Senegalia caesia (L.) Maslin et al., Blumea 58:40. 2013 (syn: (≡) Acacia caesia (L.) Willd.; (≡) Mimosa caesia L. (basionym)) as per GRIN;
Bangladesh (N) ; Bhutan (N); Cambodia (N) ; China (N); Guangdong ; Sichuan ; India (N) ; Andhra Pradesh ; Arunachal Pradesh ; Assam ; Bihar ; Goa ; Gujarat; Himachal Pradesh; Karnataka ; Kerala ; Madhaya Pradesh ; Maharashtra ; Manipur; Meghalaya ; Mizoram ; Nagaland; Orissa ; Punjab ; Sikkim; Tamil Nadu; Tripura ; Uttar Pradesh ; West Bengal ; Jawa (N) ; Laos (N); Myanmar (N) ; Philippines (N) ; Sri Lanka (N); Thailand (N) ; Vietnam (N) as per ILDIS;

English Soap bark, Palinja, Incha
Malayalam Incha, Eenga, Eenja, Palinja, Velutha-incha
Others Irula : Mandae seengai
Tamil Kari indu
Stout ramblers; old stem 4-6-angled; prickles strong, recurved, bark fibrous. Leaves 20-25 cm long, pinnae 5-8 pairs, to 7 cm long; leaflets 18-22 pairs, to 11 x 3.5 mm, oblong, truncate at base, apiculate at apex; thinly pubescent below, 3-nerved from base. Heads terminal, panicled. Pods to 13 x 2.2 cm, oblong, flat, acuminate at both ends, marginate.
Flowering and fruiting: October-December
Evergreen and semi-evergreen forests

This species is recorded as native to Southern China, Taiwan (Province of China), the Philippines, Viet Nam, Lao PDR, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, India (widespread) and Sri Lanka.
This perennial, shrub or woody climber is found in warm subtropical and dry deciduous forests, forest margins, secondary forests, grasslands and scrub. It is also found along roadsides, stream and river banks.
(From IUCN Red List (LC) )

Mimosaceae plant for identification MK NOV-003 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)
Please help me in identifying this Liane found commonly in deciduous and scrub forests. Could this be Mimosa intsia? The leaves are darker green; desired plant for the large herbivores.
Date: 01 Nov 2014
Place: Coimbatore Dist., TN
Alt.: 600 M ASL

attaching close-ups of leaves and inflorescence

It looks like Acacia caesia; because the leaf is not clear. if prickles are recurved; leaves 15-20 cm long, pinnae 6-8 pairs, 3.5-9.5 cm; glands on rachis between several upper pinnae; leaflets 8-15 pairs,

It seems Acacia caesia (L.) Willd


ANSEPT37/37 Acacia caesia (L.) Willd. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)

Family: Caesalpiniaceae
Date: 14th September 2015
Place: Thattekad Bird Sanctuary, Ernakulam District, Kerala

Habit: Scandent shrub
Habitat: Disturbed forest

= Senegalia caesia (L.) Maslin, Seigler & Ebinger.

Acacia for id. no 210516sn1 : 9 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (5)
I need help in Id. this Acacia plant.
location:Aambyvalley Rd.,Lonavala,Pune
plant habit:Tree
height:above 8 ft.

Pl. check at comparative images at Acacia & Senegalia

Any spines or prickles?

Sorry for the late response. At this place their is no net connectivity. As for the spines i cannot say for certain but not big spines definitely.

this is the same plant- efi thread

I enlarged these photos on Flickr. I could not see any spines or prickles

prickles are there, so it may Acacia penneta if it is a climber like structure.

I think that this is Senegalia (Acacia) caesia as the main vein of leaflets are clearly  starting centrally or subcentrally at base as evident in the images. In S. pennata, the main vein of leaflets start from the margins at base.

Thanks …, I guess Senegalia (Acacia) caesia=Acacia torta

*GRAM Looking to ID this Acacia : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (15)
Found this Tree at Kasara, Maharashtra in July 2016

Thanks, …, for such detailed pictures.
Pl. check comparative images of different species in efi at Acacia

Excellent photography.

The habit is tree; prickles scattered on branchlets, inflorescences terminal panicles of heads and midvein of leaflets starting centrally at base – when these characters are combined, they lead on to Senegalia caesia (previously Acacia caesia).

Thank you … … thank you for pointing out characters before telling us the species.
I am trying to understand if there is variability of characters within this species. Going by JCB Herbarium, the key mentions the presence of glands on the rachis, at the base of all pairs of pinnae. I checked a few of the leaves to confirm where the glands were present and they were all consistent with one at the base and either 2 – 3 at the top most pinnae.
Also, the presence and absence of spines is the pedicel – is that also a variable character?

Your observations were correct.

I worked on Indian Acacias long back and published an account of the same in 1996.  As regards Acacia caesia, it is indeed a variable species and I merged A. torta with it, having found ample intergradations. I had examined relevant specimens in all the major Indian herbaria. It is interesting to note that while majority of the collectors mentioned it to be scandent shrubs or climbers, many others found it to be trees, 3 – 10 m high.
In recent past the indigenous Indian species of Acacia were transferred mainly to Senegalia and Vachellia. I noticed some discrepancies in these publications but I have not published any rejoinder on them except for one short note on Vachellia eburnea as this is not my priority area at present. I am not at all fully satisfied with these publications.
I came to know that a Ph. D. student at Goa University is now working on Indian Acacias and he has found some ways for differentiating A. caesia from A. torta. There is, however, no publication seen by me from that end.
I can raise several questions which are to be answered by the future workers on Indian Acacias.

13-ID-TSP-13DEC2015-1: A Fabaceae sp for ID : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (7)

Kindly identify this Fabaceae specimen. 

Habit: Tree 

Habitat: Dry deciduous forest 

Sighting: Devarayanadurga, Tumkur, Karnataka, about 800 msl 

Date: 29-06-2014

Mimosa intsia?

It looks like Acacia pennata, it is a variable species, some times it grow like trees. The inflorescence suggest me as A.pennata, beside the glands on leaf.

Yes, this is Senegalia pennata.

There seems a climber, leaves and flowers belongs to Acacia caesia, the tree must be Acacia chundra. Leaves of the tree is not shown in the image.

MS, Jan., 2021/18 Senegalia sp.(caesia ?) for id.
Location : Tamdil

Date : 10-01-2021
Habit : Prickly scandent shrub
Habitat : Wild

S. torta,

What are the species of Acacia listed in your area ?

Acacia caesia var. subnuda, A.farnesiana, A.megaladena, A.pennata & A.pruinescens are recorded in Mizoram

As per local literature matched with Acacia caesia var. subnuda,  now it’s Senegalia caesia,

identification no030112sn3: Kindly Id this species.
plant habit:shrub?
height:about 3-5 ft.

My guess is: This tree can be Acacia angustissima (Mill.) Ktze.
you can see the link:

For me it may be some species of Albizzia or Mimosae. All the
characters need to be checked before arriving at the confirmation.

May be Senegalia caesia(L.) Maslin et al. as per comparative images at Acacia.

Noted. Thanks.


Swamy/New series/ID/49 – climber for ID.: 5 high res. images.

I am forwarding  h/w the  photos received from  Chennai  for ID. This is a  liana,   in a farm, entangling trees in a  vicious thorny hold.
Picture of flowers not available.  Pods are  very thin and flat.
There is confusion  as to whether it is Senegalia caesia (L.) Maslin et al., Blumea 58:40. 2013 (syn: (≡) Acacia caesia (L.) Willd  as in efloraofindia or Senegalia intsia (L.) Maslin  syn. Acasia caesia.   Or both the names are one and the same.  If so what is the correct citation.  Please clarify.

Yes, there seems to be some confusion. But both seem to be different as per
Senegalia intsia (L.) Maslin, Seigler & Ebinger:
Senegalia caesia (L.) Maslin, Seigler & Ebinger
However, I could not find the keys between the two. Pl. check with descriptions give in FoPI at links above.

From the earlier books both appear to be same as per books:
Forest Plants of Eastern India – Page 225
Mansfeld’s Encyclopedia of Agricultural and Horticultural … – Page 600
Indian Medicinal Plants: A Compendium of 500 Species
It appears there was some taxonomic confusion somewhere.
But without keys and clear cut differences, it may be difficult to reach some conclusions.
So until then let us keep it at Senegalia caesia, like other observations.

Acacia intsia or Senegalia intsiais a nomen confusum. Dr. Bruce Maslin, in a personal communication finally also agreed to my arguments. I take this plant as Senegalia caesia.




POWO  Catalogue of Life  GRIN  The Plant List  Annotated checklist of the flowering plants of Nepal (Acacia intsia (L.) Willd. syn. Acacia caesia (L.) Wight & Arn.) Flora of China  India Biodiversity Portal  IUCN Red List (LC) 

Flora of Ranga Reddi District Andhra Pradesh, India By T. Pullaiah, M. Silar Mohammed (Description & KeysAcacia caesia, Acacia chundra, Acacia farnesiana, Acacia leucophloea, Acacia nilotica, & Acacia torta)