Ficus virens Aiton, Hort. Kew. 3: 451 1789. (syn. Ficus aegeirophylla (Miq.) Miq.; Ficus ampla Kunth & C.D.Bouché; Ficus apiculata (Miq.) Miq. [Illegitimate]; Ficus carolinensis Warb.; Ficus caulobotrya var. fraseri (Miq.) Miq.; Ficus cunninghamii (Miq.) Miq.; Ficus fraseri (Miq.) F.Muell. [Illegitimate]; Ficus glabella Blume ..; Ficus infectoria (Miq.) Miq. [Illegitimate] ………..; Ficus lambertiana (Miq.) Miq.; Ficus monticola Miq.; Ficus nesophila (Miq.) F.Muell.; Ficus nitentifolia S.Moore; Ficus pilhasi Sm.; Ficus prolixa var. carolinensis (Warb.) Fosberg; Ficus psychotriifolia (Miq.) Miq.; Ficus saxophila var. sublanceolata Miq.; Ficus scandens Buch.-Ham. [Illegitimate]; Ficus syringifolia C.Fraser ex C.Moore [Illegitimate]; Ficus terminalioides Griff.; Ficus terminalis B.Heyne ex Roth; Ficus timorensis Decne.; Ficus timorensis (Miq.) Miq. [Illegitimate]; Ficus virens var. glabella (Blume) Corner …; Ficus wightiana (Miq.) Benth.; Pogonotrophe wightiana Miq. (Unresolved); Urostigma canaliculatum Miq. (Unresolved); Urostigma cunninghamii Miq. (Unresolved); Urostigma fraseri Miq.; Urostigma glabellum Miq. (Unresolved); Urostigma infectorium Miq.; Urostigma lambertiana Miq.; Urostigma moritzianum Miq. (Unresolved); Urostigma nesophilum Miq. (Unresolved); Urostigma psychotriifolium Miq. (Unresolved));
White Fig • Hindi: पिलखन Pilkhan, पाखड़ Pakhad • Manipuri: চিঙ হৈবোঙ Ching Heibong • Marathi: Bassari, Gandhaumbara • Tamil: Kurugatti • Malayalam: ചെരാലാ Cherala • Telugu: Badijuvvi, Jatti • Kannada: Kari-basari, juvvi • Gujarati: પેપરી Pepri • Sanskrit: Plaksa;
India (Throughout up to 1,700 m, also frequently planted), Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Indochina, Japan, Malesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Soloman Islands, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietanm as per Synopsis of the Genus Ficus L. (Moraceae) in India Lal Babu Chaudhary*, Jana Venkata Sudhakar, Anoop Kumar, Omesh Bajpai, Rinkey Tiwari and G. V. S. Murthy-   Taiwania, 57(2): 193-216, 2012;
China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Hubei, S-Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang), Taiwan, Bhutan, India, Sikkim, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, New Guinea, Australia (N-Western Australia: Kimberley, N-Northern Territory, NE-Queensland S to the Macleay R., New South Wales), Java, peninsular Malaysia (widespread), Singapore, Langkawi Isl., Andamans (South Andamans, Middle Andamans), Myanmar [Burma] (Bago, Kachin, Mandalay, Taninthayi, Yangon), Pakistan (Pakistani Punjab), Sumatra, Lesser Sunda Isl. (Bali, Sumba, Sumbawa, Flores, Timor), Borneo, Palawan, Philippines (Luzon), Sulawesi, Moluccas (Morotai, Tanimbar), New Guinea, Bismarck Arch. (New Britain), Maldives, Micronesia (Yap, Ulithi, Woleai, Truk, Moen, Dublon, ToI, Udot, Uman, Namoluk, Lukunor, Satawan, Nukuoro, Ant, Pohnpei, Pingelap, Kosrae), Nauru, Northern Marianas (Maug, Asuncion, Agrihan, Pagan, Alamagan, Guguan, Sarigan), Palau Isl. (Aulupse?el, Ngeanges, Angaur, Sonsorol), Southern Marianas (Saipan, Tinian, Rota, Guam) as per Catalogue of Life;
Receptacles (figs) 2-6 together on short tubercles (on a thickened common stalk) in the axis of present or fallen leaves. Leaves coriaceous (leathery when mature) very glossy above. Leaves oval in shape, acuminate apex and round base, 3-5 ribbed. Figs whitish-yellow and dotted when ripe..……Ficus tjakela
Receptacles (figs) axillary pairs not on tubercles. Leaves membranous (not leathery) hardly glossy. Leaves ovate-oblong ovate. apex slightly acuminated and base rounded or subcordate, 3 ribbed. Fig whitish flushed with red and dotted when ripe….……Ficus infectoria (syn. of Ficus virens Aiton)      .

93-TSP-ID-28JUL2016-3: A Ficus sp @ Kempuhole for ID : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)

Kindly identify this Ficus sp (Moraceae) 

Habit: Tree 

Habitat: Wild, Evergreen forest 

Sighting: Kempuhole, Shirady Ghat, Sakaleshpur, Karnataka, about 800 msl 

Date: 18-02-2016

Images represent – leaves glabrous, alternate, acuminate, petioles more than 2cm, peduncle 0-5mm long, figs in pairs.
This should be Ficus virens Aiton



Ficus virens for validation :: Mumbai :: ARKMAR-01- Set 2 : 1 post by 1 author.
I have 2 ficus plants, both of which were named as Ficus virens, when I bought them from the nursery. However, their leaf shape is different.
Requested to please validate if both of them (named as Set 1 and Set 2 attached) are F. virens?

Only Set 2 looks like Ficus virens.

Ficus for ID :: Devgad, Konkan :: May 2017 – ARKMAY04 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
Saw this Ficus at Devgad, Konkan, MH in May 2017. Requested to please provide ID.

It seems to be Ficus virens

Thanks … for the ID. I guessed as much.

A strangling fig or banyan fig. Deciduous; leafless for about a week in September, October or November.
Lenticels often in horizontal lines. Bark exudate rapid and copious.
Stipules about 0.5-1.5 cm long. Petiole with two ridges and three grooves on the upper surface. Leaf blades about 8-19 x 3.5-9 cm. Small oil dots visible with a lens, more conspicuous on the upper than on the lower surface of the leaf blade. Petiole producing a fairly clear watery to slightly watery-milky exudate.
Male flowers produced around the ostiole. In the female flower, the stigma linear, lateral and tuberculate. Bracts at the base of the fig, three, persistent. Lateral bracts not present on the outside of the fig body.
Figs sessile or pedunculate, peduncles up to 6 mm long, figs +/- globular, depressed globular or pyriform, about 8-13 x 7-12 mm. Orifice closed by interlocking apical and internal bracts.
(Ref.: Factsheet)

Attachments (3)

A strangling fig or banyan fig. Deciduous; leafless for about a week in September, October or November.
Lenticels often in horizontal lines. Bark exudate rapid and copious.
Stipules about 0.5-1.5 cm long. Petiole with two ridges and three grooves on the upper surface. Leaf blades about 8-19 x 3.5-9 cm. Small oil dots visible with a lens, more conspicuous on the upper than on the lower surface of the leaf blade. Petiole producing a fairly clear watery to slightly watery-milky exudate.
Male flowers produced around the ostiole. In the female flower, the stigma linear, lateral and tuberculate. Bracts at the base of the fig, three, persistent. Lateral bracts not present on the outside of the fig body.
Figs sessile or pedunculate, peduncles up to 6 mm long, figs +/- globular, depressed globular or pyriform, about 8-13 x 7-12 mm. Orifice closed by interlocking apical and internal bracts.
(Ref.: Factsheet)


Attachments (6)

I have these names for Ficus virens. Perhaps somebody can give us the correct scripted equivalent. Some may not be correct, perhaps none is but the correct Malayalam must be close to at least one or two.
“Bakri”, “Chakkila”, “Cherala”, “Cherla”, “Chuvannal”, “Itti”, “Jati”.
Incidently I also have these Ficus names that need validation:
കല്ലരയാല്‍ Kallarayal -> Ficus arnottiana (Miq.) Miq.
ഇന്ത്യന്‍ റബ്ബര്‍ Inthyan rabbar -> Ficus elastica Roxb. ex Hornem.
തേരകം Theerakam -> Ficus exasperata Vahl
എരുമനാക്ക്Erumanaakk -> Ficus hispida L.f.
കാട്ടത്തി Kaattaththi -> Ficus hispida L.f.
പാറകം Paarakam -> Ficus hispida L.f.


Plants from gujarat
This is Ficus sp
Small tree on rocky terrain

… looks like the white fig … Ficus virens. Not certain.
Please wait for comments.

I too think that this is F. virens


Ficus virens : Attachments (2). 1 post by 1 author.
Ficus virens seedling growing on the trunk of a huge Michelia campaca tree in BR Hills, Karnataka 20 July 2013.


ID help needed – ganeshgudi – Is this a Ficus Tsjahela? : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4).
Kindly help me with the ID of this ficus tree. I feel its a Tsjahela.
Loaction: ganeshgudi
date: 30-Dec-2013

Ficus virens, to me

Thanks …


Ficus cunninghamii : Moraceae : Lalbagh,Bangalore : AK-23 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5).
Seen in Lalbagh on 29/7/14.
For validation.

It may be Ficus amplissima Smith (= Ficus tsiela Roxb) or Ficus tsjakela Burm.f., but this tree is wild, frequent around Bangalore and lofty

Ficus tsjakela Burm.f.

It looks more like Ficus virens.
In F. tsjakela the receptacles are much smaller.

Our member, … from Bangalore who has covered all the trees in Lalbagh has suggested Ficus virens var. virens Aiton, Mountain Fig Tree.
It could be Ficus virens Aiton var. virens, on searching.
Please correct me if wrong.

The photographs identified and confirmed as Ficus virens Aiton


Small Tree For ID : 12DEC14 : AK-37 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)
A small, cultivated tree seen in a garden today in Muscat.
The tender leaves were bright red in color.

Ficus Species?

I think this can be Ficus virens

Thanks for the id.
Ficus virens came to my mind too, since I have posted it earlier from Muscat with lots of White fruits.


Ficus tree for identification :: 010115 :: MK002 :  2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments(7).

Please help me in identification of this Ficus tree. Hardly had any prop-roots.
Fruit: c.1.5 cm across
Leaf: 10-15 cm long
Location: Coimbatore District, TN
Alt.: 750 m asl
Date: 01 Nov 2014

Ficus virens


Anshi Ghat :: Ficus virens :: DVFEB21/54 :  1 post by 1 author. 2 images.
Anshi Ghat Karnataka
Date: 25 MAY 2013 … Altitude: 340 – 380 m asl
Ficus virens Aiton  (family: Moraceae)


is it ficus lacor? : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)- 2 Mb each.
photo taken at Byculla zoo at main entrance tree no-244
is it Ficus lacor.. it is mentioned as F.virens and white fig.. plz identify

Ficus virens.

I think this is Ficus virens Aiton., because Ficus lacor Buch.-Ham. has a natural distribution in Kumaon eastward to southern Hills.
**F. lacor auct. non Buch.-Ham. is the synonym of F. virens Aiton. However, sometimes (Ghafoor, 1985) F. lacor Buch.-Ham. is treated as conspecific to F. virens Aiton.
Reference: Chaudhary, L.B., Sudhakar, J.V., Kumar, A., Bajpai, O., Tiwari, R. and Murthy, G.V.S., 2012. Synopsis of the Genus Ficus L. (Moraceae) in India. Taiwania, 57(2): 193-216.

it is not F.lacor.


Ficus for ID : 300411 : AK-3:
Taken on the Mumbai-Nasik highway, at the Kasara ghat on the13th of March,2011.

i guess Ficus virens var. wightiana

Ficus virens Aiton
Ficus virens var. glabella (Blume) Corner
Ficus virens var. sublanceolata (Miq.) Corner
Ficus virens var. wightiana (Miq.) Chithra


Tree for Id-130512- NS2:
This medium sized tree was photographed on d way to Mulshi, Pune.
Dated- 4th Sep 11.
Habit- tree , appx height- 18-20 feet
Habitat- wild
Leaves- Stalked, Ovate,Glossy dark green above and a little lighter below, 8-15 cm long.
Fruits- Stalked,green, abt 1.5 -2 cm diameter.

Any chance for Ficus infectoria?

… not confident, Ficus virens, the white fig … thus agreeing with … thought of Ficus infectoria (synonym of F. virens).
To be validated.

Ficus virens Aiton
(=F. virens Ait. var. virens as per Flora of Maharashtra State Vol 2)
(=F. infectoria Roxb. – in Indian context; actually this is illegitimate name for F. lacor found in Southeast Asia)
(=F. infectoria (Miq.) Miq.)


Ficus Tree for ID : Muscat : 30JUN16 : AK-51 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)
Ficus tree with tender fruits seen on 25th June,16.
For Species id please.

The photographs are identified as Ficus virens Aiton. It is highly variable species.

Bhagamandala – Thalacauvery Road Karnataka
Date: 22 FEB 2017 … Altitude range: ~ 907 – 1122 m (2976 – 3683 ft) asl
Ficus ¿ virens ? (Roth) Steud. … (family: Moraceae

Yes, …, this is Ficus virens


Pilkhan or Pakur (Ficus virens syn. Ficus infectoria):
Pictures of fruit taken in Oct’06, New leaves in Feb.’07 & others in Sept.’07 in Kolkata. When in fruit attracts lot of Fruit eating birds. It’s leaves (Oval with broad base & short pointy apex) are sometimes confusing with that of Peepal (Ficus religiosa– nearly triangular heart shaped at base with long pointy tip ). For more details, click: Aes

I thought of replying to this. This is Ficus rumphii!!!

I think Ficus virens Aiton only as per images herein.


A ficus tree of medium height in one of the plant nurseries in Muscat with White fruits.
Pictures taken on 12/2/2010.
Can this be Ficus virens?
Leaves are bigger than Ficus benjamina.

This could be Ficus virens.


Ficus for ID : 02092013: RV 1 : Attachments (3).  7 posts by 6 authors.
Please help to ID this Ficus sp, found in wild near a temple on the way to Devrukh, Ratnagiri on 30th August,13.

My guess is Ficus virens

I was with … The tree is big

The leaves are large, broad ovate, with long petiole [7cm] 
Lamina about 21 cm long,10cm broad.
from the illustation in flora of Maharashtra [vol four B page 371 ] by Almeida
it seems to be Ficus procera var crassiramea
please confirm

I endorse … ID – Ficus virens

ficus virens

Ficus virens for me also…. however, if you can locate its fruits and they are without any stalk (attached directly to the branch) and if the bark is somewhat greenish then it is Ficus amplissima. however, from the clicks it surely is Ficus virens.

Thank you all for the possible ID……


Tree For ID : Jim Corbett,Uttarakhand : 250614 : AK-50 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1).
This tree with new leaves was seen last year on 24/3/13.
A tree seen growing wild with brown leaves.
Id please.

This is a species of Ficus possibly Pimpri [F.amplissima].

It looks like Ficus virens

Thanks for the id of this tree which seems like Ficus species.
Hope to get the Species id solved between F. amplissima and F. virens.


Ficus virens in FOI : 4 posts by 2 authors.
I am having doubts about … image with figs in Ficus virens in FOI. Pl. see  /species/m—z/m/moraceae/ficus/ficus-virens.
Pl. check.

Thanks for raising a doubt. Please compare with the image here:
and other images here:

I am not convinced. Are they (all images) from the same plant & time ?
Too me texture, thickness, venation etc. look different in image with figs.

This is Ficus virens, most planted species in Delhi. In Maharashtra it is called as Ambapayar (Fig tree with leaves like mango leaves). With different climates and habitats, fig colour varies when immature (Green, Red, White, Dark Purple).


SK772 05 OCT-2017:ID : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7) – around 1 Mb each.
Location :  Thula Khet, Pokhara, Nepal 

Date : 10 August 2017
Altitude : 2800 ft.
Ficus lacor Buch.-Ham.  ???

The photographs are temporarly identified as Ficus virens complex belongs to Ficus middletonii Chantaras.

Authorized book of Nepal government says the elevation as 8-200 m.

Was it planted ?

I think it is wild in the river side in a village. Villagers won’t bother to plant a single tree I guess.

Photographs are near to Ficus virens Aiton or Ficus middletonii Chantaras.

This should be Ficus virens.

1.  Ficus middletonii Chantaras. is not listed in Nepal and I could not find any synonym for it matching .

2. Ficus virens elevation 80-200 mt. only and not matching.
       SK609 02 JUL-2017:ID
3. Is Ficus virens  and Ficus lacor same?
Appreciate your guidelines please!

Ficus virens elevation 8-1400m (Acccording to the latest book by KKS)

I think this elevation should resolve your doubts for Ficus virens (as per distribution).

I guess so …  Hope for some opinions from …

Nepali Name :  काब्रो Kaabro

Id of tree – ID28122018SH1 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)- 1 mb or more.

Tree for id pl. The tree was surrounded by climbers and it’s difficult to differentiate between the ieaves. But looks like some Ficus sp.
Location – Wayanad ( Kerala)
Date – November 2018

Ficus from Talakona -3: 3 images.
Taken in the month of Feb in Talakona forests on the way to the waterfalls.

Ficus virens


Ficus from Talakona hills: 5 images.

Found in Talakona hills of S.V. Biosphere reserve, Eastern ghats AP.
26 FEB
id please

Ficus virens

I was guessing so …  Young hairy fruits!

Thanks, … for the id. Yes, appears close images at Ficus virens

Fig are pubescent (hairy) but this is Ficus virens Aiton identified as a variety Fvirens var. wightiana (Miq.) Chithra) from peninsular India.


Ficus from Talakona hills: 3 images.
Found this tree in Talakona forest, Chittor dt. AP on the way to falls.

Ficus virens only

This is Ficus virens W. T. Aiton


Request Species id Ficus Mhow, Indore, MP: 1 image.
From my archives.

Apr 13, 2012
Kalakund, Mhow Tehsil, Indore district, MP
Migrant Rosy Starlings enjoying the figs.
Is this Ficus virens?

Resembles vires, but need more details,

Pl. send a high resolution image to check the details.


Ficus for Id_ Terdi_Ratnagiri: 3 images.

Ficus tree was observed in a riverine habitat at Terdi, Ratnagiri District, Maharashtra.
I could not ascertain tree height  in the ungrowth.
Habitat- Wild
Month of observation- June 2020
Please help in id.

Ficus tinctoria G.Forst. ??

I think different from tinctoria …, ant varieties are there like this,

Ficus virens most likely

Actually the leaves resemble F. racemosa, but the single fig on the end of a twig is mysterious. Ficus racemosa often have these kinds of insect galls.

Or possibly that fruit is from another plant..

leaves were different from F racemosa and  fruits were not growing near the tree trunk. There were many such fruits (as in photograph)
…, It didn’t look like F.tinctoria either.

This should be Ficus virens W. T. Aiton (F. virens var. virens), this is a dynamic species behaves differently in various habitats, I think for this plant fruiting was at an end.
As per my view leaf arrangements in F. virens are similar to Madhuca sp. and Terminalia bellirica clustering on branch tips.

do you have any more images of this plant to share?

Unfortunately I have these three pics only.
Will be visiting that forest area again this year. Will capture more photos and get back to you all.

That will lead final ID ma’am, We will wait for your posts,

Looking forward to additional images.


Jaipur – Ficus Virens/Pilkhan/Paakad?: 3 images.
Landscape park in Mansarovar, Jaipur.
Are they Ficus Virens?

Seems to be Pilkhan (Ficus virens).


Regarding the Identification of Ficus sp.: 6 images.
Collected from Bolangir Odisha December 2022

I could not find a match as per comparative images at

What are the species listed in your area?

Ficus albipila (Miq.) King ?

I think it does not have distribution in the area as per IBP and FoPI and Synopsis of the Genus Ficus L. (Moraceae) in India Lal Babu Chaudhary*, Jana Venkata Sudhakar, Anoop Kumar, Omesh Bajpai, Rinkey Tiwari and G. V. S. Murthy- Taiwania, 57(2): 193-216, 2012.

Also I think it does not match as per POWO and GBIF specimens.

Seems Ficus glomerata

But it looks different as per images at

Ficus lacor

Yes Bro

It may be somewhat possible as per POWO specimen and GBIF specimen, but I am not sure.

I am unable to find the description on the net, to check further.
Maybe the experts help us in confirming or otherwise.

I think it is Ficus lacor, although as you say there is little documentation to go on and some of the images online are possibly wrong. Leaves are like Ficus virens and figs are tomentose. I have found a very few in northern western ghats, maybe less than 10 individuals. The habit is also similar to Ficus virens.

Can we get some description about this species from anywhere?

I think Ficus virens var. lambertiana…..

I could not find any description for this on the net.
However, specimens are available in GBIF (three- no figs seen) and FoPI (one- with fig- This being low resolution, it is difficult to see the details of the hairiness of the figs).
If some description is there, it will help.

I found many plants in many part of Madhya Pradesh. This plant is shown as F. lambertiana by Pradip Krishen in his book JUNGLE TREES OF CENTRAL INDIA. many literater shown it is a syn of Ficus virens. I am attaching the photocopy of the page of  Pradip Krishen book and my one pic.

Details from Pradip Kishan’s book are attached..


Moraceae: Ficus concinna (Miq.) Miq.: 1 image.
synonym: Ficus lacor Buch.-Ham.
location/date: Tarubanda village, Melghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Amravati Distr., Maharashtra, November 1994

It may be Ficus virens as per images at

Plant ID: Ficus virens Aiton
F. concinna not reported in Maharashtra State, leaves are looking thinly coriaceous, clustered at the end of branch.


Regarding the identification of the Ficus sp. collected from Balangiri Odisha: 4 high res. images.

Ficus virens Aiton . Please check !


Leaf flushing in Ficus virens Aiton; Hort. Kew. 3: 451 (1789)


Regarding identification of the figs collected from Raygada Odisha on March 24: 4 high res. images.

Ficus rumphii Blume !

Or can it be

I guess Ficus virens Aiton looks good !


Regarding identification of the species collected from Gajapati on April 24: 4 high res. images.

Please check Ficus !

Pl. check

Looks good to me ! I think we should get opinions from the experts !

