Stereospermum chelonoides

India, Darjeeling, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Assam, E-Java (introduced), Myanmar [Burma] (Bago, Kachin, Mandalay, Taninthayi), Nepal, Pakistan (Pakistani Punjab), Jammu & Kashmir (Kashmir) as per Catalogue of Life;
fragrant padri-tree, padri, yellow snaketree, patala; Padri, Hindi; Kala-kod, Kala-goru, Kapa-gargu, Tel.; Padal, Kirsal, Mar.;   


pl conform:
Stereospermum chelenoides at Tadoba, as on 22nd April 11.

– Affirmative. This looks like Padal [Stereospermum chelenoides].

– minor spelling mistake its chelonoides not chelenoides


Trees of Lalbagh, Bangalore – RA – Stereospermum suaveolens, DC. <=> Patala Tree:


Bignoniaceae week: Stereospermum chelonoides:
The present tree Stereospermum chelonoides (Snake fruit tree) is found in Assam, commonly in Western Assam, the local name is “Paroli” in Assamese.



Bignoniaceae Week :: Stereospermum chelonoides at Nagpur :: PKA3:
Seen this tree in the forest of Gorewada, Nagpur.
Bot. name: Stereospermum chelonoides
Family: Bignoniaceae


Bignoniaceae Week :: Stereospermum chelonoides, (L.f.) DC. <=> Pink Fragrant Padri Tree – Bangalore – RA:
Fragrant Padri Tree is a large deciduous tree, 10-20 m tall, with velvet-hairy branches

Leaves are compound, 1-2 ft long, with 3-4 pairs of leaflets. Leaflets are 7-15 cm long, broadly elliptic, long-pointed. velvety on the underside, rounded and unequal at base, with 6-8 nerves, short-stalked.
Fragrant flowers are borne in large lax panicles. They are 10-20 cm long, pinkish. Sepal cup is bell-shaped, 1 cm long, hairy, 3-5 lobed. Stamens are 4, remaining inside the flower-tube.
Seed-pod is 1-2 ft long, cylindric, ribbed, rough. 
Fragrant Padri Tree is globally distributed in Indo-Malesia. Within India, it is found in tropical Himalayas, Assam, Meghalaya and in moist deciduous forests of Western Ghats.
Dropbox link



REQUEST FOR IMAGES OF PLANTS : (mixed thread): 5 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1).
Rabindranath Tagore has composed some 2000 songs. There is mention of some 60 plants in his songs. As a tribute to the great poet I was compiling all the songs by the poet where name of a plant is mentioned, and printing that song on an image of that particular plant. I got stuck with TWO plants as I am not having any image of these plants with me. The plants are,

 PARUL ——— Stereospermum suaveolens.
 I will remain thankful if any friend can help me with images of these plants.
I am attaching an image to illustrate how I use an image with a song.

Thanks, … Wonderful work in the making.

Pl directly ask the posters in the threads of efi pages:

I think I got Stereospermum suaveolens in my collection –
Please let me know which photo(s) you would like to have

Attaching some of my pictures. Attachments (5).

How did you ensured that Stereospermum suaveolens is Parul?
We also searching the plant for many years and some conflict also raise in BD
Please explain if time permits


Tree ID from Bangladesh SM 170 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1).

Habit: Tree

Location: Cunati WS, Baskhaly, CTG
Fruiting: July
Photo Taken: July,2014

Stereospermum suaveolens ?

The pods indicates it to be Stereospermum personatum (YELLOW SNAKE TREE). I am not very sure.

I do know, please check efi thread and info from FI.


Family: Bignoniaceae
Date: 29th April 2015
Place: Tumkur District, Karnataka

Habit: Tree
Habitat: Scrub forest

Very good.
I know about Stereospermum colais the flowers of which are more yellowish.
The tips of leaflets is the key I think. Will revert back after reading.


Nursery : 2 posts by 2 authors.
I am planning to do a nursery to conserve and propagate the native species of our land.
Please help me by providing suggestions, ideas if you know.
Only aim is to conserve the native species.
One such species is Stereospermum chelonoides.

Thanks, … A very noble idea


I would like to know if anybody tried raising the plants (Stereospermum colais and S personatum) through tissue culture.
If Yes, Please share the details about the methods followed…
As the seed’s are Samara and difficult to germinate, I am planning to raise it through tissue culture and conserve it.


Fwd: MS/4/1/2018 – ID of the flowers. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Please Id the flowers sent by one person, who suspects that it could be padri flower (Stereospermum chelonoides). I am not able to confirm.  Seek your valuable suggestion.

Sir, Please show leaves of the plant.


Stereospermum suaveolens (Parul) from Bangladesh_SM_1508 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)
Local Name: Parul
Flowering and Photo taken: April, 2018 
Location: Gazipur, Bangladesh


Bharathi raja wants some seeds : 4 posts by 3 authors.
in another thread our member Mr Bharathi Raja mentioned that she would appreciate getting seeds, i quote “I am in interested a plant named Stereospermum chelonoides.Can any one of you get the seeds for me for propagation purpose.. ” end quote
as you all know she has been growing seeds and showing us the growth phases etc.
so anybody who may have access to these seeds please contact her here by replying to this thread.
Bharathi,  flowers of india website has a page
Flowers of India
pictures are from maharastra state, taken by our own Prashant Awale. he can be a good lead. another person would br Dinesh Valke.
lets hope some seeds turn up.

Stereospermum is frequently available in the Shimoga, Coorg and Mudhumalai area, it will be matured during winter, seeds with long lateral wings; so it will fly when fruit splits. I used to collect frequently, When i go to field I will collect and give.


Stereospermum chelonoides : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8)
Deciduous tree flowers in Summer.
Found in Palligonda Perumal temple, Vellore district Tamil Nadu.
It is conserved as Skthala vriksham or Sthala virutcham

what a nice set of pictures. did you get to photograph the stem and bark? how tall was this tree?


Stereospermum chelonoides seeds : 3 posts by 2 authors.
I am interested in conserving the species. Can any one share the seeds? I will pay for it.
I have already propagated S colais.


Stereospermum chelonoides : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)- 700 kb each.
Taken in Padi Siva temple in Chennai this Summer.
Deciduos tree…


Tree Identification Request : 8 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

Date/Time- Nov 26, 2017, 7 AM
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Dhakuria lake, Kolkata
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-Urban
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Tree
Height/Length- 30 feet
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- feather compound usually with a terminal. Rough
Inflorescence Type/ Size- not observed yet
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- not observed yet
Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- not observed yet
Other Information like Fragrance, Pollinator, Uses etc.- Not Sure

Difficult with these images. Lagerstromia?

Not Lagerstromia this has compound leaves closest to Amda Spondias pinnata. Adding another image in case that helps.

If so, pl. check

Pl. check with images at Spondias pinnata
I am doubtful.


today I clicked some more (slightly better quality) pictures. Hope this will help.

It would be a lot more helpful if your pictures included some flowers or fruit!
I’m guessing blindly on very little evidence, but the leaves look like badhal (Artocarpus lakoocha) to me, but I could easily be wrong.

Thanks, …  This also came to my mind.

That tree is Parul in Bengali (padar Hindi) Fragrant Padri tree. Stereospermum chelonoides
it is flowering profusely now


SK 3676 24 January 2023: (Mixed thread): 2 correct images.
Location: Jalthal, Jhapa, East Nepal
Date: 01 January 2023
Elevation: 97 m.
Habitat: Wild

First two leaves belong to, Stereospermum chelonoides.
Third leaf loks like Bischofia javanica.
Last tree is some Ficus.

Looks all one species only belongs to Steriospermum.

I guess so … ! All images are from one tree as far as I remember.
…: Please have a look again.

I think … appears to be right as per (leaves not toothed) (Leaves toothed)


Bignoniaceae: Stereospermum chelonoides DC.: 1 image.
synonyms: Stereospermum suaveolens (Roxb.) DC., Bignonia chelonoides L.fil., Bignonia suaveolens Roxb.
location/date: University of Agricultural Sciences campus, Bangalore, July 1997


Tree identification request #RVTR: 2 high res. images.
Habitat: Rocky slope 

Habit: Tree
Location: RVTR Bundi 
Date: 02122024

Ayurveda expert Dr. Ramesh Kumar Bhutiya says it is Patala (Stereospermum sp.), but I am also confused about its margins

Stereospermum chelonoides. Dr Navendu is identified it


Updated on January 22, 2025

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