Clematis gouriana ?;
. Ranunculaceae Fortnight:: .clematis gouriana at Hadsar : PKA-Jan-24: : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Photographed this climber at Hadsar fort, Maharashtra. Local marathi name: Morwel
Bot. name:
Its a climber, found mostly on the top of trees like cactus.
seen at high elevations in hills. The BSI Flora says flowers less than 1.5cm for C.gouriana.
I am not sure how far that is true??
As regards other character; one has to look whether connectives prolonged beyond anther lobes then it may be C. hedysarifolia in which the flowers also are 1.5 to 2.5 cm across that is wider than C.gouriana efi page on Clematis gouriana & Clematis hedysarifolia C. gouriana has four sepals, which look like petals – real petals are absent. As such, It cannot be !
. Ranunculaceae Fortnight:: from:: NS 2015 Jan-17 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)
This Clematis was recorded from Gori Valley..
is this Clematis gouriana ? ..please suggest Thanks, …, But GRIN does not give any distribution of Clematis vitalba in India. Clematis vitalba has got no distribution in India.
Does not look like C. gouriana. What would be the elevation of them sp.?
. Flower for Id -ID09082017SH1 : 13 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Flower for Id pl. Is it Wrightia religiosa.?
Location – Near Guhagar (Konkan, Maharashtra) Date – 01.08.2017 I think it is some Clematis.
Thanks …. Can it be Clemantis terniflora ? I am not sure at all … it looks like an ornamental … may be Clematis flammula. We will have to wait for comments. Ok … Thanks, …, for the id.
To me also appears close to images at Clematis flammula
Also check for Clematis gouriana . I have C.flammula in my home garden.
Agree with … good possibility of Clematis gouriana.
But on another thought it looked C.heynei (रानजाई) to me ? It is very difficult to distinguish certain species among Clematis as there are minute differences in floral / vegetative characters. Hence, you need to check the characters carefully and it is possible only by you, as you have the access to examine the specimen the plant you have photographed.
Photographs are often deceptive . Hence, professiona taxonomists always suggest examination of the specimen physically. Clematis smilacifolia Wall. Looks different from images at Clematis smilacifolia But the flowers of Clematis smilacifolia look quite different. This matches with Clematis sp. I think. Yes looks different! . ID request: this plant was photographed day before yesterday in Bandhavgarh National Park. Need help in ID
Plant – Vine flowering.
Habitat – Sal Forest
Place Bandhavgarh Ntl Park.
Date 31st March 2012. … could it be some species of Clematis ? I thought of Clematis gouriana. yes Agree with … …Leaves pinnately compound Stamens glabrous – C.gouriana
Stamens hairy – C.roylei
Leaves simple or 1-3 foliolate
then C. smilacifolia or C.triloba
Ref. Flora of Madhya Pradesh by BSI. It writes about occurrence of C.triloba (with white flowers) in Shahdol where Bandhavgarh is situated. Clematis brachiata is the correct name for Clematis triloba now.
The link says that it is under review and confidence level is only two stars. Not sure whether we can accept it at this level or have to wait. Please guide.
C.brachiata and C.triloba are two different species if you compare it through available literature. The basis difference according to Prodromus plantarum Capensium: is the leaf. Pinnate with 5 leaflets in brachiata and pinnate with three leaves in triloba – WHEN it was originally described. I got a chance to photograph the leaf pattern of this creeper today.
Hope this may help in ID of this creeper. May be Clematis flammula as per details and keys herein. .