Request for ID Lantana ?? : Attachments (4). 5 posts by 3 authors. Request for ID Lantana camera ? Photo taken in May 2012 at Hyderabad Yes, Lantana camara only.. This plant is Lantana camara ‘Hortemburg’ Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight :: Verbenaceae ::Lantana camara :: SMPMAY35/35 : 1 post by 1 author. 3 images. Lantana camara Pune/ Nagpur Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight :: Verbenaceae :: Lantana camara :: Sagar Upvan :: ARKMAY-60/60 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2) Attached are pictures of Lantana camara captured at Sagar Upvan in December 2014.
Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight :: Verbenaceae :: Lantana camara :: Almora :: ARKMAY-58/58 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2) Attached are pictures of Lantana camara captured at Almora in November 2012. Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight: Verbenaceae Lanatana indica from Delhi–GSMAY152/155 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Lantana indica Roxb., Fl. ind. ed. 1832, 3:89. 1832 syn: L. alba auct. (non Mill.); L. collina Decne. Erect shrub with crenate-serrate rugose leaves and white flowers with yellow tube. local name: Ghaneri Photographed from Ridge in Delhi why indica. what’s the history? was it always in india there is even a gujarati name for it…Maravo crushed leaves and flowers smell like (vaguely) of small green mangoes when they are still not totally sour, when they are still astringent. Trekking in suarashtra my dad had shown that to us I think this is Lantana camara subsp. aculeata and not Lantana indica as per keys at eFlora of Pakistan Appears similar to white coloured form as at Lucid Central. You can see the bracts in the last image though not clear in the posted low resolution image. I think you are right …, here is enlarged portion of third image, from original image But not aculeata at all, may be white flowered cultivar. Was it not wild ? Not sure, Ridge is a protected area, several cultivated shrubs and tree, many wild. . Lamiaceae & Verbenaceae Week: Lamiaceae, Lanatana indica from Delhi: Lantana indica Roxb., Fl. ind. ed. 1832, 3:89. 1832 syn: L. alba auct. (non Mill.); L. collina Decne. Erect shrub with crenate-serrate rugose leaves and white flowers with yellow tube. local name: Ghaneri Photographed from Ridge in Delhi Any way I never new that their is /are sps in Lantana and one is indica. I use to call all of them as camara. How many sps are there in Lantana. By mistake I deleted the photos of Lantana camara send by you thinking it is common/known why enlarge and see? Can you repost it? the leaves of these both plants smell same, Do they differ in shape? Dont remember/not noticed? The flowers do differ in the shape and that tubular structure. Second question if indica sps is of Indian origin why do we blame in general the Lantana as it has come from outside and is opportunistic and is spreading as weed? Or is the blame only for camara? one more posting of purple flower had come. Is that the third variety? In Marathi do we call all of them Ghaneri which is the name mentioned here? the name Ghaneri I remember now, it is because of the smell isn’t it? But I also remember when we used to walk up to Parvati-temple in Pune we used to pluck the small flowers and such the nectar. I think it was Ghaneri. There were shrubs in plenty near ???????? ?????. In a mail few days back I had mentioned this smell of Ghaneri. I always wonder why such nice smelling leaf should be given that name? (For nonmarathi meaning is bad smelling.) The second point you might be sucking the necture of Ixora (red one) and eating black small berries of Ghaneri???? please NOBODY SHOULD BE EATING LANTANA>>>>> SUCKING NECTAR FROM LANTANA IS OUT OF QUESTION….. Berries and leaves are poisonous for livestock, children and even some (frail, old more so ) adults… effects are like Atropine poisoning… please no romantizing this plant.. esp since it looks sooooo nice… and berries very attractive to children, keep them away, pluck off the flower heads as soon as the flowers start falling off, before berries develop… I remember from my childhood, that we were doing that, but don’t remember exactly if it was Ghaneri flower. As … and myself share some old memories i asked her, if what i remember is correct. I was many times tempted here to try the flower, did not do though. I don’t know which flower it was, that we liked so much when i was small. The places I wrote about have changed a lot, perhaps someone from Pune may remember how the Ganapati-temple looked like many years ago. Anyway, i am not going to try sucking the Lantana flower. Today I received a reply to my Hemerocallis fulva upload, that flower buds and flowers are cooked as a tasty vegetable. The golden needles as they are called are commonly used in Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Korean and Vietnamese cooking. I think this is Lantana camara subsp. aculeata and not Lantana indica as per keys at eFlora of Pakistan Appears similar to white coloured form of Lantana camara as at Lucid Central. You can see the bracts in the last image though not clear in the posted low resolution image. Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight :: Verbenaceae ::Lantana indica :: SMPMAY36/36 : 1 post by 1 author. 3 images. Lantana indica I think this is Lantana camara subsp. aculeata and not Lantana indica as per keys at eFlora of Pakistan Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight :: Verbenaceae :: Lantana (red/yellow) :: cultivated :: DVMAY105/105 : Nice pics …, this shrub have turned out to be a big nuisance, creating troubles for native flora !! Yes …, The last picture shows the chaotic spread once it settles on escape. Lantana species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net) Please check if these help – Thanks n regards lamiaceae & verbenaceae week: Wandelröschen Lantana from Blindengarten in Bremen: Fotos taken in Garden for Blinds in Bremen on 1. June 2011 But don’t know the exact ID. The photographs are of Lantana camara, a common tropical invasive, but also a very pretty garden plant much loved by butterflies. First image may be something like Lantana camara ‘New Gold’ as per Lucid Central efloraofindia:”Id 25092011MR4’’ Lantana Pune: Sharing pictures of Lantana in a private garden at Pune I think Lantana camara var. aculeata yes… … seeds of these lantana came a bit earlier, but in large quantities with the congress grass seeds and the ergot… so as” gifts ‘ when we as a country were poor in managing our own resources and poor in management of imports… it displaces native flora.. and has been classified as a noxious weed by many countries around the world… but there is an NGO in the southern states that is teaching some tribals to make furniture from its woods… in april or may this year there was some write up about it here in eflora/indiatreepix. if you choose to research… and if you do.. please post the url for the thread here in your thread… so even I can re-read it… I think it was written by a lady journalist… cant remember her name though… 02 Sep 2009 There should be no confusion between L. cama & L. camara. I could not find any difference between my L. indica and … L. involucrata. Both have white flowers Here is the key from eFlora of Pakistan Lantana indica +Bracts linear. Inflorescence umbellate. Flowers usually scarlet, yellow or mixed coloured L. camara
Flower ID Request 13-8-2011 (Place: IIT Bombay): I clicked a pic of these flowers today in IIT Bombay. Please let me know what flowers these could be. I do not know what the two clusters of pink flowers seen in the pics are from the same plant or another. I have attached three crops of the image and the following information is available: Place: IIT Bombay, Mumbai, MH Approx Alt: Near Sea Level Habitat: Cultivated – potted plant Height: About two feet Lantana camara of Verbenaceae family (most of the varieties of Lantana camara are now synonymised, according to the plant list)
Might be Lantana veronicifolia For me it looks like L.camara variety. Nevertheless please check all the plant parts and compare with website as this is an ornamental Lantana. I am referring to white Lantana. May be correct : ! I agree with … Lantana veronicifolia Hayek is wild and also looks different from the posted images. |
Lantana or Lantana camara hybrids (Cultivated)
Updated on December 24, 2024