1300-2600 m; Himalaya (Punjab to NEFA). as per Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal;
See variations in Osbeckia stellata & also comparison with Osbeckia nepalensis at FOC illustration.
In Osbeckia– stamens are equal in length and shape, but in Melastoma– stamens are unequal in length and shape. 
Flora of Eastern Ghats: Hill Ranges of South East India, Volume 3 By T. Pullaiah, K. Sri Ramamurthy (2007)- (Description & Keys- Osbeckia muralis, virgata, stellata, chinensis & zeylanica)
If Hypanthium (calyx Cup) 4–7 mm long …….. 1. Osbeckia chinensis
2. O. nutans
If Hypanthium 10–23 mm long:
Lamina 17–25 mm long …… 3. O. capitata
Lamina 40–130 mm long:
Flowers 5-merous ………   4. O. nepalensis
Flowers 4-merous ……   5. O. stellata

Shrubs, hairs on stem long and stiff, patent at the base, but curved upwards, often somewhat flexuous. Leaves opposite, to 8.2 x 3.1 cm, oblong-lanceolate, 5-nerved; petiole 5-11 mm long. Flowers tetramerous, large, pink, terminal; bracts small, 4 mm long, glabrous dorsally and ventrally. Hypanthium 2.5-3 x 9-11 mm, sparingly covered with patent, glandular emergences and a few bristles at the very base, emergences with 1 to few hairs on the stalk or glabrous. Sepals ovate, glabrous dorsally or with 1 to few bristles. Fruit glabrous or only a few emergences left. 

Flowering and fruiting: October-February
Evergreen forests
Peninsular India

Herbs or shrublets, 0.2-2 m, erect. Stems 4-6-sided, sparsely or densely patently strigose or velutinous. Leaves opposite or 3 verticillate; petiole 2-13 mm, strigose or velutinous; leaf blade oblong-lanceolate, ovate-lanceolate, or elliptic, 4-10 cm long, 2-4.5 cm wide, stiffly papery, both surfaces strigose or also velutinous, secondary veins 2 on each side of midvein, tertiary veins inconspicuous, base obtuse to subcordate, margin entire and ciliate, apex acute or acuminate. Inflorescences terminal racemose or panicled cymose, 4-22 cm; bracts 2, ovate, ca. 4 mm, abaxially glabrous or sparsely strigose, margin setiform ciliate. Pedicel short or absent. Hypanthium usually purple to dark purple, 1-2.3 cm, with several rows of up to 2.5 mm setiform stellate trichomes on stalks. Calyx lobes 4, linear-lanceolate to subulate, 0.8-1.2 cm, caducous in fruit, margin ciliate. Petals 4, pink to purple, obovate, 1.5-2 cm, margin ciliate. Stamens 8, inclined to one side; filaments ± equal to anther lengths; anthers narrowly lanceolate, long-beaked; connective slightly inflated at base, abaxially slightly inflated, adaxially spurred. Ovary ovoid, 4-celled, apex setose. Capsule long urceolate, contracted at middle, 1.0-1.6 cm long, 0.5-0.8 cm wide, with rows of setiform stellate trichomes on stalks, ± glabrous in old specimens or basally setose, apically glabrous.  
Osbeckia stellata is close relative of Osbeckia nepalensis, but differs from the latter in its 4-merous (vs. 5-merous) flowers, capsule long urceolate (flask-shaped) (vs. ovoid-globose), apically glabrous (vs. with rings of strigose setae).
Flowering from July to November; fruiting from October to December.
Osbeckia stellata is occurring in Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Xizang, Yunnan, Zhejiang of China, Bhutan, Cambodia, Laos, NE India, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam.
Growing in grassland on mountain slopes, sparse thickets, dry stony pastures, trailsides; 200-2300 m.
 Rights holder(s): Wen, Jun

Flora of Chakrata: Osbeckia stellata from Bairat Khai Chakrata Road:
Osbeckia stellata from Bairat Khai Chakrata

It was a good find in the area.


Flora of Chakrata: Melastoma malabathricum for validation…:
This one was shot from Bairatkhai-Chakrata road in September 2011. Is this Melastoma malabthricum??

This is Osbeckia stellata.
In Osbeckia– stamens are equal in length and shape, but in Melastoma– stamens are unequal in length and shape. In this picture stamens are equal in length. So i think this is Osbeckia only.

Yes Osbeckia stellata
Uploaded by … from Chakrata last year

It is Osbeckia sp as the petals are 4 in no. whereas in M.malabathricum, there as 5 petals….


Osbeckia stellata (Melastomaceae) from Uttarakhand : Attachments (3). 3 posts by 3 authors.
Osbeckia stellata Wallich ex D.Don (Melastomaceae) is a frequent shrub in mid hills of Uttarakhand. It produces beautiful flowers during June-September.
With this tricoloured flower I salute TRICOLOUR OF INDIA.

Thanks … for sharing.. we searched for this plant in present tour of Chakrata region (as we had found this during our tour in September 2011), but no trace was found, probably due to the fact that all roads were not open for traffic and we could not visit the area of its distribution..
as we were returning back through other route we had completely ended the search for this, even this was out of mind… and we were happy to find the beautiful flowers greeting us.. sharing one of my latest pics..

Prominently SIGMOID anther lobes are clearly visible. This is what I wanted to discuss in the group on my plant and the one given on Flowers of India.
efi thread


Osbeckia stellata | Chakrata : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 3 authors.

Osbeckia stellata
Chakrata, Uttarakhand
Aug., 2013

We got it, after we stopped looking for this…

Attached images may be Osbeckia stellata Buch.-Ham. ex Ker Gawl. Please validate.
Date :09.10.2013
Location: Shillong
Family : Melastomataceae
Genus & species : Osbeckia stellata Buch.-Ham. ex Ker Gawl (???)
Habitat: Grows wild on hilly area
Habit : Shrub
Flower : Large, Pink

Yes Beautiful Shots of Osbeckia stellata

I still wish to differ on this plant. Kindly see the stamen morphology. Also see the links to other posts on this plant especially by … They are excellent posts depicting every character very clearly. efi thread one, two, three and four.     

BSI site yet to upload checklist of melastomataceae.
Based on Bengal Plants (1903) and Flora of China key and description, specially inflorescence type described in FoC spp, stellate hair on urceolate calyx, i think it is O. stellata Buch.-Ham. ex Kew Gawler. Stamen number and character can be taken care of with image no.3.

here is BEngal Plant key. Attachments (1)

Flower ID requested : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Found this flower in Ahaldara, near Latpanchar, Darjeeling district, West Bengal. Altitude : Approx 4000 ft

Likely to be Sarcopyramis napalensis or else Osbeckia stellata.

Thanks… To me it is not S.nepalensis. Probably Osbeckia stellata.

Okay, agreed, Osbeckia stellata. However, the spelling for the other species will not be nepalensis but napalensis, as per the protologue.  Please mention the stature of the plant in your posts.

Osbeckia species from Shimla : 8 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7)

Kindly help with identification. Osbeckia stellata??
If it is Osbeckia stellata, then why it differs in many visible characteristics from the plant present in FLOWERS OF INDIA
(photographed in Manipur)? Why the anthers are not curved / sigmoid and leaves quite different in the plant on FLOWERS OF INDIA?
Attaching copied comparison from some important publications and a few photographs for your kind perusal.

Kindly download the MS Word file for comparison between Osbeckia stellata, O. crinita and O. chinensis.
Attachments (1)

All major Floras of Himachal Pradesh has listed presence of O. stellata in the state. Flora of Himachal Pradesh by Chaudhary and Wadhwa has mentioned presence of O. chinensis from Kangra. 

Not familiar with any Osbeckia, yet it raises my interest. The problem is –

Can’t say if the above two are synonymous or not. I have read Anil Ji’s attached document.
Descriptions of both in Flora of British India leave one confused. However, Fl. Br. Ind. referred to biodiversitylibrary where the flower is purple (or pure white).
I would rather go with O. stellata Buch.-Ham. ex Ker Gawl, as in FoC; until we get the latest revision of the genus.

i mean the illustration at biodiversitylibrary is of O. crinita of Fl. Br. Ind.
Sir W. J. Hooker treated the above as synonymous with O. stellata.(as had been described in FBI).

I will also go with Osbeckia stellata.

Osbeckia stellata ??? : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Sharing some pictures of Osbeckia stellata for verification. Pictures were shot at Telakot, Magarkot Nepal on 30 July 1016 at 6000 ft.

Thanks, … Seems close to images at Osbeckia stellata

Osbeckia stellata Buch.-Ham. ex Ker Gawl. ???? : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7)
Location: Ranikot, Bhaktapur, Nepal
Altitude: 6200 ft.
Date: 7 October 2017

Yes, O. stellata. Excellent images! Also in Sikkim and Bhutan.

Please suggest if these pics belong to Osbeckia stelllata, they were recorded from Assam-Arunachal border this year..

I am no expert but I had seen this plant at many places in Sikkim at low altitudes. The species is unmistakable by  the hirsute branches, the terminal umbellate panicles and the 4-merous flowers with violet petals.

Attached images may be Osbeckia stellata Buch.-Ham. ex Ker Gawl. Pl. validate
Date :22.08.2017
Location: Assam

Family : Melastomaceae
Genus & species : Osbeckia stellata Buch.-Ham. ex Ker Gawl (??)
Habitat: Grows wild on marshy area
Habit : Shrub

To me appears close as per images at Osbeckia stellata Buch.-Ham. ex Ker Gawl. , but I am not very confident.
Pl. also check comparative images at Osbeckia

Osbeckia stellata

Osbeckia stellata ??? : 13 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
Sharing some pictures of Osbeckia stellata for verification. Pictures were shot at Telakot, Magarkot Nepal on 30 July 1016 at 6000 ft.

Thanks, … Seems close to images at Osbeckia stellata

Enclosing suggestion received from member for your opinion please !

Dear …,
My compliments to you on treating us with Nepal Flora.
This does seem to be O. stellata. (keys below).
Up to what altitude do you see this plant in Nepal?
It is said to occur between 700-1600m, however, I have sighted this plant at about 3700m in October 2009 in Sikkim on the Goecha la route between Pheydang and Kokchurung. 
Will be happy to learn of your view.
If Hypanthium (calyx Cup) 4–7 mm long……..1. Osbeckia chinensis
                                                                  2. O. nutans

If Hypanthium 10–23 mm long:
Lamina 17–25 mm long…………………….. …..3. O. capitata

Lamina 40–130 mm long: Flowers 5-merous…………………. ……………4. O. nepalensis
Flowers 4-merous………………….…………….5. O. stellata

2nd mail
My apologies for this second communication.
I feel that the plant in your post (on eFI) of August 08, 2016 is not O. stellata.
Please refer to the keys sent to you in earlier mail.
It looks like O. chinensis to me as hypanthium seems smaller.
Attaching what I think is O. stellata from my collection.
Look forward to your views.

Your observations about what you thought was Osbeckia stellata on the Goecha La route at some 3700m caught my eye.
This struck me as much higher an elevation than previously recorded. According to ‘Enumeration of the Flowering Plants of Nepal’ Vol 2 (1979) the highest O.stellata was known from was 2600m.  For a species to be recorded 1100m higher than ever before, would be most surprising.  All that can be said is that according to your memory, based upon a quick glance, you came across what you thought was probably O.stellata.  Do you have any photos or specimens to support this surprising suggestion?
‘Flowers of the Himalaya’ says 1200-2400m, Uttarakhand to Arunachal Pradesh and what was Burma for Oxytropis stellata.
R. Clement in ‘Flora of Bhutan’ Vol 2 Part 1 (1991) which also covered Sikkim (which as you known borders E.Nepal and now being Indian territory is of particular interest to eFI members) says O.stellata is extremely variable and a number of authors have recognised the differences at specific level. Hansen (1977) ‘Asiatic species of Osbeckia (Ginkgoana 4: 1-150) considered the taxa poorly defined, recognising taxa within O.stellata. Clement adopted this treatment. He gives three varieties: stellatarostrata; crinita.
He described var. crinita from open hillsides and rock crevices @ 1520-2290. That is by far the highest elevation any taxon of Osbeckia
recorded from Bhutan or Sikkim but still 1400m lower than 3700m!

The post I have copied for opinion is from some other member
of our group. I am also enclosing page from the Flowers of India further reference.

I am happy to note the elevation difference. I will peruse it and publish it if the altitude difference is so significant. Thanks for the lead.
These areas are not fully documented and there is still a lot more we can learn from further expeditions.

Now lets focus on answering whether the plant I photographed is indeed Osbeckia stellata or some other Osbeckia species etc.
…, I am posting my images (attached here):
a) for identity confirmation
b) for altitude discussion [I am sure these images were taken beyond Phedang, 3000 m approx,, so even in a worst case scenario the elevation is 3000+ m, if not 3700m. Even then it is way beyond its known elevation.]
c) I also have habitat images with some neighboring ferns, some general shots of the surroundings etc..plus with a couple of not so good images of a bird and frog nearby at that height.
a, b, and c above are essentially in response to … negative assumptions in his (direct) e-mail to me.
Attachments (2)

I have referred to a couple of books published in Nepal by authentic publications including the Government of Nepal publication and all publications says the elevation for this plant is as 800-2600,1300-2600 mt. whereas FoI says 200-2300 m and Polunin and Stainton says 1200-2400 mt.

Osbeckia species : Attachments (2). 4 posts by 3 authors.
Request species identification of this common Obsbeckia flowers taken in Meghalaya?

Perhaps Osbeckia stellata

efi page on Osbeckia stellate

Thanks, …, for id.
To me also appear close to images at Osbeckia stellata Buch.-Ham. ex Ker Gawl.


Fwd: [efloraofindia:235742] Flower ID requested SR2 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Flower found at Rishop, Darjeeling district, West Bengal
Approx 6000 ft above ASL

I guess Osbeckia sp in front and Gnaphalium sp. behind.

Osbeckia species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net) 

I agree with …, and as per key & distribution in Bengal Plants it may be O. stellata, but not sure.

To me appear close to images at Osbeckia stellata Buch.-Ham. ex Ker Gawl.


Wild Flower from Suntalekhola:
this wild flower was spotted near a hill stream at Suntalekhola (Samsing)…in the eastern Himalayan foothills….during my recent trip to North Bengal forests.
Can experts please give the ID of this flower?

The genus is Osbeckia. Species to be confirmed.

Yes Osbeckia sp

Please check Osbeckia stellata may be Osbeckia stellata var. crinita

SK625 07 JUL-2017:ID : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Location: Simana Busti Mirik, India 
Date: 21 May  2017
Altitude: 7500 ft.
Osbeckia …??

Pl. check with comparative images at Osbeckia

I think it should be Osbeckia stellata Buch.-Ham. ex Ker Gawl. as per its habit, timing of the images, remnants of the fruits & fruit shape etc. & also as per images herein.

Flower for Id -ID27102016SH2 : 14 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1)
Flower for Id pl.
Location – Cherrapunji
Date – 16.10.2016

It is Melastoma species

I am in agreement that it is a Melastoma and not Osbeckia which is the commonest genus of the Melastomataceae encountered along the Himalaya –there is a line drawing of O.stellata in ‘Flora Simlensis’ showing the stamens all similar 8-10 which helps to distinguish the genus from Melastoma which has stamens of two kinds; 5-7 longer with purple anthers & 2 yellow swellings plus 5-7 shorter with yellow anthers.  This characteristic is difficult to see in the single image not in close-up from Cherrapunji.  Other differences include the feathery-haired calyces which can be seen or at look sufficiently different to those of the main Osbeckias from the region.
In ‘Flowers of the Himalaya’ it says there are two species of this genus in the Himalaya. ‘Enumeration of the Flowering Plants of Nepal’ lists M.malabathricum and M.normale – with the former species recorded from Tropical Himalayan foothills around 200m.  Whereas the latter 900-1800m.
As does ‘Flora of Bhutan’ – though the differences in the key are minimal.
But it comes as no surprise to find that M.normale has been relegated to a synonym of Melstoma malabathricum.
I think I probably saw this ten years ago during my only visit to the Meghalaya a decade ago (I was hugely disappointed that it did not rain when I was there) close to wonderful Nohkalikai Falls.
It thus

I hope it was understood that I considered the specimen to be Melastoma melabathricum – I have minimal knowledge of the local
flora in this region. There appears to only be this species now?
I see this would be the first image for this group from Meghalaya.

Thanks, … Is this also a Rhododendron variety ?

No, …

looks like Osbeckia cupularis….

I am confused by this suggestion.  Do you mean the flower named as a Melastoma? If not, kindly send images I can view.
Osbeckia cupularis is currently not an accepted name. Do you have links to up-to-date references?
It is within ‘Flora of British India’ as a species from S.India/ Sri Lanka only with dark purple or whitish flowers.

It’s the same thread in discussion- the pink flower “copy of Meghalaya 188′ posted. I read on Google that Melastoma melabathricum is also known as Indian Rhododendron hence asked the question.

Thanks for information. I understand now.
It illustrates the problems (and often confusion) caused by common names which are applied differently in different regions of a country or parts of the world.
My understanding of ‘Rhododendron’ is a plant belonging to a genus within the Ericaceae family. Whereas ‘Melastoma’ belongs to the Melastomataceae family – which are not similar, so as a botanist this common name seems incorrect to me.
In the UK, the common name “bluebells” is used in England for a completely different plant, belonging to a totally different family compared to its use in Scotland.
I recently read the paragraph in ‘Supplement to Flowers of the Himalaya’ by Stainton about the use of Latin names despite the indisputable fact that it is the only universally valid (and accepted) way of referring to a plant.
I fully endorse this as I can communicate with botanists is Japan, Russia, Norway or wherever who have minimal English using Latin names.
Anyhow, the main point is that Stainton stated that when describing Himalayan flora English names can be applied only where the species also occurs in Britain or where it is so well-known as to have acquired an English name even though it does not grow there. 
After publication of ‘Flowers of the Himalaya’ some regrets were expressed that no vernacular names had been included. The difficulty being that more than one language is involved, not only Hindi and Nepali, but also the various Tibetan dialects, the Nepali caste languages, Kashmiri and doubtless other variants as well.  And even among speakers of the same language the name used for a plant may well differ from one area to another.  To have included vernacular names in the text would therefore have been a task to tax the skills of a trained philologist!
Definitely, the inclusion of as many local names in addition to the Latin names (which are troubling enough with so many changes) is valuable and informative for efloraofIndia, hopefully helping to engage with more people.
I regularly lecture about my travels in the Himalaya (telling them it is Himalaya and not Himalayas) to clubs and societies interested in garden plants.  Many struggle with Latin names so I used common names as well when they exist but it is essential to use the Latin ones.

I think this should be Osbeckia stellata as per keys and images herein.


Thanks, …
There are three different databases here- eflora (China & Nepal- The plant List is using this here), Catalogue of Life (based on World Plants- GBIF uses this) and  WCSP/POWO.
There are contradictions in them.
Pl. follow which you feel is OK for you for a particular species.
However, Checklist of Nepal may be least authentic.


MS,June,2021/14 Osbeckia sp.(stellata?) for id.: 2 images.
Location : Reiek tlang

Date : 08-09-2015
Habit : Shrub
Habitat : Wild

Seems you’re right


Osbeckia stellata from Uttarakhand-GS17122021-GS17122021-6: 5 high res. images.
Osbeckia stellata from Mussoorie Chakrata Road, Uttarakhand, 16-9-2021


Osbeckia stellata Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don:

Location: Kalikot, West Nepal
Altitude: 1695m.
Date: 14 August 2021
Habit : Wild 


ID: 5 images- 1 high res.

Please help me to identify this Osbeckia sp. from Manipur
Location: Manipur hilly area
Family: Melastomaceae
Genus: Osbeckia
Species: ??
Habit: wild herbs

Osbeckia chinensis L.??

I think more closer to images and details at Osbeckia stellata rather than those at Osbeckia chinensis


Id request:
Please help me to identify Osbeckia species having 4 and 5 petals on the same plant.

Osbeckia stellata Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don ?

I also agree as per images at Osbeckia stellata Buch.-Ham. ex Ker Gawl.

Id request: (Mixed thread): 3 images.

Please help me Identified osbeckia species
Location: Manipur 
Habit; wild
Date of the collection; 19/8/2022
Habitat; shrub  30 to 80 cm tall.

They are same species from one plant but i upload seperately for close image or character.


Osbeckia species from Manipur: 2 high res. images.
From L Peimichon (as clubbed in another post)
Dear mentors, please check the image. It looks like Osbeckia nepalensis but it has 4 petals and hypanthium glabrous, 2fit long.
found in Manipur
Elevation 1050 to 1100
Collection date 26 September 2022.

Yes !

As the flowers are 4-merous, it is Osbeckia stellata Buch.-Ham. ex Ker Gawl. 
See variations in Osbeckia stellata & also comparison with Osbeckia nepalensis at FOC illustration.

I still feel it is different from https://efloraofindia.com/2011/03/17/osbeckia-stellata/ !

Lot of variations in this species.


Osbeckia sp. for Id: 4 images.
Please help me to Identified wild species.
Location: Manipur

Habit; wild 
Date of the collection; October 19, 2022
Habitat: Herbs, 100 to 200 cm tall.
Elevation; 476m


Osbeckia sp. for Id.: 4 images.
Location: Manipur

Habit; wild 
Date of the collection; October 19, 2022
Habitat: Herbs, 100 to 200 cm tall.
Elevation; 476m

I think likely to be https://efloraofindia.com/2011/03/17/osbeckia-stellata/


MS,Sept.,2023/03 Osbeckia sp. for id.: 2 images.
Location: Hmuifang, Mizoram

Altitude : ca.1,550 m
Date : 02-09-2023
Habit : Shrub
Habitat : Wild

Osbeckia stellata Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don !


Osbeckia stellata Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don: 6 very high res. images.

Location: Pharping, Kathmandu, Nepal
Altitude: 1711m.
Date: 08 October 2023
Habit : Wild

Nepali Names: गलफुले Galaphule/ रातो चुलेसी Raato Chulesee

