Verbena × hybrida (Cultivated)

Verbena × hybrida Groenland & Rümpler in Vilmorin, Vilm. Ill. Blumengärtn.: 1263 (1873). (syn:Glandularia × hybrida (Groenland & Rümpler) G.L.Nesom & Pruski);
garden verbena;
Alabama; Colombia; Cuba; Czechoslovakia; Honduras; Panam; Trinidad-Tobago;
as per Catalogue of life;



Lamiaceae & Verbenaceae Week: Verbenaceae, Vebena hybrida from Delhi: Verbena hybrida, the common garden Verbena in a variety of colours.
Photographed from Delhi.






”For Id 18122011MR2’’ herb with orange and red flowers Pune: Kindly Id this herb at a road side nursery at Pune

Dec 2011
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- orange and white
Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- no fruits

This is a Verbena cultivar from a group often referred to as Verbena x hybrida and appears to be the result of crosses between V. peruviana and V. pholgiflora or V. platensis . They occur in many flower colour forms from red to orange and pink through yellow to white and a range of mauve and purples. Some cultivar have a pleasant floral scent.

In the UK the common name of members of the genus is Vervain. Many have medicinal properties.

Yes, I had pink verbena growing for a few summers, annuals, died in fall with chill in the air

What struck me most was the big white eye of the flower and kept searching for a similar looking flower before you identified it. Many thanks. On looking up now I think it looks similar to

botanical name: verbena x hybrida ‘obsession™ crimson with eye’
common name: garden verbena

I make a kind request to you to validate the same

I think there are several cultivars with this red flower and white centre. The illustration you found certainly seems a good match but I can not guarantee that is the cultivar you have. Some differences are
in more subtle characters such as speed to flower, scent of flower and so forth.

















Hooghly Today : Verbena hybrida ? : 6 images. 4 posts by 3 authors.

This is 15 cm ornamental, found in a front yard. Not sure (i) if this is a Verbena and (ii) Verbena hybrida & Verbena x hybrida are same or different taxa.

Glandularia hybrida, Verbena hybrida from me.

I had posted earlier from Kodaikanal.

Thank you …, found your post.

But, not sure if Glandularia hybrida and Verbena hybrida are synonym :-
Verbena hybrida, the common garden Verbena in a variety of colours. Photographed from Delhi.



This is my concluding post of this Fortnight.

wow. you worked hard and showed us a remarkable mix of A: botanical garden: well studied plants
B: from nurseries from USA : often labelled and well studied, some need correction though sometimes, but with large chains, they are tissue culture based so chances of mistaken identity are less….

C: roadside plants in USA and India: you had to study them and D: from your trips /trekking

which again you studied them yourself and ided them

C and D really represent the wild or naturalized … that’s where the real data lies…

I loved it

saw some great photographs and learned a few new things






Verbena hybrida from the gardens in Mumbai


very common

all flower shows show thousands of these plants in myriad colors

many many cultivars and now adays hybrids … nice pictures






Lamiaceae (Incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight: Verbena hybrida from Panipat- NS May 98/98 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)

Verbena hybrida from Panipat…right?

hybdrid verbena

depends on the flowers longevity in the garden and colors offered

ut you know that

its in your own book

By the way I did get the book. the publisher was very helpful and sent it right away and gave account details where to deposit the money.. good book for quick reference


Lamiaceae (including Verbenaceae) Fortnight : Verbenaceae : Verbena hybrida : Kodaikanal : 18MAY15 : AK-35 : 35/37 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

Cultivated, garden plant.

Seen at a resort in Kodaikanal.
SK1090 19 APR-2018 : 10 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)- around 1 Mb each.
Location:  Godawari, Nepal  
Date: 18 April 2018
Altitude: 5000 ft.
Habit: Cultivated

Verbena hybrida

Thank you …! Glandularia hybrida (Groenland & Rümpler) G.L.Nesom & Pruski

Verbena hybrida Groenl. & Rumpler is also an accepted name




Request ID: (mixed thread): 2 correct images as above.
Small herb with beautiful red flowers.

–  I also think this is Verbena sps.

Seen at the Friends of Trees Exhibition in Mumbai.

Verbena canadensis Homestead Purple ??

That is the only cultivated species we have in efloraofindia so far and mentioned in records of Flora of India.

Thanks …, I just wanted to verify since you were sorting Verbena Species.

Looks same.,Kenya-IMG_1095-002.JPG?part=0.1&view=1&vt=ANaJVrGw1GmuDRXtBdD7vuWk0VgJyUeuqhAZ5blv-WAU0WtOSZR4_tDdU0Jr0rktujtC7K9L3oWbwUSEp9yxBOCiwWsDuUYl8wl9Ww_loPySUp_xDaOSPBY&google_abuse=GOOGLE_ABUSE_EXEMPTION%3DID%3D8f9b2514a1fc5bbb:TM%3D1605767977:C%3Dr:IP%3D45.64.236.43-:S%3DAPGng0vHp48gkti2yAMiJpXFkdULTtb78A%3B+path%3D/,+19-Nov-2020+09:39:37+GMT,Kenya-IMG_1096.JPG?part=0.2&view=1&vt=ANaJVrG5PEAZN-fjA7DHisSrZWjvFN5BGTawvELkJTzicLcxOtydlBrjUGpdbuxP2vG0rjgKDB0lHZtA4Eiv3eOtOrbH-Dd4DIyNXauIG0sGD0M1Gvh-478

Verbena for ID : Naivasha, Kenya : 21OCT20 : AK-36 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)

Since you are sorting Verbena Species, I am adding a few which I missed earlier.
Cultivated, garden plant seen at Naivasha.

Verbena canadensis Homestead Purple ?

Pl. check Verbena × hybrida

Thanks … Looks close.

Some colorful Verbena plants seen at the Flower Show in Mumbai.

Guess these would be Verbena x hybrida as well.

A few more Verbena plants seen at Shalimar Gardens, Srinagar.

These should be Verbena x hybrida as well.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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