Strobilanthes attenuatus subsp. attenuatus (Syn: Echinacanthus attenuatus Nees; Pteracanthus attenuatus (Wall. ex Nees) Bremek.; Pteracanthus reflexus (Nees) Bremek.; Pteracanthus urticifolius (Wall. ex Kuntze) Bremek.; Ruellia attenuata Wall.; Ruellia reflexa Royle ex Nees; Ruellia urticifolia Wall.; Strobilanthes alatus Nees (ambiguous synonym); Strobilanthes paniculatus Miq. (ambiguous synonym); Strobilanthes reflexus Nees; Strobilanthes urticifolia Wall. ex Kuntze) as per Catalogue of Life;
Afghanistan (Kunar / Nuristan), Pakistan (Kurram, Dir, Chitral, Swat, Hazara, Murree), Sikkim, India (C- to E-Himalayas, Darjeeling, E-India), Nepal, Tibet, Jammu & Kashmir (Poonch, Kashmir) as per Catalogue of Life;
Blue Nettle, Nettle Leaved Strobilanthes; 
Erect shrub with somewhat 4-angled pubescent stems; leaves ovate-cordate up to 15 cm long, serrate, acuminate, petiole winged in upper part; flowers dark blue in paniculate spikes; bracts shorter than calyx , early caducous; calyx lobes unequal, enlarged in fruit; capsule elliptic-oblong, nearly 16 mm long, 4-seeded;


Request for ID of Flora of HP TF1 – indiantreepix | Google Groups

: 6 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2)

This particular plant was seen growing at a height of 2400 mtrs in Dharamshala. Please could anyone help me with the identification.

This is Pteracanthus urticifolius of Acanthaceae.

Perhaps Pteracanthus urticifolius

The current name is either Strobilanthes urticifolia or Strobilanthes attenuata. Any clarification on this will be welcome.

Is it a plietesial species?


VoF Week: Strobilanthes atropurpureus from Govindghat Ghangriya Trek: Strobilanthes atropurpureus from Govindghat Ghangriya Trek

Yes … Nice photographs

This should be Strobilanthes urticifolia Wall. ex Kuntze syn Pteracanthus urticifolius. We had seen this plant in Chakrata as well.

I agree with … that this could be Strobilanthes urticifolia. Flowers form a panicle in this plant.


This particular plant from Kashmir was identified as S. atropurpureus, but needs validation in light of similar plant from VOF identified as S. urticifolia

A similar flower posted by me from Kashmir, was identified by … as Strobilanthus atropurpureus.

Here is the link…
Wild Flower for ID : Kashmir : 111011 : AK-1

This is Strobilanthes attenuata (Nees) Nees. It is commonly misidentified as Strobilanthes atropurpurea. Strobilanthes urticifolia is asynonym.

Thanks to … for resolving the issue, but it would be interesting to know the basionym of Strobilanthes attenuata, because all reputed websites including The Plant List, GRIN, eFl of Pak seem to be ignorant about it and consider S. urticifolia as accepted name.

The following may be of help:
Request to please provide ID of this Strobilanthes captured in and around Manali, HP in October 2014.

Is this the same as that from Dharamshala I posted earlier today?

Looks like Strobilanthes attenuata

Strobilanthes attenuata (Nees) Nees, ; in A. DC., Prodr. 11: 193 (1847).
syn: Strobilanthes urticifolia Kuntze
Erect shrub with somewhat 4-angled pubescent stems; leaves ovate-cordate up to 15 cm long, serrate, acuminate, petiole winged in upper part; flowers dark blue in paniculate spikes; bracts shorter than calyx , early caducous; calyx lobes unequal, enlarged in fruit; capsule elliptic-oblong, nearly 16 mm long, 4-seeded.

Photographed from Herbal Garden, Srinagar Kashmir.

Attached are pictures of Strobilanthes attenuata captured at various places in Manali, HP in November 2014.
Was posted on the forum earlier and identified by …

Images by Ashwini Bhatia (Id by John Wood) (Inserted by J.M.Garg)


Aechmanthera gossipina? ABJUL01/39 : 10 posts by 2 authors. 9 images.

I have been confusing several bluebell species found here. I am not sure if this one which started flowering a week ago is Aechmanthera gossypina. I will be grateful for a proper key. Please advise.

Aechmanthera gossipina—Blue Trumpet Bush?
Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP

18, 22 July 2016


Looking at the plant closely and consulting Col. Collett (Flora Simlensis), I am now of the opinion that this plant is Strobilanthes atropurpureus. I am putting additional photos here to illustrate why;

1. The stalks are square and deeply furrowed.

2. The lower leaves have winged stalks and the upper ones almost sessile.
3. Leaves vary in size on the same plant and are sharply toothed.
4. Bracts are persistent.
I can also see that one of the sepals is longer than the other four, which Col. Collett doesn’t mention. I recall … mentioning that as a characteristic of S. penstemonoides in another thread.

Please advise if I am again wrong in identifying this as S. atropurpureus.

or possibly this which is not included in Col. Collett’s book


Thanks, …, for the deeper analysis.

Thank you … I am afraid I may still be wrong in identifying this. S. wallichii and S. urticifolia share similar traits.

Your plant is Strobilanthes attenuata. Note the cordate leaves with winged stalk and paniculate inflorescence. Please read the article on Strobilanthes attenuata in the attached publication.

Attachments (1)- Curtis’s Botanical Magazine vol. 31(2).pdf

Thank you … for explaining this and for the research article. Being a novice I am sometime afraid that I would not understand a scientific research piece but I greatly enjoyed reading yours.

Regarding Strobilanthes attenuata it is closely related to Strobilanthes extensa, S. lachenensis, S. subnudata and S. spicata characterized by terminal spicate inflorescence and calyx with a lengthened median lobe. All species have corollas gently curved, gradually expanding from base and with strangely indeterminate indumentum and capsules glandular pubescent at least at the tip. The other characters include that leaves equal or slightly unequal, sessile or long decurrent and pseudo-petiolate or petiolate, serrate/dentate, green on both surfaces; inflorescence usually terminal, with flowers in pairs on lax spikes, sometimes the spikes turn branched and paniculate; bracts intergrading with upper leaves, the lower most usually sessile and ovate, the upper oblong or elliptic, usually deciduous as the flowers fall; bracteoles distinct from bracts; calyx glandular pilose, the median lobe accrescent and sub spathulate in fruit; fertile stamens 4; seeds pilose and exareolate.
Strobilanthes attenuata (Nees) Nees in DC., Prodr. 11:193. 1847. Type: Probably from India, Wallich 2346 (lecto K-W: Wood, 1994a).
Ruellia attenuata Nees in Wall., Pl. Asiat. Rar. 3: 83. 1832 p.p.; J.R.I.Wood in Edinb. Jour. Bot. 51(2): 221, 230. 1994; Pteracanthus attenuatus (Nees) Bremek. in Verh. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. Afd. Natuurk., Tweede Sect. 2, 45(1): 199. 1944. Type: as for Strobilanthes attenuata (Nees) Nees Strobilanthes alata Nees in DC., Prodr. 11: 194. 1847. Type: India, Simla Lady Dalhousie (iso. K, E: Wood, 1994a), nom. Illegit., non Blume (1826).
Strobilanthes reflexa Nees in DC., Prodr. 11: 194. 1847; Pteracanthus reflexus (Nees) Bremek. in Verh. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. Afd. Natuurk., Tweede Sect. 2, 45(1): 199. 1944. Type: India, Royle (LIV, n.v.).
Strobilanthes newii Bedd. ex C.B. Clarke in Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 4: 464. 1884; Gamble, Fl. Madras: 1043. 1924 (repr. ed. 2: 731. 1957); P. Venu, Strobilanthes Penin. India: 157 & t. 38 (p. 158) (illeg. nom.).-Meckenzia newii (Beddome ex C.B. Clarke) Bremek. in Verh. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. Afd. Natuurk., Tweede Sect. 2, 45(1): 183. 1944. Types: India, Karnataka, Western Mysore, Manjeerabad, Beddome s.n. (BM); Beddome 40 & 106 (MH!);
Strobilanthes urticifolia Wall. ex O. Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 499. 1891. Pteracanthus urticifolius (Wall. ex O. Kuntze) Bremek. in Verh. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. Afd. Natuurk., Tweede Sect. 2, 45(1): 199. 1944. Type: Wallich 2346 (iso. K-W).
Strobilanthes extensus Bedd., Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient.: 47. t. 202. 1868-1874, non Nees 1847.

Small shrubs, erect, ca 1 m high, glandular hairy; branches quadrangular, puberulous, glandular-hairy above, glabrescent below. Leaves in pairs unequal, ovate, ca 12.5 x 7.5 cm, rounded or cordate at base, prominently serrate at margin, acute at tip, scabrous-hispid above, pubescent beneath, distinctly lineolate on both surfaces; petioles length variable, ca 1 cm long, winged upward (upper leaves sessile); secondary nerves 7-8 pairs. Inflorescences terminal much interrupted spikes, early panicled, hairy, 15-25 cm long; flowers nearly all opposite, distant; flower buds glandular hairy at tip; bracts small, linear-oblong, ca 6 mm long, smaller than calyx lobes, early caducous; bracteoles linear, much smaller than calyx, caducous, subscarious, ciliate, glandular-hairy. Calyx with a small tube, deeply divided; lobes unequal, linear, ca 1.2 cm long, one of them longer than others, rounded or obtuse at apex, ciliate on the margin, glandular-hairy. Corolla curved, deep purple, tubular-ventricose, ca 3 cm long; tube a little contracted at base, much smaller than ventricose portion, hardly longer than the calyx; ventricose portion much inflated, 2 hairy lines within; curved above, 5-lobed; lobes orbicular and veined. Stamens 4; sheath extending to the middle of ventricose portion, glabrous/slightly hairy; filaments glabrous; inner two shorter, crossing the longer filaments. Ovary glandular, puberulous at apex; style ca 2.6 cm long, glabrous or slightly hairy below. Capsules narrowly elliptic, ca 1.5 cm long, glandular-pubescent, 4-seeded; seeds ovate, ca 4 mm, hairy with a small areole.

Fl. & Fr.: Less known about flowering period or periodicity.

Habitat: . W. Temperate Himalaya, 3500 m, common; from Kashmir to Kumaon, In grassland on mountainous slopes, 2500 m Tibet; also grow in gardens as cultivated species in Karnataka

Distrib.: World: Afganistan, China, India, Nepal, North Pakistan and Tibet.

Note: Wallich 2345 cited by Nees was excluded by Wood (l.c.). as it is Echinacanthus attenuates Nees.

… I wish you might be able to confirm and fix the species identity based on the above details.If you have problems anywhere regarding the mismatch of description, you may reply to me again.

Strobilanthes ?SN251117 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Wild herb from Tungnath above 3000m

Please check Strobilanthes urticifolia  

Pl. check with images at


To me also appears close

Images by Ritesh Kumar Choudhary (Inserted by J.M.Garg)



Acanthaceae Week_Strobilanthes atropurpureus_RKC01_090611:

Strobilanthes atropurpureus Nees (Pl validate)
Loc.: On way to Churdhar, Himachal Pradesh (ca 1500m)
Date: August, 2010.

Yes .. A very common plant in Kashmir valley

I think this is all Strobilanthes attenuata


4 AUG 12
Ghangaria – Govind Ghat trailabout 8300 ft

I would agree with the ID. Strobilathes is a difficult genus

Many thanks, … Referred K R Keshava Murthy’s VoF book.

Yes … Rather a common species in Himalayas.

Strobilanthes attenuata as per … as per another thread: Strobilanthes atropurpureus ABAUG01/14

Thank you very much … for the ID; will revise my notes at flickr.

Strobilanthes atropurpureus of Acanthaceae family
Enroute to Ghanghariya, from Govind Ghat route
13th August 2012

Yes … Good photographs

Strobilanthes attenuata as per … as per another thread: Strobilanthes atropurpureus ABAUG01/14

Also looks like attenuata (not atropurpurea)) but can’t see the leaves

Flora of Chakrata 2013:: Strobilanthes atropurpureus for validation : 3 correct images as above. 3 posts by 2 authors.

Please validate if this can be Strobilanthes atropurpureus… shot from Chakrata area…

Beauutiful 🙂

Thanks … for liking and confirming…

Strobilanthes attenuata as per … as per another thread: Strobilanthes atropurpureus ABAUG01/14

Definitely not Strobilanthes atropurpurea!

Might be S. pubiflora but I am not certain. Where was it found?

Corolla appears to be pubescent and inflorescence suggests this but it is a very localised species.

Thanks, …, It was found in Chakrata area of Uttarakhand.

I think looks different from high resolution specimens of Strobilanthes pubiflora at GBIF
Also this species does not have any distribution in the area of Uttarakhand as per Catalogue of Life;

I feel it close to Strobilanthes attenuata only. However, left side of first image is confusing me- it is from where ?

Yes …,  I noticed it now, a mixing up there.. Clinopodium mixed up …

Thanks, …, for the clarification.

I think this has to be Strobilanthes attenuata (Nees) Nees.

Strobilanthes atropurpureus Nees in Wall., Pl. Asiat. Rar. 3: 86. 1832.
Shub with 4-angled or furrowed pubescent stems; leaves elliptic oblong, up to 30 cm long; flowers blackish-blue, solitary or paired in interruptedly leafy spike; bracts foliaceous, persistent; calyx lobes slightly enlarged in fruit, corolla curved with pale tube; capsule oblong 16-18 mm long.

Photographed from Manali   

Strobilanthes attenuata as per … as per another thread: Strobilanthes atropurpureus ABAUG01/14


Strobilanthes atropurpureus Nees
along Govind Ghat – Ghangaria trail on August 1, 2012
along Ghangaria – Govind Ghat trail on August 4, 2012

Strobilanthes attenuata as per … as per another thread: Strobilanthes atropurpureus ABAUG01/14

Thanks … for the ID; have revised the flickr notes accordingly.


Strobilanthes atropurpureus ABAUG01/14 : 3 posts by 2 authors. 7 images.
These are our bluebells. The buds are deep purple while the flowers are a little lighter.

Strobilanthes [stro-bil-ANTH-eez]; Gr. strobilos, a cone; anthos, a flower.

atro signifies dark and purpureus is of course purple.
Strobilanthes atropurpureus (Deep Blue Curved Bells)
Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP

15 August 2015

nice photography and what an apt name for the flowers’ shape

I am looking at my old post on S. atropurpurea here. The plant is almost certainly S. attenuata. Moreover, almost all the other entries on the page seem attenuata to me as well. Please check.

This is almost certainly Strobilanthes attenuata. It is certainly not S. atropurpurpurea. In the UK the gardening fraternity often (incorrectly) use the name atropurpurea for S. attenuata.

Saw this Strobilanthes just along the Gobindgat-Ghangaria trail, Uttarakhand in Aug 2018.
Requested to please provide ID?

I guess Strobilanthes atropurpurea Nees

Thanks … for the ID.

…, these were shot at a different location than the earlier post, hence posted them separately.

Saw this Strobilanthes just near Ghangaria, Uttarakhand in Aug 2018.
Requested to please provide ID. Is this Strobilanthes atropurpureus?

First image is different.

To me also others look close to images at

Thanks … for validating.
…, thanks for pointing out, this does seems to be shot some few minutes earlier than the rest.

Is the first a different Strobilanthes, is it possible to ID.

For first image, pl. check comparative images at 

Strobilanthes attenuata as per … as per another thread: Strobilanthes atropurpureus ABAUG01/14  except for the first image.

The first photo is something different but I am travelling for a week and will get back to these on my return.

What can be this image IMG_0984?

I think this is Strobilanthes atropurpurpurea Nees


Fwd: Strobilanthes atropurpurea page : 5 posts by 1 author.

I am looking at my old post on S. atropurpurea here. The plant is almost certainly S. attenuata. Moreover, almost all the other entries on the page seem attenuata to me as well. Please check.

I guess something different than S. attenuata compared to herbarium sp of POWO.

It is better to get opinion from …

yes. it looks different; leaves look different; other details not known

Thanks, … I have corrected the threads (also validated by Dr. JRI Wood) and moved them to Strobilanthes attenuata page.
Pl. see corrected page of Strobilanthes atropurpurea
Specimen in POWO at Strobilanthes attenuata (Wall. ex Nees) Jacq. ex Nees is also correct.

Strobilanthes attenuata ABAUG2019/01 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (22)
First of all, I would like to thank … for promptly taking up the case to check the entries for Strobilanthes. I had filed an erroneous identification in 2015, when I was still trying to fix an ID based on looking at photographs. However, my 2016 post here was sent by … to … who not only corrected the ID, but kindly sent a pdf of his paper on S. attenuata in the Curtis’s Botanical Magazine.

Following the paper, I have tried to gather the photo evidence to support the identification. I am including here photos showing different aspects of the plant. This is not yet complete as I do not have the seeds but I am hoping to overcome this in the next seeing season.

I am also including the paper here again (it was posted originally to the group by Dr. Wood) for reference. It’s a large file and I apologise if this message is heavy with attachments.
All photos are from elevations of between 1750 and 1850m in Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh, India, mostly in the month of August over the years.

Thanks, … Unprecedented and superb details.
I think no one has done like before except you.

You are too generous in your praise, … I am still trying to make sense of all the diverse features identifying a single species and trying to correct my past mistakes.

wonderful set of pictures. … would appreciate the pdf now, separately, may be it will come thru

Wild Flower for ID : Kashmir : 111011 : AK-1: 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1).

Picture taken at Patni Top, Kashmir on the 5th of Sept,11.
A small plant growing wild by the roadside with Blue funnel shaped flowers.
Kindly help in id.

Strobilanthes atropurpureus

Strobilanthes attenuata (Nees) Nees as per another thread.

May be Strobilanthes angustifrons as per another thread.

Strobilanthes attenuata as per another thread by Dr. Wood.


Strobilanthes wallichii: 2 high res. images.

Location:Kulgam, kashmir, J&K.
Hairs present on stem. 
Colour of petals:Purple.
Mostly found near damb water logged places and banks of river streams

Pl. show us the leaves and habit. May not be Strobilanthes wallichii

Habit: Herbaceous found on banks of river.

Leaves and habit image is required.

This is almost certainly Strobilanthes attenuata.

1 high res. image

Strobilanthes sp. from Doda J&k for id: 2 images.

From …:
Strobilanthes sp.

Doda J&k 
1400-1800 m asl

Any possibility of alba Strobilanthes atropurpureus Nees ??

I think appears more close to images at Strobilanthes attenuata

I believe this is an unusual white-flowered form of Strobilanthes attenuata (Nees)  Nees.

