Ixora balakrishnii Deb & Rout, J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 89: 44 1992. (syn: Ixora roxburghii N.P.Balakr., nom. illeg.; Ixora villosa Roxb., nom. illeg.; Ixora villosa var. chevalieri Pit.);
E. Himalaya to Peninsula Malaysia: Assam, Bangladesh, Cambodia, East Himalaya, Malaya, Nicobar Is. as per POWO;
Roxb. Hort. Beng. 10 ; Fl. Ind. i. 383 ; branches short, petioles and cymes pubescent or tomentose, leaves large elliptic-oblong lanceo¬late or oblanceolate caudate-acuminate, base narrowed or rounded, stipules with long often spreading filiform points, cymes peduncled, branches long brachiate, flowers white, calyx-teeth short, corolla glabrous, tube 1 in. very slender. DC. Prodr. iv. 488 ; Wight Ic. t. 150 ; Kurz For. Fl. ii. 21 ; Wall. Cat. 6137.
SIKKIM HIMALAYA, J. D. H. ; ASSAM, the KHASIA MTS., SILHET, CACHAR, PEGU, and Penang, Wallich, &c.
Shrubby. Leaves 6-16 by 2.1/2-5.1/2 in., very variable in shape, brown when dry, thinly coriaceous, glabrous above, beneath pubescent chiefly on the 10-12 pair of nerves or glabrate ; petiole 1/6-1/3 in. ; stipules 1/2-1 in., tomentose. Peduncle stout,. 2-4 in. ; cymes and ramifications hardly articulate ; lower bracts often leafy, upper inear-subulate ; flowers crowded, fragrant, shortly pedicelled. Corolla-lobes oblong, notched. Filaments subulate ; anthers slender. Style-arms slender, free or connate. Fruit size of a pea, smooth, red. Seeds concave ventrally, with a median ridge (in Roxburgh’s figure).—After flowering the calyx-teeth sometimes exceed the tube, when the latter does not swell and form fruit.
(Attributions- IBIS Flora (FBI))
Rubiaceae – Ixora sp. for ID : 6 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (1).
Location : Lengpui, Mizoram. Altitude : ca. 400 m. Date : 21-04-2014.
Habit : Small tree or shrub with white fragrant flowers. Habitat : Wild.
Could be Ixora brachiata.
Ixora nigricans
to get a specific id we need close up pics of flowers and buds
No reddish hue observed as in FoI links –
- http://www.flowersofindia.net/catalog/slides/Gorbale.html
- http://www.flowersofindia.net/catalog/slides/Black%20Ixora.html
There is no distribution of both suggested sp. in Mizoram!
What are the species of Ixora reported in your area?
May I have the keys from your area?
After going through different resources like keys above, efi, GBIF, POWO and CoL, I think plants from Sawmliana ji and Binay ji, will be Ixora balakrishnii Deb & Rout (syn: Ixora roxburghii N.P.Balakr., nom. illeg.; Ixora villosa Roxb., nom. illeg.) as per Catalogue of life and POWO and GBIF– specimen 1 and specimen 2
Another closer one is I.subsessilis as per GBIF, but different.
Ixora undulata and Ixora thwaitesii (syn: Ixora acuminata Thwaites) look different.
Both species (Ixora nigricans and Ixora balakrishnii) are quite close and reported from Assam.
Location : Lengpui, Mizoram
Date : 19-04-2016
Habit : Shrub
Habitat : Wild
Pavetta species so far in efi
Might be pavetta species
Is it Pavetta indica ?
It is better to find out which species are found in Mizoram from local flora.
The stigma is entire and hence it can be aspecies of Pavetta only. Most probably P. indica
Hope you’re …
Pavetta indica looks good for me as well.!
I do not think matches with images at Pavetta indica
What are the species reported from your area ? Any keys ?
Pavetta indica var. glabrescence & var. tomentosa, P.subcapitata are recorded in Mizoram.
After going through different resources like keys in another thread: Rubiaceae – Ixora sp. for ID, efi, GBIF, POWO and CoL, I think plants from … will be Ixora balakrishnii Deb & Rout (syn: Ixora roxburghii N.P.Balakr., nom. illeg.; Ixora villosa Roxb., nom. illeg.) as per Catalogue of life and POWO and GBIF– specimen 1 and specimen 2
Another closer one is I.subsessilis as per GBIF, but different.
Ixora undulata and Ixora thwaitesii (syn: Ixora acuminata Thwaites) look different.
Also P.subcapitata looks different as per GBIF.
Ixora nigricans ?
Is it listed in your book?
No, sir
MS, May,2022/22 Ixora or Pavetta for id.:
Location : Lungkulh, Mizoram
Habitat : Wild
Pl. check https://efloraofindia.com/2011/03/09/ixora/
I think close to images and details at Ixora balakrishnii Deb & Rout
MS, Nov., 2023/06 Ixora sp. for id.: 2 images.
Location : Reiek tlang, Mizoram
Habitat : Wild
I think it should be (as per keys attached)
MS, Oct., 2023/08 Shrub for id: 3 images.
Location : Hmuifang, Mizoram
Ixora acuminata Roxb. !
I think it should be (as per keys)
POWO Catalogue of Life The Plant List Ver.1.1 WCSP IPNI GBIF– specimen 1 specimen 2 (High resolution specimens) India Biodiversity Portal IBIS Flora (FBI)