Anaphalis contorta (D.Don) Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 3 284 1881. (Syn: Anaphalis hondae Kitam.; Antennaria contorta D.Don; Gnaphalium contortum (D.Don) Spreng.; Anaphalis falconeri C.B.Clarke; Antennaria tenella DC.; Gnaphalium contortum (D.Don) Buch.-Ham.; Gnaphalium simplicicaule Wall. [Illegitimate]; Gnaphalium tenellum Wall. [Illegitimate]); . . commonly known as: eared-leaf pearly everlasting, twisted anaphalis • Nepali: बुकि फुल buki phool. . Native to: s China, Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Kashmir, Nepal . Asteraceae Fortnight Part 1-Radiate Heads: Anaphalis sp. 02052013GS2 for ID from Chakrata-GS17 : Attachments (4). 4 posts by 2 authors. Another species of Anaphalis from Chakrata with 1-veined leaves, sessile-amplexicaul at base, softly wooly beneath with strongly revolute margins. Pl. help in ID It seems to me Anaphalis busua After perusing the keys & detailed descriptions at the following, I feel it more closer to A. contorta: Another Anaphalis? ABAUG2016/67 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Thanks, … Following three appears quite close from comparative images at Anaphalis: Anaphalis royleana DC. May be experts can help. Anaphalis busua After perusing the keys & detailed descriptions at the following, I feel it more closer to A. contorta as originally suggested by …: Anaphalis contorta? ABAUG2016/54 : 4 posts by 2 authors. 5 images. The other Anaphalis species here. On my previous walks I had been seeing unopened buds with reddish tinge (last photo from 31 July). This one is difficult for me but I think it more likely to be A. contorta. Please advise. Anaphalis contorta—Twisted Pearly Everlasting? Mcleodganj-Triund trek, HP 2400m and above 21 August 2016 I think matches with images at Anaphalis contorta Does not match with images of Anaphalis contorta at After perusing the keys & detailed descriptions at the following, I feel it more closer to A. contorta as originally suggested by you: Anaphalis royleana (tentative) ABSEP2017/09 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (16) This is perhaps the most common at higher altitudes here forming tufts between boulders. The overall appearance is grey-green with woolly leaves and stems. The difference between the two surfaces of the leaves is not marked. Flowers, which have narrow pointed white bracts, are larger in size and fewer in numbers than the A. contorta (tentative). The plants are not very tall most reaching about 30cm in height. I am attaching at the end four comparative images with the other Anaphalis (A. contorta?) too. Flora of Pakistan maintains three varieties of the species (var. cana, var. royleana and var. concolor) but Flora of China does not. The species is variable in the width of leaves and that confuses me. Again following the same principle of convergence of characteristics mentioned in different sources, our plants come close to A. royleana. Please advise. Anaphalis royleana (?) Above Triund, Dharamshala, HP 3100m approx. 03 and 16 September 2017 Superb presentation and details. I also think matches with images at After perusing the keys & detailed descriptions at the following, I feel it more closer to A. contorta: Anaphalis contorta (tentative!) ABSEP2017/08 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (9) Even though I come close to a positive ID of this and the other Anaphalis sp. here, I am not very confident that I am being entirely successful. I follow Flowers of the Himalaya, Flora Simlensis, eFlora of China (and Pakistan), Flora of Chamba, Flora of Kullu, FOI website and of course our group site to see where all characteristics converge (and the most excellent Tibetan Medicinal Plants wherever applicable). I find following images alone is deceptive and often leads to more confusion. There is not enough to go by and the IDs are only provisional till experts comment on these. I am hoping that we come closer to an agreement on some of the Anaphalis species here. Please bear with me if my conclusions/approach is not entirely correct. I will be grateful for advice. My reasons for this tentative identification: 1. The leaves are dark green above and woolly white below and hence have good contrast between the two surfaces as indicated by several of the above mentioned sources. 2. The narrow leaves have in-rolled margins and auricles at the bases. They are partly decumbent too as mentioned in the above sources. 3. Tibetan Medicinal Plants mentions that the involucral bracts in this species are covered by the woolly indumentum, I am not entirely sure but please look at the photos and advise. 4. Flower clusters are compact with each head measuring about 4mm. Flowers of the Himalaya mentions the clusters to be 1.5cm across while our plants have broader clusters (about 4cm) 5. Bracts shiny white, blunt, broad, obtuse, erect in flower. Lower bracts often pale violet. And I am not sure what other Anaphalis could this be. No other set of characteristics point to this. Anaphalis contorta? Mcleodganj-Triund trek, Dharamshala, HP 2100-3200m approx. 03 and 16 September 2017 Superb presentation and analysis. Thanks, …Are the first three images from another plant? Yes, …, the first three are from a different plant but I do think that it belongs to the same species. Do you think it is different? Thanks, …, I initially had some doubts, but they may be same. After perusing the keys & detailed descriptions at the following, I feel it more closer to A. contorta: pretty confusing…why not A. busua Thanks, … Pl. check keys & other aspects as per Anaphalis busua (Buch.-Ham.) DC. (provisionally accepted name) ??? : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (13) Location: Pashupati , Nepal Altitude: 4500 ft. Date: 16 October 2016 Anaphalis busua (Buch.-Ham.) DC. (provisionally accepted name)??? Nepali Names: बुकी फूल Buki Phool / सेतो एक्ले घाँस Seto Ekle Ghaas Common name: Tall Pearly Everlasting • Nepali: बुकी फूल Buki phool After perusing the keys & detailed descriptions at the following, I feel it more closer to A. contorta:
One more photo 080809 Sinthan Pass 4 – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) Anaphalis busua, but needs confirmation Identified as Anaphalis margaritacea as per thread A critical relook at leaf bases, and after having seen and studied specimens from Manali, I believe this and the earlier photos belonged to Anaphalis busua. After perusing the keys & detailed descriptions at the following, I feel it more closer to A. contorta: Identify this flower – efloraofindia | Google Groups : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) How abt Anaphalis sp. It is Anaphalis, but can’t fix species at this time, heads are larger than species I know. It is Anaphalis busua You may be right. I also had that in mind, having collected in Manali, but was apprehensive because of larger heads. After perusing the keys & detailed descriptions at the following, I feel it more closer to A. contorta: I think you are right Asteraceae Fortnight Part I-Radiate Heads: Anaphalis for id from VOF – NS 70 : Attachments (9). 2 posts by 1 author. Probably here has been a mix up from Anaphalis contorta (7) onwards..sorry for mix up.. I somehow have the feeling that it may be Anaphalis busua (Buch.-Ham.) DC. Pl. check with pictures & other threads herein. After perusing the keys & detailed descriptions at the following, I feel it more closer to A. contorta: I think last picture may be from a different plant & may be of Anaphalis royleana DC. VOF Week: Gnaphalium for id from the valley: Gnaphalium is an important plant for homeopaths to use for sciatica and restless leg syn … but which is this one? looks like Gnaphalium contorta I somehow have the feeling that it may be Anaphalis busua (Buch.-Ham.) DC. Pl. check with pictures & other threads herein. After perusing the keys & detailed descriptions at the following, I feel it more closer to A. contorta:
Asteraceae Fortnight Part I-Radiate Heads: Anaphalis 7 for id from VOF- NS 99 : Attachments (3). 4 posts by 2 authors. Keys at Anaphalis It looks me like Anaphalis contorta. I somehow have the feeling that it may be Anaphalis busua (Buch.-Ham.) DC. Pl. check with pictures & other threads herein. After perusing the keys & detailed descriptions at the following, I feel it more closer to A. contorta:
ID Pls : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)- 2 MB. Beautiful flowers. Is it succulent? could be but the leaves at least the upper ones are so…ooo wrnkled that they look almost skinny like the rosemary leaves. do you have another pic of leaves? Does not seem to match with images of Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum (≡) Helichrysum luteoalbum (L.) Rchb.; It is probably Anaphalis contorta. However, as there is no scale……..plant material is needed for confirmation. Always, insist everyone to examine the plant under microscope! Flora of Uttarakhand- Herb29 for Id- JM : 10 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3) Can this be Leontopodium jacotianum or stracheyi? I would go with G. brachyactis Gandoger. In both G. jacotiana (Fl. Pak) and G. stracheyi (link below) colour and indumentum of cauline leaves is different from involucre leaves. I think you meant L. instead of G. Yes …, L. and not G. Sorry for typo error Thanks, … Illustration & details of Leontopodium alpinum sensu Hook.f. syn. of Leontopodium brachyactis Gandoger : Wikimedia commons image Fwd: SK1575 17 Nov 2018 : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (7) – around 600 kb each. Location: Nagarkot, Nepal Date: 27 October 2018 Elevation: 7000 ft. Habit : Wild Anaphalis contorta Hook.f. ?? To me also appear close to images at–-l/ar/asteraceae/asteroideae/gnaphalieae/anaphalis/anaphalis-contorta Asteraceae for ID :: Ghangaria – Hemkund, Uttarakhand :: Aug 2018 :: ARKOCT-09 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) Saw another from the Asteraceae family along the Ghangaria Hemkund trail, Uttarakhand in Aug 2018. Requested to please ID. Pl. check Could not find a match as per comparative images at Gnaphalieae Gamochaeta sp. ?? Looks different from images at Gamochaeta Gnaphalium polycaulon ?? Looks different from Gnaphalium polycaulon Possibly young stage of Anaphalis contorta.
Asteraceae Fortnight Part I-Radiate Heads: Anaphalis 2 for id from Chakrata- NS 94 : Attachments (4). 3 posts by 2 authors. This Anaphalis sp. was again shot from Chakrata region…hope to get the id.. Asteraceae Fortnight Part 1-Radiate Heads: Anaphalis sp. 02052013GS1 for ID from Chakrata-GS16 : Attachments (3). 3 posts by 2 authors. Anaphalis contorta (D.Don) Hook.f. ?? Anaphalis sp (U7) —- en-route Vasundhara falls: Anaphalis margaritacea (L.) Benth. & Hook.f. ?? I think it appears close to Anaphalis contorta as per images and details herein.
Kalatope id al270811a: Location Kalatope, Chamba Altitude 2500 mts Habit herb Habitat wild Plant height 12 inches Heads have still to open but looking at the reddish tinge of heads I guess Anaphalis contorta Does not match with images of Anaphalis contorta at FOI Can it be Anaphalis griffithii Hook.f. as per Nhm But I find no distribution in Himachal as per BSI Flora of India & Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal But I find no distribution in Himachal as per BSI Flora of India & Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal Anyone has idea about A. himachalensis, how does it look like? I think it appears close to images at Anaphalis contorta (D.Don) Hook.f. May be correct but I feel different ! . Asteraceae Week (Part I – Radiate heads) ::Anaphalis sp-1?? en-route Vasundhara falls :: PKA39:: : Attachments (4). 3 posts by 2 authors. Keys available at Anaphalis (provided by …) Request for species confirmation of Anaphalis: 1 high resolution image. Anaphalis subdecurrens Gamble ! Not Anaphalis subdecurrens as per images and details herein. I think it should be Anaphalis contorta as per images and details herein and as per keys in Flora of Pakistan. Kailas-Manasarovar Route::Anaphalis brevifolia NSJ-SEP 16/01 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Anaphalis brevifolia for validation. Captured during Kailas Manasarovar Yatra last month near Gunji camp. Height approx 11000 feet. Kindly Validate Do you have images of leaves which are required for Id ? Hearty Congratulations … for completing “Kailash-Mansarovar Yatra”. I understand, its a tough trek… Did you go via Lipulek Pass?? Thanks for sharing beautiful flora of this region… It is not. No distribution there ! More like to be Anaphalis contorta (D.Don) Hook.f. as per images and details herein. ID request SP8102015 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Flowers of Uttarakand. Not clicked by me. … some species of Anaphalis. I think Anaphalis contorta (D.Don) Hook.f. is possible as per images and details herein. . SK 2983 23 September 2021: 2 very high res. images. Yes, appears to be Anaphalis contorta (D.Don) Hook.f. . SK 3064 21 October 2021: 7 very high res. images. I think Anaphalis contorta (D.Don) Hook.f. as per comparative images at Anaphalis . SK 3065 21 October 2021: 6 very high res. images. I think Anaphalis contorta (D.Don) Hook.f. as per comparative images at Anaphalis I feel leaves look too broad to be A. contorta. I do not think so. Pl. check all our observations. . SK 3139 15 November 2021: 6 very high res. images. I think it is close to images at Anaphalis contorta (D.Don) Hook.f. . One more Anaphalis for ID from Chakrata-GS17122021-3: 5 high res. images. Anaphalis contorta (D.Don) Hook.fil.?? Yes, I also think it is close to Anaphalis contorta (D.Don) Hook.f. as per comparative images at Anaphalis . Anaphalis for ID from Chakrata-GS17122021-1: 5 high res. images. I think it is close to Anaphalis contorta (D.Don) Hook.f. as per comparative images at Anaphalis . Another Anaphalis for ID from Chakrata-GS17122021-2: 4 high res. images. Anaphalis busua (Buch.-Ham.) Hand.-Mazz. ??? I think it is close to Anaphalis contorta (D.Don) Hook.f. as per comparative images at Anaphalis . Location: Jumla, West Nepal Altitude: 3000m. Date: 24 August 2021 Habit : Wild Anaphalis. ID ? I think it is close to Anaphalis contorta (D.Don) Hook.f. as per comparative images at Anaphalis Leaves look broader ! Yes Anaphalis contorta looks good. . Anaphalis contorta from Kashmir-GS21062022-1: 7 high res. images. . Plant ID from Uttarkashi: 1 image. Date: 19 August 2023 Location: Dayara range, Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand Altitude: 3500 meters asl Plant habit/habitat: Wild herb This appears close to images at
. References: |
Anaphalis contorta
Updated on December 24, 2024