Goswami Hit Kishore



1. Goswami, H. K. &
Arya, B. S. (1968). Heterosporous sporangia in IsoetesBrit.
Fern Gaz. (London)

2. Goswami, H. K. &
Arya, B. S. (1970). A New species of Isoetes from
Narsinghgarh, Madhya Pradesh. J. Ind. Bot Soc. 49 (1-4): 130-137.

3. Goswami, H. K. (1973).
New Gymnosperm from Triassic beds of South Rewa, Gondwana Basin. Acta
Bot. Sc. Hungaricae
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4. Goswami, H. K. &
Khandelwal, S. (1973a). Abnormalities in Ophioglossum L. Brit.
Fern. Gaz. 
10 (6):

5. Goswami, H. K. &
Khandelwal, S. (1973b). Wall layers in normal abnormal spores of Ophioglossum L. J.
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6. Goswami, H. K. (1975).
The morphogenetics of mixed sporangia in Isoetes. J. Ind. bot. soc54 (3-4): 210-218.

7. Goswami, H. K. (1976). A
revision of ligule and labium in Isoetes. Acta Bot. Soc. Poloniae 45: 69-76.

8. Khandelwal, S. &
Goswami, H. K. (1976). Amino acid differentiation in Ophioglossum L.
by paper Chromatography. Curr. Sci. 45 (2): 62-63.

9. Goswami, H. K. &
Khandelwal, S. (1976). Free aminoacids in Ophioglossum leaves
at the time of spike initiation. Israel J. bot. 25: 211-213.

10. Khandelwal, S &
Goswami, H. K. (1977). Stomata in Ophioglossum palmatum L. Curr.
45: 51-54.

11. Khandelwal, S. &
Goswami, H. K. (1978). Periderm in ophioglossaceae. Acta bot. Polomae.

12. Goswami, H. K. (1978).
A Morphogenetic study of Sporangia, partitioning Complex. Acta bot.
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13. Khandelwal, S.,
Goswami, H. K. & Chatterjee, A. K. (1980). Nitrogen and oil contents
in Ophioglossum L. J. Indian bot. Soc. 59: 78-80.

14. Goswami, H. K. (1980).
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15. Khandelwal, S. &
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I  & GOSWAMI, H.K. 1986: Genetics of natural variantsVI. Some
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16. Puneet, Goswami, H. K.
& Shrivastava, G. K. (1989). 
New epidermal features on leaves of Ophioglossum
Bionature 9: 39-42.

17. Goswami, H.K. (1987)
Ophioglossales: I. An Overview. Bionature 7.

18. Bhu, I. & Goswami,
H. K. (1990). 
A new line of chromosomal evolution in Isoetes. Bionature 10: 45-53.

19. Bhu, I. & Goswami,
H. K. (1992). 
Genetics of Natural Variants VII. Linear tetrads in Isoetes
pantii. Bionature

20. Swarup, I. &
Goswami, H. K. (1993). Genetic analysis of yield and its contributing
characters in Lentil. Lenz 18 (1 & 2): 7-11.

21. Goswami, H. K. &
Chandorkar, M. S. (1994). Highly conserved DNA sequence in Isoetes
pantii. Indian Fern J. M.

22. Goswami, H. K. &
Sharma, U. S. (1995). Large spores in Microsporangia of Isoetes pantii are
megaspores. Indian Fern Journal 12: 195-196.

23. Goswami, H. K. &
Sharma, U. S. (1996). Wild Gametophytes with Tracheids. Fern.
(London). 15 (3):

24. Goswami, H. K. (1996).
Three decades with Isoetes. Indian Fern Journal 19: 51-61.

25. Goswami, H. K. &
Sharma, U. S. (1997). Relic Genes in Isoetes pantii (Goswami
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Bionature 17 (1): 1-6.

26. Goswami, H. K. &
Indira Bhu (1998).  Bisexual sporangia in  Isoetes
Bionature 18 (1):

27. Goswami, H. K. (1998). Ophioglossales
Population Biology of phioglossum L. In: Progress in
Cytogenetics. Ed. P. Kachroo Dehradun (ISBN B1-211-0163-8).

28. Goswami, H. K. (1998).
Ecological Genetics of a natural hybrid. In: Perspectives in Environment. Ed.
Agrawal et al. New Delhi (ISBN 81-7024-972-4).

29. Goswami, H. K. &
Bhu, Indira (2000). Isoetes pantii is a Natural hybrid: I.
 x I. coromandelinaBionature 20: 9-18.

30. Goswami, H. K., Chang,
S. I. and Lee, I. H. (2000). Abrupt DNA Methylation might have been responsible
for origin of Heterosory. 
Bionature 20: 1-8.

31. Bhu, I., Goswami, H.
K., Sharma, U. S. & Bajpai, A. K. (2001). 
Isoetes fuchsii from
India : A new Isoetes. Bionature 21 (1): 11-18.

32. Goswami, H. K. & Lee,
I. H. (2001). 
Is there Genomic imprinting in Isoetes pantii. Bionature 21 (1): 19-24.

33. Goswami, H. K. (2001).
Genetics of Heterosporous sporangia. J. Ind. Bot. Soc80: 119-122.

34. Agarker, M. S., Goswami, H. K., et
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I. Upper Lake Ecosystem in Bhopal. Bionature Monograph (1-119).

35. Goswami, H. K. (1996).
Conserve Ecosystem in toto. Biodiversity and Environment. In: ABH Publishing
Corp. New Delhi 135-140.

36. Bajpai, A. K., Agarker,
M. S. & Goswami, H. K. (1996). Biology, Management & Conservation of
Bhoj Wetland III. Floristic composition in and around Upper Lake, Ecosystem,
Bhopal. Bionature 16:
(1 & 2): 53-64.

37. Bajpai, A. K. &
Goswami, H. K. (2000). 
Assessment of Metallic Tolerance in Polygonum
Physiol. Mol. Biol. Plants 6: 149-152.

38. Goswami, H. K. (1998).
Ecological Genetics of Natural Hybrid. In: Perspectives in Environment. ABH
Pub. Co., New-Delhi.


1. Goswami, H. K. (1967).
Studies on twins I, Typhoid favours cotwins. Acta Genet. Med. (Roma) 16: 402-409. 

2. Goswami, H. K. (1968).
Studies on twins II, Typhoid favours cotwins. Acta Genet. Med. (Roma) 17: 402-408. 

3. Goswami, H. K. (1968). A
note on age of hairy pinnae. East Anthropologist 21 (3): 322-325. 

4. Goswami, H. K. (1970).
Frequency of consanguineous marriages in Madhya Pradesh. Acta Genet. (Roma) 19 (3): 486-490. 

5. Goswami, H. K. (1970).
Studies on twins IV: Twinning in Madhya Pradesh. Acta Genet. Med.
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6. Chaurasia, B. D. &
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7. Goswami, H. K. &
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8. Goswami, H. K. &
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9. Goswami, H. K. &
Wagh, K. V. (1975). Twinning in India. Acta Genet. Med. (Roma) 24: 347-350.

10. Goswami, H. K. (1980).
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11. Gupta, S. B.,
Chaurasia, B. D. & Goswami, H. K. (1981). 
On a recessive form of
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12. Goswami, H. K. (1983).
Genetics & Public Health. Some considerations in Indian context. In:
Genetics & Public Health: Catholic Press, Ranchi. 

13. Chaurasia, B. D., Goswami,
H. K., Jain, N. & Arjaria, V. K. (1984). 
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variAnts IV. Handedness in Man. Bionature 4 (1): 47-60. 

14. Goswami, H. K., et
 (1984). Genetic assessment of Union Carbide Gas Tragedy in Bhopal
I. Effects on somatic chromosomes & Haemoglobin. Bionature 4 (1): 88-90. 

15. Goswami, H. K., Sharma, O.
P., Jain, N. & Batra, U. (1985). 
Gene interaction in
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16. Jain, N. & Goswami,
H. K. (1985). Genetics of Natural Variants V. ABO and Sickle Cell genes in
Bharia tribe of M.P. Bionature 5: 1. 

17. Goswami, H. K. (1985),
Genetic Programming in Living State: Cause, Consequence, Evolution and Gene
decay. In: Living State II (Singapore). 

18. Goswami, H. K. (1986).
Cytogenetic effects of Methyl Isocyanate exposure in Bhopal. Human

19. Goswami, H. K. & B.
S. S. Ramarao (1987). 
Genetic and Sociobiological approach to study
Inborn Errors of Metabolism in Central India. In: Biology of Mental
, Catholic Press, Ranchi. 

20. Goswami, H. K. (1987).
Biology of Mental Retardation, Catholic Press, Ranchi. 

21. Saha, N. & Goswami, H.
K. (1987). 
Some blood Genetic Markers in the Korkus of Central India. Human

22. Goswami, H. K. (1987).
Twinning and Inbreeding in India: The Fraternal Component. Acta Genet.
Med. Gemellol

23. Chandorkar, M. S., Goswami,
R. & Goswami, H. K. (1989). Genetic significance of Increased Foetal
Haemoglobin. Bionature 9:

24. Goswami, H. K.,
Chandorkar, M. S., Bhattacharya, K., Vaidyanath, G., Parmar, D., Sengupta, S.,
Patidar, S. L., Sengupta, L. K., Goswami, R. & Sharma, P. N. (1990). Search
for Chromosomal variations among gas exposed persons in Bhopal. Human
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25. Rangnekar, G. V., Loya,
B. M., Goswami, H. K. & Sengupta, L. K. (1990). Premature Centromeric
divisions and prominent telomers in a patient with Mullerian duct
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26. Goswami, R. &
Goswami, H. K. (1991). A New approach to Genetic Load. Bionature 11: 63-66. 

27. Goswami, H. K.,
Rangnekar, G. V., Varshney, S., Gandhi, P., Jain, B. & Joshi, A. (1992).
Crossed Renal Ectopia with pelvic lipomatosis: A new Syndrome involving
Chromosome 1. Human Genetics 89: 666-670 (Springer-Verlag). 

28. Goswami, H. K. (1992).
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29. Goswami, R. &
Goswami, H. K. (1993). Changing trends in Twinning. Acta. Gen. Med. Ge. 42: 289-294. 

30. Goswami, H. K.,
Shrivastava, N., Gopal, S. K., Sharma, S., Chandorkar, M. S., Lee, I. H. &
Chang, S. I. (1997). Unusual chromosomal features in a child with gradual
disappearance of Right Ulna (mono ostolic osteolysis). J. Genet
1: 11-16

31. Goswami, H. K.,
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(1998). Hemihypertrophy with hypomelanosis of Ito: A new syndrome
combination. J. Genet. Med. 2: 1-5 (Korea).

32. Goswami, H. K.,
Chandorkar, M. S. & Goswami, R. (2002). Follow-up study on cotwins exposed
to Methyl-isocyanate gas in Bhopal. Bionature 22: 1-6. 

Goswami, H.K., Rangnekar, A. & Sikarwar, L.S. (2011) Population
Cytogenetics of Abortions and Vanishing Twin 
Indian Journal of
Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences ISSN: 2231-6345 (Online) 2011 Vol. 1 (3)
July-September, pp. 36-42.

Goswami, H.K. (2012) Some cotwins offer evidence for the possibility of
Mono-ovular Dispermic Dizygotic twins in Humans. 
Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences ISSN: 2231-6345 (Online) 2012
Vol. 2 (2) April-June, pp.210-217


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2. Dharker, R. S., Wagh, K.
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3. Chaurasia, B. D. &
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4. Goswami, H. K. (1996).
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1. Goswami, H. K. (1981).
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2. Goswami, H. K. (1985).
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Tropics, Varanasi, India. 

3. Jain, N. & Goswami,
H. K. (1985). Genetics of Natural Variants V. ABO Sickle cell genes in Bharia
tribe of M.P. Bionature 5 (1): 23-27. 

4. Saha, N. & Goswami, H.
K. (1987). 
Some Blood Genetic Markers in the Korkus of Central India. Human
37: 273-277. 

5. Goswami, H. K. (1990).
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6. Goswami, H. K. &
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1. Goswami, H. K. (1971).
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2. Goswami, H. K. (1973).
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3. Dharker, R. S.,
Chaurasia, B. D. & Goswami, H. K. (1973a). Comparative Cytology of Human
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5. Goswami, H. K. (1975).
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6. Goswami, H. K. & N.
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7. Goswami, H. K. (1976).
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8. Jain, A. & Goswami,
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Genetica iberica (Madrid) 29: 151-161. 

9. Goswami, H. K. (1977).
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10. Goswami, H. K. (1978).
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11. Goswami, H. K. (1983).
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12. Goswami, H. K. Tripathi,
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13. Goswami, H. K. (1993).
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Catholic Press, Ranchi. Bionature 13 (2): 117-134. 

14. Goswami, H. K. (1993).
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Evolution. Bionature 13 (2):

15. Mandal, P. K., Goswami,
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Chromosomes: An indication of Predisposition to Genetic Diseases. Bombay
Hospital Journal 

16. Goswami, H. K. &
Chang, S. I. (2001). Marker Dots are expelled by attenuation in heterochromatin
of a chromatid. Bionature 21: 41-48. 

Bajpai, A.K.
& Goswami, H.K. (2002) Human genome may share some genes with plant gene
pool. Bionature 22: 63-65 

17. Goswami, H. K. (2001).
Genetic significance of Marker Dots. In: Perspectives in Cytology &
 10: 265-269.

NATURAL VARIANTS (Plants/Animals/Man) Biodiversity-Conservation.

18. Goswami, H. K. &
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19. Goswami, H. K. (1975).
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Khandelwal, S. (1980). Elimination of chromosomes in natural population
of Ophioglossum, Cytologia: 77-86. 

21. Goswami, H. K. (1982).
Genetics of Natural Variants. I. Lobster’s Foot in Man, Bionature 2: 41-42.

22. Goswami, H. K., Guron,
C. J. S., Sinha, J. K. & Sharma, A. K. (1982). Genetics of Natural Variants
II. Chromosome Survey of Six species of animals. Bionature 2: 59-67. 

23. Bhu, I. & Goswami,
H. K. (1990). 
New line of chromosomal evolution in IsoetesBionature 10. 

24. Goswami, H. K., Bajpai,
A. K. & Chandorkar, M. S. (1996). 
Ecological significance of
Haemoglobin variation in two species of Frogs. Bionature 16 (1 & 2): 15-18. 

25. Goswami, H. K. &
Bajpai, A. K. (1998). 
Adaptive significance of Haemoglobin Chains
in Frogs and Grog-Allies. In: Perspectives in Cytology and Genetics, 9: 159-164 (eds. G. K. Manna and S. C.

26. Goswami, H. K. &
Bajpai, A. K. (1998). 
Biology and Conservation or Frogs & Frog
Allies. Bionature 18 (2):

27. Sutiakova, I., Sulik,
E., Svetlana, R., Sakalikova, A. & Goswami, H. K. (1998). Chromosomal
screening of Farm Animals 1: Preliminary report on Sheep and Cow. Bionature 18 (2): 51-57.


(i) Genetics & Public Health
: Some considerations in Indiontan cext, pp. 1-14. In: Genetics & Public Health, Catholic
Press, Ranchi (1983). Edt. H. K. Goswami.

2. (ii) Is chromosomal
involvement obligatory to cancer ? pp. 43-50. In: Genetics & Public Health, Catholic
Press, Ranchi (1983). Edt. H. K. Goswami.

3.           Genetic
Programming in Living State: Cause, Consequence, Evolution and Gene Decay. pp.
274-289. In: The living
II World Scientific Publishing Cp Pvt. Ltd. Singapore (1985).
Edt. R. K. Misra.

4.           Genetic
& Sociobiological Approach to study Inborn Errors of Metabolism in Central
India, pp. 87-94. In: Biology of
Mental Retardation
, Catholic Press, Ranchi (1986). Edt. H. K. Goswami
& B. S. S. Ramarao.

5.           Genetic
Analysis of yield and its contributing traits in lentil (Indu Swarup & H.
K. Goswami) pp.  In: Genetic
Improvement of Pulse Crops
 (Vol. 1, 1990). Edt. Jafar Nizam, Irfan
A. Khan & S. A. Farook; Premier Publishing House, Hyderabad.

6.           Population
of Biology of Bastar Tribes, pp. 64-70. In: Ecology and Resource Management in Tropics. Vol. (1).
Bhargava Book Depot Varanasi (1985). Edt. K. C. Misra.

7.           Biological
impact of Industrial Hazard: A reference to Bhopal Gas Tragedy. In :
Comparative Environmental Mutagenesis, USG, Ludhiana.

8.           Socio-Biological
implications of genetic Demography, pp. 143-149. In: Demography of Tribal Development (1990).
Edts. Ashish Bose, U. P. Sinha & R. P. Tyagi.

9.           Conserve
Ecosystems in toto. In: Biodiversity and Environment. In ABH Pub. Gr., New Delhi 1996.

10.         Ophioglossales
II. Population Biology of Ophioglossum L., In: Progress in Cytogenetics. Ed. P.
Kachroo (1998). Dehradun (ISBN 81-211-0163-B).

11.         Hybrid.
In Perspectives in Environment. Ed. Agrawal, et al. ABH, New Delhi.

12.         Genetic
Significance of Marker Dots. In: Perspectives
in Cytology of Genetics
 10-265-269 (2001).

13. Adaptive Significance
of Haemoglobin Chains in Frogs and Frog Allies. In: Perspectives in Cytology and Genetics.
9;-159-164 (Ed. G. K. Manna & S. C. Roy), 1998.

14. Guru, Sushma, D.&  Goswami, H.K. (2011) Aquatic
Biodiversity Assessment should Trigger Freshwater Body Monitoring and
Conservation. Chapter 46, In , Microbial Biotechnology and Ecology (EDts:
Deepak Vyas et al: Pp: 773-779). Daya Publishing House  New Delhi


WORK  year- 2000- onwards

Goswami, H. K. & Bhu,
Indira (2000). Isoetes pantii is a Natural hybrid: I.
 sampathkumarini I.
Bionature 20: 9-18.

Goswami, H. K., Chang, S.
I. and Lee, I. H. (2000). Abrupt DNA Methylation might
 have been responsible for origin of
Heterospory. Bionature 20:

Bhu, I., Goswami, H. K.,
Sharma, U. S. & Bajpai, A. K. (2001). Isoetes fuchsii from India
: A new Isoetes. Bionature 21 (1): 11-18. 

.Goswami, H. K. (2001).
Genetics of Heterosporous sporangia. J. Ind. Bot. Soc80:

Goswami, H. K.
2001. X chromosomal evolution assisted genomic imprinting might have triggered
heterospory. Annales de Genetique 44: s92. [Abstract & Isoetes


Goswami, H. K.
2001. B chromosomes from both parents in natural hybridization may enforce
genomic reshuffle. Chromosome Research 9: 110. [Isoetes coromandelina
I. pantii].


Goswami, H. K.
Genetics of
heterosporous sporangia. J. Ind. Bot. Soc. 80: 119-

Goswami, H. K. & I. H.
Lee. 2001. 
Is there genomic imprinting in Isoetes
 Bionature 21: 19-24.

Goswami H.K., Mishra A.,
Goswami, R., Bajpai, A.K. (2003) A
biological approach to
study human migrations. Bionature  23: 1-12.

Goswami, H. K.
(2004a.)  Some observations on Isoetes pantii complex:
New segregate in nature. Indian Fern J. 21:150-157.

Goswami, H.K
(2004b.)  Isoetes: IV-reproduction. Bionature, 24:13-24.

Bajpai, A.K., Goswami R.
and Goswami, H.K.:(2004) Isoetes V: Genomic
reshuffle: Pertinent DNA sequences from plants and animals. Bionature. 24,
1: 25-46.

Goswami, H.K. (2005 a)
Origin of new chromosomes in the genome of Isoetes pantii Bionature
25: 1-10.

Goswami,H.K. 2005 b.
Intragenomic  importance of B-chromosomes. Bionature 25:11-20 (Isoetes example)

Goswami, H.K. 2005
c  Importance and functions of  ligule and labium. Bionature
25) :37-40’

Goswami H K and Kumar,
S.  2006. On richness of germplasm of Isoetes L. in
central India. Indian Fern. J.23 : 122-124

Goswami, H.K. ( 2006)
Chromosomes and genes in situ can not be
patented Curr.Sci. 90: 8 ; 25April

Goswami,H.K., Kang S.C.
Goswami, R. & Bajpai, A.K. (2006) DNA sequences do not abide with
phylogenetic distance. Bionature 26: 1-12.

Goswami, H.K. ( 2006)
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Professor Dr Hit Kishore Goswami
Retired Professor of Genetics,
Chief Editor and Founder
International Journal Bionature






Updated on December 24, 2024

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