Peristylus densus

Peristylus densus (Lindl.) Santapau & Kapadia, J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 57: 128 1960. (Syn: Coeloglossum cernuum Rchb.f.; Coeloglossum densum Lindl.; Coeloglossum flagelliferum (Makino) Maxim. ex Makino; Coeloglossum peristyloides Rchb.f.; Coeloglossum tenue Lindl. [Invalid]; Glossula passerina Gagnep.; Gymnadenia tenuis Lindl. ex Wall. [Invalid]; Habenaria atramentaria Kraenzl.; Habenaria buchneroides Schltr.; Habenaria dankiaensis Gagnep.; Habenaria evrardii Gagnep.; Habenaria flagellifera Makino .; Habenaria hiugensis Ohwi; Habenaria neglecta King & Pantl.; Habenaria passerina (Gagnep.) Tang & F.T.Wang; Habenaria peristyloides Wight [Illegitimate]; Habenaria satsumana Ohwi; Habenaria stenostachya (Lindl. ex Benth.) Benth. .; Peristylus flagellifer (Makino) Ohwi; Peristylus hiugensis Ohwi; Peristylus neglectus (King & Pantl.) Kraenzl.; Peristylus satsumanus Ohwi; Peristylus stenostachyus (Lindl. ex Benth.) Kraenzl.; Peristylus xanthochlorus Blatt. & McCann; Platanthera stenostachya Lindl. ex Benth.);
 — Greek: peri (around), stylos (column)
… Dave’s Botanary
DEN-sus — compact, dense … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: dense peristylus
Native to: s China, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam 
Habenaria ovalifolia apart from a different lip structure, will also have a very much longer spur compared to Peristylus densus.


for ID and sharing: 11 correct images.
Sharing some photographs of orchid and need id also.

Peristylus sp 1 to 11 all are Peristylus densus while Peristylus sp.
last 2 images are of Habenaria ovalifolia.


Kas Week :AVD: Peristylus densus:01 October 2012: Peristylus densus, family: Orchidaceae


Kaas week : Peristylus densus: Common orchid of grasslands and co-habitated with Hitchania, Vigna,
and Impatiens.

Its look like Habenaria ovalifolia

Same as … to me too, looks like Habenaria ovalifolia

I disagree with the suggestions with valid reason stated here below-
Habenaria ovalifolia would always have the lower lib turned upward which is not in the pic that I posted earlier. For the ease of viwing I am posting a close-up of the flower, which you may please also observe and comment on my justification.

I think you are right
This is Peristylus densus.

Yes this is Peristylus densus. Please look at the spur. Habenaria ovalifolia apart from a different lip structure, will also have a very much longer spur.



Kas week: Peristylus densus SMP: Peristylus densus
A ground orchid observed on Kas in Aug Sep.


Kas Week: PKA2: Peristylus densus: Small herb around 15 to 20cm high.

Bot. name: Peristylus densus

Family: Orchidaceae

Small herb around 15 to 20cm high.

Bot. name: Peristylus densus

Family: Orchidaceae

Yes Peristylus densus.


KAS Week DS_071012_01 Peristylus densus: Came across this spike of greenish flowers. Hope id is correct..


Kaas week : unknown:  location : kaas

date : 9 / 30 / 2010

Peristylus densus, a common orchid on the plateau.


Kaas week : Peristylus densus: Common orchid of grasslands and co-habitated with Hitchania, Vigna,
and Impatiens.

Its look like Habenaria ovalifolia

… to me too, looks like Habenaria ovalifolia.

I disagree with the suggestions with valid reason stated here below-
Habenaria ovalifolia would always have the lower lib turned upward which is not in the pic that I posted earlier. For the ease of viwing I am posting a close-up of the flower, which you may please also observe and comment on my justification.

I think you are right
This is Peristylus densus.

Yes this is Peristylus densus. Please look at the spur. Habenaria ovalifolia apart from a different lip structure, will also have a very much longer spur.

H. ovalifolia is a much taller plant and it does not occur at Kas. Good, a doubt digs out details at least (last).


Kas Week : Habenaria for Id: Another Habenaria sp. clicked at Kaas in Sept.’11
Is it H. marginata ?

Peristylus densus.

This seems to be Peristylus densus.
But the image is really not helping in confirming the id.

Kindly post a closeup if available.

Yes this is Peristylus densus.

Some of the photographs are really of poor quality.
This one was of them but uploading the another one Aditya ji, however quality may not differ perhaps

Another photo of Peristylus densus,

Peristylus densus: Small terrestrial orchid Peristylus densus (Orchidaceae) 5/10/2012 at kass plateau, Satara, Maharashtra


Peristylus densus (Lindl.) Santapau & Kapadia
per-ih-STY-lus — Greek: peri (around), stylos (column) … Dave’s Botanary
DEN-sus — compact, dense … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: dense peristylus
Native to: s China, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam 
ReferencesFlowers of India • Flora of China • Further Flowers of Sahyadri by Shrikant Ingalhalikar

at Panchagani on 26 AUG 10

Nice and beautiful. This is also found in Hong Kong, but yet to see.


Peristulus densus

Kaas. Sep

Yes this looks like Peristylus densus.


Orchidaceae Fortnight::Peristylus densus from Kas (NSJ-05) :  Attachments (2). 3 posts by 3 authors.

Peristylus densus from Kas

Yes Peristylus densus.

Typical Sep. picture of the Kas Peristylus emerging high up amongst Topli karvi.


Orchidaceae fn-UP 5 : Attachments (1). 5 posts by 3 authors.

which Habenaria pl ?

This looks like Peristylus densus.

Orchidaceae fortnight : Peristylus densus :  Attachments (5). 4 posts by 4 authors.

Peristylus densus


Kaas/Pisani village, Satara , Maharashtra

Yes very pretty Peristylus densus.


Orchidaceae fortnight : Peristylus densus? : Attachments (4). 3 posts by 2 authors.

Please find few picture of Peristylus attached. Is this Peristylus densus?
Found among grasslands along with Satyrium nepalense and Habenaria longicorniculata.  currently flowering. (19.10.13)

Yes this should be Peristylus densus.

Requesting to please validate ID of this orchid captured near Satara, Maharashtra in October 2014.

Is this Peristylus densus?

Please send picture of leaves. However, I feel the id is correct.

Thanks ….However, unfortunately, I forgot to click the leaves in the excitement of seeing an orchid – my 3rd sighting of an orchid :))

Don’t miss the beautiful grass in the image …, I think it’s Jansenella griffithiana (to the left of the orchid

And yes, …, thank you for my drawing my attention to the grass, i found it in many of my other pics as well…I will try to post them separately

I agree with … This is Peristylus densus….
Attaching a photo with leaves (might be helpful) taken at Kaas on 13th Sep 2014….. Attachments (1)

Thank you … for the pic along with the leaves. I had clicked my pics around the same area but in the excitement left out the leaves.

Presenting few images of Peristylus densus (Orchidaceae 


Habitat:Terrestrial,amidst grass 

Sighting:Mullaianagiri,Chikmagalur,Karnataka,about 1700 msl 


Satara, MH :: Peristylus densus :: ARK2020-007 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)- around 800 kb each.
Peristylus densus at Kas in Satara. MH in October 2019.

Yes, it is Peristylus densus.


Yes its Peristylus densus

While taking orchid pics please dont forget to take a pic in a way that it shows the front of flower, spur, whole plant, orientation of leaves and size of plant along with a good closeup from front and side of flower.

This really helps in proper identification.
Just a friendly question?
Now some one tell me why this plant is not Peristylus richardianus?

Browsing the net images I  feel it looks like Peristylus densus.
However, image quality of this post is not to the level to decide!

Yes this should be Peristylus densus.


Flower for Id – ID30092021SH1: 1 image.

Flower for Id pl. Which Habenaria ? digitata?
Location – Kaas Plateau, Maharashtra.

Date – September 2021

Image is not clear and no leaf image!

I have only this image. It was very cloudy and had started raining.

Peristylus densus


Updated on December 24, 2024

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