Ipomoea aquatica Forssk., Fl. Aegypt.-Arab. 44 44 1775. (Syn: Ipomoea natans Dinter & Suess.; Ipomoea repens Roth; Ipomoea reptans Poir.; Ipomoea sagittaefolia Hochr.; Ipomoea subdentata Miq.); .
. ip-oh-MEE-uh or ip-oh-MAY-uh — worm-like; referring to coiled flower bud a-KWA-tee-kuh — lives in water … Dave’s Botanary . commonly known as: aquatic convolvulus, Chinese spinach, creeping bindweed, swamp cabbage, swamp morning-glory, water convolvulus, water morning glory, water spinach • Assamese: কল্মৌ kalmou • Bengali: কলমি kalami • Gujarati: નળી ની ભાજી nali ni bhaji • Hindi: कलमी kalmi • Kannada: ನೀರು ಹಂಬು niru hambu • Konkani: takasi vel • Malayalam: ballel • Manipuri: কোলম্নী kolamni • Marathi: नाडी शाक naadi shaak, नळी ची भाजी nali chi bhaji • Oriya: kalama saga • Pali: कलम्बा kalamba • Prakrit: कलम्मिआ kalammia • Punjabi: ਨਾਲੀ ਬੇਲ nali bel • Sanskrit: कलम्ब kalamba, कलम्बी kalambi, कलम्बिका kalambika, नालीकः naalikah • Tamil: ஞாழி nali, நாளிகம் nalikam, வள்ளை vallai, வள்ளைக்கீரை vallai-k-kirai, வாரிபர்ணி variparni • Telugu: తీగబచ్చలి tigabaccali . Native of: China (¿ could also be India, s-e Asia ?); widely naturalized and cultivated . … leaf (as VEGETABLE) … in South India, the leaves are finely chopped and mixed with grated coconut Young shoots and leaves are used as vegetable and as salad, leaves being good source of minerals and vitamins, especially carotene. also used for increasing mothers milk postpartum, supposed to have anti-viral preoperties towards vacciniea helps detox from arsenic and opium toxicity etc etc . Soft glabrous herb often creeping on wet ground or floating in shallow waters; Leaves sagittate or hastate, up to 15 cm long; flowers white, pink or lilac with dark centre, 1-3 together on up to 9 cm long peduncle, 3-5 cm across; calyx lobes unequal; capsule ovoid, 1 cm in diam. . Each seedpod bears four seeds, each one shaped like a quarter of a sphere/globe, arranged side by side to make a perfect sphere shaped seedpod. Water body may not always be necessary for this plant where sometimes bare moist soil may be enough. . Convolvulaceae Week :: Ipomoea aquatica at Vaghbil: ip-oh-MEE-uh or ip-oh-MAY-uh — worm-like; referring to coiled flower bud a-KWA-tee-kuh — lives in water … Dave’s Botanary Oct 30, 2010 …Thane, Maarashtra commonly known as: aquatic convolvulus, Chinese spinach, creeping bindweed, swamp cabbage, swamp morning-glory, water convolvulus, water morning glory, water spinach • Assamese: কল্মৌ kalmou • Bengali: কলমি kalami • Gujarati: નળી ની ભાજી nali ni bhaji • Hindi: कलमी kalmi • Kannada: ನೀರು ಹಂಬು niru hambu • Konkani: takasi vel • Malayalam: ballel • Manipuri: কোলম্নী kolamni • Marathi: नाडी शाक naadi shaak, नळी ची भाजी nali chi bhaji • Oriya: kalama saga • Pali: कलम्बा kalamba • Prakrit: कलम्मिआ kalammia • Punjabi: ਨਾਲੀ ਬੇਲ nali bel • Sanskrit: कलम्ब kalamba, कलम्बी kalambi, कलम्बिका kalambika, नालीकः naalikah • Tamil: ஞாழி nali, நாளிகம் nalikam, வள்ளை vallai, வள்ளைக்கீரை vallai-k-kirai, வாரிபர்ணி variparni • Telugu: తీగబచ్చలి tigabaccali Native of: China (¿ could also be India, s-e Asia ?); widely naturalized and cultivated References: Flowers of India • NPGS / GRIN • PIER • fleppc • ENVIS – FRLHT • DDSA • Flowers of Sahyadri by Shrikant Ingalhalikar more views: Oct 30, 2010 … at Vaghbil, Thane, Maharashtra These photos are of typical Ipomoea aquatica Forssk. It is very common in marshes or in any aquatic body infested with common vegetation. Please note the elongated leaves and long-jointed hollow stems. Also note that stamens are hidden inside the corolla tube. Species : Ipomoea aquatica Forssk. Bengali name : KOLMI Habit : aquatic herb with long-jointed hollow stem Habitat : marshes, swamp, ponds Date : 19-Nov-2011, 01-Feb-2012, 12-Mar-2012 Place : Gobra (Hooghly), West Bengal ID help : ‘Plant Groups’ by H Mukherji I would also like to add that we often take the leaves of this plant as vegetable. I have a particular liking for the closeup of the sepals as seen here I will keep a watch for its seed-pod and will certainly send you as well as to this group. Meanwhile, here is one, I. marginata, that i collected today. . seedpod : Ipomoea aquatica from Hooghly: Species : Ipomoea aquatica Forssk. Habit & Habitat : wild aquatic herb Date : 11-04-2012, 10.00 a.m. Place : Gobra (Hooghly), WB Today i visited the place again to see the development/growth of the seedpods of Ipomoea aquatica. But they seemed to be of same sized as were 5 days ago. Collected two and took photographs under 5 watt CFT light without using flash. Each seedpod bears four seeds, each one shaped like a quarter of a sphere/globe, arranged side by side to make a perfect sphere shaped seedpod. Attaching one photo only to reduce mail size so that it reaches eflora website. Since google currently doesn’t support bigger than 100kb attachment attaching the images directly from the eflora site. SYMBIOSIS : 77: Attaching the image of 77th member of the series. In this a grass blue butterfly is on the flower of Ipomoea aquatica.
Convolvulaceae by sepal from Hooghly: Well, i thought so….. … liked sepal pictures in a couple of posts during Convolvulaceae week. I wondered what could be the reason behind it! Today, the same sepals saved me from a wrong ID, i think. Let’s see leaves and flowers of Merremia umbellata subsp. orientalis (Hallier f.) Ooststr. –efi thread/ and Merremia umbellata – efi thread. I attach some pictures, taken today, series marked by Ipomoea1…., Ipomoea2…. Ipomoea3 and Ipomoea4. The first two series are from the same pond and there was only one white flowering plant. Species : Ipomoea aquatica Frosk. Habit & Habitat : very common aquatic herb in ponds, ditches, marshes Date : 17/10/12, 1.10 p.m. Place : Khanpur (Hooghly) Sites visited apart from the above mentioned : Wild plant ID request – RK24 – 17-Oct-2012: Wait for flowers, but I won’t be surprised if it turns out to be Ipomoea aquatica. Yes, it looks like I. aquatica to me too. I agree with … and … I think this is one of the very popular vegetables in Indonesia i.e. the purple Ipomoea aquatica. I agree with the other responsees. Water laden stem; purple tinge goes in favour of Ipomoea aquatica (My perception). Simple question….any water body nearby to confirm this?? Water body may not always be necessary for this plant where sometimes bare moist soil may be enough. I was surprised a find one patch in Delhi growing along roadside, partially rising (climbing) along the fencing. Perhaps rain water collected in monsoon was enough to set it growing, and it survived long after ground was more or less dry, flowering profusely. Ok I understand. Thanks a lot … It is really interesting to know that it is a popular edible plant. There is no waterbody nearby… it had rained at night around ten days back and I took the pictures the following morning. Tks again for all the fascinating info. Ipomoea aquatica : White Flowered : Muscat : 210213 : AK-1: Requesting ID of this plant with light pink flowers – Convolvulaceae – Mumbai :17072013 : ARK-01 : April 2013 : Attachments (3). 4 posts by 3 authors. Seems to be Ipomoea aquatica. The leaves are hastate. Could you please confirm the habitat May be I. aquatica The plant was growing in an open field. There was a small pond nearby… Ipomoea aquatica Forssk from Assam KD 04 Oct : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7). Attached images are Ipomoea aquatica Forssk. Date :13.10.2014 Location: Assam Family :Convolvulaceae Genus & species : Ipomoea aquatica Forssk Habitat: Grows and forming mat over the water surface, also grows on wet places Habit : Aquatic herb, Yes, lovely record ! Hooghly sk-nov-01 – Ipomoea aquatica Forssk. (and rabbits) : 3 posts by 2 authors. I had a wrong notion that rabbits love carrots the most. At least two of them, recent addition to our family, defy it, they love the leaves and stems of Ipomoea aquatica the most. Every alternate day we buy 3 or 4 bundles of those leaves from our local bazaar, not to be used as SHAK/SHAG for ourselves but for those two bunnies! This is an extra expenditure and my mom resolved to plant a few in the pond in front of our kitchen. It is flowering now! Another interesting fact is all efloras (FoC, FoP, FoZ) and old lit. inform that flowers of this species are white, pink or lilac with darker centre, but this is pure white, as in – enjoyable but … you just increased my sitting at the computer time so many interesting utube uploads The same plant, from Nigeria. please identify : 10 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2). Ipomoea aquatica. … may be a leaf variant of Ipomoea marginata (uncertain due to lack of requisite details) Great, will try and get detailed pictures of the flower Flower tube and diameter are far too large (in relation to hand) to be Convolvulus arvensis. A reply from … in another thread: “Specimen no……………… IPOMOEA REPTANS : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3) At Bhadreshwar, Hooghly on 21/10/2007. Is it Ipomoea reptans ? Confirm identification please. Convolvulaceae (convolvulus, bindweed, or morning glory family) » Ipomoea aquatica Synonyms: Convolvulus repens, Ipomoea repens, Ipomoea reptans ip-oh-MEE-uh or ip-oh-MAY-uh — worm-like; referring to coiled flower bud a-KWA-tee-kuh — lives in water Native of: China (could actually be India, s-e Asia); widely naturalized and cultivated Edible use (¿ WILD / CULTIVATED ?): … leaf (as VEGETABLE) … in South India, the leaves are finely chopped and mixed with grated coconut … Wikipedia <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ipomoea_aquatica> … though no popular references, most of the regional names suggest it is used as leafy vegetable even in northern India . Fruits & Vegetables Week: Ipomoea aquatica, the Swamp cabbage: – Generally grows over water bodies in bengal – Does this have dissected leaf variety? Plant for ID070311AMS1: – Yes, Ipomoea aquatica
Flower-for-ID-300611MN: Date/Time- 26/1/11 10 a.m. Location- Place, Altitude, Dombivli, Mahrashtra Flora of Panipat: Ipomoea aquatica from Village Lohari Panipat: Yes, we eat the greens as veggie in Bengal… called Kalami saag … not to be eaten during monsoon…. also used for increasing mothers milk postpartum, supposed to have anti-viral preoperties towards vacciniea helps detox from arsenic and opium toxicity etc etc I have heard many people including my mom saying that we should not eat this plant during monsoon I am curious to know the reason for it. we were told , in Bangla.. :nana rokom rog hoy, tai..khaben na” … translation… many diesaes occur doe to water born pathogens… so do not eat.. we have seen ascaris eggs attached to the stem and mosquito eggs… asla we did not photograph them in those days… Thanks .. your justification is quite reasonable . … hanumanta bhovara AND takasi vel: Am referring to A dictionary, Marathi and English by Molesworth, J. T. (James Thomas)
Flora of Panipat: Ipomoea aquatica from Lohari Panipat and IOCL area Panipat : Ipomoea aquatica from Lohari Panipat and IOCL area Panipat Kolmi // kalami saag of bengal Attaching an image of Ipomoea aquatica that i recorded in February, this year. Species : Ipomoea aquatica Bengali name : KOLMI SHAK (shak = leafy vegetable) Type : wild, aquatic found in ponds, marsh etc. Date : 11-Feb-2012, 9.28 a.m. Place : Hooghly (West Bengal)
Flora of Panipat District- Ipomoea aquatica – efloraofindia | Google Groups an Ipomoea – indiantreepix | Google Groups Convolvulaceae Week: Ipomoea aquatica from Delhi: Herbs, procumbent and often floating. Important character is the leaf which is described as……. Mumbai, MH :: Ipomoea aquatica :: ARK2020-030 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4)- around 950 kb each. plant is from Nigeria. do help with the identification : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2). not familiar to me by info available, particularly lack of side-view and sepals. I would like to request that clear sideviews showing the outer tube of the bloom, sepals and fruit (at any and all stages) be included when this is available as all of the aforementioned parts are important for Convolvulaceae identification Alright It looks like my favorite vegetable Ipomoea aquatica It looks like my favourite vegetable Ipomoea aquatica suggested by … I think he is right Ipomoea rubens Choisy To me I. aquatica looks a better match, especially leaves significantly longer than broad and basal lobes rather than being simply cordate. Looking at the big and wider size of leaf I feel it could be I. rubens. I think Ipomoea aquatica as per images and details herein. Looks different from Ipomoea rubens as per Ipomoea aquatica Side view showing sepals is required. Please see the sepals of the Ipomoea species from Kannur… 3 images. Yes, I agree with … Climber Id from Bangladesh_SM_1408 : 10 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4) Flowering: January ? (Seen flower bud; flower color: yellow or white and size is small based on local informant ) Habitat: Agriculture bed Habit: Herb/Twiner Local name: Aduri Shak (used as vegetable by local people) Pl. check Pl. check with Ipomoea aquatica Forssk., which is used as a saag (vegetable) in Kolkata & West Bengal. Flower does not match with I. aquatica Please check Ipomoea eriocarpa, which too has hastate leaves as seen in post. Thanks … However, leaf is not hairy like the link pictures. Plz check OK …; another candidate is Ipomoea sepiaria whose leaves are normally cordate with purple variagation, though sometimes (rarely seen) assumes hastate shape. The corolla is never yellow (I have never seen), ranges from white with tinge of pink – mauve – lilac with purple throat. Measures 3 – 4 cm across. May be I batatas. I am also leaning more towards Ipomoea batatas (as per images herein) as identified by … Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. should be the correct ID. Any flower? Can you show the calyx? Difficult to say either “yes” or “no”for both the suggested IDs! Something just doesn’t tally either with I.batatas or I. sagittifolia. White flower is not the problem area Sir, I have both the variety (white and purplish) in front of our kitchen, growing wildly on the bank of our pond. I attach here a few pictures of Ipomoea aquatica Forssk., for comparison with the specimen from Bangladesh. The pictures are recorded today. 7 images. . Ipomoea aquatica for validation: 2 high res. images. Ipomoea carnea Jacq. ! Yes, close to images at Ipomoea carnea subsp. fistulosa The creeper habit, growth floating on surface of water, by hollow stems or marshy banks and leaf morphology is reminiscent of Ipomoea aquatica. Ipomoea carina is plant with bushy, woody, shrub, stems not hollow but aquatic in habit. Carina is a alien aquatic weed while Ipomoea aquatica is native of South East Asia and eaten as vegetable in Phillipines etc though due to growth in polluted waters and bioaccumulation of mercury and metals it is a health concern. I agree with … as per images at Ipomoea aquatica . References: |
Ipomoea aquatica
Updated on December 24, 2024