Citrus × aurantiifolia (Introduced)

Citrus × aurantiifolia (Christm.) Swingle, J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 3 465 1913. (Syn: Citrus amblycarpa (Hassk.) Ochse, Citrus × excelsa Wester, Citrus × javanica Blume, Citrus × limonellus Hassk., Citrus × limonellus var. amblycarpa Hassk., Citrus × limonellus var. oxycarpa Hassk., Citrus × longispina Wester, Citrus × macrophylla Wester, Citrus medica f. aurantiifolium (Christm.) M.Hiroe, Citrus × nipis Michel, Citrus × notissima Blanco, Citrus × ovata Hassk., Citrus × papaya Hassk., Citrus × pseudolimonum Wester, Citrus × spinosissima G.Mey., Citrus × voangasay (Sagot & É.F.A.Raoul) Bojer, Limonia acidissima Houtt.);
Angola, Assam, Bangladesh, Belize, Benin, Bolivia, Cambodia, Caroline Is., Cayman Is., Central American Pac, Chad, Christmas I., Cook Is., Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, East Himalaya, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Fiji, Florida, Galápagos, Gambia, Gilbert Is., Guinea-Bissau, Gulf of Guinea Is., Haiti, India, Laos, Line Is., Malaya, Marianas, Marshall Is., New Caledonia, Niger, Niue, Oman, Pakistan, Puerto Rico, Sri Lanka, Trinidad-Tobago, Tuamotu, Venezuela, Vietnam, Windward Is. as per POWO;
Common name: Lime, Common lime, sour lime • Hindi: कागजी निंबू kaghzi-nimbu, निंबू nimbu • Manipuri: চম্প্ৰা Champra • Marathi: अंबटनिंबू ambatanimbu, लिंबू limbu, मावळंग mavalanga • Tamil: சம்பளம் champalam, சம்பீரம் champiram • Telugu: నిమ్న nimma • Bengali: লেবু lebu • Urdu: لیمو Limu • Sanskrit: मातुलुङ्ग matulunga, निम्बुकः nimbukah ;
C. hystrix × C. medica as per POWO;
(Kaghzi nimbu; Sour lime)
(Fruits small; Leaflets small; Petioles narrowly winged; wings spathulate to obcordate articulate above with the base of blade; Fruits with pericarp thin compared to thick pericarp of Citrus × limon (L.) Osbeck (Bada NimbuLemon))

Fruits & Vegetables Week: Citrus aurantifolia, the lime:
Citrus aurantifolia, the lime, widely used for flavouring jams, jellies, lemonade and source of vitamin C.

Local names
Hindi: Kaghzi nimbu
Guj: Khatalimbu
Tam: Elumichai
Tel: Nimma
Kan: Limbe, nimbe

Citrus aurantifolia, the lime, very commonly used in India for preparation of lemon juice, used in salad, for flavouring jams, jellies and marmalades.

Local Names
Hindi: Kagzi nimbu
Beng: Kaghzinimbu, patinebu
Guj: Khattalimbu
Tam: Elumichai
Tel: Nima
Kan: Limbe, nimbe
Mal: Erumichinarakam

nice catch of kagji lebu

Rutaceae Week – Bangalore – RA – Citrus aurantifolia – Lime Tree:
Lime fruit is similar to lemon, but has a thinner skin, which turns yellow on ripening.
Lime is a shrubby tree, to 5 m, with many thorns. Dwarf varieties are popular with home growers. The trunk rarely grows straight, with many branches that often originate quite far down on the trunk. The leaves are ovate 1–3.5 in long, resembling orange leaves (the scientific name aurantiifolia refers to this resemblance to the leaves of the orange, C. aurantium). The flowers are 1 in in diameter, are yellowish white with a light purple tinge on the margins.
Flowers and fruit appear throughout the year but are most abundant from May to September.
Lime have an odour similar to lemon, but more fresh. The juice is as sour as lemon juice, but more aromatic.
The english name lime originated from Arabic limun and Persian limou.~

Rutaceae week: UD11 Citrus Lime in a tub high up in the sky:
at a relatives’ home in the back veranda… very sunny very hot …
the workers had planted and tended this lime tree for several years…
they claimed did not have to buy limes for several months in the year…
Lime in India is Kagzi lemonCitrus aurantifolia [Christm. et Panz.] Swingle


Rutaceaa week: In the “lime light” – Citrus aurantifolia:
29 Nov 2009, 5:06PM
Chandagal farm Mysore


Rutaceae Week: Citrus aurantifolia (Christm.) Swingle from California and Delhi:
Rutaceae Week: Citrus aurantifolia (Christm.) Swingle

Common names: Lime
Hindi, Beng: Kagzi nimbu
Beng: Patinebu
Guj: Khatta limbu
Tam: Elumichai
Tel: Nimma
Kan: Limbe, nimbe
Mal: Erumichinarakam
The commonly sold nimbu used for lime water, has smaller fruits maturing pale yellow with thin smooth skin and acidic juice.

Need identification : (mixed thread): 10 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (5).

Please help identify.
Medium sized citrus bush in Mumbai.
The plant is about six years old and the fruits are small and extremely sour.


Citrus –  some‎ species in India & eFI with some keys

No “marked” spine found, on the other hand petioles have no/inconspicuous wings, mature fruits seem to be greenish and not distinctly mammilate; I think it is Citrus ×aurantiifolia (Christm.) Swingle.

Yes, it looks like Chakotara.

Thank you Madam, but this website says CHAKOTARA is Citrus maxima (Burm.) Merr.

The images look like a variety of lemon, i.e. Citrus limon (L.) Burm.f  (Rutaceae).

In order to confirm the correct identity, we need to examine the leaf lamina & wings, flower colour and the fruits on the live plants and then compare the plant in question with an authentic specimen of lime (C. aurantiifolia) !



Need endorsement.. : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6).
This small citrus tree with a very very sour fruit has been identified as citrus aurantifolia.
Kindly confirm once again..

The images look like a variety of lemon, i.e .  Citrus limon  (L.) Burm.f  (Rutaceae).

In order to confirm the correct identity, we need to examine the leaf lamina & wings, flower colour and the fruits on the live plants and then compare the plant in question with an authentic specimen of lime (C. aurantiifolia) !


Rutaceae week: CItrus aurantium from Chandagal:
Rutaceae week: CItrus aurantium from Chandagal

29 Nov 2009
Vernacular :
Herale Kai,
– Herali Kai,
– Illi Kai
I was quite surprised to find four different Citrus fruit trees in one of my friend’s small backyard garden.
(Photo date – 29 Nov 2009, Chandagal Village, Mysore district, .)
They consider each one of them as a different variety (Names in Kannada – Chikkilli (very small), Daggilli (large kind), Illi-normal-type 1, Illi-normal-type 2 with warty ).
Back at home, I gave them to my mother and requested her to make pickles out of them -a Mixed citrus pickles! They tasted good and there were no complaints. Last month, I had a kind of typhoid which lasted several weeks. Nothing tastes good during a fever. But the ganji  (gruel made of rice) served with these pickles tasted divine – I managed to swallow a good many mouth fulls of that gruel thanks to the pickle!
Will post and request the individual fruiting trees for identification/confirmation soon.

You seem to have hunted out the real plant Citrus aurantifolia (unless I am wrong). It is often confused with medica, because the nimbu I saw in most private houses in different parts of India mostly turns out to be Citrus medica. Perhaps the crucial difference is larger flowers, usually larger fruit mostly rough on surface in C. medica, but the crucial difference is that rind of C. medica is much thicker (almost 5 mm or more), whereas in C. aurantifolia (as also in C. limon, which has oblong fruit maturing orange yellow) the rind is thinner, barely 2-4 mm.


efloraofindia:”For Id 30092011MR17’’ lemon tree flowers and fruit Pune:
Sharing pictures of Lemon tree
Sep 2011
Pune Citrus aurantifolia Rutaceae (ruta, or citrus family)


Names of Plants in India :: Citrus × aurantiifolia (Christm.) Swingle:

SIT-rus — Latinized form of citron … Dave’s Botanary
aw-ran-tee-FOH-lee-uh — from the Latin aurantius, (guilded) and folia (leaf); golden-leaved … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: common lime, key lime, sour lime • Assamese: চকলা টেঙা sokola tenga • Bengali: কাগজি লেবু kagji lebu • Gujarati: લીંબુ limbu • Hindi: कागज़ी नींबू kaghzi-nimbu, खट्टा नींबू khatta nimbu • Kannada: ನಿಂಬೆ nimbe • Konkani: लिंबियॉ limbiyaw • Malayalam: വടുകപ്പുളി നാരകം vadukappuli narakam • Manipuri: চম্প্ৰা champra • Marathi: अंबटनिंबू ambatnimbu, कागदी निंबू kagadi nimbu, लिंबू limbu • Odia: କାଗଜି ଲେମ୍ବୁ kagaji lembu, ଲେମ୍ବୁ lembu • Punjabi: ਕਾਗਜੀ ਨਿੰਬੂ kagaji nimbu, ਨਿੰਬੂ nimbu • Sanskrit: निम्बूक nimbuka • Tamil: எலுமிச்சை elumiccai • Telugu: నిమ్న nimma • Tulu: ಲಿಂಬೆಪುಳಿ limbepuli

botanical namesCitrus × aurantiifolia (Christm.) Swingle … synonymsCitrus amblycarpa (Hassk.) Ochse • Citrus medica f. aurantiifolium (Christm.) M.Hiroe • Limonia acidissima Houtt. • Limonia × aurantiifolia Christm. … and many more at POWO

• aurantiifolia found also spelled as aurantifolia (with a single i)
• this is Citrus hybrid … perhaps (C. hystrix × C. medica) or (C. micrantha × C. medica), yet often found written as Citrus aurantiifolia (Christm.) Swingle
• being an hybrid arising from C. medica, many of the vernacular names of C. acida (synonym of C. medica) are found used for Citrus × aurantiifolia
• vernacular names seem to be liberally shared for both: lime and lemon, as well as their many varieties; though when in need of being specific, adjectives are used colloquially

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
common lime, sour lime
key lime
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~
চকলা টেঙা sokola tenga
  • XOBDO – A descriptive multilingual dictionary by the people, for the people and of the people of north-east India
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~
কাগজি লেবু kagji lebu
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
कागज़ी नींबू kaghzi-nimbu, खट्टा नींबू khatta nimbu
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ನಿಂಬೆ nimbe (or ನಿಂಬೆಕಾಯಿ nimbekaayi or ನಿಂಬೆಹಣ್ಣು nimbehannu)
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
लिंबियॉ limbiyaw
  • a common name in Konkani community
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
വടുകപ്പുളി നാരകം vadukappuli narakam
~~~~~ MANIPURI ~~~~~
চম্প্ৰা champra
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
कागदी निंबू kagadi nimbu (or कागदी लिंबू kagadi limbu)
लिंबू limbu
~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~
कागती kaagatee
  • Many thanks to Saroj Kumar Kasaju for help with the name … efloraofindia

~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~

କାଗଜି ଲେମ୍ବୁ kagaji lembu, ଲେମ୍ବୁ lembu
~~~~~ PUNJABI ~~~~~
ਕਾਗਜੀ ਨਿੰਬੂ kagaji nimbu, ਨਿੰਬੂ nimbu
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
निम्बूक nimbuka
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
எலுமிச்சை elumiccai
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
నిమ్న nimma
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~
ಲಿಂಬೆಪುಳಿ limbepuli


Nepali name(s) of Citrus × aurantiifolia (Christm.) Swingle:
Please help with Nepali name(s) of Citrus × aurantiifolia (Christm.) Swingle , if any.

कागती Kaagatee

Rutaceae Week :: Tree called ‘Limbu’ in Marathi at Pune:

Would appreciate your help to know the botanical name of this tree. Also the leaves look peculiar a small leaf at the base and then a bigger leaf.
I had shared these pictures of the plant we call ‘Limbu’ in Marathi in Sep 2011 at the following mail link
The botanical name was not confirmed
I have added some more pictures of the trunk, leaves and fruits of the same.
Also adding pictures of 2 wet bulbuls sitting on this tree. This incident happened just 2 days ago. There was a puddle of water below this tree and 4-5 bulbuls were enjoying getting wet in this water. They would then sit on this tree and fluff themselves up either to dry themselves or with joy I do not know.

I hope Citrus medica, the citron. Most the nimbu or Limbu grown in private gardens usually identifies as citron,

It is Citrus × aurantiifolia (Christm.) Swingle, as petiole is narrowly winged.

Yes , it Mexican lime or key lime. Citrus aurantifolia


Fruit and Vegetable Week- Lemon:
Sending photo of
Lemon and Lemon tree.
Place : Nashik, Maharashtra.
Date   : April 2009

I think it is Citrus × aurantiifolia (Christm.) Swingle, as per images and details herein.


Rutaceae week: Citrus species for ID.:
Citrus species for ID
Potted lemon plant purchased from nursery.
Flowers white small 2cm.

Appears to be Citrus maxima

Maybe Citrus × aurantiifolia (Christm.) Swingle or Citrus japonica Thunb.

Citrus aurantifoliaMexican lime

Rutaceae week: Sometimes … Life gives you lemons!: (Names in Kannada –

1. Chikkilli-Kai (very small size),
2. Illi-Kai normal_size-type 1,
3. IlliKai-normal_size-type 2).
4. Daggilli Kai (the large variety),
29 Nov 2009
Chandagal KR Nagara, Mysore 

Well … you did not give us a lemon with this entry. I love the shots comparing related fruits. Now let’s put a botanical on each of those. These names do not tell me enough. I am not familiar enough with those to be able to tell from the excellent photos. I am sure some of us can supply more info.


Lemon for ID-200811MN:
Sending photos of lemon plucked from my garden.
This one is very sour and is orange in color inside. Kindly identify the lemon tree.

Place : Dombivli, Thane Dt.
Date : 19.8.201

Idlimbu ???

i thin think this is called POT LEMON
Idlimbu is different Citrus aurantium


Rutaceae week: Citrus flowers from Chandagal:
Photo date: 29 Nov 2009
Chandagal, Mysore

I think it is Citrus × aurantiifolia (Christm.) Swingle, as per images and details herein.


Rutaceae Week : Lime : Oman : 130512 : AK-3:
Fruits of Lime pictured in Muscat, Oman on the 28th of March,08.
Tiny white flowers seen when picture was taken.


Rutaceae: Citrus aurantifolia confirmation: 6 high res. images.
Identify is it a Citrus aurantifolia?
From Andhra Pradesh 
A Cultivated plant bought from nursery

Yes, appears close as per images at



Updated on December 24, 2024

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