Embelia tsjeriam-cottam (Roem. & Schult.) A.DC., Trans. Linn. Soc. London 17: 131 1834. (syn. Ardisia basaal Roem. & Schult.; Ardisia tsjeriam-cottam Roem. & Schult; Dauceria acuta Dennst.; Dauceria obtusa Dennst.; Embelia acuta (Dennst.) Alston; Embelia basaal A. DC.; Embelia ferruginea Wall. ex A.DC.; Embelia obtusa (Dennst.) Alston; Embelia picta (Buch.-Ham. ex Wall.) A. DC.; Embelia reticulata Wall.; Embelia robusta Roxb.; Embelia villosa Wall.; Pattara acuta Raf.; Pattara basal Raf.; Ribesiodes robustum (Roxb.) Kuntze; Samara picta Buch.-Ham. ex Wall.; Samara robusta Benth. & Hook.f. ex Kurz) as per Catalogue of Life;
India, Darjeeling, Myanmar [Burma] (Yangon, Bago, Chin, Mandalay), Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan (Pakistani Punjab), Pakistani Kashmir (Mirpur), Jammu & Kashmir (Jammu), Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Bangladesh as per Catalogue of Life;
Common name: Malabar Embelia • Hindi: Babrang, Baibrang, Bayabirang, Bhingi, Baya Birang • Kannada: Amti, Joladhanna, Vaivaling, Kanthree vilanga, Choladhanna, Maraharive • Malayalam: Basaal, Cheriyannattam, Tsjeriam-cottam • Marathi: Ambati, Ambuti, Kokla, Waiwarung • Sanskrit: Bidanga, Krimighnam, Vellah, Vidanga • Tamil: Vaivilangam
Hindi– Babrang, Bhingi; Kannada– Vaivaling; Malayalam–  Vila I; Marathi– Ambati, Kokla; Sanskrit– Bidanga, Vidanga; Tamil– Vaivilangam, Kakkandankai;
E. ribes is a large climber/ Liana with rough bark because of lenticels and the leaves are small with lots of glands;

Deciduous shrubs; young stem densely brown pubescent. Leaves 3-7 x 2-4 cm, elliptic-obovate, attenuate at base, margin serrulate, caudate acumiante at apex, glabrous, venation prominent below; petiole to 1 cm long. Racemes axillary, 2.5-4 cm long, appear along with leaves. Peduncle brown pubescent. Pedicel c. 2 mm long. Calyx lobes triangular, c. 1 mm long. Corolla yellow with a thick callous at base inside; lobes 1.5-2 mm long, punctate. Anthers with red gland at the back. Ovary globose; stigma truncate. Fruits 3-4 mm across, subglobose, red tipped by the style.  

Flowering and fruiting: February-March
Moist deciduous forests, also in the plains
India and Myanmar


140711 RV 1: Attachments (3 + 7). 9 posts by 8 authors.
I saw this woody climber flowering in Sudhagadh district, about 100 km from Mumbai in wild. Please help to identify this climber.

This looks like some Embelia sp.? (Family: Myrsinaceae).

This is Wavding [Embelia basaal]. Will send my photographs of this later.

The nomenclature of this group is confusing, to me at least!

However, the posted plant is Embelia tsjeriam-cottam.
E. basaal (now E. aurantiaca) has subfleshy leaves that taste sour. Fruits are edible.

Embelia tsjarjum-cottam is a synonym of Embelia basaal according to Dr.Almeida’s “Flora of Maharashtra” Vol 3.
Embelia basaal is the currently accepted terminology. Sending my photographs of Wavding taken in my forest at Shahapur in July last year.
My previous photographs of this are also available in the archives of this group

WAVDING is an important ayurvedic herb… its listed in ayurvedic herb books as Embelica ribes….
and not this…. e. basaal… any ayurvedic medicine plant expert among us?

The correct identity of commercial ‘Vauding’ used in Ayurvedic preparation Embelia basaal (R. & S.) A. DC., which also has following synonyms

Ardisia basaal Roem. & Schult., Syst. 4:617-8,1819.

Embelia robusta Roxb., Fl. Ind. 1:587, 1832.

Embelia acutipetalum (Lamk. ex Hassk.) Almeida & Almeida in Journ. Bombay. Nat. hist. Soc. 81: 741, 1984 (1985).

Embelia acuta Alston in Trimen, Hands. Fl. Ceylon 6: Suppl. 177, 1931. 

The identity and nomenclature of this species is much confused in the past literature due to following two main reasons:

  1. The plant used under the name ‘Vauding’ or ‘Vidanga’ (Embelia ribes Burm. f.) is of doubtful identity of which presently used name has lot of technical mistakes which require careful corrections in light of ‘Rules of International Code of Botanical Nomenclature’. Its medicinal properties are not proven beyond doubt. Actually the plant used in Maharashtra is altogether different species, than the plant used under that name.
  2. Actual plant in medicine and used in commercial use in Maharashtra has confusions in its correct name.

The earlier common name for ‘Vauding’ in Maharashtra is ‘Basaal’ published by Drakestein van Rheede in Fifth volume of ‘Hortus Malabaricus’ (1685) which has made line-drawings of more than 800 species from Malabar Coast, presently called the West Coast of India or Coast of Konkan. In those days East Coast of India was called Coast of Coromandel and West Coast as Coast of Malabar.

            ‘Basaal’ of van Rheede for the first time, was named under Linnaean binomial system of Nomenclature and under Sexual system of classification included in class Pentandria monogyna by Roemer and Schulters (1819) as Ardisia basaal Roem. & Schulters, based on presence of 5 stamens and one chambered cells of the ovaries in the flowers. 

Presently genus Ardisia O. Swartz is placed in Robert Brown’s family Myrsinaceae. As per Bentham & Hooker’s, Natural system of classification our species falls under same family Myrsinaceae, but it differs in Generic concept of Ardisia O. Sw. and has been shifted to genus Embelia Burm. f. (nom. cons.).

Some authors, like Wight (1852), Cooke (1903), Santapau (1967), Malhotra & Moorthy (1971), Bole & Almeida (1984), Nicolson et al (1988), Ugemuge (1986) had confused ‘Vauding’ with Embelia tsjarium-cottam, an Euphorbiaceous species based on another drawings in Rheede’s ‘Hortus Malabaricus’ (Tsjarium-cottam, Hortus Malabaricus 5: 21-4, t-11, 1685), which goes under the name of Antidesma ghasembilla in our Indian Floras for which correct name is Antidesma pubescens Roxb. 

The correct identity of Ayurvedic  ‘Vidanga’  Embelia ribes N. Burman

The plant in the picture is not Vidanga/Vizhalari. Please refer the links below.
My photographs taken while working on the reproductive ecology of E ribes in Kudremukh national parks are saved in disks that kept in my native hence I am unable to upload now. E. ribes is a large climber/ Liana with rough bark because of lenticels and the leaves are small with lots of glands.
The plant in the picture is Embelia tsjeriam-cottam as .. suggested (I think Embelia basaal put under unresolved (ref: http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl/search?q=embelia) species category. I haven’t got any other valid information other than … provided to think the id as Embelia basaal. But still I doubt whether these 2 are synonyms or 2 different species.

Posting for id : Attachments (3). 12 posts by 8 authors.
Id plz this flower clicked on 7/7/2013 at Murbad forest Area in deep forest 

Check for Embelia tsjeriam-cottam…??

Yes, it is Embelia tsjeriam-cottamSynonyms is Embelia basal

Wawding in Marathi !!
Fruits are small, reddish in colour, edible !! medicinally imp plant !!

Thanks for sharing some very good photographs of an important plant.
This seems to be uncommon.

Genus Embelia comes in family Primulaceae.

I think this is Embelia tsjeriam-cottam, too. Previously it was placed in Myrsinaceae. It is a Red Listed medicinal plant.
But it should not be confused with E. basaal which is a different species (with fleshy leaves and edible red fruits), now correctly (?) known as E. aurantiaca which sometimes synonymized under E. drupacea.

Thanks to all it was clicked during night time was not able to take full tree photo because of don’t have powerful flash. 

Thanks, …, Embelia drupacea & Embelia basal seems different as per references given thereunder.
Pl. clarify if you think otherwise. 

The nomenclature of this group may be confusing. I believe that some of the posts labeled as Embelia basaal in this page are probably of E. tsjeriam-cottam, if I am right. Any botanical name here without the author citation might cause confusion.
Few authors consider Embelia basaal auct. non Roem. & Schult. and E. tsjeriam-cottam (Roem. & Schult.) DC. as one and the same. However, Wadhwa & Sumithraarachchi (in Revised Handbook to the Flora of Ceylon-vol 13) have tried to clear the confusion by making a new combination for the first species as Embelia aurantiaca (Wall.) Wadhwa. They have also provided a detailed note on the nomenclature issue of this complex. But, for some (unpublished?) reason, this name is now listed as synonym of Embelia drupacea (Dennst.) M.R.Almeida & S.M.Almeida and this name has still not been recognized by GRIN.
We should probably need to revisit Embelia in our records.

Thanks, … There are five threads there- if you point out particular threads out of these, I can put them for Id again.

Request for ID (160409PKA) :  Attachments (2). 11 posts by 8 authors.
Came across this small tree on top of “Tirangi Ghat” near Murbad, Maharashtra during the month of July. The leaves were variable, some were seen to be rounded at apex and some were pointed at apex. Kindly help me in identifying this…

It looks like Embelia ribes locally called Wanding.

Embelia ribes [Wavding] is a climbing shrub. Sending you a few photographs taken at my farm at Shahapur in July 2008.

Hey … is partly right, It is Embelia but definitely not ribes. I will have to check but it could belong to E.tsjeram-cottam

Embelia ribes is very rare. Commonly seen species is Embelia basal which is the one in photo.

Thanks … It is Embelia basal.

I would request people to give a little more thought to this.
According to my references,
1. E. basaal has flowers in racemes (not panicles), which are supposed to be 3 times shorter than the leaves
2. E. robusta too has flowers in racemes much shorter than the leaf
3. E. ribes has flowers in much-branched panicles, which are longer than the leaves. Also, the panicles are at the end of branches.
In … first picture, I can clearly see a branched panicle.
In … pictures, flower clusters appear to be much smaller than the leaves, and many of them are not at the end of branches.
For lack of further evidence, I would tend to think that … plant could be E. ribes. A scandent shrub can sometimes look like a small tree.

Embelia tsjeriam-cottam

Yes, agree with …,  For me too it’s Embelia tsjeriam-cottam !!

New food plant of the Atlas Moth : Attachments (7). 5 posts by 4 authors.
Thought this might be interesting. In July 2006 discovered Atlas Moth caterpillars on my property on Embelia basaal [Wavding]  – a new food plant. They later pupated on a neighbouring Carvanda [Carissa congesta] bush. Sending a few photogrpahs.

Excellent Shot.  I think it is the largest moth in the world.  Am I right?

Affirmitive …

I have very limited knowledge is butterflies, moths and birds but what I can comment is “excellent ” photography and lovely creation of nature.

A reply in another thread;

“The nomenclature of this group may be confusing. I believe that some of the posts labeled as Embelia basaal in this page are probably of E. tsjeriam-cottam, if I am right. Any botanical name here without the author citation might cause confusion.
Few authors consider Embelia basaal auct. non Roem. & Schult. and E. tsjeriam-cottam (Roem. & Schult.) DC. as one and the same. However, Wadhwa & Sumithraarachchi (in Revised Handbook to the Flora of Ceylon-vol 13) have tried to clear the confusion by making a new combination for the first species as Embelia aurantiaca (Wall.) Wadhwa. They have also provided a detailed note on the nomenclature issue of this complex. But, for some (unpublished?) reason, this name is now listed as synonym of Embelia drupacea (Dennst.) M.R.Almeida & S.M.Almeida and this name has still not been recognized by GRIN.
We should probably need to revisit Embelia in our records.

Please also check these links


05SEP09 scandent shrub at TWLS : Attachments (3). 2 posts by 2 authors.
… a scandent shrub … ID please.
Place: Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary
Date: 05 SEP 09

They are the fruit of Embelia basaal locally called Wavding.

A reply in another thread;
“The nomenclature of this group may be confusing. I believe that some of the posts labelled as Embelia basaal
in this page are probably of E. tsjeriam-cottam, if I am right. Any botanical name here without the author citation might cause confusion.
Few authors consider Embelia basaal auct. non Roem. & Schult. and E. tsjeriam-cottam (Roem. & Schult.) DC. as one and the same. However, Wadhwa & Sumithraarachchi (in Revised Handbook to the Flora of Ceylon-vol 13) have tried to clear the confusion by making a new combination for the first species as Embelia aurantiaca (Wall.) Wadhwa. They have also provided a detailed note on the nomenclature issue of this complex. But, for some (unpublished?) reason, this name is now listed as synonym of Embelia drupacea (Dennst.) M.R.Almeida & S.M.Almeida and this name has still not been recognized by GRIN.
We should probably need to revisit Embelia in our records
Efi page on Embelia drupacea & Embelia tsjeriam-cottam

Plumbaginaceae and Primulaceae (inc. Myrsinaceae) Fortnight: Embelia tsjeriam-cottam A.DC SN June01 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3).
Embelia tsjeriam-cottam A.DC, Myrsinaceae shrub seeds commercial substitute for Embelia ribes (baibidang). frequently available in western Ghats


One more set of pics of Embelia tsjeriam-cottam..
Family: Myrsinaceae
Location: Malvan


Thanks …, This is Embelia tsjeriam-cottam from Dehradun, Uttarakhand,

Came across this small tree on top of “Tirangi Ghat” near Murbad, Maharashtra.
Bot. name: Embelia tsjeriam-cottam
Family: Myrsinaceae

I have yet to see this.


Plant for ID ; 140714 : RV 1 : 9 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (3).
I would like to know, is this gregarious shrub/climber, Embelia basaal, saw today (14.7.14) at SGNP, Mumbai …… the flowers were slightly fragrant.

Negative. This is not Wavding [Embelia basaal]. Please check these links :
Google Groups

Could this be Embelia tsjeriam-cottam?

Negative. Embelia tsjeriam-cottam is a synonym of E.basaal. Please check this link : Google Groups

No clue…..sapindaceae?

Embeliaspecies in India & eFloraofindia with details & some keys
As per … in different threads:
Few authors consider Embelia basaal auct. non Roem. & Schult. and E. tsjeriam-cottam (Roem. & Schult.) DC. as one and the same. However, Wadhwa & Sumithraarachchi (in Revised Handbook to the Flora of Ceylon-vol 13) have tried to clear the confusion by making a new combination for the first species as Embelia aurantiaca (Wall.) Wadhwa. They have also provided a detailed note on the nomenclature issue of this complex. But, for some (unpublished?) reason, this name is now listed as synonym of Embelia drupacea (Dennst.) M.R.Almeida & S.M.Almeida and this name has still not been recognized by GRIN. “

No doubt, this is Embelia tsjeriam-cottam (Roem. & Schult.) A.DC.

The individuals are often confusing in having serrated and entire leaves.
But the visible distinctness is the leaf nerves, which are prominent to this taxon.
…: I hope this is the same population we observed during TAW..

This is Embelia tsjeriam-cottam (Roem. & Schult.) DC only. It is the only species reported from 2 BSI floras from Maharashtra. It is also reported from Karnataka floras.
In other species of Embelia one cannot see this much clear leaf venation. Leaves eglandular and glaucous beneath. Papillose petals feature is present in other species also. Its vernacular name reported as Ambeidange, Elang and Vowding.

Supporting to E. tsjeriam-cottam, no confusion at all.

Embelia sp for ID- From Gambhirgad: 21072014- PKA1 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5).

Seen this climber en-route Gambhirgad (Dahanu – Kasa region), Maharashtra.
Date/Time: 19-07-2014 / 04:00PM
Plant Habit: Climber
Looks like some Embelia sp (Family: Myrsinaceae)??

Embelia –  some‎ species in India & eFI with some keys 

Embelia tsjerium- kottam



for ID250814VRW 3 (Medicinal plant) : 2 posts by 2 authors.

Date/Time- 22/8/2014

Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- North Gujarat

Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- University Garden

Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Climber?
Other Information like Fragrance, Pollinator, Uses etc.- medicinal plant

It is Embelia tsjeriam-kottam

GRAM 2016 – Requesting ID : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (9)
GRAM 20160715
Requesting ID of this Shrub. Unfortunately I did not manage to get habit shots.
These were clicked at Kasara, Maharashtra in July 2016

It looks like Embelia tsjeriam-cottam




GRAM 2016 : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (21)
Could this be Ehretia sp. ?  Found at Kasara, August 2016

Pl. check with comparative images at Ehretia

It looks like Cordia (based on the flower)

Embelia tsjeriam-cottam as identified by …

It looks like Embelia tsjerium-cottam to me.

Botanical name of this sapling please : Attachments (3). 7 posts by 6 authors.

could someone identify the sapling please?
Date & Time
Location: Place, Altitude, GPS        Chethalayam, Wayanad.
Habitat: Garden, Urban, Wild Type:        Wild

Pl check it for Embelia tsjeriam-cottam, not sure though.

yes it is Embelia tsjeriam-cottam

Embelia tsjeriam-cottam (Roem. & Schult.) A. DC. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 17(1): 131. 1834. Basionym:
Ardisia tsjeriam-cottam Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg., ed. 15 bis [Roemer & Schultes] 4: 518. 1819

Fw: [indiantreepix:18753] Re: Cat and the plant for ID – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 4 images.
It looks like the Atlas moth on Embelia basaal [Wavding]. Sending you some photographs.

It is definitely Cipadessa baccifera from Meliaceae

Your pictures seem to be of Embelia tsjeriam-cottam DC. Pl. correct me if i am wrong.
Generally E. basaal (now E. aurantiaca) leaves will be fleshy, sour, smooth, without purplish veins beneath and the fruits usually found on older stems.

Flora of Ceylon can be referred for clarity in the nomenclatural confusions existed in the group.

DV – 03JUL10 – 0359 :: bushy tender shrub : Attachments (3 + 5). 5 posts by 4 authors.

… only two photos, hopefully helps in ID.
Date/Time : July 3, 2010 at 3.59pm IST
Location Place : Lonavala – Tungwadi near Pavana lake

Altitude : about 826 m (above mean sea level)
GPS : around 18°39’37.18″N, 73°27’20.76″E
Habitat : scrub forest along narrow road running adjacent to mountain range
Type : deciduous forest

Plant … please help … may be mistaking … this could be a climber in midst of mixed plants.
: tender shrub, bushy
Height : about 50 – 75 cm
Length : ¿ not a climber ?
: simple alternate, with entire margin, slightly undulated
Shape : elliptical, rounded at base, acuminate tip
Size : about 10 -12 cm x 5 – 7 cm

: axillary raceme
Size : about 20 – 25 mm
: not sure … the spherical white buds 1 – 2 mm
Colour : possibly white

It a wild guess but is it member of Chenopodiaceae or from allied family?

This is Wavding [Embelia basaal].

But the real Vaayu vilang/ vidang is E. ribes  I suppose… where as this E. basaal is used as an adulterant for the real Vidang, as the seeds from both  resemble much.
….. For any more discussions,  look forward the members of the group..

Thought this might be interesting. Photographed at my farm at Shahapur over the weekend (posted on 8.7.10)

A reply in another thread;
“The nomenclature of this group may be confusing. I believe that some of the posts labeled as Embelia basaal
in this page are probably of E. tsjeriam-cottam, if I am right. Any botanical name here without the author citation might cause confusion.
Few authors consider Embelia basaal auct. non Roem. & Schult. and E. tsjeriam-cottam (Roem. & Schult.) DC. as one and the same. However, Wadhwa & Sumithraarachchi (in Revised Handbook to the Flora of Ceylon-vol 13) have tried to clear the confusion by making a new combination for the first species as Embelia aurantiaca (Wall.) Wadhwa. They have also provided a detailed note on the nomenclature issue of this complex. But, for some (unpublished?) reason, this name is now listed as synonym of Embelia drupacea (Dennst.) M.R.Almeida & S.M.Almeida and this name has still not been recognized by GRIN.
We should probably need to revisit Embelia in our records.”
Efi page on Embelia drupacea & Embelia tsjeriam-cottam


140711 RV 3: Attachments (3). 6 posts by 3 authors.
I would request once again you all to identify this woody climber, found it in wild near Pali village.

looks like Embelia basaal

 A reply in another thread;
“The nomenclature of this group may be confusing. I believe that some of the posts labeled as Embelia basaal
in this page are probably of E. tsjeriam-cottam, if I am right. Any botanical name here without the author citation might cause confusion.
Few authors consider Embelia basaal auct. non Roem. & Schult. and E. tsjeriam-cottam (Roem. & Schult.) DC. as one and the same. However, Wadhwa & Sumithraarachchi (in Revised Handbook to the Flora of Ceylon-vol 13) have tried to clear the confusion by making a new combination for the first species as Embelia aurantiaca (Wall.) Wadhwa. They have also provided a detailed note on the nomenclature issue of this complex. But, for some (unpublished?) reason, this name is now listed as synonym of Embelia drupacea (Dennst.) M.R.Almeida & S.M.Almeida and this name has still not been recognized by GRIN.
We should probably need to revisit Embelia in our records.


130719AB1 ID : 4 posts by 3 authors. Last 2 correct images.
Identification, please.
Date/Time- November 8, 2017; 09:35 hrs.
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Eastern Melghat
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Wild
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb-  Liana
Height/Length- 10+’
Elevation- 700m
Note- The tree trunk near leaves in one of the photos belongs to a different plant. The leaves however, belong to the liana which is the plant of interest.

I hope you posted two different plants …, the first two images has compound leaves and another two have simple leaves distinctly
Seems to
1. Millettia extensa
2. Embelia tsjeriam-cottam

My mistake! Thank you for pointing that out and for id-ing!!

Thanks, …, for the initial id.
To me looks different from Millettia extensa (Benth.) Baker as per comparative images at Millettia
May be close to images at Millettia rubiginosa Wight & Arn.
Yes, other plant may be close to Embelia tsjeriam-cottam (Roem. & Schult.) A.DC. as per comparative images at Embelia

‎I thought Millettia rubiginosa is endemic to Western Ghats. But perhaps I am mistaken.

Endemic to the Western Ghats, Kerala and Tamilnadu !

Re: Tree with pink fruit : 4 posts by 2 authors. 5 IMAGES.
Pechartal, North Tripura
Please identify

I think you posted similar plant earlier, which got identified.
I am unable to recall the genus name now?

Appears to be from Primulaceae
May be some Maesa species

I think it may be Embelia tsjeriam-cottam (Roem. & Schult.) A.DC. as per images, details and references herein.



thorn-jungle of Bettadabeedu, Mysore; Id requested – efloraofindia | Google Groups


313 ID wild climber: 17 high res. images.
Please ID wild climber,
Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671
Altitude: 1400fsl
Flower date: 28.04.2022, 11.15 am
Habitat: wild, moisture, rocky
Plant habit: scandent, branches, hard stem 10 inches base diameter, rough bark, old branches base remained as thorns, dark young stem with patches, long lasting
Height: 04 meters
Leaves: alternate, ovate, apex, simple, dark veins underneath, size up to: 13×8 cm
Flower: axillary racemose, clustered, diameter: 07 mm, green, good fragrance
Fruit: berry, globular, green, diameter: 06 mm
Camera: CANON EOS1500D +rr

Embelia tsjeriam-cottam

Yes, it is Embelia tsjeriam-cottam

Yes, it’s

Shrub from Pali, Sudhagad for identification: 3 images.

Please help in identification of this shrub-
Type- Shrub
Location-Sudhagad Wildlife Sanctuary, Pali, Raigad, Maharashtra
Altitude-400 m appx
Time- Oct 2022
No flowering or fruiting observed

I think it is difficult to id in vegetative stage.

Leaves resemble Maesa indica and also young leaves of Embelia tsjeriam-cottam. It might be Embelia because the branches seem long and flexible.

I will try to capture this shrub in the flowering or fruiting stage to confirm the identification.


Primulaceae: Embelia tsjeriam-cottam A.DC.: 1 high res. image.
synonyms: Embelia robusta Roxb., Embelia basaal A.DC.
location/date: Semadoh, Melghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Amravati Distr., Maharashtra, November 1994



Catalogue of Life  The Plant List  GRIN  Flora of Pakistan (Embelia robusta Roxb.) 

Annotated checklist of the flowering plants of Nepal (In bold at the top- Embelia tsjeriam-cottam (Roem. & Schult.) A.DC. with Embelia robusta Roxb. as a synonym) 

India Biodiversity Portal (Embelia tsjeriam-cottam A.DC. with Embelia robusta Roxb. & Embelia acutipetalum (Lam. ex Hassk.) S.M. & M.R.Almeida  as synonyms)

Medicinal Plants in Andhra Pradesh, India  By T. Pullaiah (2002- Embelia tsjeriam-cottam A.DC. with Embelia robusta Roxb. as a synonym)

Indian Medicinal Plants: An Illustrated Dictionary edited by C.P. Khare (2007- Embelia robusta C.B.Clarke, non-Roxb. with Embelia tsjeriam-cottam A.DC. as a synonym)

Flowers of India  IPNI Plant Name Query Results

Embelia tsjeriam-cottam (India)