India (widespread, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala), Pakistan, Madagascar, Comores, Iraq (SE-Iraq: Mesopotamia, S-Iraq) as per Catalogue of Life;
PLOO-sha — named for Abbé Noel-Antoine Pluche, French naturalistDave’s Botanary
oh-VAY-liss — ovalDave’s Botanary
toh-men-TOH-suh — covered with fine, matted hairsDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: woolly camphor-weed • Sanskrit: कलम्बिका kalambika, सिंहलतिक्त sinhalatikta • Tamil: கொழும்பு kolumpu, கொழும்புவேர் kolumpu-ver • Telugu: kalamba
Distribution: West Africa, Arabian peninsula, Pakistan, India
Key for Indian species available at efi page Pulchea.


This planted was posted earlier by me and IDed as Pluchea tomentosa.
Please validate.

Now known as P. ovalis

Thanks, …
If we follow Global Compositae Checklist, then in India we have only Pluchea tomentosa & no Pluchea ovalis as per the following links:



I think Pluchea tomentosa??. Pl. validate.
Location: kolhapur.

Yes now known as P. ovalis

Thanks, …, If we follow Global Compositae Checklist, then in India we have only Pluchea tomentosa & no Pluchea ovalis as per the following links:
Pl. also see Pluchea

Pluchea ovalis (Pers.) DC.
PLOO-sha — named for Abbé Noel-Antoine Pluche, French naturalistDave’s Botanary
oh-VAY-liss — ovalDave’s Botanary
toh-men-TOH-suh — covered with fine, matted hairsDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: woolly camphor-weed • Sanskrit: कलम्बिका kalambika, सिंहलतिक्त sinhalatikta • Tamil: கொழும்பு kolumpu, கொழும்புவேர் kolumpu-ver • Telugu: kalamba
Distribution: West Africa, Arabian peninsula, Pakistan, India
References: Flowers of IndiaeFloraENVIS – FRLHTFloristic Survey of Institute of Science
at Karnala Bird Sanctuary between 30 MAY 09 and 14 JAN 11  

…, this seems P. lanceolata looking at entire and lanceolate leaves. P. ovalis should have obovate and serrate leaves. Besides the latter is a tall densely branched shrub 1-2 m tall. Pls check.

Many thanks … for validating the ID.
This plant is also found in Thane and Mumbai – near mangroves.
The plant in this post grows about 2 m tall gregariously on large stream bed at Karnala Bird Sanctuary.
The leaf in this post is oval or elliptic (acute at both ends) as well as tomentose – just as the epithets (ovalis or tomentosa) would suggest.
On a close look, the margin is not truly entire; it is bluntly serrate or dentate (not sure exactly what it should be termed).
But if the description says P. ovalis must be obovate, then this plant ID may need to reconsidered.
This ID of P. ovalis (syn. P. tomentosa) was confirmed by … in one of my earlier post.
Would like to have … comment

Thanks for sharing …, I am uploading in a separate mail the plant I consider to be Pluchea lanceolata, with entire margins.. hope that helps to resolve…

I think P. ovalis. Besides leaf shape in second photograph, the dentate leaf margin, the crucial difference is auricled leaf base, which can be seen.

Many thanks … for validating this ID. …, looking forward for upload of your Pluchea ovalis; also eager to find upload of Pluchea lanceolata during this fortnight.

Dear …, I have been calling the attached plant with 5-8 cm long, auricled and coarsely dentate leaves as P. ovalis. Pls ID this plant that is strongly aromatic.

Thanks … for this upload. Perhaps we may have clear picture at the end of this episode.

As per T. Cooke flora outer involucral bracts
             1. ovate, acute is P. tomentosa (ovalis)
             2. oblong, obtuse is P. lanceolata
You can see these features in Dr. Rawat’s post of P. lanceolata and my post of P. ovalis
Hope this resolves ID of 2 Plucheas.

Recent Pluchea lanceolata posts by …
Pluchea lanceolata from Delhi-GS11
Pluchea lanceolata from Uttarakhand_DSR_8
…:Pluchea lanceolata from Panipat- NS 05
All of them show aspects of plants to be consistent, especially the leaves – entire margin, sessile.
With as many as 8 species of Pluchea distributed in India (… post giving keys to 7 species of Pluchea in India), I request you all to reconsider the ID of my posted plant.
I am showing another photo, and two cropped portions of it for a closer look; hopefully the ID gets resolved.
Though the sighting is another location – Vaghbil, Thane on 14 JAN 11, am confident that the plant is definitely same.
I get a feeling that the leaf margin of my posted plant is serrate (or sub-serrate – not sure of terminology) and most possibly is amplexicaule.
ORIGINAL SIZED photo below; two cropped portions of it, follow next.

… and I forgot to stress on this point: the plant stands about 1.5 – 2 m tall, often in gregarious colonies.

to me it’s Pluchea ovalis

Thank you very much … for ascertaining the ID.

Yes surely. Very good that you could capture the fresh flowers which is not the case every time.

Thanks … for validating the ID.

Requesting all to comment on outer involucral bracts (rather than leaves) which is a key character to split P. ovalis and P. lanceolata. Request also to correctly ID plant posted by me

Other than the photos shown in the first post, … showing two cropped versions to see the leaves closer.

I saw the plants at Karnala today. I am posting a pictures of leaves. Leaf at left is the Karnala plant and leaf at right is Pune plant; they are easily distinguishable.

Wonderful, … with this comparative illustration, it would help those familiar with Pluchea to comment.

Hi, …, If we follow Global Compositae Checklist, then in India we have only Pluchea tomentosa & no Pluchea ovalis as per the following links:
Pluchea ovalis
Pl. also see Pluchea



Pluchea ovalis for validation.: Attachments (4). 4 posts by 3 authors.
Recently I spotted this Pluchea species growing by the roadside in Pune.
Considering the earlier discussion I think this has to be Pluchea ovalis syn. Pluchea tomentosa
The outer involucral bracts appear to be acute. The leaves serrate/dentate.
The plant height was about 1 meter.

Appears Pluchea ovalis to me

Thanks, … If we follow Global Compositae Checklist, then in India we have only Pluchea tomentosa & no Pluchea ovalis as per the following links:
Shrub for Identification : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3).
Please help me with the identification of this shrub. These photos were taken at Theur, Maharashtra.

Pluchea sp.

Pluchea species so far in efi 

It could be Pluchea ovalis.

Yes Pluchea ovalis

Hi, …, If we follow Global Compositae Checklist, then in India we have only Pluchea tomentosa & no Pluchea ovalis as per the following links:
Pluchea ovalis
Pl. also see Pluchea



Pluchea For ID : Nasik : 01FEB15 : AK-1 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)
Seen growing wild in Nasik on 16/1/15.
For Species id please.

Pluchea ovalis

Thanks for your prompt reply with the id.
I suppose it was earlier known as Pluchea tomentosa.

Hi, …, If we follow Global Compositae Checklist, then in India we have only Pluchea tomentosa & no Pluchea ovalis as per the following links:
Pluchea ovalis
Pl. also see Pluchea

Thanks a lot … I have gone through the links. In FOI, … pictures, also taken in Maharashtra, are of P. ovalis, and P. tomentosa is a Syn.

No, … P. tomentosa is there in India & P. ovalis is not there in India. Both are different species.

Thanks for the clarification. So I take my plant as P. tomentosa. In Oman, we have Pluchea arabica and Pluchea dioscoridis.



Karnala Bird Sanctuary on 31 MAY 09; in Mysore and around, on 29.11.2009 at kukkarahalli tank; 8March2010 8 am- Pune city roadside; ¿ Pluchea tomentosa ? – indiantreepix | Google Groups requesting id – efloraofindia | Google Groups Plant for ID SMP 08/03/2010 – efloraofindia | Google Groups

Charkop, Mumbai :: Asteraceae for ID :: ARK2019-57 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Requesting to please ID this Asteraceae member. This was found on a wasteland near the Charkop mangroves in Mumbai in April 2019.

Maybe a Pluchea species

Thank you … Can this be Pluchea indica then?

All pics in efi are from marshy lands. This was also found in marshy land around the mangroves.

From what I can see of the leaves more likely Pluchea ovalis

Thanks, …,
There has been taxonomic confusion regarding this species.
As per efi threadWhile trying to identify species of Pluchea in India we must be looking at least at seven names. The two species earlier considered distinct with winged stem due to decurrent leaf bases (P. ovalis) or without winged stems but distinctly auricled leaf bases (P. tomentosa) have now been merged into one P. ovalis.
Flora of Pakistan gives Pluchea ovalis (Pers.) DC. syn. Pluchea tomentosa DC.

If we follow Global Compositae Checklist, then in India we have only Pluchea tomentosa & no Pluchea ovalis as per the following links:

Now recent database, Catalogue of Life gives distribution of Pluchea tomentosa Wall. ex DC. India (widespread, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala), Pakistan, Madagascar, Comores, Iraq (SE-Iraq: Mesopotamia, S-Iraq), while it gives distribution of Pluchea ovalis (Pers.) DC. as Morocco, Saudi Arabia (Asir), Bahrain, Oman, Eritrea, Ethiopia, ?Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, D.R. Congo (Zaire), Angola, Togo, Benin, Chad, Senegal, Mauritania, Burkina Faso, Mali, Namibia, Cape Verde Isl. (Santo Antao Isl., Sao Vicente Isl., Ilha de Sao Nicolau, Ilha de Sao Tiago, Ilha Brava), Canary Isl. (Tenerife), Pakistan (Jhelum, Salt Range), India (NW-India)
All this shows that our species reported from Maharashtra and south India should be Pluchea tomentosa only as per images, details and references herein.

Thanks … for the correct name Pluchea tomentosa.


on way to Shirdi on the 27th of November, 2009;  Request for ID: 250110-AK-1 – efloraofindia | Google Groups


efloraofindia:”For Id 17012013MR1’’ shrub at Pune:
Bharati vidyapeeth road Pune
requesting identification of a medium height shrub which was full of ?open fruits with hairy seeds as seen in the pic. I could not make out the flowers if any.

Can be a Blumea sp.

It may be Pluchea species of Asteraceae

Yes it is Pluchea species for sure. probably P. tomentosa

Leaf indicates to P. tomentosa.



ID request 051218SG : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)
Requesting ID of this spreading bush in wasteland and wastewater, 5-6 ft height.


Plant for Id -ID09022021SH2: 3 images.

Plant for Id pl.
Location – Taljai Hills, Pune
Date – January 2021

Vernonia sp. ?
Pluchea tomentosa as per images and details herein. 

Thanks … Now I will check the fresh flowers when they bloom.


id please : Mixed thread: Attachments (1).
pl help id this plant. Was growing on drying moist place, in pure patch. Leaves look like Verbenaceae, but there was no smell/ scent. I have this pic only.

I think Pluchea species

Dipterocanthus sp.

Sir, I had the specimens with flowers and I am 100 % sure for Dipterocanthus sp.

Ruellia humilis

More likely to be Pluchea tomentosa DC. as per images and details herein.


Lonavala, MH :: Asteraceae member for ID :: ARK2021-041: 3 images.
Saw this Asteraceae member near Lonavala, MH in June 2021.
Requested to please provide ID.

Pluchea sp.

Pluchea wallichiana

To me appear close to images and details at Pluchea tomentosa DC. as per comparative images at Pluchea.
Looks different from images at Pluchea wallichiana DC.


Pluchea tomentosa DC. :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Jan 14, 2011 · 2:54 PM IST: 9 images.
Pluchea tomentosa DC. … synonym of Pluchea ovalis (Pers.) DC. … POWO
Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Jan 14, 2011 · 2:54 PM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl


Pluchea tomentosa DC. :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Apr 2, 2010 · 12:19 PM IST: 3 images.

Pluchea tomentosa DC. … synonym of Pluchea ovalis (Pers.) DC. … POWO

Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Apr 2, 2010 · 12:19 PM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl



Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver. 1.1  Flora of Pakistan (Pluchea ovalis (Pers.) DC. syn. Pluchea tomentosa DC.Dinesh Valke’s Flickr Post  Flowers of India  ENVIS – FRLHT  Floristic Survey of Institute of Science