Citrus × limon (L.) Osbeck, Reise Ostindien: 250 (1765) (syn: Citrus × adami Risso, Citrus × aurata Risso, Citrus × bergamia (Risso) Risso & Poit., Citrus × bergamia var. parva Risso, Citrus × bergamia var. vulgaris Risso, Citrus × bergamota Raf., Citrus × dimorphocarpa Lush., Citrus × limetta Risso, Citrus × limetta subsp. murcica S.Ríos, D.Rivera, García Lidón & Obón, Citrus × limettioides Yu.Tanaka, Citrus × limodulcis D.Rivera, Obón & F.Méndez, Citrus × limon var. pompia Camarda, Citrus × limonelloides Hayata, Citrus × limonia Osbeck, Citrus × limonum Risso, Citrus medica f. limon (L.) M.Hiroe; Citrus medica var. limon L.; Citrus × mellarosa Risso, Citrus × mellarosa var. plena Risso, Citrus × mellarosa var. vulgaris Risso, Citrus × meyeri Yu.Tanaka, Citrus × sarbati Tanaka, Citrus × volcameriana V.Ten. & Pasq., Citrus × vulgaris Ferrarius ex Mill.); . Introduced into: Albania, Assam, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Borneo, Brazil South, Brazil Southeast, Brazil West-Central, Cape Verde, Chad, China Southeast, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, East Himalaya, El Salvador, Fiji, Florida, Galápagos, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Gulf of Guinea Is., Haiti, Honduras, India, Jamaica, Korea, Laos, Leeward Is., Mexico Southeast, Morocco, Mozambique, Nepal, New Caledonia, Oman, Peru, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Spain, Sri Lanka, Tadzhikistan, Tonga, Trinidad-Tobago, Vietnam as per POWO; . Beng.: Goranebu; Guj.: Motulimbu; Hindi: Baranimbu, Gulgul, Paharinimbu, Paharikaghzi; Kan.: Bijapura, Bijori; Kh.: Dieng-soh; Mal.: Odichukuthinaregam; Mar.: Idalimbu, Thoralimbu; Tam.: Periyaelumichai; Tel.: Bijapuram. The Lemon as per BSI flora of India; . C. deliciosa × C. maxima × C. medica as per POWO; (Bara nimbu; Lemon) (Fruit small; Leaflet small; Petioles marginate or narrowly winged, often articulate at apex with base of blade; Fruits with rather thick pericarp compared to thin pericarp of Citrus × aurantiifolia (Christm.) Swingle (Kagazi Nimbu; Sour Lime)) . Rutaceae week: Citrus sp. from Hooghly: Species : Citrus aurantifolia ??? Habit & Habitat : shrub, garden, backyard Date : please see the text Place : please see the text PHOTO SET 1 : pictures taken on 09-May-2012, 10.30 A.M. at Garalgacha (Hooghly) :- PHOTO SET 2 : pictures taken on 10-May-2012, 02.10 P.M. at Krishnapur (Hooghly) :- PHOTO SET 3 : pictures taken on 06-May-2012, 09.50 A.M. at Nalikul (Hooghly) :- This plant is a safe resting shade for birds (my own backyard in 2009 & 2010) :- This species is also LF plant of various butterflies (my own backyard in 2009 & 2010) :- This is my last post in the ongoing Rutaceae week. I feel sad that i do not know any more member of this family. I cannot comment on the exact id of the posted plant, but that doesn’t stop me liking your beautiful post, shows the time taken, patience and a keen observation. Thanks for all yours efforts to share this information…. These days the birds are going wary. I think rapid destruction of their habitat is greatly reducing their numbers. Their food and nesting habit are also changing. It was easier to photograph a bird in 2009, even with a 5x zoom! I think this is Citrus aurantifolia (Christm.) Swingle. My guess is based on the following websites/document –
Some more related links –
Pl. also consider Citrus longilimon, as per images and details herein. I am not sure, Sir, how about Citrus × limon (L.) Osbeck of KEW or FoC, and synonymous with Citrus limon (L.) Osbeck of BSI? Yes, the taxonomy of Citrus is quite complex with different databases saying different things. I photographed it this morning. A 10 ft shrub, didn’t find flower, fruits are about 2 inches long. I think this is same as in my previous post. efi page on Citrus medica To me this is a cultivar of Citrus aurantiifolia Is Citrus aurantiifolia same as Citrus x aurantiifolia? Is Citrus aurantiifolia same as C. aurantifolia? Is Citrus aurantiifolia synonymous with C. medica var. acida? If I am not mistaken, yes it is. Thank you very much again, … eta gondhoraj lebu na? Lebu dekhe ami chinte parina konta gandhoraj ar kontai ba kagji, loke thik mato bolte pareo na! Roxburgh Saheb Citrus acida R. er katokguli variety r katha likhechen – 1. pati leboo 2. kagji leboo 3. gora leboo 4. china-gora leboo 5. camaral leboo 6. Rungpore lime 7. taba neboo 8. Arabian lime 9. meetha lemoo Roxburgh Saheb er C. medica Willd. holo “lemoo or nemoo”! roxburgh ki bolechhe jante chai na India ke crdit o dayi na, but everybody knows lebu of all kinds arose in india…. google kore dekho amra meyers lemon khub dam diye kintum … gondharaj lebu khabo bole bochhore ekad baar… ar ote bij neyi je churi korte parbe… amader lebu amaderi-i jante hobe, roxburgh er opore depend korle hobe na.. BSI hoyto list baniye che notun kore we need to ask May be … janen Yes, Didi, gandhoraj ar Rangpur er byapare Times ar Telegraph e article royeche. links? See below the links- Rangpur lime is Ctrus limonia Osbeck as per USA r ekti botanical collection e eyi peyechhilum… onek bochhor age.. Thank you Didi, I took a quick glance this afternoon, very informative, but not helpful to species level ID, I think. I agree with …, this is likely to be C. aurantiifolia or hybrid. that was the idea, … its one of the myriad hybrids did it not strike you that out of the lemon seeds or saplings carried westward by the arab caravans and sold to italians et at ( venice was a trading post for them) … so many cultivars and then hybrids developed in a span of only a couple of centuries…?? AND EVERYBODY AT EFLORAINDIA THAT GET THIS EMAIL: think of the big picture and why was lemon a center of so..oo..o much activity, in the western world in several continents including australia, starting in the late 15th century to 17th century especially … and in california and florida in 19th and 20th century…these chapters show us that activity…??? but why??? I know it, do you? I want to hear all the stories and ideas Except for commercial exploitation I fail to think of any other cause. The Citrus is/was mostly Asian origin, rather SE Asia. the chapter 3 i said was more informative you’ll have more than what you want chapter title is : The Botany of Citrus and Its Wild Relatives BY WALTER T. SWINGLE Revised by Phillip C. Reece CHAPTER 3 its from UC Riverside they do a good job Thank you very much Didi for the link and details. This shrub cannot be true Citrus aurantifolia for it has leaves as large as 10 to 15 cm., never small like our PATILEBU, petioles are not winged, even faintly. At best it can be a hybrid. Pl. also consider Citrus longilimon, as per images and details herein. I guess you are right … ! Very confusing, Sir, I would rather prefer Citrus sp. only. Same as at Rutaceae week: Citrus sp. from Hooghly Yes, Sir, I fully agree. . lemon byproduct: . Rutaceae Week: Citrus limon (Lemon)-MN070512: Sending photos of Citrus limon (Lemon) Place : Nashik, Date : March 2008 Citrus Species for ID : Lalbagh Botanical Gardens, Bangalore : 21JAN20 : AK-27 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Seen at the Flower Show in Lalbagh yesterday. (21.1.20) It looks like those fruits of C. aurantiifolia at efI, but here the skin is too smooth. So, I am not sure if it can be same species, specially since it is displayed in a flower show. Thanks for the possible id. Unfortunately, there were no names on display. I think close to images and details at Citrus × limon (L.) Osbeck Rutaceae Week: UD9 and UD10 Citrus trees IN-GROUND PLANTING in Backyard: Mixed thread: some of my pics of trees I have tended in the past… in Backyard over the different years… Limes and Oranges ………… 2: Lime : Citrus aurantifolia I found that its supposed to be written as Citrus aurantifolia [Christm. et Panz.] Swingle …. I think close to images and details at Citrus × limon (L.) Osbeck Rutaceae Week: Citrus limon (L.) Burm,f. from California and Baijnath: syn: Citrus medica var. limonium Watt.; Citrus medica var. limon L. Common names: Lemon Hindi: Baranibu, pahari nimbu, pahari kagzi nimbu Beng: Baranebu, goranebu Guj: Motulimbu Mar: Idalimbu, thoralimbu Kan: Bijapura, bijori Tam: Periya yelumichai Tel: Bijapuram Fruits the size of Citron, almost double the size of lime but with nearly oblong in shape and pointed at one end, the skin thinner, smooth and turning yellow when ripe. Used in beverages. Photographed from California and Baijnath in Uttaranchal Pradesh. . Fruits & Vegetables Week: Citrus limon, the lemon: – This in Marathi is called Idlimbu???? Just recently when had been to Sibsagar Assam, I saw that almost all houses had a tree of ths plant along with Aamla. In their daily meals they take a large piece of this lemon either cut round or elongated. They eat it just like that or with salt. I know that it is a good source of Vit C, but eating such a big piece of lemon raw by everybody, without exception was new to me. Why so much vit C is consumed? How come every house has there qwn trees of lemon and Aamala? Can somebody from Asssam on the group explai? They also presented around a dozen of these lemons to each of us. I could make two bottles of pickeles of it. – In California also I found one big slice of lemon being served with most dishes and often fixed on the top a glass of lemonade or juice, or a bowl of salad. Matter of in plenty and use. – Even though it is acidic in nature, it is good for acidity and the body absorbs the vitamins better from the food, if it is mixed with the lemon juice. Citrus Plant for ID : Fremont : 09SEP21 : AK – 006: 2 images. While going through my California plants, I found some I had missed earlier. A cultivated garden plant. Citrus meyeri I hope POWO lists it under Citrus limon (L.) Osbeck. Some links: Citrus Fruit for ID : Pune : 171212 : AK-2 : Attachments (3). 4 posts by 3 authors. Citrus fruit at a home garden in Pune. Pictures taken on 14th Dec,12. A cultivated, potted tree with single fruit & buds seen. Length of fruit was about 3 inches. Most probably Citrus medica. Common name: Citron • Hindi: बड़ा निम्बू Bara nimbu, बिजौरा Bijaura, Kutla • Manipuri: হৈজাঙ Heijang • Marathi: महाळुंगी Mahalungi Yes …, it is known as Bijaura also. I think close to images and details at Citrus × limon (L.) Osbeck
Fruit for Id pl. Which is this Citrus species ? Looks much bigger than the usual ones. Location – Ghatghar, Uttarakhand. Date – 21.11.2016 Citrus species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net) To me, this is still Citrus aurantifolia, because in our country there are some cultivars of it which can be globose or oblong, small or big, green or yellowish at maturity. Looks like Galgal lemon, Citrus x limon (L.) Burm.f. (= C.pseudolimon Tanaka). Could you post a close up of the leaf and the CS of fruit? Posting two more photos for reference. Attachments (2) Yes, to me it appears to be a large fruited hill lemon or galgal lemon! Citrus pseudolimon, Galgal : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)- around 400 kb each. Here is another Citrus fruit to be uploaded on Flowers of India Website. Citrus pseudolimon, Hill lemon, Galgal growing in subtropical NW India on foothills of Himalayas, often used Pickled. Hope to find Flowering branch. Beautiful, yes. Please, I have a question; my curiosity. I looked at both The Catalogue of Life and The Plant List, no result. I did find it listed here: Citrus limon (L.) Burm.f. syn. C.medica L. var. limon. Earlier it was listed in GRIN. But this link is not opening now. I tried but could not help more than this. May be … can clarify it better. Citrus limonia – efloraofindia | Google Groups: Citrus limonia (Gandharaj Lemon) from my terrace garden giving lots of fruits these days, photos taken today morning, I took out two of these limes with one I made nimbu pani whcih I am enjoying now to beat the summer heat other will be included in my lunch Ha ha ha . Please see the thorn at the leaf axil and also presence of oil glands on leaf and fruits .. they smell awesome!! Fruits have some brown patches. Are the infected with Citrus Cancker ? Taxonomy of Citrus is perhaps most complex. Wish we have good collection on our website. I Use phosphate, but mostly rely on compost fertilizers. I also add a lot of manure (cow dung) to it, Seems to be fruiting well for last 3 yrs . Yes my pot is big one . Dear Satish ji, My plant is not at all infected with cranker it developed because the fruits were developing in the shade of the leaf in hindi we tell ” Patte ki daag” ..I grow them on terrace garden hence some times they end up developing near the wall and get hold of such spots. Plants infected with citrus canker have characteristic lesions on leaves, stems, and fruit with raised, brown, water-soaked margins, usually with a yellow halo or ring effect around the lesion. Older lesions have a corky appearance, still in many cases retaining the halo effect. The bacterium propagates in lesions in leaves, stems, and fruit. The lesions ooze bacterial cells that, when dispersed by windblown rain, can spread to other plants in the area. Infection may spread further by hurricanes. The disease can also be spread by from contaminated equipment, and by transport of infected or apparently healthy plants. Due to latency of the disease, a plant may appear to be healthy, but actually be infected. Citrus canker bacteria [Xanthomonas axonopodis]can enter through a plant’s stomata or through wounds on leaves or other green parts. In most cases, younger leaves are considered to be the most susceptible. Also, damage caused by Citrus Leaf Miner larvae (Phyllocnistis citrella) can be sites for infection to occur. Within a controlled laboratory setting, symptoms can appear in 14 days following inoculation into a susceptible host. In the field environment, the time for symptoms to appear and be clearly discernible from other foliar diseases varies; it may be on the order of several months after infection. Lower temperature increases the latency of the disease. Citrus canker bacteria can stay viable in old lesions and other plant surfaces for several months. Rutaceae Week : UD8 Rangpur lime from California:
Rutaceae Week_RVS4_Citrus sp.: I thought Citrus longilimon Tanaka, The Assam lemon I am convinced, … Thank you very much. I think close to images and details at Citrus × limon (L.) Osbeck Fruits & Vegetables Week: RVS-3: I dont know if it falls in the fruit category. But you all know its uses. This is from a cultivation in Sirumalai hills. – Malai Elumichai, Peri Elumichai in Tamil; native of South-east Asiatic region. – Definitely in fruit category. Identified as Citrus longilimon as per another thread: Rutaceae Week_RVS4_Citrus sp. I think close to images and details at Citrus × limon (L.) Osbeck Citrus limon…. lemon. Rutaceae week: Citrus … fruit. from Assam: I think close to images and details at Citrus × limon (L.) Osbeck Northeast India is rich genetic resources of citrus. There is need to conserve this rare germplasm. 2015april_sk33/33 : GANDHORAJ LEBU ? : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) A seller was selling these as GANDHORAJ LEBU in our market. I bought 3 at Rs. 10/-. The fruits are seedless, acidic (not much), smells like usual PATI-LEBU, though a bit stronger. I do not know if this can be gandhoraj lebu. But surely it’s a hybrid, being seedless. product of : a lemon (shape) and lime (not too acidic and thinnish rind) … and added bonus to them … seed less… not gondoraj …if not really strongly scented but on krishi vigyan show they had talked of many varieties of lebu a farmer could plant in west bengal i did not take notes but it can be traced the speaker was from kalyani univ i wish they would have websites and all the information written up and handy like the extension office websites of many aggie colleges and univ in USA in one many many years ago i had even found varieties of patol one could grow profitably in florida soils and weather for the local indian populations and ..listen to this for export to india… bojo… but for here …i am hoping.. lets hope Yes Didi, I think now there is no use of finding species level ID of these lebu(s)! Citrus longilimon, Assam lemon, with elongated fruit, discussed so many times on our group ah, so I was on the right track, in a nonbotanist way …, thank you. I understand that it comes from lemon (limon) group. BSI key & description of Citrus –, There are a few pics and illustrations in species pages too. IPNI search informs longilimon actually is longelimon and refers to Thanks to Japan for providing open access to the document – “A revision of Assam Citrus“. Where does BSI fit Citrus longelimon Tanaka n. sp.? I think close to images and details at Citrus × limon (L.) Osbeck Gandhoraj or Assam lemon is important cv of Lemon. In fruit, Seeds are less and juice gives aroma. Citron Sp? 020510-PKA1 – efloraofindia | Google Groups: Came across this Citron Sp. at Mizoram. Locals were calling it as “Assam Lemon”. Bot. name: Citrus ..? Family: Rutaceae Date/Time: 09-11-2008 / 01:22PM Location: Ailang, Mizoram Habitat: Had seen this in Wild as well as Planted near a house. Plant Habit: Tree almost 3.5 m high Would like to know the ID. Citrus limon L., also called Nemu Tenga in Assamese. Although most official sites of NE mention C. limon as botanical name, seeing the shape of fruit, this is what I dug out from the Site Sorting Plant names: Citrus longilimon Tanaka FRENCH : Citron des Indes à fruit long. Taking it as Citrus × limon (L.) Osbeck, as per details herein. Assam lemon cv. is famous in the world for special qualities. . Locals were calling it as “Assam Lemon“. Bot. name: Citrus ..? Family: Rutaceae Date/Time: 09-11-2008 / 01:22PM Location: Ailang, Mizoram Habitat: Had seen this in Wild as well as Planted near a house. Plant Habit: Tree almost 3.5 m high Earlier, in one of the discussion this was identified as Citrus longilimon Tanaka. If these are the flowers of C. longilimon, these are the non-Indian names for it: ENGLISH : Assam lemon, Long-fruited lemon, Oblong lemon. FRENCH : Citron des Indes à fruit long. JAPANESE : アッサムレモン Assamu remon. VIETNAMESE : Chanh Assam, Chanh quả dài. What are the names from India ?? Yes … and … This plant has been well discussed on our group after … uploaded it in 2010: Here is my note from that: “… Assam lemon, characterised by its long fruits (distinctinctly longer than broad) have been named as C. limon at many websites, and as C. medica in many websites. It should not look strange firstly because taxonomy of Citrus is very confusing, secondly many authors consider C. limon as var. or subsp. of C. medica, and as such those not going below species level would simply call it C. medica. Plus C. longilimon (character is in the name itself) is comparatively recently established species, not known to me. NMPMD database is generally well researched, and it is from here as well photographs of Assam lemon at various websites that C. longilimon appears to be the most logical name. Plus GRIN also recognises it as distinct species. C. limon is generally differentiated from C. medica by much thinner and smoother rind. Let us try to find out other differentiating features (in addition to longer fruit) of C. longilimon to arrive at final conclusion.” Before that … had also uploaded the plant
Date : 04-12-2020 Habit : Large shrub or small tree Habitat : Cultivated Note : Fruit edible Citrus longilimon Yu.Tanaka ?? Thanks, …, for the id. Appears close to images at Citrus longilimon Taking it as Citrus × limon (L.) Osbeck, as per details herein. Citrus X limon…. Lemon. You will find classification of citrus based on morphological, and Phylogenetic relationship in our book on Systematic pomology. Characterstics of important citrus spp. has been given.
Looks similar to our citrus aurantium… Fruit Size: 8-11cms, Plant height-13-15 feet, Leaves alternate, Prickle’s found in stem. Leaf-18cms, Habitat: Home garden, Shrub/Small Tree Date-18-Jul 2009, Season – Monsoon Near Joypur, Assam I think close to images and details at Citrus × limon (L.) Osbeck Lemon…..Northest India is home of origin Rutaceae Week : Lemon : Oman : 130512 : AK-2: Pl. find the attached file contain photos for sp. id. confirmation. Citurs sp. ? Location: NBNP Garden, Anaikatti, Coimbatore Dist. 640 MSL Habitat: Garden Habit: Tree. Flower July, 2011. Fruits early Feb or March 2011? Seems to be Citrus pseudolimon. i think this is italian lemon or seedless lemon I think close to images and details at Citrus × limon (L.) Osbeck It is Lemon (Citrus x limon). . Citrus × limon (L.) Osbeck: 6 very high res. images. Location: Gyaneswor, Kathmandu Date: 21 March 2023 Elevation: 1400 m. Habit : Cultivated . Regarding identification of the Citrus species which occurs in high altidue of the koraput Dist I have collected it during December 2022: 5 high res. images. Citrus × limon (L.) Osbeck
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Citrus × limon (Introduced)
Updated on December 24, 2024