Madhava Chetty K.


1. K.N. Rao and K. Madhava Chetty, Flowering plants and Pollinators, Proc. 6th Nat. Symp. Life Sci. 17-19th Jan Tirupati, p 133-138, 1985.

2. K.N. Rao and K. Madhava Chetty, Growth characteristics of Eichhorniaand Pistia Prespectives in Hydrobiology, edited by K.S.Rao and Shrivastava, Vikram University, Ujjain, India, Vol. 35, p. 179-182. 1987.

3. K.Madhava Chetty and K.N.Rao, Biochemical Studies of Eichhornia and its leachates, Vegetos, Vol.1(2), p.160-163,1988.

4. K. Madhava Chetty and K.N. Rao, Ethnobotany of Sarakallu and Adjacent areas of Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh, Vegetos, Vol. 2(1), p. 51-58, 1989.

5. K.Madhava Chetty and K.N.Rao, Phenolic acid pattern of Cycas beddomeiDyer. an endemic Gymnosperm of Rayalaseema, Vegetos, Vol. 2(2), p. 244-246, 1989.

6. K.Madhava Chetty and K.N.Rao, Phytochemical comparison of endemic Terminalia pallida and Terminalia chebula, Indian Journal of Forestry, Vol. 12(2), p. 117-120, 1989.

7. K.Madhava Chetty and K.N.Rao, Studies on Phytochemical and floral features of some members of traditional Centrospermae. Indian Journal of Forestry, Vol 13(1), p. 49-52, 1990.

8. K.Madhava Chetty and K.N.Rao, Phytochemical relationships of some members of Centrospermae, Indian Journal of Botany, Vol. 13, p. 165-170, 1990.

9. K.Madhava Chetty and K.N.Rao, Endemic plants of Tirumala hills in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh, Vegetos, Vol. 3(1), p. 12-15, 1990.

10. K.Madhava Chetty and K.N.Rao, Phenolic compunds of the endemic Boswellia ovalifoliolata Bal. and Henry Higher plant of Indian subcontinent additional series of Indian Journal of Forestry, Vol.1, p. 51-54, 1990.

11. K.Madhava Chetty and K.N.Rao, Phenolic compounds of Pistia and its leachates, Higher plant of Indian subcontinent additional series of Indian Journal of Forestry, Vol.1, p. 59-61, 1990.

12. K.N.Rao, K.Madhava Chetty and S.Sandhya Rani, Causes for rarity of the taxa on Tirumala hills, Indian Botanical reporter, Vol. 12(1+2), p. 11-16, 1993.

13. K.Madhava Chetty, M. Lakshmipathi Chetty, A. Sudhakar, and C. Ramesh , Ethnomedico botany of some aquatic Angiospermae in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh, India. Fitoterapia, Vol. 69, p. 7-12, 1998.

14. A. Sudhakar and K. Madhava Chetty, Medicinal importance of some angiospermic weeds used by the rural people of chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh, India, Fitoterapia, Vol. 69, p. 390-400, 1998.

15. K. Madhava Chetty, A. Sudhakar and P. Venkataramaiah, Hydrophytes of Chittoor district in Andhra Pradesh, India J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. Vol. 24 (1), p. 197-206, 2000.

16. K. Madhava Chetty, K. Sivaji, G. Sudarsanam, P. Hindu Sekhar, Pharmaceutical Studies and Therapeutic uses of Plumbago zeylanica L. Roots (Chitraka, Chitramulamu), Ethnobotanical leaflets, 10: 294 – 304,2006.

17. K. Tulasi Rao, M. Mahendra Nath, K. Madhava Chetty. Pharmacognostical and Anatomical Studies on Listea glutinosa (Lour.) C.B. Roxb. An important medicinal plant in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh. Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences. Vol.2 (2), 223-229, 2012.

18. K. Sivaji, M. Mahendra Nath, L. Ramesh, K. Madhava Chetty. Comparative Pharmacognostical Studies of Terminalia arjuna used in Ayurvedic drug Arjuna, with its adulterant Kavalama urens. Indian Journal of Plant Sciences. Vol.1 (2): 229-238, 2012.

19. L. Ramesh, M. Mahendra Nath and K. Madhava Chetty. Comparative Pharmacognostical Studies of original Taxa with substituents used in Ayurvedic drug Kakanasa. Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences, Vol. 2(1): 1-11, 2013.

20. L.Ramesh and K.Madhava Chetty.Comparitive Pharmacognostical Studies on Asclepias currassavica used in Ayurvedic Drug Kakanasa with its Adulterant Martynia annua.Indian Streams Research Journal Vol.3(7): 36 – 40.2014

21. L.Ramesh and K.Madhava Chetty. Pharmacognostical Studies on some controversial plant Drugs used as an Ayurvedic Drug “Kakanasa”. Golden Research Thoughts vol-3:1-9. 2013

22. Ramesh*, D.Muniswamy, A.Veerabhadrappa, K. Sreedevi and K. Madhavachetty. Comparative pharmacognostical studies of asclepias curassavica used in ayurvedic drug “kakanasa” with its adulterant trichosanthes cucumerina, Archives of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences,Vol-1 (3). 2013

23. M.Mahendra nath, Ch.Santosh and K. Madhava chetty.Antioxidant activity and its correlation of different solvent extracts of male cones of cycas beddome Dyer, endemic taxa to seshachalam biosphere reserve. Int J Pharm Bio Sci; 4(4):(B)1394-1403. 2013

24. L.Ramesh, M. Sudhakar, K. Madhava Chetty, M.Mahendranath Comparative Pharmacognosy of Asclepias curassavica Used in Ayurvedic Drug “Kakanasa” with its Adulterant Leptadenia reticulata.Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 26(1). 2014.

25. K.Tulasi rao,K. Sree Devi, A.Veerabhadrappa, K.Madhava Chetty and L.Ramesh*. Pharmacognostical Studies Of Guidonia tomentosa. Indian Journal of Plant Sciences. Vol.3 (1) :136-144. 2014.

26. M.Mahendra nath, K.Madhava chetty, A.Veerabhadrappa and K.Sreedevi. The Sacred Groves of Seshachalam Hills. In : Sacred Groves of India : A Compendium .Eds:Nanditha Krishna & M.Amirthalingam.CPREEC.pp 57 – 64. (2014).

27. Mahendra Nath Mitta, M. Sankara Rao, L. Ramesh and K. Madhava Chetty. Phyto- Chemical Evaluation and Anti-oxidant potentiality of Cycas beddomei Dyer Male cone aqueous Extract. Int. J. Drug Dev. & Res., 6 (2): 220-227. 2014.

28. Mahendranath, M., K.M. Chetty & K. Prasad. A re-collection of Diplocentrum recurvum lindl. (Orchidaceae) after a lapse of 100 years or more from Andhra Pradesh, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 7(10): 7712–7715. 2015.

29. Mahendra Nath M, Prasad K, Rao MS and Madhava chetty K. Orchids of horsley hills: status and conservation. In: new-horizons in biotechnology (Eds. Viswanath B and Indravathi G) Paramount. Publishing House, India, pp. 173-177. 2015

30. Mahendra Nath Mitta, Balasubbaiah Munnelli and Madhava Chetty K. An Assessment of Orchid Diversity of Horsley Hills, Andhra Pradesh. Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences. 5(4): 28-35. 2015.

31. N.Savithramma, P.Yugandhar, K.Siva Prasad, S.Ankanna and K.Madhava chetty. Ethnomedicinal studies on plants used by Yanadi Tribe of chandragiri reserve forest area, Chittoor Dt, Andhra pradesh, India. Journal of intercultural ethnopharmacology. 5 (1):49-56. 2016.

32. Manipal K, Ramesh Lagisetty and Madhava Chetty, K. Quantitation of Flavonoids in Barks of Selected Taxa of Combretaceae. Pharmacy & Pharmacology International Journal. 5(1): 00111.

33. Manipal K, Madhava Chetty, K. and Mahendra nath Mitta. Comparitive Antioxidant potentials of Terminalia spp. Bark extracts inhabitating Seshachalam Biosphere Reserve. (In process) 2016.


Dr. K. Madhava Chetty M.Sc., M.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D., PG DPD

Assistant Professor, Department of Botany. S.V. University, Tirupati

Updated on December 24, 2024

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