Murdannia pauciflora

Murdannia pauciflora (G.Brückn.) G.Brückn., Nat. Pflanzenfam. ed. 2 15a: 173 1930. (Syn: Aneilema pauciflorum Wight [Illegitimate]; Dichaespermum aurantiacum Hassk. ex C.B.Clarke [Invalid]; Murdannia wightii R.S.Rao & Kammathy [Illegitimate]; Phaeneilema pauciflorum G.Brückn.);


This herb was photographed at Munnar. … has indicated that this could be “Murdannia pauciflora“.
Date: 20th Nov.
Location: Munnar

Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit: Herb

This looks like Murdannia lanuginosa.

… this particular peach coloured Murdannia always reminds me of Murdannia lanuginosa just as … just put.
If Murdannia pauciflora too bears similar colour …, please let us know any key difference among the two.

Murdannia lanuginosa from me too

Basic difference between these two plants are
Murdannia lanuginosa  Typical plant of laterite soil or either found on high altitude. Root fusiform tuberous. Leaves linear to linear lanceolate with broad base, compactly arranged, margin undulate. Seeds trigonus, bi-seriate.
Murdannia pauciflora Syn Murdannia wightii Commonly found undergrowth of forest and along the road sides in Ghats (towards south). Root fibrous, Leaves ovate, margin entire. Seeds uniseriate and squarish to rectangular in Shape.
Seed differences and habit are attached separably………….
Attachments (2)


ID: Prejith006. Unidentified plant from Western Ghats: This is a plant found growing on the roadsides in South Wynad at about 700 to 800 msl. Is it a Commelina sp. ?

This is Murdannia lanuginosa.

Please also check with Murdannia pauciflora. I feel the picture is more closer to M. pauciflora.

 I’m no expert in Botany so I’ll leave it to you to decide but based on pictures from the net it looks like what … says it is.

I too think that this is Murdannia lanuginosa of Commelinaceae family. In Murdannia pauciflora the flowers are blue/ violet in color and leaves are narrow-linear.

Murdannia lanuginosa. A common plant at Kaas in Sep.

… is may be right and again I am writing here flowers in Murdannia pauciflora are orange to brick red in colour.
In Murdannia lanuginosa leaves are linear to linear lanceolate with a broad base, finely acuminate apex, conspicuously striate and with acuminate margin. Grow always erect.
Above posted plant is may be M. pauciflora coz of its prostrate habit (apparently look likes), leaves ovate, apex acute, and margins aren’t that much of undulate.
To compare herewith I am attaching image of M. lanuginosa

I am very sorry for a mistake from my side as I have taken notes wrongly on to my notebook and my identification of plant in this thread went wrong. I do not know how it had happened.

Thank you … for pointing out that and made me to recheck the same.
Yes this is M. pauciflora only.
I further agree with … explanation on M. languinosa.
Murdania pauciflora
….stem creeping rooting at nodes, villous on one side. Leaves up to 5X 1.6cm sessile base usually cordate; more or less hairy, sheaths with ciliate margins
Flowers in 1-5 flowered, axillary cymes. Sepals narrowely oblong petals brownish yellow
Stamens and staminodes 3 each….. (Flora of Udupi, G K Bhat)

Thanks to everybody for the identification. A lot of pictures of Murdannia pauciflora on the internet are misleading.

Yes … I am one of the contributors in misleading !!
Some of pictures in my photostream need to be rectified. Will revisit them shortly.
… was kind enough to at least two instances.

I have written to few people whose id is misleading referring this thread and few other relevant online references.



Murdannia pauciflora : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)
Murdannia pauciflora,
Dr Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary, Thattekkad, near Kothamangalam. First week of October 2018

Beautiful pictures, yes it is M. pauciflora.


106 ID wild plant Commelina: 11 images.

Please ID wild plant,
Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671
Flower date: 17.07.2021, 11.35am
Altitude: 1400fsl
Habitat: wild moisture
Plant habit: creeping, branches, slender weak purple stem, hairy, annual
Height: 12cm
Leaves: alternate, ovate, oblong, apex, size:6×1.6cm or less, hairy
Flower: 3 petals, diameter:08mm, purple (rare) and orange, non fragrant, closes by 2pm
Fruit: lengthy green into brown, size:6×1.5mm, not edible
Seed: black up to 8 nos., rigid rectangular, size:1.5×1 mm
Camera: mobile Samsung Galaxy A21s

Pl check for Murdannia species: M.paucifolia ? ??

I guess ID is correct !

Murdannia versicolor (Dalzell) G.Brückn. ??

It is more close to M. paucifolia because it’s purple stem and Thattekad is only 15km from here,

This is not Murdannia ochracea. Perhaps very close to Murdannia satheeshiana or pauciflora! Please confirm.

Yes, it is more close to Murdannia satheeshiana

As per the photographs, description and location, the specimen is Murdannia pauciflora. The photograph of the seed looks like Murdannia pauciflora. M.satheeshina is a small herb upto 10 cm height with relatively smaller flowers collected from the shola-grassland of Mathikettan Shola National Park, Idukki. So far it is not reported from other places. For a detailed description of M. satheeshiana, please refer to the attached pdf and kindly compare with it.
1 attachment.


Seed image of Murdannia Versicolor: 1 image.
I am happy to share the seed image with you.

These are of Murdannia pauciflora, same as in 106 ID wild plant Commelina


Requesting a herb id (08112021): 2 high res. images.

Found growing in mud puddles amidst the rocky boulders. 
IISER TVM campus adjoining Agasthyamalai biosphere reserve.
The corolla is extremely flimsy and the flower is trimerous. The seeds appear in what I think is a capsule. The seeds are brown and become greyish white upon exposure to air.
Is it a species of Murdania???

Murdannia. Please check comparative images at efi and FoI.

Pl. check comparative images at Murdannia

To me it appears close to images at Murdannia pauciflora (G.Brückn.) G.Brückn.


Herb ID:-3 (081221): 2 high res. images.

The herb was found growing in the understorey of the forest floor. The flowers are trimerous, with extremely flimsy petals and are cream-colored. 
Peppara WLS adjoining Agasthyamalai biosphere reserve.

Murdannia pauciflora (G.Brückn.) G.Brückn. Please check !

To me it also appears close to images at Murdannia pauciflora (G.Brückn.) G.Brückn.


Please help ID : 28 September 2022 : Kerala: 3 images- 2 high res.

Please help ID this plant.
Location: Koonammavu, Kerala
Date: 28th September 2022

Murdannia pauciflora (G.Brückn.) G.Brückn. ??

Looks correct. Thank you very much.

Many species look similar.

Experts can confirm.

Yes … There are many possibilities like Murdannia lanuginosa and Murdannia crocea subsp. ochracea but I feel it is the closest  match.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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