Flora picture of the Year 2011: Year 2011 is passing by & efloraofindia (efi in short) has generated lot of interest in photographing Indian Flora, their identification & knowing/ learning about them.
Let us post one of our best images by each of the member. It may be based on a difficult situation, a rare plant, a technically sound image, a beauty never to be forgotten, a beauty of joy etc. Let us keep the subject as “Flora Picture of the year- 2011- Name of the Photographer” only. Don’t forget to tell the story behind the picture, which makes even an ordinary picture look outstanding.
Last few years’ pictures & story behind them are available at

We may request Satish Phadke ji to put them along with the stories/ comments on the blog with his expertise in this area as he has done in last years.
This year in addition we may be asking members to vote for the best image among those entered after Satish ji compiles them in a blog.