Senegalia species?- Jalana, Dungari, Jaipur, Rajasthan

Identification request 003: 2 high res. images.
Habitat: Aravali range

Habit: Tree
Location: Jalana dungari jaipur
Date: 13082023

Appears to be some Senegalia species.

Pl. check
Difficult to reach at an id with these images.

Do you have any other images?

2 high res. images.

It looks like keekar or gulmohar

Not it is neither.
Pl. see Keekar here:

Senegalia torta is a straggler. This appears to be a tree. So, it is not S. torta. Does it have prickles? If it doesn’t have prickle, this may not be Senegalia.
Please confirm

I agree with … I have not observed any prickle.
It is very similar to Enterolobium ?

Sir, Today I went to that area again and saw some other old plants there. There was a name plate under a tree in which its name was written as Senegalia polyacantha.

Location: smriti van jaipur
Date: 06122023
2 high res. images.

It is not Senegalia polyacantha as bark looks much different as per images at

Updated on December 23, 2024

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