Anemonastrum obtusilobum subsp. obtusilobum (syn: Anemone discolor Royle; Anemone govaniana Wall. (ambiguous synonym); Anemone micrantha Klotzsch (ambiguous synonym); Anemone mollis Wall.; Anemone neelamiana R. A. Qureshi & M. N. Chaudhri; Anemone obtusiloba D. Don; Anemone obtusiloba var. angustilimba W. T. Wang; Anemone obtusiloba var. leiophylla (W. T. Wang) Ziman, Ehrend. & Bulakh; Anemone obtusiloba subsp. leiophylla W. T. Wang; Anemone obtusiloba var. leiovaria J. Q. Fu; Anemone obtusiloba subsp. micrantha (Klotzsch) Ulbr.; Anemone obtusiloba var. polysepala W. T. Wang; Anemonidium obtusilobum (D. Don) Christenh. & Byng; Pulsatilloides obtusiloba (D. Don) V. N. Starod.);
China (SW-Sichuan), Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Tibet, Mongolia, Afghanistan (Kunar / Nuristan), Jammu & Kashmir (Poonch, Kashmir), Pakistan (Chitral, Swat), Pakistani Kashmir (Astor, Deosai, Baltistan, Hazara, Azad Kashmir), Bhutan, Nepal, Myanmar [Burma] (Chin, Sagaing), Sikkim, India (Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh) as per Catalogue of Life;
uh-NEM-oh-nee — wind
ob-too-sih-LOH-ba — having blunt lobes
Blue Buttercup, Himalayan Thimbleweed Hindi: रतनजोत ratanjot   Lepcha: jarlyoung reep • Nepali: रतनजोत ratanjot • Tamang: rikabe;
Native to: Himalayas (2000 – 3400 m)
Perennial herb of temperate and alpine climates with basal rosette of leaves and white to blue flowers on a long scape, an involucre of 3-fid leaves present below and far removed from solitary or rarely 2-3 flowers. 

Ranunculaceae week :: Anemone obtusiloba- PKA4:
Bot. name: Anemone obtusiloba
Date/Time: 27-09-2010 / 12:45PM
Location: On the way to Hampta Pass near Balu ka Gera (Altitude approx: 11000 ft)
Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit: Herb

Ranunculaceae Week: Anemone obtusiloba from Kashmir:
Anemone obtusiloba D.Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 149 1825. syn: Anemone discolor Royle; Anemone multisepala Qureshi & Chaudhri; Anemone neelamiana Qureshi & Chaudhri
Perennial herb of temperate and alpine climates with basal rosette of leaves and white to blue flowers on a long scape, an involucre of 3-fid leaves present below and far removed from solitary or rarely 2-3 flowers.
Photographed from Khillenmarg meadow in Kashmir in June, 2010

Anemone obtusiloba D.Don
uh-NEM-oh-nee — wind
ob-too-sih-LOH-ba — having blunt lobes
commonly known as: Himalayan thimbleweed • Lepcha: jarlyoung reep • Nepali: रतनजोत ratanjot • Tamang: rikabe
Native to: Himalayas (2000 – 3400 m)
Viewed:  02 JUN 08 … between Marhi and Rohtang La, Himachal Pradesh
[image: Jarlyoung Reep (in Lepcha)] <…>
[image: Ratanjot (Nepalese: रतनजोत)] <…>
[image: Anemone obtusiloba] <…>
[image: Himalayan thimbleweed] <…>


Anemone obtusilobai from Gulmarg:
Anemone obtusiloba from Gulmarg hills. pl validate

Yes …

Another Pangi id al031011a:
Another flower for today from ….

Location Pangi Valley Himachal
Altitude 3000 mts
Habit herb
Habitat wild
Plant height 12 inches

Plant with basal leaves except for the mid stem leaves (is it called cauline)

For ID 161011NS2:
please help me identify this flower. I have provided 2 different coloured flowers here because they seem to look similar, hence I feel they may be the same family.
Date/Time- Oct 2011 LocationHimachal Pradesh, Kullu and Spiti valleys, 10,000 to 12,000ft altitude
Habitat- Wild, rocky area

Flora of Chakrata: Anemone obtusiloba from Budher caves Road:
Anemone obtusiloba from Budher caves Road
it was different from other Anemone (A vitifolia) in being a small herb flower with very short stalk
pls validate

I think we should go with Anemone obtusiloba only
Perhaps larger because of lower altitude.


Plant for ID from Paddar valley J&K. 291111 SRANA 01:
Request for Identification

Kindly Identify this Ranunculacceae plant
Date: 14th June 2011
Location: Paddar valley district Kishtwar J&K.
Altitude: About 3600 meters asl
Plant habit/habitat: Wild herb
Plant height: 25-30 cms



For ID 191011NS1:
please help me identify this flower.
Date/Time- Oct 2011
Location- Himachal Pradesh, Kullu and Spiti valleys, 10,000 to 12,000ft altitude
Habitat- Wild, rocky area

Perhaps anemone rivularis

I think yes, this is Anemone rivularis

Anemone rivularis

After seeing the plant uploaded by … from Padar Valley, which is more likely Anemone revularis, we may have to revise the identification of above plant. It could be Anemone obtusiloba after all.
efi thread

for ID:
This plant very much resembles Fragaria vesca, but I’m not sure whether flowers can be purple for F. vesca.
Can anyone help?

Fragaria and Anemone obtusiloba are mixed up, flowers belong to Anemone.

Anemone obtusiloba D.Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 149 1825.
syn: Anemone discolor Royle; Anemone multisepala Qureshi & Chaudhri; Anemone neelamiana Qureshi & Chaudhri
Perennial herb of temperate and alpine climates with basal rosette of leaves and white to blue flowers on a long scape, an involucre of 3-fid leaves present below and far removed from solitary or rarely 2-3 flowers.
Photographed from Khillenmarg meadow in Kashmir in June, 2010. 


Bot. name: Anemone obtusiloba
Date/Time: 27-09-2010 / 12:45PM
Location: On the way to Hampta Pass near Balu ka Gera (Altitude approx: 11000 ft)
Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit: Herb



Ranunculaceae Fortnight:: Anemone obtusiloba, Gulmarg : NSJ-Jan-02 : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)
Sharing photos of Anemone obtusiloba, from Gulmarg, Kashmir. Jun 2011

The plant uploaded seems to be Anemone obtusiloba

One of the common Anemone sp in Western Himalaya. Flowers may be white or lilac as here. Abundant in heavily grazed areas. 

Anemone obtusiloba D.Don
at Rohtang La on 02 JUN 08

Very good upload

Anemone species for ID ABSEP2016/40 : 3 posts by 2 authors. 10 images.
This is from my trek to Triund in May. At that time I had assumed it to be Anemone rivularis, but I am not so sure now. Both blue and white version, which are likely the same species were growing next to each other. Please advise.
Mcleodganj-Triund, HP 2600m and above 30 May 2016

At least lower images compel me to conclude A. obtusiloba. Colour of flowers, proximity of bracteal leaves, flowers appearing single, colour shades all point to A. obtusiloba. A. rivularis would have very long peduncle with several subtended by an involucre.

Thank you … Would you say that both flowers are the same species A. obtusiloba?

… is correct that this is not Anemone rivularis. He is more familiar with A.obtusiloba than I am but would like to add that this is a very variable species. Dr Stewart commented that it was the commonest Anemone in the outer ranges of the Himalaya in Kashmir & N.Pakistan. He recognised var. potentilloides known as the ‘Sulphur Anemone’, with as the name suggests, rich yellow flowers. This is usually found at higher altitudes than the white or bluish forms (lots of intermediaries) up to over 4200m.  I have seen it many times in Kashmir; it is also found near top of Rohtang and towards other passes in Kulu Valley.

Anemone obtusiloba?– en-route Guntarao – GHNP – PKA50 :  6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5)
Seen this beautiful herb en-route Guntarao camp site at GHNP at an altitude of approx. 3500m.
Bot. name: Anemone obtusiloba ?
Family: Ranunculaceae
Date/Time: 28-09-2014 / 08:30AM

efi page on Anemone obtusiloba 

Anemone rivularis as A. obtusiloba has bluish tinge in outer sides of corolla lobes or underside and at high altitudes the flowers are either yellowish -bluish on underside.

Thanks … for correcting the ID and also for sharing your observations.

I think yes, not A. obtusiloba.

Sorry, this does not match Anemone rivularis. Unfortunately, all 5 images are similar with the underside of the flowers not shown nor the lower leaves.
However, I think that the original suggestion of Anemone obtusiloba probably was correct.


Ranunculaceae Fortnight:: Anemone obtusiloba from Chakrata for validation:: NS 2015 Jan-01 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)
Please provide id inputs for this herb photographed from Chakrata in the monsoon season..
Is this Anemone obtusiloba ?

It should be Anemone rivularis

Sorry, this is not Anemone rivularis but seems to be Anemone obtusiloba as originally suggested.

Anemone obtusiloba D.Don : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8)- around 700 kb each.
Location: Sandakphu, India
Date: 13 May 2018
Altitude: 12g000 ft.
Habit : Wild
Or subspecies ??

Attachments (9)- around 800 kb each.

Herb for ID, Kugti, Himachal Pradesh NAW-OCT17-03 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Kindly identify this herb with yellow flowers photographed on the trail to Kugti Pass, Chamba district, Himachal Pradesh, at the altitude of about 4200 metres in June 2017

Some Anemone species. Closer to A. rupicola.
Anemone in eFI.

I am not sure with the images at Anemone rupicola
think posts at this page needs to be further sorted out.

Valley, Uttaranchal 26/07/2008; JUN 09 Spiti valley H.P.; Khillenmarg, Kashmir on 19 June 2010; 

between 1800-2000 mtrs in HP- Aug’09?; Request for ID – indiantreepix | Google Groups


Request For HP flora ID : 9 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (2)
This particular plant was seen at a height of 2100 mtrs at a place called Triund. The flowers were abt 2 cms across and the plant was abt 1foot in height. Please help in identifying it.

Clematis montana?

Clematis has much longer stamens, opposite leaves and very long pedicels. I think this to be some species of Anemone.

This sud be Anemone !!

This plant was not a climber hence it most probably isnt Clematis

These images present difficulties identification-wise. They are inadequate. PLEASE on future occasions, take MANY MORE images including both
upper and lower surfaces of flowers, upper & lower foliage (both upper and lower surfaces), habitat and habit.
I find it hard to speculate which species it belongs to.   I am in agreement it does not fit with Clematis and does appear to be an Anemone.   Could be a straggly Anemone rivularis or an elongated version of another species but even IF I was more confident, I cannot see that these images represent a useful reference – just add to the confusion which exists already.
Cannot justify devoting any more time on these images.

I think it is closer to Anemonastrum tetrasepalum (Royle) Holub (syn: Anemone tetrasepala Royle) as per details and references herein and as per keys in Flora of Pakistan & FOP illustration

There are two closely related species in our area: Anemonastrum tetrasepalum (Royle) Holub (syn: Anemone tetrasepala Royle) (Distribution given in J&K only in our area) and Anemone elongata. Keys between them is given below from Flora of China:
35 (34) Leaf blade 3-lobed, leathery; sepals 4, 12–20 × 6–12 mm, glabrous, with vein anastomoses; achene body 8–12 mm 33 A. tetrasepala
+ Leaf blade 3-parted, herbaceous; sepals 5, varying in size, puberulent or glabrous, without vein anastomoses; achene body smaller. (36)
36 (35) Sepals 12–20 × 6–12 mm, base cuneate, apex rounded; achene body 6–9 mm, wing 1.2–1.3 mm wide, style 1–1.5 mm 34 A. elongata
+ Sepals 7–10 × 4–6 mm, base rounded, apex acute; achene body 5–6 mm, wing 0.5–0.6 mm wide, style 0.6–1 mm 35 A. shikokiana
Keys point out towards this plant being Anemone elongata. I further checked with GBIF & description in Flora of China and as per high resolution specimens as below:
In view I think the posted plant should be of Anemone elongata.
High resolution specimens of Anemonastrum tetrasepalum (Royle) Holub (syn: Anemone tetrasepala Royle) look different in GBIF

I know Triund well (elevation is around 2800m) and have found only one Anemone there—Anemone obtusilobum, both white and blue varieties. The plants start appearing a little below Triund and are found above Triund till about 3400m.

I don’t see where the discrepancy lies. Please elaborate.

Thanks, …, You have made me think again.
Ultimately crux lies, if this plant is small or long. To me it appeared like a long one.
And for Anemonastrum elongatum (D. Don) Holub at
GBIF (with type specimen) Flora of China  Plant illustrations
Pl. have a look and give your views.

But … mentions that the plant was about one foot tall. Flora of China gives 40-80cm tall scape for Anemone elongata. Moreover, it says that cyme is compound with 7-15 flowers.

In that case you are right on your id.

Given the scant photo evidence, this is the best we can do. If I did not know the area well, I wouldn’t even have offered a guess about its identity.
We can say it’s ‘most likely’ A. obtusiloba, considering its habitat.


There are two enties.

New name : Anemonastrum obtusilobum subsp. obtusilobum ??

Yes, this is the same species, but since the flower colors are very different, yellow and blue, I had put two entries. Initially I was not able to identify the blue one, although the Yellow-White one was already on the site.

OK. What about the name ??  CoL and the efi has this name.

Yes you are right
Anemonastrum obtusilobum subsp. obtusilobum


SK 3249 21 December 2021: 3 very high res. image.

Location: Jumla, West Nepal
Altitude: 3000m.
Date: 24 August 2021 
Habit : Wild
Anemonastrum obtusilobum subsp. obtusilobum D. Don ??

Yes, appears close to images at Anemonastrum obtusilobum subsp. obtusilobum


Anemonastrum obtusilobum?? near Dev Karya at Uttarakhand-PKA4: 5 images.

Seen this herb enroute Dev Kyara trek.
could this be Anemonastrum obtusilobum?? (Family: Ranunculaceae).

Anemonastrum obtusilobum subsp. obtusilobum 


Anemonastrum obtusilobum (D.Don) Mosyakin: 8 high res. images.

Location: Dhorpatan, Baglung, Nepal 
Date: 31 May 2023
Elevation: 2900 m.
Habit : Wild
Anemonastrum obtusilobum subsp. obtusilobum ???

Yes, as per images at

So it is Anemonastrum obtusilobum subsp. obtusilobum !


Anemone rivularis Buch.-Ham. ex DC.: 5 very high res. images.

Location: Dhorpatan, Baglung, Nepal 
Date: 31May 2023
Elevation: 2900 m.

Habit : Wild

You may be right




  1. chakori prasad

    This website is sooooo useful. Thank you so much for valuable information. God bless.