Ipomoea indica (Burm.) Merr., Interpr. Herb. Amboin. 445 445 1917. (Syn: Bonamia trichantha var. ovata Ooststr.; Convolvulus acuminatus Vahl …; Convolvulus indicus Burm. ….; Ipomoea acuminata (Vahl) Roem. & Schult. ….; Parasitipomoea formosana Hayata; Pharbitis acuminata (Vahl) Choisy …….); . Blue Dawnflower, Oceanblue Morning Glory, Island Morning Glory, Purperwinde, Blue morning-glory ; . Herbaceous climber similar to I. nil in sometimes 3-lobed leaves, longer sepals often reaching 24 mm and narrowed towards tip, but distinct in sepals with appressed pubescent, corolla usually longer, bluish with commonly purplish throat. . Species (I. nil) appearing similar to I. indica but with sepals densely hirsute at base, often slightly curved above, lighter coloured smaller flowers. . The main feature of distinction is calyx lobes. in I. indica calyx lobes are 10-20 mm long, ovate-lanceolate and long acuminate, pubescent or glabrous. In I. nil sepals are 15-25 mm long, narrowly lanceolate, tapering into long tip and more importantly long hirsute especially near base. In fact I. hederacea is very close to I. nil, but tips of calyx calyx lobes in fruit are straight in I nil, but curved to one side or recurved in I. hederacea. . I. hederacea Jacq. was recognised in eFlora of pakistan, but now both I. hederacea Jacq. and I. hederacea Baker & Rendle have been merged with I. nil. . 19/05/2021 : Hooghly : Convolvulaceae : Ipomoea: 6 images. Check for Ipoemea nil. Sir ji, you make me nervous! I have a 2012 post, where flowers are markedly smaller – efi thread Yet, … post – efi thread – confirmed/validated by … makes me nervous again. So, I take FoC help :-
Finally, I think it may not be I. nil. Thank you so much, it helped me recheck my 2012 upload. Master ji Thanks. Your efforts are commendable. What an in-depth study. Your ID is final for me. Ipomoea tricolor I think has mostly entire leaves. This could be I. indica, but only lateral close up of flower showing showing calyx should help. Yes, I nil is also possible. calyx would help Found one more picture taken at the same place on 21st Oct,2008 at Munnar. Could this be of any help? would go with Ipomoea indica even i get confuse between I. indica and I. nil.. flower look exactly similar.. May leaves shape help.. The main feature of distinction is calyx lobes. in I. indica calyx lobes are 10-20 mm long, ovate-lanceolate and long acuminate, pubescent or glabrous. In I. nil sepals are 15-25 mm long, narrowly lanceolate, tapering into long tip and more importantly long hirsute especially near base. In fact I. hederacea is very close to I. nil, but tips of calyx calyx lobes in fruit are straight in I nil, but curved to one side or recurved in I. hederacea. I. hederacea Jacq. was recognised in eFlora of pakistan, but now both I. hederacea Jacq. and I. hederacea Baker & Rendle have been merged with I. nil. Covolvulaceae Week – Bangalore – RA – Ipomoea indica – Blue Dawn Flower: This another species that is often self-incompatible but seeds are still produced by some geo-strains… . Blue dawn Morning Glory-MN280312: sharing photos of Blue dawn Morning glory A cultivated, garden climber with large Purple flowers. Ipomoea id please. This is Ipomoea learii Knight ex Paxton which is now a syn of Ipomoea indica (Burm.) Merr. Frontal views of flower do not suggest anything, In Convolvulaceae showing inflorescence and the calyx of flower is necessary for a correct ID. Now ID is just a guess. Requesting ID of the small plant: 21032013: ARK-02 : 1 image. 3 posts by 2 authors. Requesting ID of this purple flower Captured in Mumbai in September 2012 Morning Glory For ID : Kodaikanal : 130714 : AK-26 : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1). Morning Glory climber seen on 23/10/08 in Kodaikanal. Species id please. Ipomoea hederifolia L.? No, definitely not Ipomoea hederifolia, which has red flowers and known to me. This could be I. indica or I. nil. The flower belongs to Ipomea indica Ipomoea For ID : California : 29NOV14 : AK-67 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2). Morning Glory seen in Sacramento on 7/10/14. Ipomoea indica? could be leaf shape with such lobes can be seen in several bindweeds in tropical america though with some variations lets see what our experts think In australia this in the weeds list …. it overpowers all that it grows near Ipomoea For ID : Nasik : 30AUG15 : AK-59 : 59/59 : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (1) Cultivated, garden plant seen at a plant nursery in Nasik. Ipomoea indica? Yes , Ipomoea indica it is SYMBIOSIS :574 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1). Attaching an image of a Bumble bee on the flower of a Ipomoea Sp. Appears to be Ipomoea indica (Burm.) Merr. as per images herein. . Help me in identifying the Convolvulaceae weed predominating Bangalore: The fast-spreading convolvulaceae member in Bangalore could be any of the 3 species viz. Ipomoea indica, Ipomoea muricata or Ipomoea parasitica. Another plant, Argyreia cuneata is also common near Hebbal area, but it is not that fast-spreading. Ipomoea indica (Burm.f.) Merrill, Interpr. Herb. Amboin. 445. 1917 Syn: Convolvulus indicus Burm.f.; Ipomoea mutabilis Lind. Herbaceous climber similar to I. nil in sometimes 3-lobed leaves, longer sepals often reaching 24 mm and narrowed towards tip, but distinct in sepals with appressed pubescent, corolla usually longer, bluish with commonly purplish throat. Photographed from Delhi and California I have a query about differentiation between the three species. According to eFlora of Pakistan, eFlora of China and The Plant List, Ipomoea learii Paxton is a synonym of I. indica. I have given differences between I. indica and I. nil. Here are specific differences: Ipomoea indica Ipomoea nil 1. Stems appressed pubescent, sometimes rooting at nodes 1. Stems covered with long spreading hairs. 2. Leaves pubescent with short hairs 2. Leaves with long spreading hairs 3. Infl. Several flowered in dense umbellate cymes. 3. Inf. 1-few flowered. 4. Bracts linear or lanceolate. 4. Bracts linear or filiform 5. Sepals subequal, gradually linear-acuminate, 5. Sepal almost equal, with spreading long hairs on outside appressed pilose, outer 3 lanceolate to broadly near base, subglabrous above with linear tip lanceolate, inner 2 narrowly lanceolate. 6. Corolla blue or bluish-purple aging to red, 5-7 cm long. 6. Corolla pale to bright blue with white tube, fading pinkish with age, 3-5 cm long 7. Capsule 10-13 mm across. 7. Capsule 8-10 mm across Location: Nagarkot, Nepal Date: 27 October 2018 Elevation: 6000 ft. Habit : Wild Thank you. Which Ipomoea ? Pl. check comparative images at Ipomoea nil (L.) Roth ?? I feel a little different from images at Re: Ipomoea nil : 6 posts by 5 authors. 2 images. This is from Kalimpong, West Bengal Please identify the species Seems correct ID. Ipomoea nil and Ipomoea indica are confusingly similar. Bracts/ sepals needs to be checked, which are not clear here. Ipomoea indica. In I nil, tube largely remains white. yes i have been concerned about dx of I. nil Fwd: It is Ipomoea indica,not I nil : 1 post by 1 author. 6 images. This is from Kalimpong, West Bengal Please identify the species Ipomoea nil and Ipomoea indica are confusingly similar. Bracts/ sepals needs to be checked, which are not clear here. Ipomoea indica. In I nil, tube largely remains white. Thanks to …
Ipomoea sp. – efloraofindia | Google Groups Ipomoea Species for ID : Bangalore : 14JAN20 : AK-20 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) A cultivated plant seen last month. Ipomoea indica . Morning Glory for ID : California : 10JUN21 : AK-04: 3 images. Found these old pictures. Taken in Los Angeles during my visit in Oct, 2014. I seem to have missed out earlier. Images tally with Ipomoea indica (Burm.) Merr as per this link: keys.lucidcentral Hope the ID gets validated by other members. May I request you to pl. post a high resolution image of 1st and 3rd image to see the details of calyx. 2 high res. images. Yes, Ipomoea indica Ipomoea for species ID – 251013 – RK : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 2 authors. 09/09/12 – 8.30 am at Lalbagh, Bangalore. Morning Glory? Request Sp ID. May be Ipomoea indica (Burm.) Merr. as per images herein. However, sepals are required for final confirmation. Yes it is !!! . Regarding identification of the species collected from Khurda Odisha on September 2024: 2 high res. images. https://efloraofindia.com/2011/01/22/ipomoea/ It is
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Ipomoea indica
Updated on December 24, 2024