Ixora nigricans ?

Ixora nigricans R.Br. ex Wight & Arn. ?;

Rubiaceae Week:: Ixora sp. for ID at Chandoli WLS: I had seen this   Shrub at Chandoli WLS, Maharashtra.
Bot. name: Ixora sp. ?? (ID requested)
Family: Rubiaceae
Date/Time: 22nd Jan. 2010 /11:30AM

Location: Chandoli WLS, Maharashtra

… perhaps, Ixora nigricans This cannot be either I.nigricans or I. elongata since leaves are alternate  whereas it is opposite in both sp.

I think the leaves belong to a different plant. The flowers look very much like Ixora. There is no member of Ixora or whole Rubiaceae with alternate leaves.

Then it could be I. nigricans!



Rubiaceae Week:: Ixora sp.2 for ID at Chandoli WLS: Here is one more Ixora sp. from Chandoli WLS.

Family: Rubiaceae
Date/Time: 23-01-2010 / 13:00Hrs
Location: Chandoli WLS, Maharashtra
Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit: Shrub.

this plant is similar to the one earlier posted Chandoli WLS plant – probable ID, Ixora nigricans.

Ixora elongata Heyne & G.Don

I do not think it matches with references at Ixora elongata

