Pseudognaphalium affine

Pseudognaphalium affine (D. Don) Anderberg, Opera Bot. 104: 146. 1991. (Syn: Gnaphalium affine D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 173. 1825; G. confusum Candolle; G. javanum Candolle; G. luteoalbum Linnaeus subsp. affine (D. Don) J. Koster; G. luteoalbum var. multiceps (Wallich ex Candolle) J. D. Hooker; G. multiceps Wallich ex Candolle; G. ramigerum Candolle; Laphangium affine (D. Don) Tzvelev; Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum (Linnaeus) Hilliard & B. L. Burtt subsp. affine (D. Don) Hilliard & B. L. Burtt.) as per Flora of China;
naf-FAY-lee-um — Greek: gnaphalion, plant whose soft white leaves used as cushion stuffing … Dave’s Botanary
uh-FEE-nee or af-IN-ee — related, similar … Dave’s Botanary
Native to: s China, e Asia, India, Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand

Gnaphalium affine D. Don, also known as Jersey Cudweed, is a species of plants belonging to the genus Gnaphalium.
The species grows extensively in East Asia including temperate regions of China, Korea, Japan, and Taiwan as well as some high altitude tropical regions of India, Nepal, and Thailand [1]
The plant is biennial, with stems 15–40 cm long, the surface of the plant is covered with fine woolly hair and the leaves are small and rounded. The flowers appear as small florets with petal around 2 mm long.[2]
This plant has been used traditionally in Traditional Chinese medicine and also features in the cuisine of East Asian Countries namely in sweet rice confections.
(From Wikipedia on 9.6.13)

Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid heads- Gnaphalium affine from Uttarakhand-GS45 :  Attachments (3). 1 post by 1 author.

Gnaphalium affine D. Don
Syn: Gnaphalium multiceps Wall. ex DC.
Photographed from Bhimtal and Baijnath in Uttarakhand.


 Yellow flower. ID….. 6th NOV 2011……S.S……002:
Yellow wild flower.
Please can someone be kind enough to id this for me.
Date/Time-…. 1st April 2011. Morning.

Location- Place, Altitude, GPS-…….In the car park of Monastry at Ghoom. Near Darjeeling. West Bengal.

Habitat- …. Wild

Plant Herb

Height… small

Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-… see pic.

Inflorescence Type/ Size-… see pic.

Flowers Size/ Colour…. yellow


VoF Week :: DV :: 31 JUL 12 – 1216 :: ¿ Gnaphalium affine ? at Auli:

31 JUL 12
Auli8750 – 9000 ft
Habitat: sloping meadow
Habit: small herb, about 40 – 50 cm high, flower 2- 3 mm across

I think yes

Nice Shots of Gnaphalium affine


Asteraceae Week (Part II – Discoid heads) :: Gnaphalium affine at Auli :: 31 JUL 12 :: DV17 : 4 images. 2 posts by 2 authors.

Gnaphalium affine D.Don
naf-FAY-lee-um — Greek: gnaphalion, plant whose soft white leaves used as cushion stuffingDave’s Botanary
uh-FEE-nee or af-IN-ee — related, similarDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: cotton weed, jersey cudweed
Native to: s China, e Asia, India, Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand
References: Flowers of IndiaWikipediaNPGS / GRIN
at Auli on 31 JUL 12

Yes … Very good photographs


ASTERACEAE Fortnight Part 2-Discoid heads: Gnaphalium affine D.Don (?) from Kamrup district(Metro), Assam_KD_6 :  Attachments (4). 4 posts by 3 authors.

Attaching images of what looks like Gnaphalium affine D.Don (?). Please ID the plant.
Date :15.02.2013
Location: Kamrup district
Family : Asteraceae
Genus & species :Gnaphalium affine D.Don (?)
Habitat: Grows wild on bank of the river
Habit : Herb 

I do not know this plant. Thank you very very much for offering me an opportunity. opportunity to find some very interesting result –
According to Bengal Plants, vol1, p602, = Heads in leafless corymbose clusters, stems usually many from the root, heads golden yellow = Gnaphalium luteo-album L. var. multiceps = G. orixense Roxb.
The Plant List = Gnaphalium orixense Roxb. = Helichrysum luteoalbum (L.) Rchb.

This plant looks similar to posts at eFI page of Gnaphalium affine. But, i am very confused on its current accepted name. Because i found more confusing data..
Instead, i paste links of relevant FBI & FI entries –

Laphangium affine (D.Don) Tzvelev (?) from Assam-7 Feb 2014 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3).
Attached images may be Laphangium affine (D.Don) Tzvelev [Syn – Gnaphalium affine D.Don]. Please ID the plant. 
Date :07.02.2014
Location: Assam
Family : Asteraceae
Genus & species : Laphangium affine (D.Don) Tzvelev (?)
Habitat: Grows wild on bank of the pond
Habit : Herb   

Id seems to be correct …

This appears to be Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum as per images at POWO.

On further consideration, it is Pseudognaphalium affine only.


Location: Surya Vinayak , Nepal
Altitude:  4800 ft.
Date: 11 September 2016
Laphangium affine (D.Don) Tzvelev (provisionally accepted name)  ??
Gnaphalium affine D.Don (synonym)  ??

Appears close to images at Pseudognaphalium affine

This is synonym for Laphangium affine (D.Don) Tzvelev (provisionally accepted name) .


SK340JAN24-2017:ID : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)
Location: Bajrabarahi,Nepal 
Altitude: 4700 ft.
Date: 31 December 2016 
Gnaphalium …???

Appears so.  Pl. Check comparative images at EFI.

This certainly appears to be a Gnaphalium.  Enumeration of the Flowering plants of Nepal lists 3 species: G.affine, G.hypoleucum & G.polycaulon – there seems confusion over nomenclature.
Flora of Kathmandu Valley gives 2 species:  G.hypoleucum & G.luteo-album. The latter species is recorded from 1300-2300m on open, dry slopes; known as ‘Kairo jhar’.  Described as having golden-yellow heads in dense corymbs.
Flowers of Himalaya describe G.affine & G.hypoleucum; surprisingly they have a photo of the latter species (not close-up and with flower-heads most people would pay little attention to) but only a line drawing of the brightly coloured G.affine – which is eye-catching.  A photo of this appears in the Supplement to Flowers of the Himalaya but fewer people have this.
Of these, it seems to fit G.affine (syn. G.luteo-album var. multiceps) which FoH says a very common weed in cultivated areas @ 1200-3000m from Pakistan to Bhutan & sub-tropical Asia. Flower-heads globular, bright glistening yellow. AND, rather surprisingly, seems to be NEW to eFI.
Beware of the ALARMING number of synonyms some of the Gnaphaliums have. G.polycaulon is described as a pantropic weed.


Is this possibly tanacetum or ajania tibeticum : 3 posts by 3 authors. 1 image.
I am afraid that I only have one photograph and the nearest I could get was tanacetum or ajania tibeticum but not much on either of these names on efloraofindia.  It was photographed at Ghermu at 1130 metres, Nepal in valley of Marsyandi Khola.

Pseudognaphalium affine to me.

SK504 05 MAY-2017:ID : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)

Location: Soureni, Mirik, India
Date: 21 April 2017
Altitude: 4200 ft.

Pl.  Check comparative images of pseudoanaphalis in efi. Also check the spelling.

Appears close to images at Pseudognaphalium affine (D. Don) Anderberg as per comparative images at Pseudognaphalium



Names of Plants in India :: Gnaphalium affine D.Don : 2 posts by 2 authors. 1 image.
via Species‎ > ‎G‎ > Gnaphalium affine D.Don … family: Asteraceae

Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
naf-FAY-lee-um — Greek: gnaphalion, plant whose soft white leaves used as cushion stuffing … Dave’s Botanary
uh-FEE-nee or af-IN-ee — related, similar … Dave’s Botanary 
commonly known ascotton weedJersey cudweed • Nepaliकाईरो झार kairo jhar 
botanical namesGnaphalium affine D.Don … synonymsGnaphalium multiceps Wall. ex DC. … NPGS / GRIN 
July 31, 2012 … Auli

soo-doh-naf-FAY-lee-um — false gnaphalium (genus name from the Greek gnaphalion, a plant whose soft white leaves are used as cushion stuffing) … Dave’s Botanary

uh-FEE-nee or af-IN-ee — related, similar … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: cotton weed, Jersey cudweed • Adi: paaput • Miri: পাপুত paaput • Nepali: काईरो झार kairo jhar, पहेँलो बुके फुल् pahelo bukey phool • Nyishi: tikpeyin gm • Tibetan: གནདྷ་བྷ་དྲ gandha-bha-dra

botanical namesPseudognaphalium affine (D.Don) Anderb. … homotypic synonymsGnaphalium affine D.Don • Gnaphalium luteoalbum subsp. affine (D.Don) J.Kost. … heterotypic synonymsGnaphalium luteoalbum var. multiceps (Wall. ex DC.) Hook.f. • Gnaphalium roxburghianum Voigt … and many more at POWO

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
cotton weed, Jersey cudweed
~~~~~ ADI ~~~~~
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
no given name / no name found
~~~~~ MIRI (or Mising, also known as Plains Miri) ~~~~~
পাপুত paaput
  • for Gnaphalium affine D.Don … many thanks to Brahmananda Patiri for help with this name … facebook
~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~
कैरो झार kairo jhaar
बुके फूल buke phool

~~~~~ NYISHI ~~~~~

tikpeyin gm
~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~
no given name / no name found
~~~~~ PUNJABI ~~~~~
ਬਾਲ ਰਕਸ਼ਾ bal raksha

~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~

no given name / no name found
  • Distributed in Tamil Nadu … Gnaphalium luteoalbum subsp. affine (D.Don) J.Kost. … efloraofindia … Flora of Tamil Nadu, VOL. II, 1987
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
no given name / no name found
~~~~~ TIBETAN ~~~~~
གནདྷ་བྷ་དྲ gandha-bha-dra
  • for Gnaphalium affine D.Don … A Glossary of Tibetan Medicinal Plants by Mia MoIvray – a publication for the study of Tibetan Medicine published by the Library of Tibetan Works & Archives
~~~~~ WESTERN PAHARI ~~~~~
दुधूपत्तर dudhupattar

~~~~~ x ~~~~~

Names compiled / updated at

बुके फूल Buke Phool /  कैरो झार Kairo Jhaar 

Gandha bhadra in Tibetan
Source: Encyclopedia of Myriad Herbs Vol I by: Dr. Tsering Norbu & Dr. Thinleyn Choephel

Thanks very very much …, for the Tibetan name and reference.
I have already compiled it using the reference: A Glossary of Tibetan Medicinal Plants by Mia MoIvray – a publication for the study of Tibetan Medicine published by the Library of Tibetan Works & Archives


SK796 13 OCT-2017:ID : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)
Location :  Tatopani, Pokhara, Nepal
Date : 12 April  2017
Elevation : 5000 ft.
Gnaphalium ???   Pseudognaphalium ???

Appears so. Pl. check comparative images at efi site.

Appears close to Pseudognaphalium affine (D. Don) Anderberg as per comparative images at Pseudognaphalium

SK 2845 13 November 2020 : 6 very high resolution images.
Location: Kathmandu Valley
Date:  October 2020 
Elevation: 1900m.
Habitat  : Wild
Pseudognaphalium affine (D.Don) Anderb. ??

Yes, appears close as per comparative images at Pseudognaphalium


Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid Heads: Gnaphalium for id from Morni Hills- NS 61 : Attachments (3). 4 posts by 2 authors.
The posted plant was recorded from Morni Hills in Haryana.. can this be Gnaphalium indicum ?

As per Flora of Pakistan accepted name should be Gnaphalium polycaulon (efi page) (Syn. Gnaphalium indicum auct. non L.) – if id is correct

Pseudognaphalium affine (D.Don) Anderb. ??


Ajania fruticulosa: 1 high res. image.

Stem :greyish silvery colour. 
Florets:few to many yellow in colour.
Location:Kulgam, Jammu and Kashmir.

Pl. post images showing other parts.
With this image, it looks different from images at Ajania fruticulosa

1 high res. image

Any image of the lower portion?

Appears to be Pseudognaphalium affine (D. Don) Anderberg as per images and details herein.

Thank you so much sir.., let me check it.

Yes … you are right

Ajania fruticulosa is a subshrub growing at altitudes above 12000 ft.
Since most of your collections are from Kulgam which has altitude 1600-1700 m, please do mention the altitude if it is photographed from hills which fall in Kulgam district.


Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid heads- Pseudognaphalium hypoleucum from Manali -GS53 : Attachments (2).  1 post by 1 author.
Pseudognaphalium hypoleucum (syn: Gnaphalium hypoleucum) photographed from Manali.

I think this is close to Pseudognaphalium affine (D. Don) Anderberg as per images and details herein.

Kalatope Cudweed id al180611:
A cudweed … but which one I am not too sure..

Location Kalatope Sanctuary, Chamba
Altitude 2100 mts
Habit herb
Habitat wild
Plant height 10.12 inches

Gnaphalium affine

As I was telling …. the local Gaddi tribe used to carry the dried fiber of a plant leaf to use as tinder when they moved with their herd of cattle across the mountains… perhaps it is the same… too bad the area in which I live has long given up this tradition or I’d have confirmed…


Vernacular (Western Pahari) name of Gnaphalium affine D.Don in Himachal Pradesh:
Please help me with the vernacular name “dhudupatar” in Devanagari script, of Pseudognaphalium affine (D.Don) Anderb. (syn. Gnaphalium affine D.Don) … listed in a thesis of Dr Ved Prakash – Studies on the ethnobotany of Shikari Devi Sanctuary and Kamrunag Hills, District Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, India.

Dudhupattar = दुधूपत्तर
दुधू= milk
पत्तर= leaf
This name is used in Mandi area only. I am trying to find its name in other parts of H.P. also.

Meaning is, leaves are white like milk.

Thank you very much … for the elaborate meaning. It makes the compilation rich.

Local name in Lahaul valley is Parvah.

Thank you very much … for this help with the name in Lahauli.
Would it be written as परवाह ?

I think, परवा

I am still trying to confirm from people from that area. Although HP is a small state, it has varied cultures and many dialects.

Ok, thank you very much …
Until we get validation, I will go with परवा parva.
I agree, all mountainous regions have varied cultures and dialects. Few days back, I searched the internet to know about languages / dialects spoken in Himachal Pradesh; I found as many as 26 dialects, could be more. Listed are: Baghati, Barari, Chambeali, Kahluri, Kangri, Kinnauri, Kullvi, Lahauli, Mahasu Pahari, Mandeali, Sirmauri, Spiti … may be few missed. And there are sub-dialects too !


Punjabi name(s) of Gnaphalium affine D.Don in Gurmukhi script:
Please help me with the Punjabi name bal raksha of Gnaphalium affine D.Don (syn. of Pseudognaphalium affine (D.Don) Anderb. … in native Gurmukhi script.
Reference: thesis of Dr Ved Prakash – Studies on the ethnobotany of Shikari Devi Sanctuary and Kamrunag Hills, District Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, India.

I have not used Gurmukhi for a long time, here is what I can attempt ਬਾਲ ਰਕਸ਼ਾ

MS, April, 2023/27 Helichrysum sp. ? for id: 1 image.
Location : Hmuifang, Mizoram

Altitude : ca.1,500 m
Date :18-04-2023
Habit : Herb
Habitat : Wild

Please check Pseudognaphalium affine (D.Don) Anderb. !

Yes, as per images at


Pseudognaphalium affine (D. Don) Anderberg: 3 very high res. images.
Location: Taplejung, East Nepal
Habit : Wild
Images sent by Mr. Sajan Subedi !


Asteraceae: Gnaphalium polycaulon Pers.: 1 high res. image.
synonym: Gnaphalium niliacum Raddi ex Spreng.
location/date: Chikaldara, Melghat Tiger Reserve, Amravati Distr., Maharashtra, November 1994





Flora of Pakistan (Gnaphalium affine D. Don as a syn. of Pseudognaphalium affine (D. Don) Anderb.)
Flora of China  (Gnaphalium affine D. Don as a syn. of Pseudognaphalium affine (D. Don) Anderb.)
The Plant List Ver.1.1  (Pseudognaphalium affine (D.Don) Anderb.)
Updated on December 24, 2024

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