Research publications (till November 2014).


Contact Details:

Prabhu Kumar K M

Scientist & Officer-in-Charge

Plant Systematics & Genetic Resources Division

& ‘CMPR’ Herbarium
Centre for Medicinal Plants Research (CMPR)

Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal, 

Malappuram – 676 503, Kerala, India

Phone:  09495877357 (Mobile);
04832806214 / 215 (Office)





1.      Sabu, M., V.P. Thomas, K. M. Prabhu Kumar & K.V. Mohanan.
2011. Package of Practices of  
Ornamental Gingers. Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy.
pp. 1-54.


Papers in peer-reviewed
Journals, chapters in books etc.

Kumar K. M.
, Murshida, U. C., Binu Thomas, Satheesh
George and Indira Balachandran. 2013. Notes on Caralluma adscendens (Roxb.) 
Haw.var. attenuata (Wight)
Grav. & Mayur. (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae). J. of Threatened Taxa 6(9): 6282-6286. [Available online]

Kumar K. M.
, G. R. Asish, M. Sabu and Indira Balachandran.
2013. A review on Zingiberaceous herbs used in Ayurveda. Ancient Science of Life.
32(4): 261-269.
[Available online]

Prabhu Kumar K. M.,
V. S. Hareesh, T. K.  Nirmesh, K. A.
Anilkumar, V. B. Sreekumar and Indira Balachandran. 2014. On the identity and
occurrence of Gnidia glauca var. sisparensis (Thymeleaceae) in India. Webbia: Journal of Plant Taxonomy &
. 69:1, 131-135.

Prabhu Kumar, K.M., V.P.
Thomas, M. Sabu, A.V. Prasanth and K.V. Mohanan. 2013. Systematic and
Variability studies on ‘hidden purple ginger’, Curcuma inodora Blatter J. (Zingiberaceae) – an endemic promising
ginger from Peninsular India. Webbia: J.
Plant Taxon. Geography
. 69:1, 123-130.

Prabhu Kumar, K.M., V.P.
Thomas, M. Sabu and K.V. Mohanan. 2013. Off-season flower induction of ‘Praying
mantis ginger’ Larsenianthus careyanus
(Benth.) W. J. Kress & Mood (Zingiberaceae) through low temperature and
night break. J. Ornament
. Plants 4(2): 69-73. [Available online]

Praseetha V. P., Prabhu Kumar K. M., Geetha S. P., Sadheeshnakumari S & Indira
Balachandran. 2014. Taxonomic and floral variability studies on Baliospermum solanifolium
(Euphorbiaceae). Phytodiversity.
1(1&2): 25-30.

Sunilkumar. T­, K. M. Prabhu Kumar, V. Sreeraj, V.T Antony and A. Rajendran. 2012.
Critical notes on the occurrence of Premna
var. villosa (Lamiaceae)
in Western Ghats of India. Journal of
Economic and Taxonomic Botany
. 38(1): 211-214.

Anish Babu V.B., V. T. Antony, Binu
Thomas & K. M. Prabhu Kumar.
2014. Ficus spp. a valuable tree
species in sacred groves. Journal of
. 4(2): 74-76. [Available online]

Anish Babu V.B., V. T. Antony, Binu
Thomas & K. M. Prabhu Kumar.
2014. Sacred Groves: Potential microhabitats for conserving rare endemic and
threatened plants. Journal of Science. 4(4): 223-226. [Available online]

Binu Thomas, UM. Chandrashekara,
Rajendran, A. & K. M. Prabhukumar.
2014. Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn.
(Dennstaedtiaceae) – An effective ecological indicator. Botanical report 3(1): 8-9. [Available online]

Jayanthi P., K. M. Prabhu Kumar, A. Rajendran, Binu Thomas, M. Sabu and A. K.
Pradeep. 2014. Striga indica
(Orobanchaceae) – A new parasitic species from Southern Western Ghats of India.
Feddes Reportiorum. 123 (4): 283-290.

Kumar, K. M.
, T. Sunilkumar, V. Sreeraj, Binu Thomas,
Indira Balachandran and V.T. Antony. 2013. New species of the genus Premna L.
(Lamiaceae*) from Western Ghats of India. Webbia:
Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography
. 68 (2): 127-131.

Thomas V. P., M. Sabu and K. M.
Prabhu Kumar
. 2013. A New Species of Amomum
(Zingiberaceae) from Western Ghats, India. Novon 22: 322-324.

Sunilkumar T., A. Honey John, K. M. Prabhu Kumar, V. T. Antony and
Indira Balachandran. 2013. Premna
Roxb. (Verbenaceae*) – A new distribution record for South India. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany.
37 (1): 50-52.

Prabhu Kumar K. M., Satheesh George, Sreekanth Sreedhar and Indira
Balachandran. 2013.
(Wright) N.E. Br. (Apocynaceae) – a new distribution
record for Kerala from Chinnar Wild Life Sanctuary, India. The Indian Forester 139(5): 425-428.

Sabu M., K. M. Prabhu Kumar, V. P. Thomas and K. V. Mohanan. 2013.
Variability studies in ‘Peacock Ginger’, Kaempferia
Wall.  Annals of Plant Science 2(5): 138-140. [Available online]

Arjun Prasad Tiwari, K. M. Prabhu Kumar and A. A. Ansari.
2013. Neuracanthus sphearostachys
Nees – A new generic record for Madhya Pradesh. Indian Journal of Forestry. 36 (1): 91-95.

Binu Thomas, Ranji P. Mathews,
Rajendran, A. and K. M. Prabhu Kumar. 2013. Ethnobotanical observations on
tribe Arnatans of Nilambur Forest, Western Ghats region of Kerala, India. Research in Plant Biology, 3(2): 12-17.
[Available online]

Bavana B. Nair, K. M. Prabhu Kumar,
M. Sabu & K. V. Mohanan. 2013.  A
study on the effect of a non hormonal homeopathic growth promoter on the growth
and flowering of rainbow ginger (Curcuma aurantiaca zijp.). J. of
Non-Timber Forest Products.

Prabhu Kumar K. M., M. Sabu and V. P. Thomas. 2013. Effect
of temperature and light on the promotion of Off-season flowering in Island
Purple ginger, Boesenbergia siphonantha (Baker) M. Sabu & al.
(Zingiberaceae) – a promising ornamental ginger from Andaman Islands. Journal of Horticulture, Forestry and
. 17(1):144-147. [Available online]

Anil Kumar, K. A., K. M. Prabhu Kumar and P. S. Udayan. 2013. Notes on Justicia notha Clarke (Acanthaceae) – A
Critically Endangered and Endemic species from Southern Western Ghats of India.
NeBio. 4(6): 33-35. [Available

Anil Kumar, K. A. K. M. Prabhu Kumar and P. S. Udayan. 2012. Caralluma bicolor Ramach.& al., (Apocynaceae,
Asclepiadoideae) – A new distribution record for Kerala from Attappady hills,
Southern Western Ghats of India. J. of
Threatened Taxa
. 5 (15): 5007-5009.  [Available online]

M. Prabhu Kumar
, Binu Thomas, V. Sreeraj, Indira
Balachandran and A. Rajendran. 2013. Critical notes on the occurrence of Dipcadi montanum (Dalz.) Baker
(Hyacinthaceae) in South India. Science
Research Reporter
. 3(2): 120-123. [Available online]

Satheesh K., K. M. Prabhu Kumar, Indira Balachandran and N. Anilkumar. 2013.
Recent reports on the distribution and morphology of an Indian endemic species,
Gymnema mohanramii Karthik. &
Moorthy (Apocyanaceae: Asclepiadoidea) in southern Western Ghats of Kerala. Trends in Life Sciences 2(3): 1–7.
[Available online]

Thomas V. P., M. Sabu, K.M. Prabhu
. 2012. Amomum nilgiricum (Zingiberaceae), a new
species from Western Ghats, India. PhytoKeys
8: 99–104.

Binu Thomas, K. M. Prabhu Kumar, Satheesh George, A. Rajendran and Indira
Balachandran. 2012. A new variety of Crotalaria
(Fabaceae) from Tamil Nadu, India. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine. S1412-S1414.

Binu Thomas, A. Rajendran, Ranji P.
Mathews and K. M. Prabhu Kumar.
2012. Wild edible fruit of Syzygium
Walp. (Myrtaceae): A gift of Shola forest of Kerala,
India. International Journal Biological
.  3(3):1. [Available

Thomas V. P., K. M. Prabhu Kumar, M. Sabu, A. V. Prasanth and K. V. Mohanan.
2012. Effect of Sucrose and Benzyl Adenine in the promotion of cut flower vase
life in Alpinia purpurata Vieill., a
charming ornamental ginger. Journal of
Research in Plant Sciences
1(2): 089-092.  [Available online]


Prabhu Kumar K. M.,
V. Sreeraj, Binu Thomas, K. M. Manudev and A. Rajendran and M. Sabu. 2012.
Validation and documentation of rare endemic and threatened (RET) plants from
Nilgiri, Kanuvai and Madukkarai forests of southern Western Ghats, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa. 4(15):
3436–3442. [Available online]

Kumar K. M.,
V.P. Thomas, A.V. Prasanth and M. Sabu.
2012. Conservation of selected wild potential ornamental gingers in India:
Domestication and cultural practice. In: Maiti, G. and M. K. Mukherjee. Biodiversity Assessment and Conservation. Pp. 391-395.

Prabhu Kumar K. M.,
M. Sabu, V.P. Thomas & A. Rajendran. 2011. Effect of Sucrose, Benzyl
Adenine and 8-hydroxyquinoline sulphate in the promotion of cut flower vase
life in Larsenianthus careyanus (Benth.) W.J.Kress & Mood (Zingiberaceae);
a charming ornamental ginger from Northeast India. In: Ramachandran, V. S. Ed. Taxonomy,
Plant Diversity and Conservation
. Pp. 227-232. Pointer Publishers, Jaipur, India.  

Prabhu Kumar, K.M., M.
Sabu, V.P. Thomas, A.V. Prasanth and K.V. Mohanan. 2010. A study of
Island Purple Ginger [Boesenbergia siphonantha (Baker) M. Sabu &
]- a potential ornamental ginger of the tropics. Indian Journal of
Botanical Research.

Thomas, V.P., K.M. Prabhu Kumar,
A.V. Prasanth, M. Sabu and K.V. Mohanan. 2010. Induction of off-season
flowering in three species of Zingiberaceae through low temperature treatment
and night break. Indian Journal of Botanical Research.

Prasanth, A.V., K.M. Prabhu Kumar,
V.P. Thomas, M. Sabu and K.V. Mohanan. 2010. Rainbow Ginger (Curcuma
Zijp.)- a potential ornamental ginger. Journal of Non-Timber
Forest Products
17(3): 349-352.

Prabhu Kumar, K.M.,
M. Sabu, V.P. Thomas, G. Nimisha and K.V. Mohanan. 2010. Red Ginger: A
Promising Crop for Floriculturists. Plant Hortitech 10(1): 40-43.


Conference Presentations

Prabhu Kumar. K. M., V.
P. Thomas, A.V. Prasanth & M. Sabu. 2008. Domestication of Potential
ornamental Gingers. International seminar on Multidisciplinary approaches in
Angiosperm Systematics
. Kalyani University, Kolkata. pp.240 – 241.

Thomas, V. P., K. M. Prabhu Kumar,
A. V. Prasanth and M. Sabu. 2009. Charming Ornamental Gingers. International
Symposium on Angiosperm Systematics and Phylogeny: Retrospects and Prospects
NBRI, Lucknow. pp. 23-24.

Prabhu Kumar K. M., V. P. Thomas and M. Sabu. 2010. Economically Important Gingers. 22nd
Kerala Sci. Cong
. KFRI, Peechi. 816-817.

Prabhu Kumar K. M.,
M. Sabu, V.P. Thomas and Indira Balachandran. 2011. Taxonomic and improvement
studies on ‘Praying Mantis ginger’, a promising ornamental ginger. National Seminar on Biodiversity
Conservation and Climate Change
. IMMT, Bhubaneswar. pp. 54.

Prabhu Kumar K. M.,
M. Sabu, V. P. Thomas & K. V. Mohanan. 2012. Taxonomic and variability
studies on ‘hidden purple ginger’, a charming ornamental ginger to the tropics.
6th International symposium on
the family Zingiberaceae
. Pp. 69.

Prabhu Kumar K. M., A. J. Robi, V. Sreeraj, Indira & A.
Rajendran. 2014.
Systematic studies on Premna L. (Lamiaceae) in Kerala: Novelty, new record and
rediscoveries. National Seminar on
Emerging Trends in Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Utilization
.  Bharathiar University,
Coimbatore. Pp. 43.

Chithra M., K. M. Prabhu Kumar, S. P. Geetha & Indira Balachandran. 2013.
Ethnobotanical study of Paniya Tribes of Nilambur forest, Malappuram District,
Kerala. Gregor Mendal Foundation:
National Seminar on Forestry and Agriculture
. Pp. 75-76.

Rahul P. R., S. P. Geetha & K. M. Prabhu Kumar. 2014. RAPD
profiling of source plants of Ayurvedic drug “Brhati” along with select Solanum
species. 26nd Kerala Science Congress. Veterinary College,
Wayanadu. Pp. 89-90.

Chithra M., K. M. Prabhu Kumar & S. P. Geetha. 2014. Ethnobotanical usages
of some plants by the Kattunaikka tribes of Nilambur forest, Malappuram
district. 26nd Kerala Science Congress. Veterinary College,
Wayanadu. Pp. 111.

Prabhu Kumar, K. M., V.
P. Thomas and M. Sabu. 2009. Induction of off-season flowering in Curcuma spp. and Zingiber sp. through night break and low temperature. International
Symposium on Angiosperm Systematics and Phylogeny: Retrospects and Prospects
pp. 121.

M. Sabu, V.P. Thomas and K. M. Prabhu Kumar. 2010.
Potential Wild Ornamental gingers of India: Domestication, Improvement of
Agrotechniques and Popularization. 4th Global Botanic Garden
, Ireland. pp. 100.

Prabhu Kumar, K. M., V. P. Thomas and M.
Sabu and A. Rajendran. 2010. Effect of Sucrose, Benzyl Adenine and 8-HQS in the
promotion of cut flower vase life in Alpinia purpurata Vieill., a
charming ornamental ginger. International Symposium on Taxonomy, Plant
Diversity and Conservation
. pp. 260-21.

Prabhu Kumar K. M., V. P. Thomas M. Sabu and A. Rajendran. 2010. Some important medicinal herbs in
the family Zingiberaceae in India. National Seminar on Herbal Medicine.
pp. 65.

Sreeraj, V., K. M. Prabhu Kumar and A. Rajendran. 2011. On the occurrence and
identity of Premna coriaceae in
India. National Seminar on Biodiversity
Conservation and Climate change.
pp. 78.

Prabhu Kumar K. M.,
Ramya K. S., Satheesh George & Indira Balachandran. 2012. Taxonomic studies
on the genus Gymnostachyum Nees.
(Acanthaceae) in Kerala, South India. International
Symposium and XXII IAAT Conference on innovative Prospects in Angiosperm Taxonomy
Pp. 77-78.

Prabhu Kumar K. M.,
M. Sabu, A. Rajendran & Indira Balachandran. 2012. Taxonomic studies on the
genus Striga Lour. (Orobanchaceae) in
South India. International Symposium and
XXII IAAT Conference on innovative Prospects in Angiosperm Taxonomy
. Pp. 39.

Sreeraj V., K. M. Prabhu Kumar and A. Rajendran. 2012. Molecular studies on the
genus Premna L. (Lamiaceae) in
Kerala. National Seminar on Phytomedicine.
Pp. 96.

Prabhu Kumar K. M.,
V. P. Thomas and M. Sabu. 2013. Taxonomic and variability studies on shampoo
ginger (Zingiber zerumbet (L.)
Smith), an economically important ginger of the tropics. International Conference on Plant Biosystematics. Pp. 114.

Prabhu Kumar K. M.
& V. B. Sreekumar. 2014. High Wavy Mountains: an isolated zone of endemic
plants in Western Ghats.
National Seminar on Biodiversity Conservation: Trend and
Need (
Pp. 34.

A. V.
Prasanth & Prabhu Kumar K.
M. & V. B. Sreekumar.
2014. Caralluma R. Br. (Apocynaceae:
Asclepiadoidea): taxonomy, distribution and its ornamental potential.
National Seminar on
Biodiversity Conservation: Trend and Need (
Pp. 66.

Kumar K. M
. & V. B. Sreekumar. 2014. Novelties
in Impatiens L. (Balsaminaceae) from
southern Western Ghats of Kerala. 24th
Annual Conference of Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy.
Pp. 76.


M. Sc. Dissertations undertaken

Amrutha PS. 2014. Taxonomic Studies on
selected species of Solanum L.
(Solanaceae) in Western Ghats of India. University of Calicut.

Praseetha VP. 2014. Taxonomic and
variability studies on Baliospermum
(Euphorbiaceae). University of Calicut.

Sunila Devi. 2012. Taxonomical,
Anatomical and Phytochemical studies in the genus Barleria L. (Acanthaceae) in Kerala. University of Calicut.

Murshida UC. 2012. Taxonomical,
Anatomical and Phytochemical studies in selected species of the genus Caralluma R. Br. (Apocynaceae). University
of Calicut.

Ramya KS. 2012. Taxonomical, Anatomical
and Phytochemical studies in selected species of the genus Gymnostachyum Nees. (Acanthaceae). University of Calicut.



Kumar K. M.
, M. Sabu, V. P. Thomas. 2012. Adayam, Alankaram,
Red ginger. Karshakasree. Pp. 44-45.

Kumar K. M.
, M. Sabu, V. P. Thomas. 2012. Rainbow ginger.
Karshakasree. Pp. 45.