
Fallopia convolvulus (L.) A. Löve (Macaronesia to N. Africa, Temp. Eurasia: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Altay, Amur, Austria, Azores, Baleares, Baltic States, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Buryatiya, Canary Is., Central European Rus, China North-Central, China South-Central, China Southeast, Chita, Corse, Cyprus, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, East Aegean Is., East European Russia, East Himalaya, Egypt, Finland, France, Føroyar, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Inner Mongolia, Iran, Iraq, Irkutsk, Italy, Kamchatka, Kazakhstan, Khabarovsk, Kirgizstan, Korea, Krasnoyarsk, Kriti, Krym, Kuril Is., Lebanon-Syria, Libya, Madeira, Magadan, Manchuria, Mongolia, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, North Caucasus, North European Russi, Northwest European R, Norway, Pakistan, Panamá, Poland, Portugal, Primorye, Qinghai, Romania, Sakhalin, Sardegna, Sicilia, South European Russi, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tadzhikistan, Tibet, Transcaucasus, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkey-in-Europe, Turkmenistan, Tuva, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, West Himalaya, West Siberia, Xinjiang, Yakutskiya, Yugoslavia; Introduced into: Alabama, Alaska, Alberta, Aleutian Is., Argentina Northeast, Argentina Northwest, Argentina South, Arizona, Arkansas, Bermuda, Bolivia, Brazil South, Brazil Southeast, British Columbia, California, Cape Provinces, Chile Central, Chile South, Colorado, Connecticut, Cuba, Delaware, District of Columbia, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Florida, Free State, Georgia, Great Britain, Greenland, Hawaii, Iceland, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Ireland, Japan, Kansas, Kentucky, Kenya, Labrador, Lesotho, Louisiana, Maine, Manitoba, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Mozambique, Nansei-shoto, Nebraska, Nevada, New Brunswick, New Caledonia, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, New Zealand North, Newfoundland, Norfolk Is., North Carolina, North Dakota, Northern Provinces, Nova Scotia, Ohio, Oklahoma, Ontario, Oregon, Palestine, Paraguay, Pennsylvania, Peru, Prince Edward I., Québec, Rhode I., Saskatchewan, South Carolina, South Dakota, Svalbard, Taiwan, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Yukon as per POWO)


Fallopia dentatoalata (F.Schmidt) Holub (Russian Far East to Japan and W. Himalaya: China North-Central, China South-Central, China Southeast, Inner Mongolia, Japan, Khabarovsk, Korea, Manchuria, Pakistan, Primorye, Qinghai, West Himalaya as per POWO)



Fallopia pterocarpa (Meisn.) Holub (East Himalaya, Nepal, West Himalaya as per POWO)



BSI Flora of India Checklist (Distribution):
Fallopia convolvulus (Jammu & Kashmir)
Fallopia dumetorum (L.) Holub (Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttarakhand)
Fallopia pterocarpa (Meisn.) Holub (Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Sikkim, Uttarakhand, West Bengal)

FRLHT Indian Medicinal Plants Nomenclature Database with images/ herbarium, distribution, local names etc. :
Polygonum convolvulus LINN. = Fallopia convolvulus (L.) Á. Löve

Botanical nameSynonymsFamilyCommon name
Fallopia dentatoalataPolygonum dentatoalatumPolygonaceaeToothed-Wing Knotweed




I have updated eFI (efloraofindia) page on Aconogonon, Bistorta, Fagopyrum, Fallopia, Koenigia, Persicaria, Polygonum & Rubrivena

Attempts have been made to incorporate most of the species available in India & nearby areas with details & keys directly or through links as far as possible. It’s quite possible that there may be some discrepancy in the accepted names & synonyms taken from other links.

Species discussed so far in efloraofindia are given at the bottom of the page in the form of links against Subpages. On clicking them one can see all the details.

If someone can provide complete list of Indian species with source references it will be wonderful.

Any comments/ corrections are welcome.

In my opinion most of the above genera should be treated under Polygonum sensu lato.  I am working on Indian Polygonaceae but it needs thorough field work. The taxonomic complexes are to be solved with the help of SEM/Molecular studies. I have listed all Indian species but it is not yet published.

Thanks a lot, …
I have taken GRIN as the basis as it relied on the latest litrature published in 2011 or 2012. Other efloras & The Plant List etc. has also been considered where ever a taxa is not available in GRIN.
As & when new findings are published it can be updated again.

Fallopia (Polygonaceae) page with comparative images:
Pl. go through Fallopia (Polygonaceae) page with comparative images of species in efloraofindia. On clicking the link of species, one can check the complete details. Genus pages generally give details of most of the species found in India.
I request you to pl. go through & point out mistakes, if any. I hope this will aid in identification in future. If anybody can send images of other species of this genus (for incorporation in the website), if any, or can identify unidentified images, it will be really nice.
Credit goes to Ritesh ji, for identifying most of the Fallopia and Polygonaceae posts.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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