Indigofera tinctoria

Indigofera tinctoria L. (Syn: Anila tinctoria var. normalis Kuntze; Indigofera anil var. orthocarpa DC.; Indigofera bergii Vatke; Indigofera cinerascens DC.; Indigofera houer Forssk.; Indigofera indica Lam.; Indigofera oligophylla BakerIndigofera orthocarpa (DC.) O.Berg & C.F.Schmidt; Indigofera sumatrana Gaertn.; Indigofera tinctoria Blanco; Indigofera tinctoria var. brachycarpa DC.; Indigofera tinctoria var. torulosa Baker f.; Indigofera tulearensis Drake);
in-dee-GO-fer-uh — bearing indigo … Dave’s Botanary
tink-TOR-ee-uh — used in dyeing or has a sap which can stain … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: Bengal indigo, common indigo, Indian indigo, true indigoAssamese: নীল neelBengali: নীল neelGujarati: ગળી galiHindi: नील neel, नीलिका nilikaKachchhi: ગરીજો ઝાડ garijo jhad, ગુડી gudi, નીલ neelKannada: ಅಂಜೂರ ನೀಲಿ anjoora neeli, ಹೆಣ್ಣು ನೀಲಿ hennu neeli, ನೀಲಿ ಗಿಡ neeli gida, ಒಳ್ಳೇ ನೀಲಿ olleneeliKonkani: नीळी neeliLadakhi: ནི་ལ་ ni laMalayalam: അമരി amari, നീലയമരി nilayamariManipuri: ꯅꯤꯝ download font nimMarathi: नीळ neel, नीली niliMizo: chi-chaOdia: ନୀଳ nila, ରଙ୍ଗପୁଷ୍ପ rangapushpa, ଶ୍ଯାମଳିକା shyamalikaPali: नीली niliPunjabi: ਲੀਲ lilRajasthani: नील neelSanskrit: गन्धपुष्पा gandhapushpa, महारसा maharasa, नीलक nilaka, नीलिणी nilini, रङ्गपुष्पी rangapushpi, रञ्जनी ranjani, श्यामलिका shyamalikaTamil: அவுரி avuri, நீலி niliTelugu: అవిరి aviri, నీలిచెట్టు nilichettuTibetan: ནི་ལ་ ni laTulu: ನೀಲಿ neeliUrdu: نيل neel, نيلکا nilika
India (N): Andhra Pradesh ; Arunachal Pradesh ; Assam ; Bihar ; Dadra-Nagar-Haveli ; Daman; Delhi ; Diu ; Goa; Gujarat ; Haryana ; Himachal Pradesh ; Jammu-Kashmir ; Karnataka; Kerala ; Madhaya Pradesh ; Maharashtra; Manipur; Meghalaya; Mizoram; Nagaland; Orissa; Pondicherry ; Punjab ; Rajasthan; Sikkim ; Tamil Nadu; Tripura ; Uttar Pradesh ; West Bengal & other countries as per ILDIS;


Fabaceae (pea, or legume family) » Indigofera suffruticosa (syn. Anila tinctoria, Indigofera anil)
… also placed in Papilionaceae
in-dee-GO-fer-uh — bearing indigo
suf-roo-tee-KO-sa — somewhat shrubby
commonly known as: Guatemalan indigo, anil, small-leaved indigo, West Indian indigo, wild indigo • Hindi: विलायती नील vilayati nil • Marathi: निळंबी nilambi • Sanskrit: नीलिका nilika, नीलिनी nilini, विषशोधनी vishashodhani • Tamil: சீமைநீலி cimai-nili
Native to: tropical Americas, naturalized in paleotropics
• Flowers of India … flowersofindia
• FAO … fao
• M.M.P.N.D. … plantnames
• DDSA …
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Views attached from:
… Vaghbil, Thane
For more views: flickr

Could this be I. tinctoria
Leaflets are too few (I can see nine) for I. suffruticosa
Pods are too long for suffruticosa 

… many thanks for raising your doubts, …
Other friends who are familiar with Indigo species may also please put in facts.
The plant in photograph grows in my vicinity, in estuarine area.
The height is just about (hardly) a metre … and grows as wide too.

The pods we see here are about 4 – 5 cm long, and about 3 mm wide.

Many thanks … Just as per your thoughts, this ID is resolved to Indigofera tinctoria based on discussion in a recent post of …

ID181209PHK 4 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4)

ID please
A Indigofera Spp.
Photographed at Sagargad, Alibag

… could be Indigofera suffruticosa (syn. Indigofera anil, Anila tinctoria)

The plant in the attached photo graph is Indigofera suffruticosa [anil de pasto].

Does not seem to match with fruits at FOC illustration
Is it Indigofera tinctoria ?

Indigofera suffruticosa : 2 posts by 2 authors.

Indigofera suffruticosa
Today (12.8.10) at Alibag

Does not seem to match with fruits at FOC illustration
Is it Indigofera tinctoria ?

Indigofera tinctoria
Herb prostrate. Munnar Kerala. Dec
Earlier posted and identified by …
Please have a look again and validate.
Looks close to Indigofera endecaphylla.

Indigofera tinctoria SN Aug 13 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3).
Indigofera tinctoria L. wild weed (Cosmetic medicinal herb, used as food colour) from Mangalore area of Karnataka

Looks different from images of Indigofera tinctoria at Wikipedia & efi thread.
It may be some other species.

Appears close to images at Indigofera suffruticosa Mill. 

Chances of Indigofera cassioides DC. are higher because leaflets in images are 13-15, leaf apex emarginate or obtuse, pods appear to be straight.
Indigofera tinctoria – leaflets 7-11, obtuse or apiculate.
Indigofera suffruticosa – leaflets
11-15(-19), apex acute to rarely rounded and racemes not more than 3cm.

In the image the leaves are not emarginate, it appears as emarginate. leaflet colour, number are showing the typical indigofera tinctoria features. The observation is made in the early season of the herb, so the flowers are not well developed. the number of leaflets and the phyllotoxy of the leaflet are matching with Indigofera tinctoria. There are variation in the same herb from place to place.

Please find the images of Indigofera tinctoria observed recently from Madanapalli area of AP.
Attachments (2)

Thanks, … But size of inflorescence is too small compared to size of the leaves.

Due to some environmental stress most of the places the inflorescence is stunted. You can refer the inflorescence of AP image.


Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight :: FOR VALIDATION Indigofera suffruticosa :: Thane :: DVOCT88 : 7 posts by 4 authors. 10 images.
Indigofera ¿ suffruticosa ?

Please validate this ID; my earlier post was not conclusive. There are a few posts related to I. suffruticosa in group’s archive. Couple of Pravin Kawale ji’s posts seem to have plants very similar to what I am posting.
The posted plant is about a metre high bushy shrub, and is as wide, growing near creek, on large bund of paddy field. I do not recollect dimensions of pods, the flower must be 3 – 4 mm across.
at Vaghbil on October 18, 2009
at Vaghbil on October 19, 2008
at Vaghbil on July 19, 2008

By any chance this plant could be Indigofera astragalina

the pods of posted plant and that of I. astragalina look different … (you may click on photos to see larger pictures).

Check also Indifofera longiracemosa OR Indigofera tinctoria L.

Many thanks … Will check the possibilities of Indigofera longeracemosa OR Indigofera tinctoria.

I second … views. It is not I. suffruticosa nor I. astragalina.

efi page on Indigofera tinctorial 

Thanks to … for his suggested ID and to …; this ID is resolved to Indigofera tinctoria based on discussion in a recent post of …

My facebook post on same plant was identified as Indigofera tinctoria.

Indigofera tinctoria ? : 3 posts by 1 author. Attachments (1)- 1 MB.
Indigofera tinctoria ?

May be as per images at Indigofera tinctoria ?


Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight :: Indigofera suffruticosa for validation:: Panipat :: NS OCT 73/73 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)
Please validate the id of this shrub, from Panipat and Kaithal..
I hope this is Indigofera suffruticosa

I think more closer to images, distribution and details at Indigofera tinctoria
Pl. also see for differences between the two:

Tephrosia sp? please validate, From Nateshwar, Jalgaon, Maharashtra – Aug-2016. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Height of plant 2 feets app., pods small 3cm cyllendric. Forest, mixed deciduous type.

Please compare with Indigofera suffruticosa

Thank you … looks perfect match with above link! matching with all characters.

I think more closer to images, distribution and details at Indigofera tinctoria
Pl. also see for differences between the two:

Request for ID- 090318 SR1 : 1 post by 1 author.
I request to validate the following Indigofera caerulea or I.tinctoria.

Yes, appears close as per images at Indigofera tinctoria. Pl. also check Indigofera suffruticosa Mill. (though ILDIS does not show any distribution here) as per comparative images at Indigofera

to me it is not Indigofera tinctoria; more close to Indigofera suffruticosa 

I think more closer to images, distribution and details at Indigofera tinctoria
Pl. also see for differences between the two:

Indigophera : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)

Which indigophera?
Local is Govardhan
At kanakeshwar, Alibag

most probably Indigofera coerulea Roxb.

I think more closer to images, distribution and details at Indigofera tinctoria

this is Indigofera coerulea from Fabaceae. observed this at Gorai, Mumbai

I. coerulea have 5 to 9 leaflets, rarely 11.
I can observe 13 leaflets here. 

Konkan, May 2014 :: Requesting ID of this shrub :: 29MAY2014 :: ARK-16 : 17 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (5).
Requesting to please ID this shrub captured near Devgad, Maharashtra in May 2014.
Is this some Indigofera species?

Indigofera tinctoria to me, Fabaceae
Please mention flowering time and habitat
Is it cultivated ?

The plant was growing wild in the backyard of a house. This was clicked in May 2014…

this could be Indigofera coerulea ..

Could it be Tephrosia purpurea? Kolinjil in Malayalam.

It might be Indigofera suffruticosa

If we have fruit also for this taxon, can identify perfectly. For Indigofera tinctoria, pods are long and recurved. But the closely allied (but often misidentified) one namely Indigofera longiracemosa has small pods.
I think this taxon is I. tinctoria L.

Thank you … for the feedback. Attaching herewith cropped pic of the earlier posed pics to show the pods… Attachments (1)

this picture doesn’t show any mature pods and is rather misleading.
There are several posts of Indigofera suffruticosa in the archives of eFlora which seem to match your plant.

Thanks, … for the explanation. I thought there were pods at the bottom of the pic that I posted today.
Thanks … for the ID as well.
I was initially confused, but I. suffruticosa and I. tinctoria seem to be synonyms.
Is this correct?

AS far as I know they are not synonyms.

Sir David Prain, in his ‘Bengal Plants’, divides Indigofera tinctoria L. into two –

i) leaflets hardly longer than broad; racemes shorter than leaves = tinctoria = “Chota Nagpur; Behar; rare, not cultivated in our area” (Prain)
ii) leaflets longer than broad; racemes as long as leaves = sumatrana = “cultivated, chiefly Tirhut; occasionally spontaneous in Tamarisk jungles and on river banks… Bengal indigo” (Prain)
FoP informs I. tinctoria leaflets alternate –
To my understanding, we can rule out tinctoria.
FoC infoms I. suffruticosa Mill. is 11 to 19 foliolate. In this set only one or two leaves have 11 leaflets; mostly 5 to 9.
Roxburgh’s plant is in and in plantillustrations. Decription can be found in FI (leaflets 3 to 5 pairs).
I will select the Roxburgh’s plant out of the above three

Thank you … for this detailed explanation….. I really wonder about your analytical skills (and patience) and wish I had even a fraction of it… … had also indicated I. coerulea in his post above.

Indigofera argentea var.caerulea: I’d confirm : 3 posts by 1 author. Attachments (2)- 2 mb and 3 mb
Indigofera argentea var. caerulea


Indigofera suffruticosa in FOI : 3 posts by 2 authors.
Images of Indigofera suffruticosa in FOI looks more closer to images, distribution and details at Indigofera tinctoria

Thanks … for resurfacing this validation.
From earlier discussions: efi thread one and two
and per your suggestion, I will revise labels in my flickr notes to Indigofera tinctoria.

Also corrected in FOI.

Shrub Id from _SM 602 : 5 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1)
Habitat : Wild
Location : Saint Martin’s Island, Bangladesh
Flowering: Jan
Photo taken : Jan, 2018

Seems to be Indigofera tinctoria.

I agree.

is it possible to get a picture of the complete inflroescence ?


Charkop, Mumbai :: Climber for ID :: ARK2019-51 : 12 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (5)
Requesting to please ID this climber. This was found on a wasteland near the Charkop mangroves in Mumbai in April 2019.

Some Indigofera; I too wanting to know the ID.
I have mine from Vaghbil, Thane – similar habitat – saline soil, pending for ID, twice posted …
efi thread one and two

It appears as Indigofera tinctoria

Thanks very much, … I hope we get more comments.

I guess I. tinctoria matches.

Thanks … very much for your thoughts.
I too think it must be Indigofera tinctoria.
I will be very glad if we get some confident validations for the ID of the posted plant.
Pictures of Indigofera tinctoria in Google image results are confusing – especially when we compare flowers and leaves among the results.
Indigofera cassioides, whose flowers are relatively different, borne in larger clusters, seem to be labelled by some as I. tinctoria in the results.

Yes …! Some of the images in Google are misleading

Thank you … for validating !


Please help with Nepali name(s) of Indigofera tinctoria, if any.

I could not find Nepali name for this sp.

via Species‎ > ‎I‎ > Indigofera tinctoria L. … family: Fabaceae

Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
in-dee-GO-fer-uh — bearing indigoDave’s Botanary
tink-TOR-ee-uh — used in dyeing or has a sap which can stainDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: Bengal indigo, common indigo, Indian indigo, true indigoAssamese: নীল neelBengali: নীল neelGujarati: ગળી galiHindi: नील neel, नीलिका nilikaKachchhi: ગરીજો ઝાડ garijo jhad, ગુડી gudi, નીલ neelKannada: ಅಂಜೂರ ನೀಲಿ anjoora neeli, ಹೆಣ್ಣು ನೀಲಿ hennu neeli, ನೀಲಿ ಗಿಡ neeli gida, ಒಳ್ಳೇ ನೀಲಿ olleneeliKonkani: नीळी neeliLadakhi: ནི་ལ་ ni laMalayalam: അമരി amari, നീലയമരി nilayamariManipuri: ꯅꯤꯝ download font nimMarathi: नीळ neel, नीली niliMizo: chi-chaOdia: ନୀଳ nila, ରଙ୍ଗପୁଷ୍ପ rangapushpa, ଶ୍ଯାମଳିକା shyamalikaPali: नीली niliPunjabi: ਲੀਲ lilRajasthani: नील neelSanskrit: गन्धपुष्पा gandhapushpa, महारसा maharasa, नीलक nilaka, नीलिणी nilini, रङ्गपुष्पी rangapushpi, रञ्जनी ranjani, श्यामलिका shyamalikaTamil: அவுரி avuri, நீலி niliTelugu: అవిరి aviri, నీలిచెట్టు nilichettuTibetan: ནི་ལ་ ni laTulu: ನೀಲಿ neeliUrdu: نيل neel, نيلکا nilika
botanical names: Indigofera tinctoria L. … synonyms: Anila tinctoria (L.) Kuntze • Indigofera indica Lam. • Indigofera sumatrana Gaertn. … status at The Plants List (2013). Version 1.1.
October 18, 2009 … Vaghbil, Thane

in-dee-GO-fer-uh — bearing indigo … Dave’s Botanary
tink-TOR-ee-uh — used in dyeing or has a sap which can stain … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: Bengal indigo, common indigo, Indian indigo, true indigo • Assamese: দুলি duli, নীল neel • Bengali: নীল neel • Gujarati: ગળી gali • Hindi: नील neel, नीलिका nilika • Kachchhi: ગરીજો ઝાડ garijo jhad, ગુડી gudi, નીલ neel • Kannada: ಅಂಜೂರ ನೀಲಿ anjoora neeli, ಬಂಗಾಲಿ ನೀಲಿ Bengali neeli, ಹೆಣ್ಣು ನೀಲಿ hennu neeli, ನೀಲಿ ಗಿಡ neeli gida, ಮದ್ರಾಸ ನೀಲಿ Madras neeli, ಒಳ್ಳೇ ನೀಲಿ olleneeli • Konkani: नीळी neeli • Ladakhi: ནི་ལ ni la • Malayalam: അമരി amari, നീലയമരി nilayamari • Manipuri: ꯅꯤꯝ nim • Marathi: नीळ neel, नीली nili • Mizo: chi-cha • Odia: ଅକ୍ଳିକା aklika, ଅସିତା asita, ବହୁଳା bahula, ବଣ ନେଳୀ bananeli, ବଣିଗ୍ବନ୍ଧୁ banigbandhu, ଦୋଳା dola, ଦ୍ରୋଣ drona, ଦୁର୍ଗା Durga, ଗନ୍ଧପୁଷ୍ପା gandhapushpa, ଗ୍ରାମୀଣା gramina, କ୍ଷୁମା kshuma, ମଧୁ ପର୍ଣ୍ଣୀ madhu parnni, ମେଳା mela, ନୈପାଳୀ naipali, ନଖ ବୃକ୍ଷ nakha bruksha, ନଳିନ nalina, ନେଳ nela, ନୀଳ nila, ନୀଳକେଶୀ nilakesi, ନୀଳପତ୍ରୀ nilapatri, ପିଙ୍ଗାଶୀ pingasi, ପୁକ୍କଶୀ pukkasi, ରଜନି rajani, ରଙ୍ଗପତ୍ରୀ rangapatri, ରଙ୍ଗପୁଷ୍ପ rangapushpa, ରଞ୍ଜନ କେଶୀ ranjana keshi, ରଞ୍ଜନୀ ranjani, ରେବା reba, ସାର sara, ଶ୍ଯାମଳିକା syamalika, ସିକ୍ଥ siktha, ଶିଳା sila, ଶ୍ରୀଫଳା sriphala, ସ୍ଥିର ରଙ୍ଗା sthira ranga, ତ୍ରିଯାମା trijama, ତୁଚ୍ଛ tuchha, ତୂଳୀ tuli, ତୁତ୍ଥା tuttha, ତୂଣୀ tuni • Pali: नीली nili • Punjabi: ਲੀਲ lil, ਨੀਲ nil • Rajasthani: नील neel • Sanskrit: अक्लिका aklika, असित asita, बहुल bahula, भारवाही bharavahi, बुक्कसी bukkasi, चारटिका charatika, दोला dola, द्रोणिका dronika, दूलिका dulika, ग्रामणी gramani, कालक्लीतक kalaklitaka, क्लीतकिका klitakika, क्लीतनी klitani, कुत्सला kutsala, महारसा maharasa, नलिन nalina, नील nila, नीलकेशी nilakeshi, नीलिणी nilini, नीलपत्त्री nilapattri, नीलपुष्पिका nilapushpika, नीलवर्णा nilavarna, नीलिणी nilini, पुक्कसी pukkasi, रङ्गपत्त्री rangapattri, रङ्गपुष्पी rangapushpi, रजनी rajani, रञ्जन ranjana, रेवा reva, श्रीफला shriphala, श्यामलिका shyamalika, सिक्थ siktha, स्थिररङ्गा sthiraranga, स्यमीका syamika, त्रियाम triyama, तूली tuli, तूणी tuni, तुत्था tuttha, वणिग्बन्धु vanigbandhu • Santali: ᱞᱤᱞ lil, ᱱᱤᱞ nil • Tamil: அவுரி avuri, சாமுண்டி camunti, மோசை mocai, நிலமருந்து nila-maruntu, நீலி nili, ஸ்திரரங்கம் stirarankam • Telugu: అవిరి aviri, కొండ నీలి konda nili, నీలి చెట్టు neeli chettu, నీలము nilamu, రంజిని ranjani, రేవ reva, తుత్థ tuttha • Tibetan: ནི་ལ ni la • Tulu: ನೀಲಿ neeli • Urdu: نيل neel, نيلکا nilika

botanical namesIndigofera tinctoria L. … homotypic synonyms: Anil tinctoria (L.) Kuntze … and more at POWO

Bibliography / etymology
~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
Bengal indigo, common indigo, Indian indigo
true indigo
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~
দুলি duli
নীল neel
  • Many thanks to Brahmananda Patiri for help with this name … facebook
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~
নীল neel
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~
ગળી gali
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
नील neel
नीलिका nilika
~~~~~ KACHCHHI ~~~~~
ગરીજો ઝાડ garijo jhad, ગુડી gudi, નીલ neel
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ಅಂಜೂರ ನೀಲಿ anjoora neeli
ಬಂಗಾಲಿ ನೀಲಿ Bengali neeli
ಹೆಣ್ಣು ನೀಲಿ hennu neeli
ನೀಲಿ ಗಿಡ neeli gida
ಒಳ್ಳೇ ನೀಲಿ olleneeli
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
नीळी neeli
~~~~~ LADAKHI ~~~~~
ནི་ལ ni la
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
അമരി amari
നീലയമരി nilayamari
~~~~~ MANIPURI ~~~~~
ꯅꯤꯝ nim
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
नीळ neel
नीली nili
~~~~~ MIZO (LUSHAI) ~~~~~
~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~
ବଣିଗ୍ବନ୍ଧୁ banigbandhu, ନୀଳ nila (or ନୀଳା nila or ନୀଳକ nilaka or ନୀଳିକା nilika), ରଙ୍ଗପୁଷ୍ପ rangapushpa (or ରଙ୍ଗପୁଷ୍ପୀ rangapushpi), ଶ୍ଯାମଳିକା syamalika (or ଶ୍ୟାମା syama or ସ୍ୟମୀକା syamika)
ଅକ୍ଳିକା aklika, ଅସିତା asita, ବହୁଳା bahula, ବଣ ନେଳୀ bananeli, ଦୋଳା dola (or ଦୂଳୀ duli), ଦ୍ରୋଣ drona (or ଦ୍ରୋଣି droni or ଦ୍ରୋଣିକ dronika), ଦୁର୍ଗା Durga, ଗନ୍ଧପୁଷ୍ପା gandhapushpa, ଗ୍ରାମୀଣା gramina (or ଗ୍ରାମଣୀ gramani), କ୍ଷୁମା kshuma, ମଧୁ ପର୍ଣ୍ଣୀ madhu parnni, ମେଳା mela, ନୈପାଳୀ naipali, ନଖ ବୃକ୍ଷ nakha bruksha, ନଳିନ nalina, ନେଳ nela, ନୀଳକେଶୀ nilakesi, ନୀଳପତ୍ରୀ nilapatri, ପିଙ୍ଗାଶୀ pingasi, ପୁକ୍କଶୀ pukkasi (or ପୁକ୍କସୀ pukkasi), ରଜନି rajani (or ରଜନୀ rajani), ରଙ୍ଗପତ୍ରୀ rangapatri, ରଞ୍ଜନ କେଶୀ ranjana keshi, ରଞ୍ଜନୀ ranjani (or ରଞ୍ଜିନୀ ranjini), ରେବା reba, ସାର sara, ସିକ୍ଥ siktha, ଶିଳା sila, ଶ୍ରୀଫଳା sriphala (or ଶ୍ରୀଫଳୀ sriphali or ଶ୍ରୀଫଳିକା sriphalika), ସ୍ଥିର ରଙ୍ଗା sthira ranga, ତ୍ରିଯାମା trijama, ତୁଚ୍ଛ tuchha (or ତୁଚ୍ଛା tuchchha), ତୂଳୀ tuli, ତୁତ୍ଥା tuttha, ତୂଣୀ tuni
~~~~~ PALI ~~~~~
नीली nili
~~~~~ PUNJABI ~~~~~
ਲੀਲ lil, ਨੀਲ nil
~~~~~ RAJASTHANI ~~~~~
नील neel
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
अक्लिका aklika, असित asita, बहुल bahula, भारवाही bharavahi, बुक्कसी bukkasi, चारटिका charatika, दोला dola, द्रोणिका dronika, दूलिका dulika, ग्रामणी gramani (or ग्रामिणी gramini), कालक्लीतक kalaklitaka, क्लीतकिका klitakika, क्लीतनी klitani, कुत्सला kutsala, महारसा maharasa, नलिन nalina, नील nila (or नीला nila or नीलक nilaka), नीलकेशी nilakeshi (or केशी keshi), नीलिणी nilini (or नीलिनी nilini), नीलपत्त्री nilapattri, नीलपुष्पिका nilapushpika, नीलवर्णा nilavarna, नीलिणी nilini, पुक्कसी pukkasi, रङ्गपत्त्री rangapattri, रङ्गपुष्पी rangapushpi, रजनी rajani, रञ्जन ranjana (or रञ्जनी ranjani), रेवा reva, श्रीफला shriphala (or श्रीफलिका shriphalika), श्यामलिका shyamalika, सिक्थ siktha, स्थिररङ्गा sthiraranga, स्यमीका syamika, त्रियाम triyama, तूली tuli, तूणी tuni, तुत्था tuttha, वणिग्बन्धु vanigbandhu
~~~~~ SANTALI ~~~~~
ᱞᱤᱞ lil, ᱱᱤᱞ nil
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
அவுரி avuri
  • Tamil lexicon [Madras], University of Madras … or அவிரி aviri
நீலி nili
சாமுண்டி camunti, மோசை mocai, நிலமருந்து nila-maruntu, ஸ்திரரங்கம் stirarankam
  • for indigo plant … Tamil lexicon [Madras], University of Madras
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
అవిరి aviri
కొండ నీలి konda nili, నీలి చెట్టు neeli chettu
నీలము nilamu, రంజిని ranjani, రేవ reva, తుత్థ tuttha
~~~~~ TIBETAN ~~~~~
ནི་ལ ni la
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~
ನೀಲಿ neeli
~~~~~ URDU ~~~~~
نيل neel, نيلکا nilika
~~~~~ DISTRIBUTION in states of India ~~~~~
Andhra Pradesh, *Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu, Delhi, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, *Jammu & Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, *Meghalaya, Mizoram, *Nagaland, Odisha, Pondicherry, Punjab,
Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, *Tripura, Uttar Pradesh,
Uttarakhand, West Bengal … sea level to 800 m … wild and cultivated

* no given name / no name found, in the regional language(s) of the state

~~~~~ x ~~~~~
Names compiled / updated at

Malayalam names and spelling are correct.

For me Kannada names & English transliteration are O.K.


110 ID wild plant: 11 images.

Please ID wild plant,
Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671
Flower date: 22.07.2021, 01.40 pm
Altitude: 1400fsl
Habitat: wild moisture
Plant habit: under shrub, erect, branches, hard old stem, purpled young stem, perennial
Height: 02 meters
Leaves: alternate, pinnate, leaflets opposite, ovate, size:3×1.7cm or less, bitter taste, bluish green coloured
Flower: inflorescence, size:2.5×2×2mm, pink, non fragrant
Fruit: round beans green into brown, size:2.5×0.3cm, edible
Seed: black 5-6 nos., pea shaped, size:2×1.7mm, edible
Camera: Samsung Galaxy A21s


Yes, it is close to Indigofera tinctoria …  Thank you very much for ID my plant,

I guess you are right

Yes, You are right … I have seen this plant on hedges abundantly . At maturity the pods are dark brown in colour. Here attaching two photographs of the speciman.
2 images.


Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight: Indonesia 8 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
We have a kind of Crotalaria found near the beach of Cilacap Central Java.  Could you id this please. 

It looks like an Indigofera sp.

Indigofera tinctoria,

Identification Request of Indigofera sp. : 4 images.
Habitat: outer road side
Habit: Herb
Location: Bundi, Rajasthan
Date – 21-01-2021

Indigofera coerulea,

… correct

I think it may be Indigofera tinctoria as no. of leaflets are more than Indigofera coerulea as per descriptions in the book pages in the Flora of Peninsular India

Once look …, if based on leaf lets,
Flora of Andhra Pradesh.
1 image.

Indigofera tinctoria L. is correct ID !


Wild Plant for ID : Nasik : 27SEP21 : AK – 049: 4 images.
A wild plant seen last week (27.9.21) in Nasik.

Please check Indigofera in FoI and efi.

I think Indigofera tinctoria L. as per comparative images at Indigofera.

I guess you are right

Adding more images clicked last month including those of the pods.
3 images


Indigofera ID: 1 high res. image.
Need help with ID of this Indigofera spp. Clicked near Ahmedabad

Indigofera tinctoria L.

I am not 100% sure if this is Indigofera tinctoria

Yes, appears close to images at


Santali names of Indigofera tinctoria L.:
Please help with the Santali names lil and nil of Indigofera tinctoria L. in Ol Chiki script.
Reference: A Santali-English dictionary by A. Campbell, of the Santal mission

lil and nil transcription of Indigofera tinctoria in Santali (Ol Chiki) script shall be ᱞᱤᱞ and ᱱᱤᱞ respectively.


Indigofera tinctoria L. :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Nov 11, 2011 · 9:32 AM IST: 1 image.
Indigofera tinctoria L.
Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Nov 11, 2011 · 9:32 AM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl


Indigofera tinctoria L. :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Oct 18, 2009 · 12:10 PM IST: 3 images.
Indigofera tinctoria L.
Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Oct 18, 2009 · 12:10 PM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl
Earlier uploaded at eFI.


Indigofera tinctoria L. :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Oct 19, 2008 · JUN23 DV79: 2 images.

Indigofera tinctoria L.
Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Oct 19, 2008 · 4:25 PM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl
Many thanks to … for suggesting and validating the ID … efloraofindia.


Indigofera tinctoria L. :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Jul 19, 2008 · JUN23 DV165: 5 images.

Indigofera tinctoria L.
Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Jul 19, 2008 · 5:03 PM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl
Many thanks to Krishnaraj ji, Vijayasankar ji, Garg ji for the ID at efloraofindia.
Many thanks to Radha Veach for validating the ID at iNaturalist.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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