Spondias pinnata (L. f.) Kurz, Prelim. Rep. Forest Pegu Appendix A: 44, Appendix B: 42 Appendix A: 44 1875. (syn. Evia amara Comm. ex Blume; Mangifera pinnata L. f.; Poupartia acuminata (Roxb.) Wall.; Poupartia pinnata (L. f.) Blanco; Spondias acuminata Roxb.; Spondias amara Lam.; Spondias bivenomarginalis K.M. Feng & Mao; Spondias mangifera Willd.; Spondias paniculata Roxb. ex Wight & Arn.; Wirtgenia decandra Jungh.); . From the “Bengal Plants”: i) leaflets 4-6 jugate, quite entire ——– S. mangifera (Syn. of S. pinnata) (ii) leaflets 6-8 jugate, crenate-serrate ——- S. dulcis .
. Edible use: … unripe fruit used as VEGETABLE … used for making pickle .. also as an additive (souring agent, substitute for tamarind) … used in southern Konkan . Anacardiaceae (cashew family) » Spondias pinnata Synonyms: Mangifera pinnata, Spondias mangifera … Close relation with mango is well observed by the marriage of generic names and specific epithets !! SPON-dee-as — Greek name for plum pin-NAY-tuh — feather-shaped commonly known as: Andaman mombin, Indian hog plum, Indian mombin, wild mango • Assamese: আমৰা aamrata • Bengali আমড়া aamada, আম্রাত aamraata, আম্রাতক aamraataka • Garo: amatenga • Gujarati: અંબાડાં ambaada • Hindi: अम्बाड़ा ambara, अम्बाड़ी ambari, अमरा amra, भृङ्गी फल bhringi-phal, मेटुला metula, पशु हरितकी pashu-haritaki, पीतन pitan • Khasi: dieng-sohpier • Konkani: आंबाडे ambade, आंबाडो ambado • Malayalam: അമ്പഴം ampazham • Manipuri: eikhoi • Marathi: अमडा amada, अंबाडा ambada, ढोलआंबा dholamba, खटांबा khatamba, रानआंबा ranamba • Mizo: tawitaw • Nepalese: अमारो amaro • Oriya: ambaada • Pali: अंबाटका ambataka • Sanskrit: आम्रात aamraata, अम्रातकः amraatakah, मेटुला metula, पीतनः pitan • Tamil: கிஞ்சம் kincam, புளிமா pulima • Telugu: అడవిమామిడి adavimamidi, అధ్వము adhvamu, అంబాళము ambalamu • Tibetan: a mra ta ka Native to: China, Indian sub-continent, Indo-China, Malesia; widely cultivated Edible use: … unripe fruit used as VEGETABLE … used for making pickle .. also as an additive (souring agent, substitute for tamarind) … used in southern Konkan – We call it amra in bengali and not !! – Spondias pinnata fruiting from the south end of the forest in Mumbai, seen a few days back in Jan ’11. – In Kannada it is called ‘amate kai’, used for delicious pickles, similar to mangoes. . Spondias pinnata: Two large trees with similar looking panicles were observed in Pune University Bot. garden recently. The first one is from Family Anacardiaceae. Spondias pinnata. Marathi : अंबाडा
Request for species id. DKV 23052011-1: looks like Melia azadarach Strangely the leaves are looking different. … a guess (could be a bad guess) … species of Swietenia ? After seeing … answer, I read about Swietenia and I feel it could be Swietenia mahagoni. Why not Toona cilliata? The tree can be Spondias pinnata. Yes .. this seems to be Spondias pinnata Do take a look at: Importance and Problems in Natural Regeneration of Spondias pinnata Its very difficult to identify this foto… as there are many species of trees which produces such kind of leaves and fruits… Spondias pinnata: Identify tree at Powai opp IIT: It is Spondias mangifera The photos are very very nice. Thanks for sharing. I think the tree is in fruiting now. You may also send the photos of the fruits. In Mysore the raw fruits are sold in the market and used for pickles. ambada and jungli ambada for id mm1 23102011: the image labelled spondius pinnata was planted by me a few months ago 826 and 827 are images of a tree which has grown on its own. its crushed leaves have a strong manago fragrance, much stronger and nicer than the planted one the boys call it jangli ambada the size of the leaflets is much bigger, about seven inches or so, the color is darker and the leaf itself is thicker is it a different spondius species i would very much appreciate an identification Tree ID request – RK81 – 6-Jan-2013: Spondias pinnata is my guess! Yes, Spondias pinnata. If this is Spondias pinnata, its called Jalpai in bangla… Had thought of Lannea coromandelica but they are more ovoid than the more spherical ones as seen here of Spondias pinnata Hooghly : Spondias sp. : 4 images. 6 posts by 4 authors. There is ID key in an earlier thread – efi thread, but it differs, to some extent, from the “Bengal Plants”. (i) leaflets 4-6 jugate, quite entire ——– S. mangifera Willd. (ii) leaflets 6-8 jugate, crenate-serrate ——- S. dulcis Willd (Not Parkinson). But, then the “Bengal Plants” is a century old and the key, “…. Leafless when flowering”, suggests this plant is Spondias pinnata (L. f.) Kurz. Yes it is Yes Spondias pinnata Hooghly Today : Spondias pinnata (L. f.) Kurz : Attachments (5). 5 posts by 3 authors. A distant relative of Mango (both belong to the same family Anacardiaceae) it is known as ‘Amra’ in Uttarakhand. Fruits are sour and edible, more after pickling. We too call it AMRA. And Bengal Plants lists it as Spondias mangifera Willd. Bengal Plants has another AMRA, S. dulcis Willd., featuring 6-8 jugate leaflets with crenate-serrate margin.
Tree from Bangladesh SM035 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2). Any member of Wld Mango, Anacardiaceae family ? Close up would have decided, still this resembles Spondias pinnata… Thanks … It could be. I will check again while fruits appear . Goa, May 2015 :: Requesting ID of this tree :: ARKJUN-10/21 : 10 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (2) Please ID this medium sized tree captured near the Mangeshi temple in Goa in May 2015. melia azedarach… mahanimb?? It is not Melia azadirach or Melia dubia for sure. Please check for Spondias species. Not able to get full details from the picture. Hence, I am not sure. Thanks for the possible ID, but I think the leaf margins differ. oh ok! Garuga pinnata is usually leafless while fruiting. Spondias spp. have alternate leaves as against this specimen. Spondias species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available) Spondias sp, Looks like Spondias sp., BSI recognizes 4. Assuming fruits are more than 1 cm it is S. pinnata (L.f.) Kurz. Please ensure number of leaflets not more than 11. Thank you … for the feedback….. Thanks … for the links. All the leaves in the pic do not have leaflets exceeding 11, also I think the fruits exceed 1 cm, as they looked bigger even from afar. So I guess, this should be S. pinnata
July2015sk06/06 — Spondias pinnata (L. f.) Kurz : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8) I have two earlier threads of this species, yet I upload three sets of pictures of three specimen to show variability of leaflet size and number of leaflets (usually upto 11, but can be 13 or even 15 as in the first set of a young tree, yet to flower or fruit). Crushed leaflets smell strong of green mango. Here is the first set with largest leaflet and one leaf showing 15 leaflets. The 2nd set have smaller leaflets…. In this 3rd set you see inflorescence which is unusual at this time of the year…. Well done, … Buada from Himachal Pradesh : 10 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2) Can you please guide me to the Botanical Name of the plant named Buada in Himachal Pradesh. The peel of the fruit is said to be used with some other plants for Malaria. The fruit (Photo attached) has been collected from Hamirpur. the fruit tastes very sour in taste and is fibrous when cut. It seems like some Terminalia, can you cut open the fruit and post pics. Seems to be Hirda Attachments (2) it can be a species of terminalia but i cant say it for sure as i dont have any visual of its leave or flowers. it does seem like Terminalia chebula, but the person i collected the fruit from is saying that its name is Buada or Bhuada and it is not hirda or even Baheda (Terminali bellirica or Terminalia chebula) Please see attached the photo of the fruit cut till its inner fibers. Check Spondias pinnata Ambada Yes, it is Spondias pinnata.
Spondias mangifera – efloraofindia | Google Groups
ID this tree plzzz..Is it from Sapindaceae??from a botanical garden in Lahore Pakistan, June 2016.. : 8 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5) This could be a member of Anacardiaceae, too close to some Spondias sp. Thanks a lot sir, yeah it resembles to Spondias sp, but which species?? it look different to Spondias pinnata.. Pl. check comparative images & keys at Spondias I think it should be Spondias dulcis Sol. ex Parkinson as per images herein. Wild Spondias ID from Bangladesh_SM_1015 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) Local name: Pani Amra Habitat: Along the river side, wild habitat, even main trunk found as flooded condition Location: Pirojpur, Southern Bangladesh Fruiting: June Photo taken: 29June, 2017 Seems to match with Spondias pinnata… I am also thought, but leaf is not serrate at edge like S. pinnata I feel close to images at Spondias dulcis Sol. ex Parkinson as per comparative images & keys at Spondias A tree for i.d. – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 2 images. A medium sized tree with ping pong sized fruits for i.d. Isn’t it Duabanga grandiflora as per details picture at link?: Arboles & I am afraid it is not. In Duabanga leaves are much slender, moreover, the fruits have persistent calyx like structures, even when they are well developed. Moreover, the fruits have suture like markings, which these fruits do not have. … could it be Spondias pinnata ? … commonly known as: Andaman mombin, Indian hog plum, Indian mombin, wild mango Thanks …- that is a good posibility. the chances of this being Spondias pinnata is less as it has more number of leaflets, but this is some species of Spondias, more closely to Spondias cyatherea (the number of leaflets are ) commonly known as Vilayati Ambada. … I will rather stand corrected in this case … I am not familiar about Spondias beyond S. pinnata. Pl. refer to my mail dated 7th Aug.09. I posted two pics one of Spondias pinnata and the other S. dulcis. This one with more number of leaflets is likely dulcis, and the other pinnata. Thanks to all for help identifying the plants. I think it should be Spondias pinnata (L. f.) Kurz as per keys and details at Spondias A tree for i.d. – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 2 images. Seems to be Terminalia chebula, i suppose. certainly not Terminalia chebula. but sorry cant guess more Checkout for Spondias species Sending once again – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 1 correct image. I think it should be Spondias pinnata (L. f.) Kurz as per keys and details at Spondias
ID plzz??its a large tree with a rounded canopy, from Lahore PAkistan, June 2016..no flower fruit is present : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5) Is it from the botanical garden ? I think it’s better to wait for flowers. looks like khaya senegalensis yes Sir, Its from Botanical Garden.. can you suggest its genus at least without flowers? Spondias pinnata . Image of Spondias pinnata (L. f.) Kurz 24092018Bhar02 Seed in Jawadhu hills : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)- 1 Mb each. Found this seed in Jawadhu hills of Eastern ghats. May be an unripe Myristica sp Spondias pinnata. References: Indiamart https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Spondias_pinnata https://www.deskdubc.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=931828 .
It is Spondias pinnata, a beautiful sight in new leaf. It was indeed a beautiful sight, only a bit far away. . . Anacardiaceae: Spondias pinnata Kurz: 1 high res. image. synonym: Spondias mangifera Willd., Mangifera pinnata L.fil., Spondias acuminata Roxb. location/date: University of Agricultural Sciences campus, Bangalore, July 1997 . References: |
Spondias pinnata
Updated on December 24, 2024