??

Nepali Names : चियापाते Chiyaapaate / हिङ्गुवा Hinguwaa  / बन चिया Ban Chiyaa / गुलौरे  Gulajure






SK863 17 NOV-2017:ID : 9 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8)

Location: Nagarkot, Nepal
Altitude:6600 ft.
Date: 12 November 2017 
Camellia kissi Wall.  ???
SK470 01 APR-2017:ID  ??

If styles are 3-fid at apex, definitely it is Camellia kissii Wall., in image with flower, zoom does not work properly to know styles, but looking 3-fid.

What about the fruit looking pink growth. I had posted images from the same plant earlier also. This time I got flower too. I had posted fruits also for the second time in the earlier post whivh exactly look like C. kissi.

May be some abnormal growth like Gall etc.

I guess so but plant as such is C. kissi, is not it ?  

Yes to me also appears close as per images at Camellia kissi





SK879 25 NOV-2017:ID : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)

Location:  Nagarkot, Bhaktapur, Nepal
Date: 31 January 2017
Elevation : 6600 ft.
Camellia kissi Wall. ??

Appears so i.e. Camellia kissi as per images herein. 




SK470 01 APR-2017:ID : 9 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8)

Location: Nagarkot, Nepal 

Date : 31 March 2017

Altitude : 6500 ft.

Any idea about the family ?

Looks like Lauraceae member and leaves are infected, swollen into galls.

Did not find any match !



Location: Nagarkot, Nepal 

Date : 20 June 2017

Altitude : 6500 ft.
Same tree!
Attachments (2)

Plant ID for link below:!topic/indiantreepix/EH8TIdZ1nMw
This should be Camellia kissii Wall.

Yes … It is. I guess these are galls !


Camellia sp. from Lengteng, Mizoram: Please could I get an ID on this Camellia found in the north of Mizoram.
Date/Time: 4-01-2012 / 02:00PM

Location: Lengteng, Mizoram, India
Habitat: Open forest 1800m asl
Plant habit: Large shrub

there are two wild relatives of tea in NE states-Camellia kissi and Camellia caduca and they should be checked if the Mizoram plant is native and wild.- I did collect one in Gangtok near Sichey Bustie on slopes of Teesta which hooker also noticed. Plant genetic resources of sikkim by myself in BOBSI 1994 and some other papers -refer to dcsraju google scholar

That is very helpful and Camella kissi looks very similar to the Camellia I found on the mountain. The Camellia I found was growing in various places in virgin forest and I believe it is part of a natural population.

Kew have C. caduca down as a synonym of C. kissi. … and I found much slimmer leaved apparently wild plants on two mountains in E. Manipur.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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