Drimia indica (Roxb.) Jessop, J. S. African Bot. 43: 272 1977. (Syn: Albuca reflexa K.Krause & Dinter; Aletris littoralis J.Koenig ex Steud.; Anthericum hyacinthoides Willd. ex Kunth; Drimia zambesiaca (Baker) J.C.Manning & Goldblatt; Erythronium hyacinthoides Royle; Erythronium indicum Rottler ex Spreng., pro syn.; Indurgia coromandeliana (Roxb.) Speta, no basionym page; Indurgia govindappae (A.Boraiah & Fathima) Speta; Indurgia indica (Roxb.) Speta; Indurgia wightiana (Hook.f.) Speta; Ledebouria maculata Dalzell; Melanthium hyacinthoides Royle; Ornithogalum desertorum J.C.Manning & Goldblatt; Scilla coromandeliana Roxb.; Scilla indica Roxb.; Thuranthos coromandelianus (Roxb.) Speta; Thuranthos govindappae (A.Boraiah & Fathima) Speta; Thuranthos indicus (Roxb.) Speta; Thuranthos wightianus (Hook.f.) Speta; Thuranthos zambesiacum (Baker) Kativu; Urginea amboensis Baker; Urginea coromandeliana Hook.f., nom. illeg. (ambiguous synonym); Urginea coromandeliana Wight (ambiguous synonym); Urginea govindappae A.Boraiah & Fathima; Urginea indica (Roxb.) Kunth; Urginea salmonea Berhaut; Urginea sebirii Berhaut; Urginea wightiana Hook.f.; Urginea zambesiaca Baker) as per Catalogue of Life;
DRY-mee-a — Greek word for acrid, referring to the bulbs, which are can irritate skin when handled … Dave’s Botanary .
Submission of Urgenia coramandeliana : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5) This species is also considered as synonymous with Drimia indica by The Plant list; but due to the differences it is treated as a separate species as per Gamble Plant name: Urginea coromandeliana Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 6: 347.1892.
Family: Asparagaceae.
Perennial; bulbous geophyte; bulb tunicated, white, 2.5-4 cm across, globose. Leaves radicle, 10-15 × 0.5-1 cm, thick, canaliculated, acute. Flowers drooping, dull green, 1 cm long, 3-4mm across, 3-merous, racemosely, laxly arranged on 15-30 cm long, stiff scape; pedicel 0.4-0.5 cm long. Perianth lobes 6 in 2 whorls of 3 each, linear oblong, tips of inner 3 puberulous. Stamens 6, inserted, connate with perianth lobes at base; anthers yellow, oblong. thin, campanulate. Ovary sessile, 3 loculed, ovules many in each cell; style filiform, stigmas capitate. Fruiting scape elongates to 40-60 cm long. Capsule 1cm across, deeply 3-lobed, loculicidal, 3-valved. Seeds orbicular, flat, 0.5 cm across, black.
Note: The Plant List treated this species as synonym of Drimia indica (Roxb.) Jessop
But due to the differences it is treated separately as per Gamble’s F.P.M and F.B.I.
Habitat & location: Common in dry gravelly soils and rocky areas in hillside forests. Thanks, … Both WCSP & Catalogue of Life consider it as a syn.
Also BSI checklist considers it as a syn. ID of bulb in flower : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) I would like an ID for the following bulbous species. Provenance of collection unknown but it is an Indian species. Photos of the plant in cultivation. One more image below after the flower is fully open. It has nice reflexed petals. The second photo in the previous mail is after removing the petals. If anyone can help zero in on the ID it would be great. Thanks … I would like you to help me solve the riddle on the ID of this plant. I am of the opinion its Drimia indica or some Urginea. If some experts can come in and help confirm the ID it would be great. Drimia indica (=Urginia indica) to me.
Urginea indica:
Urginea indica Local marathi names: Rankanda, Kochinda Ranpalandu Today at Ratnagiri,Maharashtra In Tamil it is known as Kaattuvengayam or Narivengayam. This plant has medicinal properties and used in Siddha medicines: “An effective Siddha remedy for Cough, Bronchial ailments, Piles, Fistula etc.” . Lilliaceae for identification 210412MK02: Drimia indica in flowering, I think. Drimia indica may be accepted name for Urgenia indica. Thank you for updating the nomenclature. Still there is a doubt which one correct? Dr. Hemadri discovered one species from Andhra Pradesh and given naming as Urgenia raogibikei Hemadri Sp. Nov. Drimia indica is the accepted name, as per The Plant List (with full confidence!!!) In an major revision of the genus in 2004 ( J.C.Manning & Goldblatt, Edinburgh J. Bot. 60: 556 2003 publ. 2004. and some earlier papers) all species of Urginea have been shifted to Drimia.
…, I have tried to find the name Urginea raogibikei, it is in none of the online databases including IPNI. By the way species novo is written only in the original paper, and when referring to it we don’t use the term species novo, rather give the reference or simply year of publication. It is logical, because every species on earth was species novo when first published. And yes if Urginia raogibikei has been published recently, some one may publish a combination for it under genus Drimia. Yes, you are right. Dr. Hemadri has published in his Medicinal Plants Pragati Resorts Book. Dr. Hemadri was somewhat reserved person. I will try my level best to get that article.
Would like to share images of Drimia indica,
Family: Asparagaceae
Place: Talegaon Dabhade : Maharashtra
Currently in flowering. Images taken on : 22 march 2014.
The inflorescence emerges before flowers. I think your identification is hundred percent correct. Yes it is also common in Pine forests of Urrarakhand.
It produce long linear leaves and have a onion like bulb at base. Earlier known as Urginea indica. Id this drimia PLease : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Please id this drimia sp
Found on slopes in palghar in decidious forest 2015 April Allium species from Rajasthan : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)
Please help in identification of Allium species collected from the Rajasthan.
The Bulb is having itching effect if comes in contact to human body.
Location: Radiyawas, Rajasthan (60 km from the Ajmer)
Area : Forest are having scrubby vegetation.
Habitat: Hill Slopes with low soil depth it may be bulb of Drimia spp I have been wondering about this bulb, first rejected the case as no data in no data out kind of case … but it lingered in my consciousness … more as a a challenge.. since ….Deep in the recesses of memory it said its the gout medicine bulb… very poisonous. itching is common when crystals are readily available to effect skin… such as in roots/fingers of Gloriosa lily and autumn crocus… COLCHICINE is the culprit…
But the member who submitted this gave no other information… was it looked for by him or was it accidental discovery or
did some local farmer or laborer or a student bring it to his attention ???? was someone poisoned??? …such details are important …to know and must accompany the case when submitted … Then it would not have perhaps languished in unknown territory for seven days…!!!!! Back to my memory bank and question arose: would it grow in Rajasthan a desert state?
googling got me the answers to my memory recesses and the desert question
Its most likely the Autum crocus or meadow saffron… flowers lack the magenta stigma of true saffron crocus flowers.
This is most likely Colchicum autumanle or Colchicum lueum ….family Colchicaceae of Liliales order. c. autumnale is found in Eur-asian regions…
the bulb referred to in old vernacular Ayurvedic books is Colchicum luteum..
Ancients knew of it, to use as a herbal remedy for gout…
and even the bible has a quote about it… I quote … The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom. Like the crocus, it will burst into bloom; it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy. Isaiah 35:1-2 – “” end quote
i need to run, cant type up the vernacular books names citations etc etc etc … you have to search yourself…
The plant is from Rajasthan and during this seasons no leaf and flowers are available. The impact on human was given by a local person and he didn’t allow me to touch the bulbs. sending images of Drimia -onions in all stages of development Checked online and the plant is Drimia indica.
Pl.id this one photographed at Karnala Bird Sanctury Maharashtra
Leafless, hight 1-3 ft., flowers inverted Is it Urginea indica?
May be (Urginea scilla syn. Scilla maritima, Urginea maritima. Urginea Indica– Maritime Squill, White Squill or Red Squill) but I am not sure after going through links:
http://www.botanical.com/mgmh/s/squill86.html (details with an illustration),
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urginea_maritima (wIkipedia link),
http://images.google.co.in/Urginea+maritima&Search (images). I think it’s Drimia indica (Roxb.) Jessop . Urginea coromandeliana Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 6: 347. 1892.
Description: Perennial; bulbous geophyte; bulb tunicated, white, 2.5-4 cm across, globose. Leaves radicle, 10-15 × 0.5-1 cm, thick, canaliculated, acute. Flowers drooping, dull green, 1 cm long, 3-4mm across, 3-merous, racemosely, laxly arranged on 15-30 cm long, stiff scape; pedicel 0.4-0.5 cm long. Perianth lobes 6 in 2 whorls of 3 each, linear oblong, tips of inner 3 puberulous. Stamens 6, inserted, connate with perianth lobes at base; anthers yellow, oblong. thin, campanulate. Ovary sessile, 3 loculed, ovules many in each cell; style filiform, stigmas capitate. Fruiting scape elongates to 40-60 cm long. Capsule 1cm across, deeply 3-lobed, loculicidal, 3-valved. Seeds orbicular, flat, 0.5 cm across, black.
Note: The Plant List treated this species as synonym of Drimia indica (Roxb.)Jessop
But due to the differences it is treated separately as per Gamble’s F.P.M and F.B.I.
Habitat & location: Common in dry gravelly soils and rocky areas in hillside forests. Photographed at Velugonda, N.Konda. Thanks, … Both WCSP & Catalogue of Life treat it as a syn. of Drimia indica (Roxb.) Jessop, J. S. African Bot. 43: 272 (1977). Plant id from Shimla hills : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
Habit: Leafless Herb Interesting! Resemble to Drimmia indica. Not know whether D.indica is distributed in temperate elevations in Himachal Pradesh.
Basal rosette of leaves is not photographed. Probably lacking at flowering time (?). Leaves develop after flowering is over in D.indica (=Urginea indica). Drimmia (Urgenia) indica is in flowering these days in Shimla hills. The first to emerge is the flowering stock and the basal rosette of leaves will emerge in the days to come. I also have noticed the species growing at about 2100m altitude near Mashobra (Shimla) the last Sunday. ID please . : 11 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
ID please .
When and where? 28 March 18 Is it ornithogalum sp. found on plateau area
Does not look so as per images at /species/a—l/ar/asparagaceae/ornithogalum
From Maharashtra.
Pl. check /species/a—l/ar/asparagaceae/dipcadi It is Drimia indica
Can’t guess without any size date or location
… has identified it as Drimia indica
Yes for D indica.
. Is it Chlorophytum tuberosum ? : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) – 1 mb each.
Chlorophytum tuberosum ?
Fist one looks like Chlorophytum tuberosum ……..
but can be confirmed with flower…
Does not seem to match with images at Chlorophytum tuberosum (Roxb.) Baker to me. May be some Hymenocallis species as per images herein.
Thanks, …, To me also appear close with images of Drimia indica at Submission of Urgenia coramandeliana
. Chlorophytum tuberosum ?
Difficult to say without flower out tuber; the leaves does not look like that of Chlorophytum; may be of Crinum Can it be some Dipcadi ?
Drimia indica as per another thread.
Chlorophytum tuberosum ?
Doubt ful ID. The pictures in the net do not match. Fist one looks like Chlorophytum tuberosum ……..
but can be confirmed with flower…
Drimia indica as per another thread. The first picture indicates that it is Chlorophytum.
This is not a chlorophytum Identified as Drimia indica . Nepali name(s) of Drimia indica / Scilla indica / Urginia indica : 4 posts by 2 authors.
Please help me with name(s) of Drimia indica, its popular synonyms are: Scilla indica, Urginia indica and Erythronium indicum. Though not sure whether found in Nepal.
Most probable candidate is वनप्याज vanpyaj OR rather बनप्याज banpyaj… please validate
Urginea indica is listed in Nepal but no Nepali name so far. Thanks very much … I found one at this link:
Handbook of Flowering Plants of Nepal (Vol. 1 Gymnosperms and Angiosperms: Cycadaceae – Betulaceae) by K.K. Shrestha, S. Bhattarai, P. Bhandari Names of Plants in India :: Drimia indica (Roxb.) Jessop : 6 posts by 4 authors. 1 image.
Thanks. nice to know the early buds. we have a detailed page
/species/a—l/ar/asparagaceae/drimia/urginea-indica What was the elevation ? …, could be about 400 m. DRY-mee-a — Greek word for acrid, referring to the bulbs, which can irritate skin when handled … Dave’s Botanary
IN-dih-kuh or in-DEE-kuh — of or from India … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: Indian squill, sea onion, white squill • Assamese: বন পিয়াজ bon piyaj • Bengali: জংলি পিয়াজ jongali piyaz • Gujarati: જંગલી ડુંગળી jungali dungali, જંગલી કાંદો jungali kando, જંગલી પ્યાજ jungali pyaj, પાણકંદો pankando • Hindi: बन प्याज ban piaj, जंगली कांदा jungli kanda, जंगली प्याज jungli piaj, कन्दा kanda • Kachchhi: ડુંગરો dungaro, પેણકંદો penkando, વ્રથજોપાડ vrathajopad • Kannada: ಬಿಳಿ ಈರುಳ್ಳಿ bili eerulli, ಕಾಡು ಬೆಳ್ಳುಳ್ಳಿ kaadu bellulli, ಕಾಡಿರುಳ್ಳಿ kaadirulli, ನಾಯಿಉಳ್ಳಿ ಗಿಡ nayiulli gida, ನರಿ ಈರುಳ್ಳಿ nari eerulli • Konkani: ಕೊಳಕಾಂದೊ kolakando • Malayalam: കാട്ടുള്ളി kaattulli, കാൻതെങ്ങ kaanthenga, നരിവെങ്കായം narivenkayam • Marathi: रान कांदा ran kanda • Mundari: koli kanda • Nepali: बन प्याज ban pyaaj • Odia: ବଣ ପିଆଜ bana piaja • Punjabi: ਫਫੋਰ phaphor • Rajasthani: जंगली प्याज jungli pyaz • Sanskrit: कोलकन्द kolakanda, कृमिघ्न krimighna, पञ्जल panjala, पुटालु putalu, वनपलाण्डु vanapalandu • Santali: ᱵᱟᱱ ᱯᱟᱭᱟ ban payaj, ᱵᱤᱨ ᱵᱤᱭᱟᱡᱽ bir piaj • Tamil: ஆசுக்காயம் acukkayam, நரிவெங்காயம் nari-venkayam, நாயுள்ளி nay-ulli, பேயுள்ளி pey-ulli • Telugu: అడవి ఉల్లి adavi vulli, నక్క nakka • Tulu: ಬೊಗ್ಗುಳ್ಳಿ boggulli, ಕಾಟ್ಟು ನೀರುಳ್ಳಿ kattu neerulli • Urdu: کندا kanda botanical names: Drimia indica (Roxb.) Jessop … homotypic synonyms: Indurgia indica (Roxb.) Speta • Scilla indica Roxb. • Thuranthos indicus (Roxb.) Speta • Urginea indica (Roxb.) Kunth … heterotypic synonyms: Erythronium indicum Rottler ex Spreng. … and more listed at POWO Bibliography / etymology ~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
Indian squill
sea onion
white squill
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~
বন পিয়াজ bon piyaj
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~
জংলি পিয়াজ jongali piyaz
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~
જંગલી ડુંગળી jungali dungali
જંગલી કાંદો jungali kando
જંગલી પ્યાજ jungali pyaj
પાણકંદો pankando
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
बन प्याज ban piaj
जंगली कांदा jungli kanda, जंगली प्याज jungli piaj
कन्दा kanda
~~~~~ KACHCHHI ~~~~~
ડુંગરો dungaro, પેણકંદો penkando, વ્રથજોપાડ vrathajopad
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ಬಿಳಿ ಈರುಳ್ಳಿ bili eerulli
ಕಾಡು ಬೆಳ್ಳುಳ್ಳಿ kaadu bellulli
ಕಾಡಿರುಳ್ಳಿ kaadirulli
ನಾಯಿಉಳ್ಳಿ ಗಿಡ nayiulli gida
ನರಿ ಈರುಳ್ಳಿ nari eerulli
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
ಕೊಳಕಾಂದೊ kolakando
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
കാട്ടുള്ളി kaattulli
കാൻതെങ്ങ kaanthenga
നരിവെങ്കായം narivenkayam
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
रान कांदा ran kanda
~~~~~ MUNDARI ~~~~~
koli kanda
~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~
बन प्याज ban pyaaj
~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~
ବଣ ପିଆଜ bana piaja
~~~~~ PUNJABI ~~~~~
ਫਫੋਰ phaphor
~~~~~ RAJASTHANI ~~~~~
जंगली प्याज jungli pyaz
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
कोलकन्द kolakanda, कृमिघ्न krimighna, पञ्जल panjala, पुटालु putalu, वनपलाण्डु vanapalandu
~~~~~ SANTALI ~~~~~
ᱵᱟᱱ ᱯᱟᱭᱟ ban payaj, ᱵᱤᱨ ᱵᱤᱭᱟᱡᱽ bir piaj
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
ஆசுக்காயம் acukkayam, பேயுள்ளி pey-ulli
நரிவெங்காயம் nari-venkayam, நாயுள்ளி nay-ulli
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
అడవి ఉల్లి adavi vulli
నక్క nakka
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~
ಬೊಗ್ಗುಳ್ಳಿ boggulli
ಕಾಟ್ಟು ನೀರುಳ್ಳಿ kattu neerulli
~~~~~ URDU ~~~~~
کندا kanda
~~~~~ x ~~~~~
. I don’t know the names 1: 1 image. Urginea indica You are Prefect, made my day. Yes, appears close as per images at .
Asparagaceae: Drimia indica (Roxb.) Jessop: 1 image.
synonyms: Urginea indica (Roxb.) Kunth, Scilla indica Roxb., Urginea sebirii Berhaut location/date: Tumkur Distr., Karnataka, July 1997 . References: