Peristylus densus (Lindl.) Santapau & Kapadia, J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 57: 128 1960. (Syn: Coeloglossum cernuum Rchb.f.; Coeloglossum densum Lindl.; Coeloglossum flagelliferum (Makino) Maxim. ex Makino; Coeloglossum peristyloides Rchb.f.; Coeloglossum tenue Lindl. [Invalid]; Glossula passerina Gagnep.; Gymnadenia tenuis Lindl. ex Wall. [Invalid]; Habenaria atramentaria Kraenzl.; Habenaria buchneroides Schltr.; Habenaria dankiaensis Gagnep.; Habenaria evrardii Gagnep.; Habenaria flagellifera Makino .; Habenaria hiugensis Ohwi; Habenaria neglecta King & Pantl.; Habenaria passerina (Gagnep.) Tang & F.T.Wang; Habenaria peristyloides Wight [Illegitimate]; Habenaria satsumana Ohwi; Habenaria stenostachya (Lindl. ex Benth.) Benth. .; Peristylus flagellifer (Makino) Ohwi; Peristylus hiugensis Ohwi; Peristylus neglectus (King & Pantl.) Kraenzl.; Peristylus satsumanus Ohwi; Peristylus stenostachyus (Lindl. ex Benth.) Kraenzl.; Peristylus xanthochlorus Blatt. & McCann; Platanthera stenostachya Lindl. ex Benth.); . per-ih-STY-lus — Greek: peri (around), stylos (column) … Dave’s Botanary DEN-sus — compact, dense … Dave’s Botanary . commonly known as: dense peristylus . Native to: s China, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam . Habenaria ovalifolia apart from a different lip structure, will also have a very much longer spur compared to Peristylus densus. . Peristylus sp 1 to 11 all are Peristylus densus while Peristylus sp. Kaas week : Peristylus densus: Common orchid of grasslands and co-habitated with Hitchania, Vigna, Its look like Habenaria ovalifolia Same as … to me too, looks like Habenaria ovalifolia I disagree with the suggestions with valid reason stated here below- I think you are right Yes this is Peristylus densus. Please look at the spur. Habenaria ovalifolia apart from a different lip structure, will also have a very much longer spur.
Kas week: Peristylus densus SMP: Peristylus densus Kas Week: PKA2: Peristylus densus: Small herb around 15 to 20cm high. Bot. name: Peristylus densus Family: Orchidaceae Orchidaceae fortnight :: Peristylus densus :: Kas Satara :: PKA5 :: : Attachments (3). 3 posts by 3 authors. Small herb around 15 to 20cm high. Bot. name: Peristylus densus Family: Orchidaceae Yes Peristylus densus. KAS Week DS_071012_01 Peristylus densus: Came across this spike of greenish flowers. Hope id is correct..
Kaas week : unknown: location : kaas date : 9 / 30 / 2010 Peristylus densus, a common orchid on the plateau. Kaas week : Peristylus densus: Common orchid of grasslands and co-habitated with Hitchania, Vigna, Its look like Habenaria ovalifolia … to me too, looks like Habenaria ovalifolia. I disagree with the suggestions with valid reason stated here below- I think you are right Yes this is Peristylus densus. Please look at the spur. Habenaria ovalifolia apart from a different lip structure, will also have a very much longer spur. H. ovalifolia is a much taller plant and it does not occur at Kas. Good, a doubt digs out details at least (last). Kas Week : Habenaria for Id: Another Habenaria sp. clicked at Kaas in Sept.’11 Peristylus densus. This seems to be Peristylus densus. But the image is really not helping in confirming the id. Kindly post a closeup if available. Yes this is Peristylus densus. Some of the photographs are really of poor quality. Another photo of Peristylus densus, Peristylus densus: Small terrestrial orchid Peristylus densus (Orchidaceae) 5/10/2012 at kass plateau, Satara, Maharashtra
Peristylus densus (Lindl.) Santapau & Kapadia per-ih-STY-lus — Greek: peri (around), stylos (column) … Dave’s Botanary DEN-sus — compact, dense … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: dense peristylus Native to: s China, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam References: Flowers of India • Flora of China • Further Flowers of Sahyadri by Shrikant Ingalhalikar at Panchagani on 26 AUG 10 Orchidaceae fortnight :: Peristulus densus: Kaas :: SMP 09 : 2 images. 4 posts by 3 authors. Orchidaceae Fortnight::Peristylus densus from Kas (NSJ-05) : Attachments (2). 3 posts by 3 authors. Peristylus densus from Kas Yes Peristylus densus. Typical Sep. picture of the Kas Peristylus emerging high up amongst Topli karvi. Orchidaceae fortnight : Peristylus densus : Attachments (5). 4 posts by 4 authors. Peristylus densus Orchidaceae 2012/2013 Kaas/Pisani village, Satara , Maharashtra Yes very pretty Peristylus densus. Please find few picture of Peristylus attached. Is this Peristylus densus? Yes this should be Peristylus densus. Satara, Oct 2014 :: Requesting ID validation – orchid :: ARKNOV-10 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3). Requesting to please validate ID of this orchid captured near Satara, Maharashtra in October 2014. Is this Peristylus densus? Please send picture of leaves. However, I feel the id is correct. Thanks ….However, unfortunately, I forgot to click the leaves in the excitement of seeing an orchid – my 3rd sighting of an orchid :)) Don’t miss the beautiful grass in the image …, I think it’s Jansenella griffithiana (to the left of the orchid And yes, …, thank you for my drawing my attention to the grass, i found it in many of my other pics as well…I will try to post them separately I agree with … This is Peristylus densus…. Thank you … for the pic along with the leaves. I had clicked my pics around the same area but in the excitement left out the leaves. TSP-OCT2016-05-442: Images of Peristylus densus (Orchidaceae) : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6) Presenting few images of Peristylus densus (Orchidaceae) Habit:Herb Habitat:Terrestrial,amidst grass Sighting:Mullaianagiri,Chikmagalur,Karnataka,about 1700 msl Date:06-08-2016
Satara, MH :: Peristylus densus :: ARK2020-007 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)- around 800 kb each. Peristylus densus at Kas in Satara. MH in October 2019. Yes, it is Peristylus densus.
KAS Week:: (Peristylus densus ??? 11/10/2012 – NJ): Peristylus densus ?? Pl. Validate Yes its Peristylus densus While taking orchid pics please dont forget to take a pic in a way that it shows the front of flower, spur, whole plant, orientation of leaves and size of plant along with a good closeup from front and side of flower. This really helps in proper identification. Just a friendly question? Now some one tell me why this plant is not Peristylus richardianus? Browsing the net images I feel it looks like Peristylus densus. However, image quality of this post is not to the level to decide! Yes this should be Peristylus densus. . Flower for Id – ID30092021SH1: 1 image. Flower for Id pl. Which Habenaria ? digitata? Location – Kaas Plateau, Maharashtra. Date – September 2021 Image is not clear and no leaf image! I have only this image. It was very cloudy and had started raining. Peristylus densus . References: |
Peristylus densus
Updated on December 24, 2024