Image by Aarti Khale – identified by Tanay Bose, (inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade) 



Request for ID : 280310-AK-2 : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)

6th oct,09 4.28
Date/Time : 6th of October, 2009/ 4.28 pm.
Location Place : Nasik … Altitude :  … GPS : 
Habitat :Wild  … Type :
Plant Habit : Herb…. Height : small plant … Length : 
Leaves Type :  … Shape : resembling that of carrot … Size : 
Inflorescence Type :  … Size : 
Flowers Size : very tiny … Colour : white … Calyx :  … Bracts : 
Fruits Type : … Shape :  … Size :  … Seeds : 
Other Info :
Fragrance : did not check …  Pollinator :  …  Uses : 
Leaves resembling that of carrot.

I hope this plant is Pimpinella anisum Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 264. 1753 from the family Apiaceae / Umbelliferae. Experts please comment.


The Plant List Ver.1.1
 IPNI  Wikipedia  PFAF