India (N) ; Andhra Pradesh; Karnataka ; Madhaya Pradesh ; Rajasthan ; Tamil Nadu ; Laos (N); Sri Lanka (N) ; Thailand (N);
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020112 BRS 295:

Pl. find the attached file contain photos for id. request.
Date: Dec. 2011
Location: NBNP, Anaikatti, Coimbatore
Habitat: Wild
Habit: Climber.

This is Indigofera, probably I. longiracemosa. It is a herb or undershrub.

Yes …, this should be Indigofera.
But the species is feel to me like Indigofera trita var. scabra.

Thanks …, you may be right. I am not sure of this variety.
Couldn’t find any picture in the net, except an herbarium specimen here:

To me Indigofera trita var. scabra.


for ID 06062022EPT79: 4 high res. images.
Presenting for ID
Taken on 20/05/2022 at 8 AM
Location: Kodaikanal hills
Elevation: 400 mts
Habitat: Wild
Habit: Shrub

Is it Indigofera tinctoria, Sir.

Looks different to me. Number of leaflets ?

Also check for Indigofera karnatakana. Not sure. Only a suggestion.

number of leaflets Seven, Sir.

Any habit image?

It looks different from images at Indigofera tinctoria L. or Indigofera karnatakana Sanjappa

It appears close to images at Indigofera angulosa Edgew. ?, as posted earlier by … Appears close except for the pods, which look different as per POWO specimen and GBIF specimen.
I tried keys in FoPI, but did not succeed in reaching the id. 

Closest I can go is Indigofera tirta subsp. scabra (Roth.) De Kort & G. Thijsse

It has 5 to 7 leaflets as per description in CABI and IBP.
Also see POWO specimen.
Indigofera trita var. marginulata (Graham ex Wight & Arn.) Sanjappa and Indigofera trita var. maffeii (Chiov.) Ali is also reported from Tamilnadu.


POWO specimen  CABI  IBP