Epilobium brevifolium D.Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 222 1825. (Syn: Epilobium trichoneurum var. brachyphyllum Hausskn.);
India (Himachal Pradesh), Nepal, Tibet, China (Yunnan) as per Catalogue of Life;


ID request-111010-PKA3 : 14 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (3)
Came across this small beautiful pink coloured flowers near Chatadu.
Date/Time: 29-09-2010 / 12:30PM
Location: near Chatadu Village (Spiti region), 11200ft

Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit: Herb

Nice pictures … I guess, it is Epilobium species of Onagraceae.

Oenothera rosea please

Epilobium laxum.

Yes … is right. Not Oenothera.

Oenothera rosea no doubt

No …, not Oenothera Rather Epilobium.

I too feel this to be Epilobium sp.
I think Epilobium wallichianum also has distribution in this region..

Epilobium sp.

Perhaps Epilobium brevifolium

Seems more like Epilobium cilliatum

I wonder this American plant which although widespread in Asia has ever been reported from India, even Flora of China does not mention it.

In China the plant may ascend to altitudes of 2000 m, so it is equally doubtful whether it can ascend to around 3500 m in Western Himalayas.
The upper leaves of E. ciliatum are lanceolate and narrower. Here they are clearly ovate.
For me, as such, E. brevifolium of Fl. Simlensis (closely related to E. royleanum) is the closest match


VoF Week :: Epilobium royleanum at Valley of Flowers: 6 images.
Epilobium royleanum Hausskn. … (family: Onagraceae)

2 AUG 12
Valley of Flowers
about 11000 – 12000 ft

These pictures are just so very beautiful – I am falling in love with them! 🙂

I think more closer to images and details at Epilobium brevifolium subsp. brevifolium rather than those at Epilobium royleanum Hausskn.   

This is also as per keys at Flora of China and FOC illustrations:

Thanks very much … for pointing to the correct ID.
Will do the correction accordingly in flickr notes.

VOF Week: Epilobium royleanum from the Valley:  5 images.
These are my clicks of Epilobium royleanum (Onagraceae) from Valley of Flowers, shot on August 14, 2012….

I think more closer to images and details at Epilobium brevifolium subsp. brevifolium rather than those at Epilobium royleanum Hausskn.   


VoF Week: Epilobium royleanum from Valley:
Epilobium royleanum from Valley

SK44JUL22-2016:ID : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Enclosing some pictures for identification.
Location : Way to Kalinchowk Nepal
Altitude: 9000 ft.
Date: 26 July, 2014 

Looks like some Epilobium species.

E. laxum ??


Attachments (1)

Thanks, … I think matches with images at Epilobium laxum

I think close to Epilobium laxum rather than Epilobium royleanum Hausskn.  as per
But I do not find any distribution in Nepal.
So it may be some other species. 

On further perusal of images, I think may be Epilobium royleanum Hausskn. only.

I think more closer to images and details at Epilobium brevifolium subsp. brevifolium rather than those at Epilobium royleanum Hausskn.   

Which one  it is matching …?

I think more closer to images and details at Epilobium brevifolium subsp. brevifolium rather than those at Epilobium royleanum Hausskn. 

Kailas-Mansarovar Yatra:: Wild Flower for ID NSJ-OCT 16/05 : 6 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3)
Wild flower (Herb)  for ID. Photo taken near Budhi village, height 9000 feet. Aug 28, 2016.

Epilobium royleanum

A most attractive Epilobium. See my previous comments about this genus.

a species of epilobium

Epilobium species, perhaps E. parviflorum.


VoF Week : Flower for ID-MN050912 at Valley of Flowers: Kindly identify this flower.
Valley of Flowers

Epilobium sp, lower leaves should help further.

I think more closer to images and details at Epilobium brevifolium subsp. brevifolium


Epilobium royleanum in FOI : 3 posts by 2 authors.
Image of Thingam ji at Epilobium royleanum in FOI is more close to images and details in references at  Epilobium brevifolium subsp. brevifolium rather than those at Epilobium royleanum Hausskn.

You are right. The broad leaves also agree with Epilobium brevifolium subsp. brevifolium. Corrections have been made:

Saw this Epilobium just along the Gobindghat-Ghangaria trail, Uttarakhand in Aug 2018.
Requested to please provide ID.

Pl. check comparative images at

To me appears close to images of Epilobium brevifolium subsp. brevifolium as per comparative images at Epilobium


SK 3156 20 November 2021: 5 very high res. images.

Location: Jumla, West Nepal
Altitude: 3118m.
Date: 18 August 2021
Habit : Wild
Epilobium …???

Appears to be Epilobium brevifolium subsp. brevifolium as per images and details herein and as per comparative images at Epilobium.


SK 3169 25 November 2021: 5 very high res. images.

Location: Mugu, Rara, West Nepal
Altitude: 2913m.
Date: 20 August 2021 
Habit : Wild
Epilobium… ??

Epilobium brevifolium D. Don. ??

Appears to be Epilobium brevifolium subsp. brevifolium as per images and details herein and as per comparative images at Epilobium.


SK 3171 25 November 2021: 6 very high res. images.

Location: Mugu, Rara, West Nepal
Altitude: 2913m.
Date: 20 August 2021 
Habit : Wild


Epilobium cylindricum D. Don. ???

Appears to be Epilobium brevifolium subsp. brevifolium as per images and details herein and as per comparative images at Epilobium.
Looks different from Epilobium cylindricum D. Don as per POWO.

E. amurense, tibetanum, wallichianum, sikkimense are listed in the book matching to this elevation.


SK 3169 25 November 2021: 5 very high res. images.

Location: Mugu, Rara, West Nepal
Altitude: 2913m.
Date: 20 August 2021 
Habit : Wild

Epilobium… ??

Epilobium brevifolium D. Don. ??

Appears to be Epilobium brevifolium subsp. brevifolium as per images and details herein and as per comparative images at Epilobium.

Details of stigma and stem are not clear.
Still we can take it as Epilobium amurense Haussknecht, Oesterr. as per discussions at SK 3172 26 November 2021, being from the same time and place.

This one looks slightly different to me since the number of leaves are too densely close and clustered, but not sure !

After checking all the four species listed in your area as per SK 3171 25 November 2021, I think it may be Epilobium wallichianum as per GBIF specimens from Nepal- onetwo
Looks different from GBIF specimens of Epilobium tibetanum and Epilobium sikkimense Haussknecht as per GBIF specimens- onetwo and POWO.

OK …

Only doubt which remains is the ‘Stems (5-)10-25(-60) cm tall, simple or sometimes branched, glabrous except for 2(or 4) raised strigillose lines decurrent from margins of petioles, …’ as mentioned in the Flora of China.

Plant size looks ok. It was around 25 cm.

Taking it as Epilobium brevifolium subsp. brevifolium as per SK 3156 20 November 2021 (lacking raised decurrent lines)

Help me to identify this Epilobium sp.: 3 images.
Location: Kupwara jammu and Kashmir.

I hope E. hirsutum

I think it is close to Epilobium parviflorum Schreb. as per comparative images at Epilobium.
Looks different from images at Epilobium hirsutum L.

This looks somewhat different from images of … at Epilobium parviflorum from Gulmarg, Kashmir
What are the other species reported from your area?
Also leaves are crowded.

What are the other species reported from your area?

Photograph showing leaf bases, stigmas should help. Closest match is E. parviflorum only.
clearly not E. hirsutum in which stigmas are much longer than stamens and flowers larger.

Hairiness of the stem is much different from images of Epilobium parviflorum at Epilobium parviflorum from Gulmarg, Kashmir
I think it may be Epilobium brevifolium subsp. brevifolium, as per images and details herein.


ID JK 05: 1 image
Please identify this herb from Gulmarg in Kashmir. 14/9/24.




The Plant List Ver.1.1  Catalogue of Life  GBIF (with type specimens) High resolution specimen  Flora of China FOC illustration  Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal  India Biodiversity Portal