English: Sun Spurge; Hindi: Hirruseeah, mahabi; Punjab: Chatriwal, gandabuti, dudal; 
The plant is supposed to be highly poisonous. Seeds are used in cholera, juice used in rheumatism and to remove warts. 

Euphorbia helioscopia L., Sp. pl. 1:459. 1753
   A common weed in temperate climates and one of the very common species in Kashmir, this was found having naturalised in Delhi along Wheat and Mustard fields at Wazirabad in Delhi.
   The plant is supposed to be highly poisonous. Seeds are used in cholera, juice used in rheumatism and to remove warts.
   Common names:
English: Sun spurge, umbrella milkweed and madwoman’s milk
Hindi: Hirruseeah, mahabi
Punjab: Chatriwal, gandabuti, dudal

Euphorbiaceae Week: Euphorbia helioscopia from Kashmir:
Euphorbia helioscopia a very common weed in Kashmir along road sides, wastelands and borders of fields
Details have been provided in the mail about Delhi plant

– Thought these scanned attachments of the floral morphology will interest many. I was quite fascinated with the detailed descriptions when I was going through it. Your pictures are also just right to understand and compare these diagrams with. Ref: ‘Common Families of Flowering Plant’ by Hickey and King.

– The photograph I have uploaded shows yellow rust infection along tips of leaves.
This generally turns severe in autumn.

Probably the fungi is Melampsora euphorbiae, this rust fungi is know to have a considerable host range. As the name suggests, it is a pathogen for Euphorbia sp only.
For more information kindly go though the link 

Exactly there are several pathogens which are known to cause disease in Euphorbiaceae

– how about Uromyces tuberculatus, it is reported from Euphorbia helioscopia. I remember the name of Uromyces associated with Euphorbia helioscopia when I was in Kashmir. This weed is abundant Kashmir University campus, and turns wholly yellow with yellow rust in autumn.

– Possibility is there Sir Ji but I have only speculated the name without microscopic investigation
I cant confirm on any names


Flora from Srinagar 24072013 CS 6 : Attachments (3). 4 posts by 3 authors.
A very curious herbaceous weed with clustered leaves
location : Srinagar

Some Euphorbia species.

Euphorbia helioscopia
Commonest annual weed in Kashmir, often gets infected by yellow rust towards the end of season.

Thank you Sir and … for the ID. Yes it was quite prevalent there.


Euphorbiaceae Fortnight: Euphorbia helioscopia from Delhi and Kashmir-GS-28 :  Attachments (3). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Euphorbia helioscopia L., Sp. pl. 1:459. 1753
A common weed in temperate climates and one of the very common species in Kashmir, this was found having naturalised in Delhi along Wheat and Mustard fields at Wazirabad in Delhi. 
The plant is supposed to be highly poisonous. Seeds are used in cholera, juice used in rheumatism and to remove warts.
Common names:
English: Sun spurge, umbrella milkweed and madwoman’s milk
Hindi: Hirruseeah, mahabi
Punjab: Chatriwal, gandabuti, dudal

EUPHORBIACEAE FORTNIGHT: Euphorbia helioscopia from Uttarakhand_DSR_23: Attachments (2). 3 posts by 2 authors.
Euphorbia helioscopia L. is common a garden weed here in Pantnagar.

Yes, this is Euphorbia helioscopia L.

Euphorbiaceae fortnight: Euphorbia speies from Paddar Valley SKR01 : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 3 authors.
Yes E. helioscopia

Yes, this looks like Euphorbia helioscopia L. But since the cyathia and glands are nor discernible, I cannot confirm it.

EUPHORBIACEAE FORTNIGHT:: Euphorbia helioscoepa from Panipat NS-37 : Attachments (3 + 2). 7 posts by 4 authors.
Perhaps this one is Euphorbia helioscopea….
I could find his at many places.. present pics belong to Yamuna River border in Panipat…

Adding two more pics.. from Panipat

Very common in Kashmir valley but often seen along fields in Delhi in winter.

I am not sure whether this is E. helioscopia or some other species. For correct identification, the whole plant with stems and leaves on stems are necessary.

Thanks for the inputs … I will look for this again to post complete pics..

Id please : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
Please identify this herb from Indo-Pak border, Punjab.

To me this is Euphorbia helioscopia ..

Yes, I agree with your identification. This is E. helioscopia L.
It is common in NW. Himalaya, Haryana and Punjab. It is also found in Nilgiri hills of Tamil Nadu.


Euphorbia herb SN 16March 11 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Euphorbia herb from Jwalamukhi area near wheat field Himachal

Euphorbia helioscopia

This appears to be Euphorbia helioscopia L. However, to definitely confirm its identity, the shape of the cyathial glands and leaves on main stem are needed. These are not visible in the photograph. However the shape of the pseudoumbel leaves and number of branching of rays and absence of rays below pseudoumbel, indicate it to be possibly E. helioscopia, which is also found in Western Himalayas and Nilgiri hills.

Requested to please ID these fruits (?) seen on the way from Govindghat to Ghangria in August 2018.

Euphorbia sp.

This appears to be Euphorbia helioscopia L. Anyway to confirm check the descriptions and illustrations in “The genus Euphorbia L. in India”

Euphorbia helioscopia ???: 1 high res. image.
Location: Rajouri j and k

Yes, appears so as per images at Euphorbia helioscopia
Side view would have helped further.

Can you post some other photographs, please ?
Half portion appearing as Euphorbia helioscopia.



Herb Location: Rajouri j and k- I’d requested 1: 1 high res. image.
Segregating posts due to the same subject.

Appears to be Euphorbia helioscopia L. as per images and details herein and as per comparative images at Euphorbia

Yes this plant is E. helioscopia L.


453 ID wild plant: 9 high res. images.
Please ID wild plant,
Location: bloomed in The HIMALAYAS at Kangan Jammu & Kashmir INDIA
Altitude: 8100fsl
Flower date: 13APR2023, 05.45pm
Habitat: wild moisture wayside ridge
Plant habit: small herb, unbranched, weak fleshy purplish cylindrical hairy stem 05mm base diameter, annual
Height: 12cm
Leaves: alternate, elliptic, soft flexible, serrated margins, petiole less, size upto:04×2cm
Flower: terminal umbel inflorescence, clustered, greenish, non fragrant
Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x

Please check Euphorbia in efi.

Appears close to images at

Yes, it is Euphorbia helioscopia, dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant


Id of Flower -ID23042024: 1 high res. image.

Flower for Id pl.
Location – Pampore, Srinagar
Date – April 2024

Euphorbia. Please check efi !

Euphorbia sp. Could be E.heliscopia

Yes, possible as per images at
Maybe a juvenile plant as seen at the button in the image at efi thread (also attached).
