Ixora undulata Roxb., Fl. Ind. 1: 385 1820. (Syn: Ixora canjia Wall. [Invalid]; Ixora conjia Buch.-Ham. ex Steud. [Spelling variant]; Ixora undulata var. maculata Regel );
Nepal to Myanmar, Andaman Is. as per WCSP;
Andaman Is.; Assam; Bangladesh; East Himalaya; Myanmar; Nepal; West Himalaya as per Catalogue of Life;
FOP gives its range as Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, Bangla Dash, India (Assam). In Pakistan occasionally cultivated;


Shrub Id from Bangladesh SM004 : 10 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2).
Ixora acuminata?
Habit: Shrub
Habitat: village thickets
Location: Tatulia , Panchagar
Flowering: May
Date: 9.5.24

Ixora sp?

Ixora- species in India & eFI with details & some keys


Attached here a few photographs and a description. I need your help.

Do you think your plant is same?
Do you think the plant in the photographs qualify the description attached?
Attachments (5)

One point I missed yesterday – as per FBI and “Botany of Bihar and Orissa / Haines” the leaves are acuminate (against acute) in this particular Ixora.

Attached here descriptions of I. acuminata Roxb and two links –


Please see some other pictures of my previous attached plant.  Attachments(4).

I am afraid these additional photographs do not help much. If you go through key of Ixora in FoC or in FoP or in FBI you will see the most important feature starts with calyx lobes.
I can only say that if you think your ixora is same as of mine it can not be I. acuminata Roxb.

Ixora undulata Roxb.

Thanks …

Hooghly Today : seems to be Ixora undulata Roxb. : Attachments (8+ 4). 6 posts by 2 authors.
It is interesting that an image search “Ixora undulata” shows pinkish flowers –
But one can hardly see undulate leaves in the above images!
Flora Indica has some info on Ixora

One more feature of this Ixora, in two photos and one link –
The reddish/pinkish flowers of Ixora, featured in google search, may be Ixora cuneifolia Roxb., as per flower colour described in Flora Indica.
It is sad that authors claiming ID(s) of certain species do not show key features in their photo-uploads.
Attachments (2)

FOP gives its range as Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, Bangla Dash, India (Assam). In Pakistan occasionally cultivated. No uploads in efi site uptill now.

Received ID, yesterday- Pavetta indica L. [Rubiaceae].
But, i thought Pavetta indica looks different as per images found in the net. Specially the stigma –
http://www.plantillustrations.org/species.php?id_species=756200, also Book link.


Attachments (4)


TQ-Manipur-03 ID : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)
A large shrub or small tree, in riverside forest.
Found in Chandel distt, Manipur. Altitude 800-1000 m.
Found flowering in May end.
Please identify

I think some Ixora or Pavetta.

Thanks …! That’s my guess too.

19 (18) Bracts coriaceous, not sheathing. Style not twice as long as corolla tube, stigmatic lobes divergent. Leaves without bacterial nodules [cultivated]   26 Ixora
+ Bracts membranous, lower bracts sheathing. Style twice as long as corolla tube, stigma fusiform. Leaves with bacterial nodules [wild]   27 Pavetta
So, it may be Ixora.

I think it should be Ixora undulata Roxb. as per comparative images at Ixora

…, your identification appears to be on the dot!


Fwd: Ixora undulata : 1 post by 1 author.
Any Nepali names for Ixora undulata?

नेभरी  Nebharee


19/05/2021 : Hooghly : Rubiaceae : Ixora: 3 images.
A wild 3 ft tall herb or undershrub, in a village.

I think Ixora undulata Roxb. as per your earlier postings.

Yes, Sir ji, it was to remind myself that I was the first identifier of this species, way back in 2013- efi thread

MS,March,2022/06 Ixora sp. for id.: 2 images.
Location : Sairep, Mizoram

Altitude : ca. 1,450 m
Date : 23-09-2016
Habit : Shrub or small tree
Habitat : Wild

May I request you to post high res. images to check the details as per keys in another thread: Rubiaceae – Ixora sp.

I.subsessilis seems possible as per GBIF specimen- one and two (but leaves look a bit different) and Ixora undulata appears more close.

2 high res. images.

I will go for Ixora undulata, as per images and details herein.

