List of Papers and Books Published 1) Saini S.S. & Atri N. S. 1981. Russula foetens (Pers.) Fr. – A new record for India. Curr. Sci. 50 (10): 460-461.
2) Saini S.S. & Atri N. S. 1982. North Indian Agaricales – I. Indian Phytopath. 35 (2) : 265-272.
3) Saini S.S. & Atri N. S. 1982. North Indian Agaricales – III Soc. Indian natn. Sci. Acad. B48 (3 ): 453-457.
4) Saini S.S., Atri N. S. & Singer R. 1982. North Indian Agaricales – II Sydowia Ann. Mycol. Soc. II 35 : 236-241.
5) Saini S.S., Atri N. S. & Singh Kanwarjeet 1983. Volvariella hypopithys – a new record for India. India Phytopath. 36 (1) : 180-182. 6) Saini S.S. & Atri N. S. 1984. Studies on North West Himalayan Russulaceae. Geobios new Reports 3: 4-6. 7) Saini S.S. & Atri N. S. 1985. North Indian Agaricales – VII Hebeloma sordidum var. microsporum var.nov. Geobios new Reports 4 : 2-4 .
8) Atri N. S. & Saini S.S. 1986. Further contributions on the studies of North West Himalayan Russulaceae. Geobios new Reports 5: 100-105.
9) Saini S.S., Atri N. S. & Bhupal M.S. 1988. North Indian Agaricales-V. Indian Phytopath. 41(4) 622-625.
10) Saini S.S., Kumari S. & Atri N. S. 1988. Fungi of Punjab-1. Some new host records for Alternaria Nees : Fr. from India. Geobios new Reports 7(2) : 101-103.
11) Atri N. S. & Saini S.S. 1988. Studies on Lactarius Pers. – The subgenus Piperites (Fr.) Kauff. Kavaka. 16 (1,2): 13-19.
12) Atri N. S. & Saini S. S. 1989. Family Russulaceae Roze-A Review. In: Plant Science Research in India – Present status and future challenges ( M. L. Trivedi et al., Eds.) Today & Tomorrow’s Printers and Publishers, New Delhi, Pp. 115-128. (Review Article)
13) Saini S.S., Atri N. S. & Saini M. K. 1989. North Indian Agaricales –Vl. Indian bot. Soc. 68: 205-208.
14) Saini S.S. & Atri N. S. 1989. North Indian Agaricales-XI. Section Russula Pers. of genus Russula Pers. in India. Indian J. Mycol. & Plant Pathol. 19 (1): 44-49.
15) Saini S.S. & Atri N. S. 1989. North Indian Agaricales-IX. Section Ingratae Quél. of Russula Pers. Kavaka. 17 (1,2): 21-27.
16) Saini S.S., Kumari S. & Atri N. S. 1989. Fungi of Punjab-II. Some new host records for Cercospora from India. Geobios new Report 8 (1) : 3-4.
17) Saini S.S., Kumari S. & Atri N. S. 1989. Two new leaf spot diseases from India caused by Alternaria. Curr. Sci. 58 (9) : 514-515.
18) Atri N. S. & Saini S.S. 1990. Studies on Russula Pers. Section. Decolorantes (Maire) Sing. Geobios new Reports 9: 10-13 19) Saini S.S. & Atri N. S. 1990. Two noteworthy taxa of Lactarius Pers. From India. J. Indian bot. Soc. 69 : 475-476. 20) Atri N. S. & Saini S.S. 1990. North Indian Agaricales-X J. Indian bot. Soc. 69 (3,4) : 425-429.
21) Atri N. S. & Saini S.S. 1990. North Indian Agaricales-VIII. The Section Compactae Fr. of Russula Pers. J. Indian bot. Soc. 69: 343-346.
22) Atri N. S., Saini S.S. & Mann D.K. 1990. Studies on North West Indian Agarics: The genus Lactarius Pers. Indian Phytopath. 44 (2) : 185-192.
23) Saini S.S., Kumari S. & Atri N. S. 1990. Some New records of . Nees: Fr. from Punjab. Indian J. Mycol. & Plant Pathol. 20 (1) : 74-75.
24) Atri N. S., Saini. S.S. & Mann D.K. 1991. Further studies on North West Indian Agarics-Systematics of Lactarius deliciosus (Fr.) S. F. Gray. Geobios new Reports 10 : 106-111.
25) Atri N. S., Saini S. S. & Mann D. K. 1991. Genus Russula Pers in Dalhousie.In: Botanical Researches in India (N.C. Aery, Ed.) Himanshu Publications Udaipur pp 92-99 (Book Article).
26) Saini S.S., Atri N. S. & Gupta A. K. 1991. Additional studies on North West Indian Agarics. In: Indian Mushrooms 1991(M.C. Nair, Ed.). Proc. of Natl. Symp. on Mushrooms. Kerala Agriculture University, Vellanikkara,Thiruvanthapuram, Kerala pp 7-12(Book Article).
27) Atri N. S., Saini S.S., & Gupta A. K. 1991. Systematic studies on Agaricus campestris. Geobios new Reports 10: 32-37.
28) Saini S.S., Kumari S. & Atri N. S. 1991. Some new host records for Alternaria Nees: Fr. from Punjab. Geobios new Reports 10: 150-151.
29) Saini S.S., Kumari S. & Atri N. S. 1991. Fungi of Punjab: IV-Five new host records for Alternaria Nees: Fr. from India Geobios new Reports 10 : 185-186.
30) Atri N. S., Saini S.S. & Gupta A. K. 1992 Fungi of Punjab VI-Studies on the genus Agaricus L: Fr. J. Indian bot. Soc. 71: 119-121.
32) Atri N. S., Saini S.S., Saini M. K. & Gupta A. K. 1992 Two new records of the genus Russula from India. Geobios new Reports 11: 101-103.
33) Saini S.S., Atri N. S. & Gupta A. K. 1992 Agaricus lanipes var macrosporus var. nov. and A edulis (Vitt.) Moll. & J. Schaeff. – A new record for India. Geobios new Reports 11: 109-112.
34) Atri N. S. , Saini S.S. & Saini M.K. 1993. Some Russulaceous fungi from Dalhousie (H. P.) – The genus Russula Pers. Geobios new Reports 12: 137-140
35) Atri N. S., Saini S.S., Saini M.K. & Gupta A.K. 1993. Systematic studies on Russulaceous fungi-The genus Lactarius Pers. J. Indian bot. Soc. 72: 155-158.
36) Saini S.S. & Atri N. S. 1993. Studies on genus Lactarius from India. Indian Phytopath. 46(4) 360-364.
37) Saini S.S. & Atri N. S. 1993. North Indian Agaricales – IV. Indian J. Mycol Pl. Pathol. 23 (3) 250-254.
38) Atri N. S., Saini M. K. & Saini S. S. 1994. Indian Russulaceae Roze – A check list In: Current Researches in Plant Sciences Vol 1 (T.A. Sarma, S.S. Saini, M. L. Trivedi & M. Sharma, Eds.). Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh Dehra Dun, Pp 81-93. (Review Article).
39) Gupta A K, Saini S.S. & Atri N. S. 1994. The genus Agaricus L. Fr. in India – A Review. In : Current Researches in Plant Sciences Vol. 1(T.A. Sarma, S. S. Saini, M. L. Trivedi & M. Sharma, Eds) Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh Dehra Dun, Pp. 35-38. (Review Article).
40) Atri N. S., Saini S.S. & Kaur G. 1995. Taxonomic studies on North Indian Agarics – The genus Termitomyces. Mushroom Res. 4 : 7-10.
41) Saini S.S. & Atri N. S. 1995. Mushroom flora of Punjab. In: Advances in Horticulture – Mushrooms Vol. 13 (K L Chadha & S R Sharma, Eds.). Malhotra Publishing House New Delhi Pp. 375-386. (Review Article).
42) Atri N. S., Saini S.S. & Kaur Gurjit 1996. Taxonomic studies on the North Indian Agarics – The genus Lepiota (Pers. ex Fr.) Gray. Mushroom Res. 5 67-76.
43) Atri N. S., Saini S.S. & Kaur Gurjit 1996. Three species of agarics from Patiala. Mushroom Res. 5: 77-80. 44) Atri N. S., Saini S.S. & Saini M.K. 1997. Studies on genus Russula Pers. from North Western Himalayas. Mushroom Res. 6: (1) 1-6.
45) Saini S.S., Atri N. S. & Gupta A.K. 1997. Studies on the Genus Agaricus L: Fr. The subgenus Agaricus section Sanguinolenti Schaeff. et Moller from North West India. Mushroom Res. 6 (2): 53-58.
46) Saini S.S. & Atri N. S. 1999. Exploring Mushroom diversity for pharmaceutical utility. In: From Ethnomycology to Fungal Biotechnology (J. Singh & K.R. Aneja, Eds.). Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers New York Pp. 41-49. (Review Article).
47) Atri N. S. & Saini S.S. 2000. Collections and study of Agarics – An Introduction. Indian J. Mush. 18 (1&2) 1-5.
48) Atri N. S., Kaur Amanjeet & Saini S.S. 2000. Taxonomic Studies on Agarics from Punjab Plains. Indian J. Mush. 18 (1&2) 6-14.
49) Atri N. S., Saini S.S. & Kaur Amanjeet 2000. Taxonomic studies on Agarics from Punjab – The genus Lepiota (Pers. ex Fr.) Gray. Mushroom Res. 9: (2) 71-77.
50) Atri N. S., Kaur Amanjeet & Saini S.S. 2001. Mushroom Flora of Patiala – The genus Agaricus L. ex Fr. Indian J. Mush. 19: (1&2) 1-9.
51) Atri N. S. & Lakhanpal T.N. 2002. Conservation of Mushroom Biodiversity. Indian J. Mush. 19 (18): 45-54. (Review Article).
52) Kaur A. & Atri N. S. 2002. Some interesting Mushrooms from Punjab Plains. Mushroom Res. 11 (1): 1-5.
53) Atri N. S., Kaur A. & Kour H. 2005. Wild Mushrooms – Collection and Identification: In Frontiers in Mushroom Biotechnology (R. D. Rai, R. C. Upadhyay and S. R. Sharma, Eds.). National Research Centre for Mushrooms (ICAR), Chambaghat, Solan, Pp. 10-26. (Invited Article)
54) Atri N. S. & Kour H. 2003. Some unrecorded light spored mushrooms from Punjab. Indian J. Mush. 21 (1 & 2): 1-4. 55) Atri N. S. & Kour H. 2003. Sinotermitomyces Zang – A new genus record from India Mushroom Res. 12 (1): 15-16.
56) Atri N. S. & Kaur Amanjeet 2004. Mushroom Flora of Patiala – The genus Coprinus Pers. ex S. F. Gray. In: Plant Diversity in India (J.S. Dargan & T.A. Sarma, Eds.). Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh Cannaught Place Dehra Dun. Pp. 427-448(Book Article).
57) Gupta A.K., Atri N. S. & Saini S. S. 2004. Studies on the genus Agaricus L.Fr. the subgenus Agaricus section Arvenses Konr. et Maubl. from North-West India. Indian J. Mush. 22(1&2): 1-9
58) Atri N. S., Kaur A. & Kour H. 2005. Systematics and Sociobiology of Termitophilous Mushrooms from Punjab. In:The Fungi: Diversity and Conservation in India ( J.S. Dargan, N. S. Atri & Gurpaul Singh,Eds.). Bishan Singh Mahendra Pal Singh Cannaught Place Dehra Dun. Pp. 159-182(Book Article).
59) Atri N. S. & Kour H. 2005. Some unrecorded wild mushrooms of Punjab, India. Mushroom Res. 14(2): 56-59.
60) Das K., Sharma J.R. & Atri N. S. 2006. Russula in Hamalaya- 3: A new species of subgenus Ingratula. Mycotaxon 95: 271-275.
61) Atri N. S., Saini M. K. & Kaur D. 2007. Three New Leaf Spot Diseases Caused by Pseudocercospora Speg. from India. Journal, Punjab Academy of Sciences 4(1&2): 66-68.
62) Atri N. S., Upadhyay R. C., Singh R. & Saini M. K. 2007. Effect of Culture Media and Physical Factors on Vegetative Growth of Lentinus squarrosulus (Mont.) Singer. Journal, Punjab Academy of Sciences. 4 (1&2): 91-94.
63) Kaur M., Kour H. & Atri N. S. 2008. Study of Punjab Mushrooms: Three New Records of Family Tricholomataceae from India. Indian J. Mush.26 (1&2): 14-17.
64) Gupta A. K., Atri N. S.& Kaur M. 2008. Studies on genus Agaricus L.: Fr. – V. The Subgenus Agaricus Section Xanthodermatei Sing. Indian J. Mush. 26 (1&2): 38-44.
65) Atri N. S., Kaur Munruchi & Kaur Damanjeet 2008-2009. Pathological problems of two common avenue plants from Punjab. Journal of Punjab Academy of Sciences. 5-6 (1&2): 107-108. 66) Saini M.K., Singh Yadwinder, Kaur Harvinder & Atri N. S. 2008-2009. The Genus Volvariella Speg.- From North India. Journal Punjab Academy of sciences. 5-6(1&2): 52-56.
67) Atri N. S., Kour H., Kaur A. & Saini M. K. 2009. Mushroom Wealth of North Eastern Punjab – Their Ecology, Conservation and Screening. In: Germplasm Diversity and Evaluation – Algae, Fungi & Lichens. (N. S. Atri, R. C. Gupta, M. I. S. Saggoo & V. K. Singhal, Eds.). Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun, U. A. (India).Pp. 59 – 74(Book Article).
68) Atri N. S., Upadhyay R.C., Singh Rajinder & Saini M.K. 2009. Effect of carbon and nitrogen sources on the vegetative growth of Lentinus squarrosulus (Mont.) Singer. Indian J. Mush. 27(1&2):29-32.
69) Atri N. S., Kaur Amandeep & Kaur Munruchi 2009. Three New Records of Coprophilous Mushrooms of Family Bolbitiaceae from India. Mushroom Res. 18 (2): 51-56.
70) Atri N. S., Kaur M., Kour H., Kaur A. & Gupta A. K. 2010. Mushroom Diversity in Punjab – Application, Prospects and Conservation. In: Prospecting Fungal Diversity: Conservation and Applications in Biotechnology (S.K. Singh & V.S. Rao, Eds.). Anamaya Publishers, New Delhi. Pp. 80 – 89 (Invited Article).
71) Atri N. S., Saini M. K., Gupta A. K., Kaur A. , Kour H. & Saini S.S. 2010. Documentation of Wild Edible Mushrooms and their seasonal availability in Punjab. In: Taxonomy and Ecology of Indian Fungi (K.G. Mukerji & C. Manohrachary, Eds.). Pp.161-169 (Invited Article).
72) Kour Harvinder,Atri N. S. & Kumari Babita 2010.Studies on genus Lepiota (Pers.) Gray from North –West India. Indian J. Mush. 28: (1 &2): 1 – 7.
73) Atri N. S., Kumari Babita & Saini M.K. 2010. Two interesting Lepiotoid mushrooms from North West India. Mushroom Res. 19 (2): 82-85.
74) Saini M.K., Atri N. S. ,Sharma Samidha & Priya Janki 2010. Taxonomic Studies on the Genus Russula Pers. from Himachal Pradesh, India. J. Mycol. Pl. Patho. 40 (1):52-54. 75) Atri N. S.,Kumari Dimple & Sharma Sapan Kumar 2010. Effect of Vitamins and Growth Regulators on the Vegetative Growth of Lentinus connatus Berk. Indian J. Mush. 28 (1&2):63 – 69.
76) Atri N. S.,Kumar Sapan & Sharma B.M. 2010. Lentinus torulosus (Pers.:Fr.) Llyod- a new fungus record from India. Mushroom Res. 19 (1): 33 – 35
77) Atri N. S. & Sharma Sapan Kumar. 2011. Qualitative estimation of Cellulase and Lignin modifying enzymes in five wild Lentinus species selected from North West India. Academic Journal of Plant Biology. 4(4): 105-109.
78) Buyck Bart & Atri N. S. 2011. A Russula (Basidiomycota, Russulales) with an unprecedented hymenophore configuration from northwest Himalaya (India). Cryptogamie Mycologie. 32 (2): 185-190
79) Gulati Arvind, Atri N. S.,Sharma Sapan Kumar & Sharma B.M. 2011. Nutritional studies on five wild Lentinus species from North-West India. World Journal of Dairy & Food. Sciences 6(2): 140-145.
80) Kaur Munruchi, Kaur Harwinder, Atri N. S., & Singh Yadwinder 2011. Genus Rhodocybe Maire from India- New Records: Mushroom Res.20 (1): 63-66.
81) Atri N. S., Kumari Dimple & Sharma Sapan Kumar. 2011. Studies on the effect of media and substrates on the growth and yield of Lentinus connatus. Mushroom Res. 20 (1): 55-62.
82) Kaur Munruchi, Singh Yadwinder & Atri N. S. 2011 Two new records of Genus Amanita from India. J.Mycol.Plant Pathol.14 (2):226-228.
83) Atri N. S., Kaur Harpreet & Kaur Munruchi 2012. Evaluation of Natural substrates for cultivation of milky mushroom in Punjab. In: Atri, N. S., Gupta, R.C., Saggoo, M.I.S. and Singhal, V.K. (eds.) Biodiversity Evaluation- Botanical Perspective, Pp 85-94. Bishan Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, New Connaught Place, Dehra Dun,U.K. (Book Article).
84) Atri N. S., Kumar Sapan, Kaur Navdeep, Rahi Praveen & Gulati Arvind. 2012. Morpho-cultural molecular and nutraceutical studies on coremiopleurotus from India. World Applied Sciences Journal 17 (6) 759-763. 85) Atri N. S., Sharma S.K., Joshi Robin, Gulati Ashu & Gulati Arvind. 2012. Amino Acid composition of five wild Pleurotus species chosen from North India. European Journal of Biological Sciences 4(1): 31-34.
86) Sharma Sapan Kumar, Atri N. S., Sharma B.M. & Gulati A. 2013. Comparative study of alkaloid composition in ten wild fungal species from North West India. African Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 5(3): 121-125. DOI: 10.5829/Idosi. Ajbas. 2013.5.3.20213.
87) Atri N. S. & Sharma Sapan Kumar. 2012. Qualitative estimation of Cellulase and Lignin modifying enzymes in five wild fungal species collected from Northern West India. Academic Journal of Plant Sciences 5(1): 23-27.
88) Atri N. S. & Sharma S. 2012. Qualitative estimation of Cellulase and Lignin modifying enzymes in five Lentinus species selected from Northern West India. World Journal of Fungal and Plant Biology 3: 13-17.
89) Atri N. S. & Sharma Sapan Kumar. 2012. Study on the mycelial growth pattern of five wild Pleurotus species. American Eurasian Journal of Scientific Research 7 (1): 12-15.DOI:10.5829/Idosi.aejsr.2012.7.1.05.
90) Atri N. S., Kumari Babita, Upadhyay R.C. & Sharma Sapan Kumar 2012. Nutritional and sociobiological aspects of culinary-medicinal termitophilous mushrooms from North India. Int. J. Med. Mush. 14(5) 471-479. DOI: 10:1651.1 intjmedmushr.v 14.15.50.
91) Kumari Babita, Atri N. S. & Upadhyay R.C. 2012. Two new records of the genus Termitomyces from North India. Mush. Res.21 (1): 11-16.
92) Kumari Babita, Upadhyay R.C. & Atri N. S. 2012. Screening and evaluation of extracellular oxidases in some termitophilous and lepiotoid mushrooms. World J. Agricultural Sciences. 8(4): 409-414, DOI: 10.5829/IDOSI: WJAS. 2012.8.4.1680.
93) Kumari Babita, Atri N. S. & Kaur M. 2012. Some interesting lepiotoid mushrooms from North India. Mycosphere. 3(6) 949-955. DOI: 10.5943/mycosphere/3/6/9
94) Sharma S.K., Atri N. S., Joshi R., Gulati A. & Gulati A. 2012. Evaluation of wild edible mushrooms for Amino acid composition. Academic Journal of Plant Sciences 5 (2): 56-59. 95) Kumari Babita, Atri N. S. & Upadhyay R.C. 2012. Culinary status and sociobiology of termitophilous and lepiotoid mushrooms of North West India. World J. Agricultural Sciences. 8(4): 415-420 DIO: 10.5829/IDOSI: WJAS.2012.8.4.1681.
96) Kumari Babita, Atri N. S. & Upadhyay R.C.2012. Three new records of the genus Leucoagaricus from North West India. Botany Research International. 5(4): 71-74. DOI: 10.5829/Idosi. Bri. 2012. 5. 4. 15.
97) Kumari Babita & Atri N. S. 2012. Evaluation of alkaloids of North Indian wild edible termitophilous mushrooms. Libyan Agriculture Research Centre Journal International. 3(5): 229-232.
98) Kumari Babita & Atri N. S. 2012. New additions of basidiomycetous fungi in Indian Mycoflora. Mycosphere 4(1): 53-59. DOI: 10.5943/mycosphere/4/1/4.
99) Sharma Samidha, Kaur Munruchi & Atri N. S. 2012. Lactarius annulocystidiatus sp.nov. from India. Mycotaxon. 121: 63-67. http.//
100) Atri N. S., Upadhyay R.C. & Kumari Babita. 2012. Comparative account of vitamin content in termitophilous and lepiotoid mushrooms of North-West India, African Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences 4 (4):124-127, : 10.5829/idosi.ajbas. 2012.4.4.1103.
101) Kumari Babita, Atri N. S. & Kaur Munruchi 2013. Chlorolepiota indica sp. nov.- A new species from India. Mycoscience. 54: 257-259 j.myc.2012.09.020
102) Atri N. S., Sharma Sapan Kumar, Joshi Robin, Gulati Ashu & Gulati A. 2013. Nutritional and Nutraceutical Composition of five wild culinary-medicinal species of genus Pleurotus (higher basidiomycetous) from North-West India. Int. J. Med. Mush. 15(1): 49-56.
103) Das K., Atri N. S. & Buyck B. 2013. Three new species of Russula (Russulales) from India. Mycosphere. 4(4): 722-732. DOI: 10.5943/mycosphere/4/4/9.
104) Kaur Amandeep, Atri N. S. & Kaur M. 2013. A new species of Psathyrella (Psathyrellaceae, Agaricales) collected on dung from Punjab, India. Journal on New Biological Reports. 2(3): 275-280. 105) Kaur Amandeep, Atri N. S. & Kaur M. 2013. A new variety of Rhodocybe popinalis (Entolomataceae, Agaricales) from coprophilous habitats of India. Journal on New Biological Reports. 2(3): 260-263.
106) Kaur Amandeep, Atri N. S. & Kaur M. 2013. Two new coprophilous varieties of Panaeolus (Psathyrallaceae, Agaricales) from Punjab, India. Mycosphere. 4(3): 616-625. Doi: 10.5943/mycosphere/4/3/13.
107) Kumari Babita, Upadhyay R.C. & Atri N. S. 2013. Evaluation of nutraceutical components and antioxidants potential of North Indian wild culinary-medicinal termitophilous mushrooms. Int. J. Med. Mush. 15(2): 189-195.
108) Kumari Babita, Atri N. S. & Upadhyay R.C. 2013. New additions to Indian Mycoflora. Indian Phytopath. 66(2): 217-219.
109) Kumari Babita, Upadhyay R.C. & Atri N. S. 2013. Auricularia olivaceus: a new species from North India. Mycosphere 4(1): 133-138. DOI: 10.5943/mycosphere/4/1/7.
110) Kumari Babita, Atri N. S. & Upadhyay R.C. 2013. New records of genus Macrolepiota Sing. from India. Journal on New Biological Reports. 2(3):248-256.
111) Atri N. S., Sharma Sapan Kumar & Gulati A. 2013. Study on the mycelial growth pattern of five wild Lentinus species. Euorpean Journal of Applied Sciences. 5(3): 71-75.
112) Atri N. S. & Guleria L. 2013. Evaluation of Vitamin, Phytohormones and Trace Element requirements of Lentinus cladopus Lév. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 5(4):40-42.
113) Atri N. S. & Lata. 2013. Studies for culturing and cultivation of Lentinus cladopus Lév. Mycosphere. 4(4): 675-682. DOI: 10.5943/mycosphere/4/4/3
114) Atri N. S., Kumari Babita, Singh R. & Upadhyay R.C. 2013. Effect of Vitamins and growth regulators on the Vegetative growth of Lentinus squarrosulus. Mycosphere. 4(6): 1080-1090. DOI: 10.5943/mycosphere/4/6/6.
115) Kumari Babita, Atri N. S. & Upadhyay R.C. 2013. Three new species of basidiomycetous fungi from India. Turk. J. Bot. 37:1188-1194. DOI: 10.3906/bot -1211-50. 116) Kaur, A., Atri, N.S. and Kaur, M. 2013. A new species of Psathyrella (Psathyrellaceae, Agaricales) collected on dung from Punjab, India. Journal on New Biological Reports. 2: 275-280.
117) Kaur, A., Atri, N.S. and Kaur, M. 2013. Diversity of species of the genus Bolbitius (Bolbitiaceae, Agaricales) collected on dung from Punjab, India. Mycosphere. 4:1053-1064. (IF: 1.1094)
118) Kaur, A., Atri, N.S. and Kaur, M. 2013. Two new coprophilous varieties of Panaeolus (Psathyrellaceae, Agaricales) from Punjab, India. Mycosphere. 4: 616–625. (IF: 1.1094)
119) Kaur, H., Kaur, M., Atri, N.S. and Kaur, A. 2013. The genus Psathyrella (Fr.) Quél. from India: New Records. Journal on New Biological Reports. 2: 55-63.
120) Kumari, B. and Atri, N.S. 2013. New additions of basidiomycetous fungi in Indian mycoflora. Mycosphere. 4: 53-59. (IF: 1.1094)
121) Kumari, B., Atri, N.S. and Upadhyay, R.C. 2013. New Records of genus Macrolepiota Sing. from India. Journal on New Biological Reports. 2(3): 248-256.
122) Kumari Babita & Atri N. S. 2014. Nutritional and Nutraceutical potential of wild edible macrolepiotoid mushrooms of North India. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 6(2): 200-204.
123) Sharma, S.K. & Atri N. S. 2014. Nutraceutical composition of wild species of genus Lentinus Fr. from Northern India. Current Research in Environmental & Applied Mycology. 4(1): 11-32.DOI:10.5943/cream/4/1/2.
124) Atri, N. S., Kaur, M and Sharma S. 2014. SEM study of exosporial ornamentation of basidiospores in genus Russula, Lactarius and Lactifluus from North West Himalaya. In: Proceedings of the 8th International conference on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products (ICMBMP8)-Vol.-I. World Society of Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products. ICAR Directorate of Mushroom Research, Solan. Mushroom Society of India, Solan.
125) Atri, N. S., Kumari B. and Upadhyay R.C. 2014. Taxonomy, sociobiology, nutritional and nutraceutical potential of termitophlous and lepiotoid mushrooms from North West India. In: Proceedings of the 8th International conference on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products (ICMBMP8)-Vol.-II. World Society of Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products. ICAR Directorate of Mushroom Research, Solan. Mushroom Society of India, Solan.
126) Atri, N. S., Kumari, B. and Upadhyay R.C. 2014. Chlorolepiota brunneotincta – A new species (Agaricaceae) from India. Turkish Journal of Botany. 38: 370-374. (IF:1.6)
127) Kaur A., Atri, N. S. and Kaur, M. 2014. Diversity of coprophilous species of Panaeolus (Psathyrellaceae, Agaricales) from Punjab, India. Biodiversitas. 15: 115-130. (IF: 0.415)
128) Kaur, A., Atri N.S and Kaur M. 2014. Taxonomic study on coprophilous species of Coprinopsis (Psathyrellaceae, Agaricales) from Punjab, India. Mycosphere. 5: 1–25. (IF: 1.1094)
129) Kaur, A., Atri N. S. and Kaur M. 2014. Two New species of Agaricus (Agaricaceae, Agaricales) collected on dung from Punjab, India. Kavaka. 42: 20-24.
130) Kaur, A., Atri, N. S. and Kaur, M. 2014. Taxonomic study on species of Agrocybe (Stophariaceae, Agaricales) collected on dung from Punjab, India. Kavaka. 43:46-49.
131) Kaur, A., Atri, N. S. and Kaur, M. 2014. Two new species of Panaeolus (Psathyrellaceae, Agaricales) from coprophilous habitats of Punjab, India. Journal on New Biological Reports. 3: 125–132.
132) Kumari B. and Atri, N. S. 2014. Nutritional and nutraceutical potential of wild edible macrolepiotoid mushrooms of north India. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 6: 200-204. (IF. 0.91)
133) Sharma S. K., Atri, N. S., Thakur, R. and Gulati A. 2014. Taxonomy and Compositional Analysis of Two New for Science Medicinal Mushroom Taxa from India. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms. 16: 593–603. (IF. 1.123)
134) Sharma, S. K. and Atri, N. S. 2014. Nutraceutical composition of wild species of genus Lentinus Fr. from Northern India. Current Research in Environmental & Applied Mycology. 4: 11-32. 135) Amandeep, K., Atri, N. S. and Munruchi, K. 2015. Diversity of species of the genus Conocybe (Bolbitiaceae, Agaricales) collected on dung from Punjab, India. Mycosphere. 6: 19-42. (IF: 1.1094)
136) Amandeep, K., Atri, N. S. and Munruchi, K. 2015. Taxonomic study on the coprophilous mushrooms from Punjab, India. Current Research in Environmental & Applied Mycology. 5: 27-45.
137) Sharma, S. K., Gautam, N, and Atri, N. S. 2015. Optimization, Composition, and Antioxidant Activities of Exo- and Intracellular Polysaccharides in Submerged Culture of Cordyceps gracilis (Grev.) Durieu & Mont. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Article ID 462864 (IF: 2.175)
138) Mridu & Atri, N.S. 2015. Podaxis pistillaris-A common wild edible mushroom from Haryana (India) and its sociobiology Kavaka 44 : 34-37
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2) Atri N. S., Gupta R. C., Saggoo M. I. S. & Singhal V. K. (Eds.) 2009. Germplasm Diversity and Evaluation – Algae, Fungi and Lichens. Bishen Singh, Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun, U. A. (India). 24
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Atri N.S.
Updated on December 24, 2024