Bridelia stipularis

Bridelia stipularis (L.) Blume, Bijdr. 597 1826 (syn. Bridelia dasycalyx Kurz; Bridelia dasycalyx var. aridicola Kurz; Bridelia montana Woodrow ex J.J.Sm.; Bridelia scandens (Roxb.) Willd.; Bridelia stipularis var. ciliata Gehrm.; Bridelia stipularis subsp. philippinensis Jabl.; Bridelia zollingeri Miq.; Clutia scandens Roxb.; Clutia stipularis L.);
Tropical & Subtropical Asia: Andaman Is., Assam, Bangladesh, Borneo, Cambodia, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Hainan, India, Jawa, Lesser Sunda Is., Malaya, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sumatera, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, West Himalaya as per POWO;
Common name: Climbing Bridelia • Bengali: Harinhara • Kannada: ಅಕ್ಷತೆಬಳ್ಳಿ akshathe balli, ಬಿಸಿಲಬಳ್ಳಿ bisila balli • Malayalam: chalaru, kain • Marathi: phatarpodi, ran-phatarphad • Sanskrit: ghonta • Telugu: chiri aannem, chiriannem, dankibura • Mizo: Hrui-phaktel
Bridelia stipularis is mostly a large woody shrub, scandent and the fruits are oblong where as Bridelia retusa is a small to moderate size tree and the fruits here are globose. Similarly Bridelia squamosa is also a small or moderate size tree, usually with long conical thornes on the trunk. 


Plant for ID SMP1 25/1/2011:
Again from the plateau near Ambolgad
A hardy shrub. 3 ft tall
Leaves coriaceous rough.
Flowers tiny less than a cm axillary. Green

–  It was a scandent shrub with multiple stems as rightly said by … There were many shrubs in the area. Somehow I don’t remember the Marathi name which the local person told me.

– I was not aware of Bridelia shrub. I had earlier seen B.retusa as a tree. Thanks .. for valuable input.
The plant in the picture does appear to be Bridelia scandens from Euphorbiaceae
Checked its Marathi name as ‘Chikni’ or ‘Patharphoda’ ; Could recollect the local person calling it as Chikna.
Don’t know why Patharphoda? It was growing amongst rocks of the Konkan plateau….Sada. Roots breaking the Patthars? May be … will highlight on it?

– in Jharkhand Pathalphodwa is for Bryophyllum calycinum, they say its used against kidney stones, thats why they call it Pathalphodwa. May be this plant is used for similar purpose there. BTW, Saxifraga literally means stone fragmenter too!!

–  I had posted Bridelia scandens from Anashi WLS  last May. You may please refer the database. Infact … will remember the same we had seen at the Anshi ! However I just referred to Dr. Almeida’s flora which gives the current name as Bridelia stipularis (L.) Blume synonyms being B. scandens(Roxb.), Cluytia scandens Roxb., B. Montana sensu Woodrow and Clusia stipularis L. The common is mentioned as Patharpoda
The common name of Chiknee is given for Bridelia hamiltoniana in the flora. B. hamiltoniana is also a stragggling nearly glabrous shrub. 


Euphorbiaceae week :: Phyllanthaceae: Bridelia scandens:
A hardy shrub. 3 ft tall
Leaves coriaceous rough.
Flowers tiny less than a cm axillary. Green.
Seen in Konkan Near Rajapur.


–  The current accepted name for this plant is Bridelia stipularis (L.) Blume as per the  Kew PLant List.   There
are several Synonyms of the plant one of them being Bridelia scandens (Roxb.) Willd. Attaching type specimens of the same from Kew Harbarium and my own pictures take at  Anashi /Kulgi WL in April 2010.

[EfloraIndia_261212PD05_Bridelia stipularis_Flora of Odisha]:
please find the images of Bridelia stipularis taken from Ranpur

Name: Bridelia stipularis
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Place of collection: Ranpur, Nayagarh, Odisha
Habit: Scandent evergreen shrub
Habitat: Moist deciduous forests
Altitude: 700 m above msl

Have seen Bridelia retusa and Bridelia squamosa earlier. This is new for me. not searched for details………… something must be special about stipules …or just the presence of it may be the reason for the species name. … can you find and elaborate?

Bridelia stipularis is mostly a large woody shrub, scandent and the fruits are oblong where as Bridelia retusa is a small to moderate size tree and the fruits here are globose. Similarly Bridelia squamosa is also a small or moderate size tree, usually with long conical thornes on the trunk. Not to mention the other morphological variations among the three species.


Climber for ID: 14012013: RV 2:
Saw this large climber, fruiting, without any thorns……in an area called Rameshwar near Pali, Maharashtra….
please help to ID this climber.

This could be Bridelia scandens.

Since this is a large climber, it is Bridelia stipularis (L.) Blume.

Yes, it is B. scandens without doubt.

However, Bridelia scandens is a synonym of B. stipularis

yeah it is Bridelia scandens from me too 🙂

Euphorbiaceae fortnight :: Phyllanthaceae :: Bridelia stipularis at Amboli :: DV13 : 4 images. 5 posts by 3 authors.

Bridelia stipularis (L.) Blume … Phyllanthaceae, Euphorbiaceae s. l.
… popular synonym: Bridelia scandens (Roxb.) Willd.
at Yana Rocks on 15 DEC 12
at Amboli on 27 DEC 11



EUPHORBIACEAE FORTNIGHT :: Bridelia stipularis :: Near Rajapur Konkan :: SMP 4 : 3 posts. 2 posts by 2 authors.
Observed this Bridelia shrub. Hopefully this is Bridelia stipularis

Bridelia stipularis.

Unknown shrub from Assam -Jan 2014 :  5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4).
Attached images are unknown shrub. Please ID the Plant sp.. 
Date :30.12.2013
Location: Assam
Family : ??
Genus & species : ??
Habitat: Grows wild on hilly area
Habit : Straggling shrub 

Bridelia sp.

Yes, Bridelia tomentosa once again.

Bridelia stipularis….I hope.

Today I examined the photos once again after downloading. I got confused with the immature fruits. In fact the straggling habit and the large calyx as compared to other species point to Bridelia stipularis and I feel it is the right identification.


Requesting to please ID this tree/climber captured near Devgad, Maharashtra in May 2014.
Is this Breynia retusa? The shape of leaves appeared smaller and a bit different than what I have seen in Mumbai.

This could be Bridelia scandens (Roxb.) Willd. 

Yes this is Bridelia stipularis (L.) Blume.

Thanks … for the ID…..
I thought it looked like Bridelia retusa (though by mistake I mentioned Breynia retusa above), bit the leaves looked definitely smaller.

From the inflorescence pattern, it seems to be Bridelia retusa

Clicked some more pics of the same tree. Attaching them for arriving at the correct ID. Attachments (11)

I am confused about the actual date of the present post.

The straggling or scandent habit together with oblong fruits and successively smaller leaves on a branchlet point to:
Bridelia stipularis (L.) Blume, Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. 597. 1826.
Clutia stipularis L., Mant. Pl. 127. 1776.
Bridelia scandens (Roxb.) Willd., Sp. Pl. ed. 4, 4: 979. 1806.

Thanks for the ID.
The initial post was dated May 2014 when the pics were clicked at my native place. Thereafter I visited the same place in March 2016 and clicked pics of the same plant which I uploaded today. So there I two sets of pics, the initial one dated May 2014 and the later one dated March 2016.
I was confused as to the actual ID and hence uploaded the second set. Should I conclude that the subject plant is Bridelia stipularis?

I think so

Finally taking these as Bridelia stipularis only as per discussion in another thread.

The second set of images are certainly of Bridelia stipularis (the photographs clearly showing climbing habit) but in the first set it is mentioned in the title: “tree/climber”.  If the photographer is not sure of the stature of the plant, how can we identify from the images?

Thanks, …  I think in the first set images appears to be also of a climber and leaves also appear to be of decreasing size on a branch.
… can further confirm these features.

Both the plants are the same, though clicked 2 years apart.

Uploading further pics of the same plant (Bridelia stipularis) showing young fruits – (just to complete the set).
These were clicked in December 2020 (the earlier pics were clicked in May 2014 and April 2016)
3 high resolution images.


at Sagargad, AlibagNov.’09?; at Anashi WLS, Karnataka last week of April, ’10; at Kanakeshwar, Alibag14/10/10;

ID151109phk 1 – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Bridelia scandens – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Bridellia scandens Willd. – efloraofindia | Google Groups

Plant Id from Bangladesh_SM_1453 : 8 posts by 5 authors.
Location: Sangu Matamuri Wildlife Sanctuary, Bandarban
Picture taken: February, 2019

Bridelia sp. Phyllanthaceae.

Bridelia retusa ??

To me looks different from images at Bridelia retusa

Perhaps Bridelia stipularis.

May be Bridelia stipularis as per details and images herein, as suggested by …

MS Oct, 2019/04 Bridelia sp. for ID : Attachments (2)
Location : Aizawl, Mizoram
Date : 24-10-2019
Habit : Shrub or small tree ?
Habitat : Wild

Could be B.stipularis,

I also think Bridelia stipularis.

Flora of Chakrata 2012: Leguminous shrub for Id: 9 images.
This hardy shrub….., with simple, alternate, prominently veined leaves having silvery lower surface, the pods nearly cylindrical, smooth and glabrous…. …was shot from Budher caves road, near Chakrata on May 16, 2012. Flowers were not around, hope to get the identity resolved…. Simple alternate leaves suggest this to be any Crotalaria… or may be I am totally confused..this is not a legume at please..

This could be Bridelia scandens.

The new name is Bridelia stipularis [syn. B scandens].

The fruits of B. stipularis are globose to round. Here it is not.

According to Dr. Almeida’s ‘Flora of Maharashtra’, Vol. 4 – B, pg.295, the drupes of B.stipularis are “ellipsoid-oblong”. The same is corroborated by Yadav & Sardesai in their ‘Flora of Kholapur District”. Please check.

Kindly visit the link

Thanks … for resurfacing;  this remains a mystery shrub for me till date….

I think this is a Crotalaria.

… If we stick to Family Fabaceae, then, by any chance, is this a sp. of MaughaniaFlemingia  ?

It looks like Bridelia and only 4sp. B. retusa, tomemtosa , verrucosa and stipularis seems
listed in Uttarakhand according to POWO but drupes do not look like matching !

Bridelia stipularis



100619AB2 ID : 17 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1)

Identification, please. Providing a high resolution picture so that one can zoom in to see the details of the leaves and leafing pattern.
Date/Time- November 4, 2017; 09:09 hrs
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Eastern Melghat; 21°17.483′ N, 77°22.530′ E
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Wild
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb-  Shrub
Height/Length- 4’ Height

Bridelia stipularis (L.) Blume

Seems to be B. montana.

efi site pages on Bridelia stipularis and Bridelia montana

Yes it is Bridelia montana (Roxb.) Willd.

I think more closer to images at Bridelia stipularis rather than those at Bridelia montana
But not sure of the id.

There is no doubt in Bridelia montana, Dumb sure it’s not Stipularis.
I also collected both plant specimens.

As per picture I think collected from the deciduous forest, open scrub jungles,
B. stupularis habit is moist deciduous and especially water flowing areas (streams).

I think Bridelia stipularis is correct identification.

I have doubt in this, please, am earlier identified like this, is it correct or wrong. 
Kindly request to you, please.
3 images.

First three B. montana another three B. stipularis. this is my identification.

The single image which was posted is not at all clear.
All the present images are certainly of Bridelia montana.

You are right about the habitat. Collected from dry deciduous forests degraded to open scrub ones. Not moist deciduous, and not close to a water stream.


Phyllanthaceae: Bridelia stipularis Blume: 1 image.
synonym: Bridelia scandens (Roxb.) Willd.
location/date: University of Agricultural Sciences campus, Bangalore, July 1997


Phyllanthaceae: Bridelia stipularis: 2 high res. images.
Fruits of Bridelia stipularis collected from Visakhapatnam district of Andhra pradesh, Northern eastern ghats



Updated on December 24, 2024

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